The minutes for City Council meetings are listed here within one week of the meeting date. Check back often for updates!
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on January 7, 2025. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Chris Maas and Chuck Branum. Amy Caringi-Hall arrived at 6:31 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve the December 17, 2024 minutes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The December bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by VanderMay second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. December bills payable December 31, 2024 GENERAL FUND First Data (Bank card fees) - 110.21; First Interstate Bank (fees) - 26.28; FD Merchant Services (lease) - 37.17; McGas (propane) - 428.25; Cleaner (salary) – 371.80; Public Works (salary) -53.26 ; Council and Mayor (salary) – 1523.77; gWorks (Core package) - 8400.00; Teresa Hall (rep. fee) - 200.00; IRS-EFTPS (SS/FWT) - 430.62; Pennington County Courant (publication) - 257.40; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) - 355.14; City of Rapid City (dump fees) - 1779.75; Mastercard AP (phone, roll-off, parts, furnace) - 1647.07; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fees) - 100.00; Mastercard (filing fees, CC, tree deco) - 117.58; WREA (service) - 2251.55; Qualified Presort Services (bills) - 151.13; Sanitation Products Inc (battery backup) - 322.73; Menards (shop supplies) - 207.31; Black Hills Chemical (CC supplies) - 34.91; Ace Hardware (shop) - 65.88 TOTAL GENERAL FUND: 18871.81 WATER FUND Plumdone (brass) - 42.89; SDARWS (membership dues) - 445.00; WDRWS (dues) - 1500.00; DANR (annual fees) - 50.00; Hawkins (chemical) - 551.13; WRT (treatment) - 2811.38; DSG (well #1 parts) - 51.49; Omni Site (alarm) - 290.00; SDARWS (hydro-vac) - 350.00; WREA (service) - 1354.62 TOTALWATER FUND: 7446.51 METER FUND Jon Pahkamaa (refund) – 225.00 TOTAL METER FUND: 225.00 SEWER FUND Finance (salary) – 3755.23; Public Works (salary) – 8692.86; SD DANR (exam) - 60.00; Racicky Ditching (vac sewer) - 188.78; Omni Site (alarm) - 290.00; SDRS (retirement) - 1831.88; IRS-EFTPS (SS/FWT) - 4058.19; HPSD (insurance) - 2850.59; Aflac (insurance) 347.56; WREA (service) - 95.38 TOTAL SEWER FUND: 22170.47
FINANCE OFFICER The Legislative Rib Dinner will be February 4, 2025 in Ft. Pierre with Legislative Day the following day.
PUBLIC WORKS Snow removal equipment has been working well and sanding is being done at multiple locations throughout town after it snows and when it thaws and refreezes.
MAYOR Larry Graham and Ben VanderMay terms expire this year. Nominating petitions for the 2025 election can begin circulation on January 31, 2025.
WATER AVAILABILTIY Nathan Kung had called earlier today to ask that the discussion of the water availability to his property be moved to the next meeting as he is not feeling well. Mayor Trullinger asked the Council if they thought his presence was necessary as he felt they had heard all of the necessary facts. He also mentioned that approval had been given for water availability for a 6” main not an 1 ½” service line, use of a cistern to store water to supply multiple homes would not be regulated by the City and quality could not be guaranteed and New Underwood Ordinances state that if city water is available within one-half mile of the property, the residences must connect to the main. After some discussion including that fire hydrant placement is required every 600 feet on city water lines, Mayor Trullinger asked for a motion on whether or not to table further discussion until the next meeting. Motion by Richter second by Graham not to table this discussion. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Further discussion included whether or not to allow use of the 1 ½” service line to feed the cistern on Mr. Kung’s property to water his trees until further construction begins with that line being metered at the city main located at 161st Ave.
Motion by Hockenbary second by Graham to not allow the use of the 1 ½” line and to require a 6” main to be run along 227th St. as previously stipulated when availability was approved and that all future connections to the main will be run independently for each residence. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. The need for fire protection was an important part of the decision to require a main.
Mayor Trullinger will work on getting an amendment written to the Water Ordinance to specify the requirements for water availability for future applicants.
ORDINANCE NUMBER 24-11 Mayor Trullinger conducted the second reading of Ordinance Number 24-11 with a minor change for clarification of state law.
SECTION 2A. If there is not a sewer main within 200 feet of the property line a SEPTIC SYSTEM will be allowed with the following requirements: 1. A building permit with the drawing of the septic system shall be submitted to the council for approval 2. The septic system shall be installed and operated in accordance with SDCL 9:48:53 and Administrative Rule 74:53:01 3. Minimum lot size shall not be less than 20,000 square feet (.459 Acres) if using the public water supply. Minimum lot size when utilizing a well is 1 acre. 4. The Director of Public Works shall be allowed to inspect the work at any stage of construction of the septic system and the applicant shall notify the Director when work is ready for final inspection and before underground portions are covered 5. The septic system shall not become operational until installation is complete to satisfaction of Public Works Director 6. Any foul smell coming from the septic system will be considered a public nuisance and will be dealt with per the Nuisance Ordinance 7. The City of New Underwood will not be responsible for any maintenance or upkeep of the septic system. 8. If a sewer main is established within 200 feet of the property line, the septic system shall be discontinued and a hook up to the sewer main will be required with all hookup fees due.
(seal) Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
First reading: December 17, 2024 Second reading: January 7, 2025 Publish date: January 16, 2025 Effective date: February 5, 2025 Motion by VanderMay second by Richter to approve the second reading of Ordinance #24-11. Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
DISPOSAL FEES The Rapid City landfill has started charging $10.00 each for disposal of mattresses and box springs. Mr. Hall stated the Public Works department will track how many are taken out until July when the Council can decide if they would like to charge the fee to residents or absorb it as it would be very difficult to know who is taking them out when a key is checked out at City Hall.
WORK COMP SAFETY GRANT APPLICATION Mr. Hall and staff have researched the cost of safety equipment such as tripods to harness themselves to when going into manholes, gas detectors, etc. and found that it is around $900.00. Mayor Trullinger has authorized the purchase of that equipment for the Public Works staff as safety is very important and we will apply for the grant that is available from the SDML Workers Comp Fund.
COMMUNITY CENTER RENTAL FEE The Community Center rental fee for county elections is still set at $25.00 and wasn’t discussed when other rental fees were increased. Motion by VanderMay second by Richter to leave the fee at $25.00. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Chuck Branum informed the Mayor and Council that he has reached out to people concerning veterans housing but has been told the program is on hold for now while funding is discussed. • The next Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 21, 2025 at the Community Center at 6:00 p.m. Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:42 p.m. (seal)
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
2025 Statement of Salaries for New Underwood, SD Mayor - $6,000.00/yearly Council - $50.00/meeting Finance Officer $23.66 hourly Director of Public Works – $30.29 hourly Maintenance Man - $18.57 – 25.75 hourly Clerk –$12.75 - $15.91 hourly Laborers - $11.50 - $14.50 hourly Seasonal Workers – $11.50 – $16.25 hourly
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on December 17, 2024. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Chris Maas, Tyler Richter, Nathan Kung and Susan Carey. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the December 3, 2024 minutes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCE OFFICER The Governmental fund sheets were presented. The property tax amount on November’s revenues sheets was incorrect, it should have been 80912.18, the corrected amount is on the revenue sheets. The bill list amount for FD Merchant Services was 10.10 too much and will be corrected with December’s bill list.
PUBLIC WORKS • The snow removal equipment worked well when used after it snowed. • The part they thought would fix the issue with Well #2, needing to be run manually, wasn’t what was needed so Mr. Hall called a couple of places and found someone that was able to help him. It is running automatically again. MAYOR • City staff assembled the Christmas trees in the Community Center for Grades K-5 to decorate on Thursday. • Mayor Trullinger thanked Diane Tines, Dale and Cheryl Deuter, and the Viewfield Wranglers for their donations to the food pantry especially at this time of year as times can be rough for some families. He also encourages those in need to utilize the food pantry at City Hall. SIMPLE CITY CORE PACKAGE After some discussion about what is included in the Core Package with Simple City and the advantages of having everything tied together and having the funds to do so, it was moved by VanderMay seconded by Richter to approve paying $8400 for the Simple City core package. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
WATER AVAILABILITY Mayor Trullinger asked Nathan Kung to come forward and talk to the Council about what he is proposing for the water availability on his property. He understands water availability was approved for a 6” main in 2023 but when they’d looked into that, it was cost prohibitive. Mr. Kung said he has installed a cistern on his property that he would like to get water to from a 1.5” line attached to the water main by 161st Ave. with a meter at the main and have that line located in the same area his neighbor ran theirs as he will be getting an easement for it. He would like to service four homes from that cistern in the future. Much discussion followed as to how the water would be metered and paid for from each residence, the problems that have occurred when multiple homes share a service line, and that the City would not be responsible for maintenance on anything past the main. Mr. Kung explained he and a partner own the land and in the next 5-10 years would like to split their land into four separate lots. He would like to use the water from the cistern to get some trees established on the land until that time. Motion by Richter seconded by Hockenbary to table this until the next meeting so they can research some options. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION #24-23 Mayor Trullinger read Resolution #24-23
WHEREAS, SDCL 9-21A-10 allows lands to be exempt from municipal property taxation if they are rural in character, are used or usable for agriculture and are not developed for commercial, industrial or urban residential purposes and therefore are not benefited to the same degree as other lands by municipal services financed by general taxation;
WHEREAS, the lands described herein are within the city limits of the City of New Underwood and no longer are eligible for rural service district status because the property has been platted to separate 16.83 acres from the Rural Service District to be zoned Commercial;
Tract A of Travis Madsen Addition (formerly unplatted land) Located in the E1/2 NE1/4 of Section 30, T2N, R11E of the BHM, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of New Underwood that pursuant to the provisions of SDCL 9-21A-10, the above-described lands are hereby declared to be transferred from the Rural Service District to the Commercial District, as further illustrated in Exhibit A attached hereto.
Dated this 17th day of December, 2024 (SEAL) ________________________________
Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor ATTEST:_____________________________________ Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve Resolution #24-23 for Travis Madsen to remove 16.83 acres from the rural service district. Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
ORDINANCE #24-11 Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the first reading of Ordinance #24-11; Utilities; Sewer; septic system requirements. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
PRINTER LEASE A quote was received from A&B Office Solutions for a Ricoh printer to be leased for 63 months at $188.09 per month and the Finance Officer was told by the representative that at the 48-month period the City would be offered an upgraded printer if needed for the duration of the lease. The cost of the toner for the current printer has averaged $161.50 per month for the last 18 months. The lease covers all maintenance and supplies other than paper and staples. Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve leasing the printer at that cost. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION #24-24 Mayor Trullinger read Resolution #24-24
Resolution #24-24 A Resolution of the New Underwood City Council Declaring Support and Adoption of the Pennington County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan, 2024
WHEREAS, the New Underwood City Council supports the contents of the Pennington County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan, 2024; and WHEREAS, the Pennington County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan, 2024 will be utilized as a guide for planning related to FEMA Hazard Mitigation and other purposes as deemed appropriate by the New Underwood City Council. NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that the New Underwood City Council hereby adopts, supports, and will facilitate the Pennington County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan, 2024 implementation adopted by Pennington County, this 17th day of December, 2024 ________________________________________________ Jack Trullinger, Mayor (seal) Attested: __________________________________________ Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by VanderMay second by Richter to approve Resolution #24-24 to adopt the Pennington County Natural Disaster Mitigation Plan. Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Mayor Trullinger wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. • Thank you to AE2S for the meat and cheese tray they provided for the meeting. • The next Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 7, 2024 at the Community Center at 6:00 p.m. Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:51 p.m. (seal)
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on December 3, 2024. Present were: Mayor Trullinger, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Sgt. Gordon Larsen, Chris Maas, Amy Caringi-Hall, Joe Weishaar and Chuck Branum. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
AGENDA Mayor Trullinger asked the Council’s permission to add discussion of water availability to the agenda. They all agreed it could be added. MINUTES Motion by VanderMay second by Hockenbary to approve the minutes for November 19, 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The November bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues, savings sheets and governmental fund sheets were presented. Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to approve the financial reports and the following warrants with a correction to the bill list of the IRS-EFTPS total in the General Fund from 240.06 to 242.06. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. November bills payable December 3, 2024 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 114.06; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 25.51; FD Merchant Services (CC machine) – 47.37; Crown Oil (fuel) – 3475.12; Salaries: Mayor – 461.75; Public Works – 13.32; Cleaner – 295.70; Teresa M. Hall (representative fees) – 200.00; IRS-EFTPS (SS/FWT) – 242.06; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 461.50; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 462.62; City of Rapid City (dump fees) – 1732.50; Mastercard AP (shop, phone) – 2561.67; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting) – 750.00; Mastercard (signs, shop) – 152.65; WREA (service) – 1858.60; Qualified Presort Services (mailing fees) – 152.03; SDML (workman’s comp) – 994.00; Kimberly Richter (IT) – 720.00; Whisler Bearing (parts) – 175.47; Gunderson, Palmer, Nelson, Ashmore (legal fees) – 855.00; Menards (shop, CC supplies) – 14.78; NASASP (membership dues) – 190.00; Carefree Lawn, Inc. (winterize irrigation) – 145.00; SDWWA (fees) – 10.00; Chris Maas (mileage) – 341.70; Western Dakota Tech (CDL testing & training) – 1500.00 TOTAL: $17952.41 WATER FUND Hawkins (chemical) – 1476.52; WRT (treatment) – 2734.88; DSG (gaskets) – 14.27; WREA (service) – 1109.39; AE2S (system improvements) – 93020.00; Meierhenry Sargent. LLP (counsel) – 40100.00; Mastercard AP (testing) – 203.57 TOTAL: 138658.63 SEWER FUND Finance (salary) – 3755.22; Public Works (salary) – 8692.87; Mastercard AP (motel) – 222.00; SDRS (retirement) – 1831.88; IRS-EFTPS (SS/FWT) – 4054.57; HPSD (insurance) – 2351.05; Aflac (insurance) – 347.58; WREA (service) – 92.31 TOTAL: $21347.48 METER FUND Harry’s Hideaway (refund deposit) – 50.00; Taylin Montague (refund deposit) – 48.00; Brianna Philipsen (refund deposit) – 154.00 TOTAL: $252.00
PUBLIC WORKS • The part needed to run the water at Well #2 automatically is still not in, so they are running it manually every day. • Mr. Hall received a call from a resident reporting the sewer was backing up into their house on Sunday December 1st. The problem with the sewer being plugged didn’t register at the lift station, it was found a few manholes up the line from it. Public Works staff were able to break through the clog thanks to help from Andy Johnson with Racicky Ditching and Chandler Cook with a New Underwood Fire Department truck. • Mr. Hall fell into a sewer line when the ladder going into it broke. He was going into it to retrieve a hose that had been left behind by the company that had worked on the sewer at the Good Samaritan Center last winter. The company had used that manhole as they couldn’t get to the lagoon to dump because of the snow. One of their hoses broke and fell into the manhole and they had reported they’d retrieved it. Mr. Hall found it there Monday and believes it was a contributing factor in the clog on Sunday along with some “flushable” wipes. As a reminder, just because something says it is “flushable” doesn’t mean it will break down like anything that goes into the sewer system should.
LAW ENFORCEMENT Sgt. Larsen presented the report and asks that resident be aware that this is the time of year that porch pirates take advantage of the increase in package deliveries. Please arrange for someone to get any packages you are expecting if you are not able to be there at the time of delivery.
MAYOR • Mayor Trullinger thanked the Public Works staff, Chandler Cook and Andy Johnson for their help on Sunday, they are very much appreciated. The Council voiced their appreciation also. • He congratulated Mr. Hall for passing the water inspection done by DANR with only minor recommendations. • The vehicles at 208 E. Oak have been removed and the property is being cleaned up. • Mayor Trullinger has completed his research into septic systems and will have something for the Council to consider after he consults with Public Works staff for their recommendations. • He has not completed an NSF Ordinance at this time as it is not a common problem.
WATER AVAILABILITY When the Director of Public Works was asked to inspect the connection to the water main for the Myers and Kung property which was recently annexed, he found that the line was not a 6” main as was required when the availability was approved. This may have been the result of a misunderstanding but more information will be gathered before the next meeting along with a map of where the lines have been run.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED • The Finance Officer thanked the Council for their help and attention to detail. • The 2023 Audit report was accepted by Legislative Audit. • Further details will be obtained for a quote for printer services and will be discussed at the next meeting. • The next meeting will be held December 17, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center.
Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:19 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on November 19, 2024. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Chris Maas, Amy Caringi-Hall, Sarah Steiner, Heather, Jordyn and Pete Palmer and Dimitri Fahey. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the November 4, 2024 minutes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS • Public Works staff is having to manually start and stop the filling of the storage tank at Well #2 daily because a transducer which is on back order is needed. • The backflow preventer at Well #2 has been replaced. • A plow has been mounted to the end dump truck and the sander is in the pick-up. LAW ENFORCEMENT Deputy Jones presented the monthly report and explained a few of the items included in it. The Mayor and Council thanked him for his time.
MAYOR • Mayor Trullinger thanked the Wicksville Workers and anonymous donors for the much needed donations to the Food Pantry located in City Hall. He stated that if residents need food, they are welcome to come in and get what they need. There are no questions asked. • The plans for where the Roping Club plans to build on the section of land not located in the City of New Underwood boundaries were shown to the Council. The liquor license transfer was temporarily denied until a structure is built. All plans for this area fall under Pennington County jurisdiction. ORDINANCE NUMBER 24-10
BE IT ORDAINED by the New Underwood City Council that the following amounts be appropriated to the 2024 budget to meet the obligations of the municipality: General Gov’t; 101-4110-42300 Publishing $1,200.00, 101-4110-42600 Supplies & Materials $600.00; Finance; 101-4142-41470 Workman’s Comp $2,500.00; 101-4142-42600 Supplies & Materials (gWorks) $4,000.00, 101-4142-42600 Supplies & Materials (FO computer) 101-4142-42900 $4,000.00; Audit $6,400.00; Culture and Recreation: 101-4560-41100 (Wages & Salaries) $1,100.00 101-4560-42500 (Repairs & Maintenance) $500.00 101-4560-42600 Supplies & Materials $300.00 Means of finance: Unexpended 2023 Funds. Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
First Reading: November 4, 2024 Second Reading: November 19, 2024 Publish date: November 28, 2024 Effective Date: December 18, 2024 Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve the second reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #24-10. Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT Jordyn Palmer conducted a great presentation for the Council concerning an accessible playground she plans to raise funds for this coming year to replace what the City currently has. The plans include a rubber poured base, an accessible swing with wheelchair access, a merry-go-round which individuals that cannot hold themselves upright can utilize and much more. Jordyn plans to apply for grants and will do different fundraising events to help fund this throughout the upcoming year. The extent of the project would depend on the amount of funds that are raised and would not have to be done all at once, but the first step would be to have the rubber base poured which would require the removal of some trees, etc. The Council were asked if they were interested in moving forward with this project. Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve moving forward with this project. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
WHEREAS a Plat of Tract A of New Underwood Cemetery Addition and Lot 1 of New Underwood Community Church Addition located in the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 29, Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and
WHEREAS it appears that said plat conforms with the system of streets and alleys of the existing plat of said City and additions thereto, and that all municipal taxes and special assessments have been fully paid and that the plat of said lots had been executed according to law, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a Plat of Tract A of New Underwood Cemetery Addition and Lot 1 of New Underwood Community Church Addition located in the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 29, Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and the same is hereby approved, and the Finance Officer, Director of Public Works and the Mayor of New Underwood are hereby authorized to endorse on the plat a copy of the resolution and certify as to its correctness. Dated this 19th day of November, 2024 (seal) Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve Resolution #24-18. Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
PETITIONS FOR ANNEXATION Petitions for annexation were received from the New Underwood Cemetery Board, the New Underwood Community Church and Myers and Kung Properties LLC and were accepted by the Council. Resolution Numbers 24-20, 24-21 and 24-22 were introduced.
WHEREAS, not less than three-fourths of the registered voters and the owners of not less than three-fourths of the value of the territory sought to be annexed have petitioned the Common Council of the City of New Underwood for concurrent annexation and rezoning of the territory herein described; and,
WHEREAS, the territory described herein adjoins and is contiguous to the existing boundaries of the City of New Underwood and is not separated from the existing City by any significant physical barriers, and annexation is natural and reasonable and the municipal body hereby created constitutes a homogenous and unified entity.
WHEREAS, the Common Council for the City of New Underwood desires to annex this property to expand its borders and growth control, and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of New Underwood, Pennington, South Dakota, that the following described territory be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of New Underwood, to-wit:
Tract A of New Underwood Cemetery Addition located in the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 29, T2N, R11E BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota
Dated this 19th day of November, 2024 CITY OF NEW UNDERWOOD (Seal) By: __________________________ Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor ________________________________ Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve Resolution #24-20. Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, not less than three-fourths of the registered voters and the owners of not less than three-fourths of the value of the territory sought to be annexed have petitioned the Common Council of the City of New Underwood for concurrent annexation and rezoning of the territory herein described; and,
WHEREAS, the territory described herein adjoins and is contiguous to the existing boundaries of the City of New Underwood and is not separated from the existing City by any significant physical barriers, and annexation is natural and reasonable and the municipal body hereby created constitutes a homogenous and unified entity.
WHEREAS, the Common Council for the City of New Underwood desires to annex this property to expand its borders and growth control, and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of New Underwood, Pennington, South Dakota, that the following described territory be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of New Underwood, to-wit:
Lot 1 of Church Subdivision located in the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 29, Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota
Dated this 19th day of December, 2024 CITY OF NEW UNDERWOOD (Seal) By: __________________________ Jack W. Trullinger Mayor ________________________________ Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by VanderMay second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #24-21. Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried. The Finance Director clarified that the preceding annexations will not be filed with Pennington County until the properties are officially owned by the respective petitioners.
WHEREAS, not less than three-fourths of the registered voters and the owners of not less than three-fourths of the value of the territory sought to be annexed have petitioned the Common Council of the City of New Underwood for concurrent annexation and rezoning of the territory herein described; and,
WHEREAS, the territory described herein adjoins and is contiguous to the existing boundaries of the City of New Underwood and is not separated from the existing City by any significant physical barriers, and annexation is natural and reasonable and the municipal body hereby created constitutes a homogenous and unified entity.
WHEREAS, the Common Council for the City of New Underwood desires to annex this property to expand its borders and growth control, and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of New Underwood, Pennington, South Dakota, that the following described territory be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of New Underwood, to-wit:
E1/2 NW1/4, LESS NE1/4 NE1/4 NW1/4, LESS HWY ROW, LESS LOT H4 of Section 29, T2N R11E BHM, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota
Dated this 19th day of November, 2024 CITY OF NEW UNDERWOOD (Seal) By: __________________________ Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor ________________________________ Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer This property is located east of 161st St. and south of 227th and will be zoned Agricultural. Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve Resolution #24-22. Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
BUILDING PERMITS Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve Building Permit #24-15 for Boom Construction at 316 Madison Ave. to tear down the house and build a 1708 sq. ft. home with a two-car garage. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #24-16 for Gene Pearson at 305 E. Oak St. to attach a 6’ x 8’ fiberglass shell to the existing shed, provided it meets setbacks. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve Building Permit #24-17 for Professional Excavating, Inc. at 510 E. Pine St. for the removal of the mobile home and two small outbuildings. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
VIEWFIELD WRANGLERS 4-H CLUB Marsha Simmons with the Viewfield Wranglers contacted City Hall about decorating the Community Center and assembling the trees for the K-5 classes to decorate. Mrs. Simmons also inquired about getting a reduced rate for the Community Center rental for the 4-H Club. After some discussion concerning the precedent it would set for a reduced rental fee for all the great organizations in the area it was moved by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to not offer the Viewfield Wranglers 4-H Club a discounted rate for the rental. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
INSUFFICIENT FUND FEES Mayor Trullinger stated that the City currently does not have a fee set by Ordinance for insufficient funds. Some discussion followed which included the infrequency of checks/payments being returned and wanting to have a fee large enough to deter it from happening. Motion by VanderMay second by Graham to set the insufficient fund fee at $40.00. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and VanderMay. Nay: Richter. Motion carried.
SIMPLE CITY SOFTWARE The annual software fees are due for FrontDesk and gWorks. The auditors from Casey Peterson LLC have been recommending for a few years that software other than Excel be implemented for City business as there would be multiple reports to track what has been done throughout the year. Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve $7,067.00 for the renewal and additional software. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The Governmental Fund sheets were presented. • The audit adjustments shown on last month’s savings sheets were changed to the January 2024 savings sheets per the auditor’s recommendations. • The Mayor and Council were emailed a copy of the Pennington County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan. They will look it over and submit any comments to Pennington County before the December 3, 2024 deadline. • The next Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday December 3, 2024 at the Community Center at 6:00 p.m. Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 7:06 p.m. (seal)
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on November 4, 2024. Present were: Mayor Trullinger, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Chris Maas, Amy Caringi-Hall, Devin Pfaff, Derek Bierschbach, Lawrence Hockenbary, Tim McGriff, Chuck Branum and arriving later Jake Julson. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the minutes for October 15, 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The October bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues, savings sheets and governmental fund sheets were presented. Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. October bills payable November 4th, 2024 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 150.17; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 22.51; FD Merchant Services (CC machine) – 37.17; Salaries: Mayor – 461.75; Public Works – 126.51; Cleaner – 276.15; Crown Oil (# 2 diesel) – 498.00; Teresa M. Hall (representative fees) – 200.00; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) –318.06; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 127.14; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 453.90; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting) – 500.00; City of Rapid City (dump fees) – 2621.43; Mastercard AP (shop, calendars, motel, phone) – 4632.10; Mastercard (signs, shop) – 249.62; WREA (service) – 1681.88; Qualified Presort Services (mailing fees) – 154.46; A-1 Mechanical (winterize pool) – 896.00; City of Rapid City (collection license) – 10.00; SDML (annual conference) – 375.00; Pennington County sheriff (4th quarter billing) – 15313.50; SD Department of Labor (3rd quarter billing) – 58.57; Jack Trullinger (mileage) - 648.00; Kristi Pritzkau (mileage) – 648.00; SDML (workman’s comp) – 5778.00; BJ’s Store (fuel, fuses) – 124.42; Menards (shop, CC supplies) – 66.21; Black Hills Chemical (CC supplies) – 35.76; Casey Peterson (audit) – 28356.44; Mike Siegel (reimbursement) – 20.00; Kimberly Richter (IT) – 315.00; Harvey’s Lock & Security (CC door handle) – 1278.76 TOTAL: $66434.51 WATER FUND Mastercard AP (testing) – 696.50; Hawkins (chemical) – 962.70; WRT (treatment) – 2658.38; SD 811 (locator fees) – 25.20; DSG (meter gaskets) – 50.52; US Bank (SRF) – 1693.16; Metron-Farnier (meters) – 443.32; SDARWS (hydro-vac) – 450.00; Racicky Ditching (water leaks repair) – 3071.43; WREA (service) – 1149.53; Mastercard (paperwork-Bond) – 12.50; Core & Main (check valve) – 608.85 TOTAL: $11822.09 SEWER FUND Finance (salary) – 5752.96; Public Works (salary) – 13212.48; DANR (stabilization pond exam) – 60.00; SDRS (retirement) – 2747.80; IRS-EFTPS (SS/FWT) – 6078.55; HPSD (insurance) – 2838.16; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; WREA (service) – 91.59 TOTAL: $31009.60 METER FUND Hope Ness (refund deposit) – 18.00; Derek Knodel (refund deposit) – 54.00 TOTAL: $72.00
FINANCE • The corrected bill list and savings sheet for September is included in the meeting packet noting a change to the General Fund of $100.99 as that check needed to be voided because it was paid this month with the AP card. • The adjustments recommended by the auditors for the 2023 Audit are noted on the October savings sheet. • Marsha Simmons with the Viewfield Wranglers 4-H club contacted City Hall to ask if the Council would like the 4-H club to decorate the Community Center and put the trees together for the K-5 classes to decorate for Christmas. This will be considered at the next meeting along with whether a discount could be offered on the Community Center rent for the Wranglers to hold their meetings as their current option is too small for all of them to fit comfortably.
PUBLIC WORKS • The pool is covered and Tines Construction plans to do some of the repairs soon. • The dump will be closed on weekends for the winter. • The Lead Service Line Inventory list has been submitted to the DANR. They weren’t able to inspect every one of the water service lines in town but the results will be submitted as they are able to. • They have completed sewer jetting the lines.
MAYOR • Deputy Jones will present the Law Enforcement report at the next meeting. • Mayor Trullinger met with the resident of 111 N. C Ave. to discuss payment of the past due bill for sewer and payment of the amount ordered by the court. He also reiterated that until all past payments due are paid the Council will not consider resuming water service to the residence. • The Roping Club has applied for a liquor license in the area of the rodeo grounds that is not in City limits. • Mayor Trullinger, Councilor Graham, Meri Jo, Kristi, Tim and Chris all attended the preconstruction meeting on October 30th at the AE2S office. Much was discussed including how payment requests were to be handled from the contractor and City Hall. The Contractor plans to start the project next spring as weather allows.
SEWER RATE Mayor Trullinger recommended changing the sewer rate for the New Underwood School Athletic Complex from commercial to residential as the majority of the water used there doesn’t enter the sewer system. Motion by VanderMay seconded by Richter to charge the residential rate of $27.00 per month for the school at the Athletic Complex. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
2023 AUDIT Devin Pfaff and Derek Bierschbach with Casey Peterson and Associates presented the 2023 Financial Audit to the Mayor and Council. There were no significant risks identified or difficulties. Some adjustments were recommended. Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to accept the 2023 Audit. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION #24-18 Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve the plat for the Cemetery and Church. Aye: all. Nay: none. With more conversation about needing a ten-foot easement around the church property for water, sewer etc. Graham and VanderMay rescinded their motions to approve the plat. All agreed to table this to a future meeting when the new plat with the items discussed is received.
SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE Mayor Trullinger read Supplemental Budget Ordinance Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the first reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #24-10. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
ANNEXATION RESOLUTION #24-19 Mayor Trullinger read the Petition for Annexation from Terrence DeRousse and Resolution #24-19. This property is located east of 161st St. and south of 227th Ave. and will be zoned agricultural.
WHEREAS, not less than three-fourths of the registered voters and the owners of not less than three-fourths of the value of the territory sought to be annexed have petitioned the Common Council of the City of New Underwood for concurrent annexation and rezoning of the territory herein described; and,
WHEREAS, the territory described herein adjoins and is contiguous to the existing boundaries of the City of New Underwood and is not separated from the existing City by any significant physical barriers, and annexation is natural and reasonable and the municipal body hereby created constitutes a homogenous and unified entity.
WHEREAS, the Common Council for the City of New Underwood desires to annex this property to expand its borders and growth control, and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of New Underwood, Pennington, South Dakota, that the following described territory be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of New Underwood, to-wit: W1/2NW1/4 LESS BOYDSTON HEIGHTS SUBD, LESS LOT H1 OF NW1/4NW1/4, LESS LOT H1 OF SW1/4NW1/4, LESS LOT H4 OF NW1/4, AND LESS ROW Dated this 4th day of November, 2024 CITY OF NEW UNDERWOOD (Seal) By: __________________________ ATTEST: Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor ________________________________ Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve Resolution #24-19. Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
WATER AVAILABILITY Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve water availability to Terrance DeRousse at the property described in Resolution #24-19 pending payment of the availability fee. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
2024 ELECTION Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to set the date for the 2025 election for April 8, 2025 to be combined with the school and to appoint Connie Carmichael, Donna Rankin and Sara Hansen as the election board with Jenny Trople as an alternate. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
HEALTH INSURANCE Motion by VanderMay second by Richter to authorize the Finance Officer’s signature on the 2025 HPSD health insurance agreement for the 3500 Plan. The cost for insurance will go from $2838.16 to $2850.59 per month starting in January 2025. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
2025 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS Motion by Richter seconded by Graham to approve the following license renewals: Moe’s Bar and Grill LLC at 415 S. A Ave; #PL4547 (off sale) & #RL-5660 (on-sale); Dvorak Convenience Stores, Inc. at 16098 Highway 1416; #PL-4766 (off sale) & #RL-5885 (on sale); Wendy Philipsen & Serena Rice at 524 S. A Ave; #RL-5755 (on sale). Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
RURAL SERVICE DISTRICT Travis Madsen plans to have 16.8 acres removed from the rural service district and has provided the Council and Mayor with a copy of the preliminary plat. Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve the preliminary plat. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SPECIAL LICENSE #24-10 Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve SL #24-10 for Moe’s Bar and Grill to host the NFR watch party on December 14, 2024 at the Community Center. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SPIKING PERMIT Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve Spiking Permit #24-09 for Clayton Lemke at the Community Center November 28th, 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED • The next meeting will be held November 19, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center.
Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:43 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on October 15, 2024. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary and Tara Richter. Absent: Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Chris Maas, Amy Caringi-Hall, Chuck Branum, Cory Kamp and family. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES The Finance Officer explained the total of the corrected bill list didn’t change only where the funds were used did. Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the October 1, 2024 minutes with the corrections to the bill list of General Fund total: $24,163.53, Special Revenue Fund total: $8891.49. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS • They have finished removing chips from the roads. • The Community Center front door handle wouldn’t lock so it is temporarily locked with a padlock until the new handle is installed, which should be Friday. The new handle cost more than the Public Works Director is authorized to spend so Mayor Trullinger authorized the purchase as he didn’t feel the Community Center should be left unlocked. • The Lead Service Line Inventory is very close to complete. • The garbage truck is still running well. • They are currently sewer jetting. • A resident has found someone that is willing to get rid of skunks if residents trap them in New Underwood for $10.00 each. Mayor Trullinger authorized paying that fee to help with the removal of the excess skunks coming into town this fall.
MAYOR • The water improvement project preconstruction meeting will be held at the AE2S office in Rapid City on October 30, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. the Council is welcome to attend. • Mayor Trullinger spoke to Randy Downs who has said the ISO fire rating for this area will not need to change at this time as there are many new volunteers willing to train with the Fire Department after a few of the officers resigned last week. • The sewer rate for the school football field will be discussed at the next Council meeting.
SDML ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Finance Officer reported that the Annual Conference was very informative. During the General Government Policy Committee meeting she requested consideration of adding a policy to support county enforcement of utility payments to cities. IM 28 was discussed during many different forums and a session was held that was well attended concerning it as well. Input was heard from many cities whether large or small that if it passes it will be very impactful to not only recreation but infrastructure statewide.
ABATEMENT APPEAL The residents of 201 W. Elm St. had explained that the steps that are currently located in the right-of-way were there when they bought the place and moved in so they didn’t know that they weren’t allowed to be located there. Mayor Trullinger explained that the previous owners had built them without obtaining a Building Permit from the City and nobody had noticed it until changes were made by the current residents to expand the deck portion. After much discussion and with the Council stating this was a very difficult decision, as they understood the circumstances, it was moved by Graham seconded by Richter to require the removal of the deck and stairs that are located in the right-of-way at 201 W. Elm St. The motion failed for lack of a majority vote.
BUILDING PERMIT With more discussion being had, it was moved by Graham seconded by Richter to approve Building Permit #24-14 for the deck and steps to be located on the property located at 201 W. Elm St. only up to the right-of-way. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
BUILDING PERMIT VARIANCE Motion by Graham seconded by Richter to approve Building Permit Variance #24-01 to allow the deck and steps to be located on the property located at 201 W. Elm St. up to the right-of-way. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The Governmental Fund sheets and corrected bill list were presented. • The next Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 4, 2024 at the Community Center at 6:00 p.m. Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:33 p.m. (seal)
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on October 1, 2024. Present were: Mayor Trullinger, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Chris Maas, Deputy Jones, Sgt. Larsen, Amy Caringi-Hall and Cory Kamp. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES Motion by VanderMay second by Graham to approve the minutes for September 17, 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The September bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues, savings sheets and governmental fund sheets were presented. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. September bills payable October 1st, 2024 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 97.60; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 25.79; FD Merchant Services (CC machine) – 37.17; First Interstate Bank (safety deposit box rent) – 25.00; Salaries: Mayor – 461.75; Public Works – 3075.36; Cleaner – 371.80; Council – 1246.71; Hansen Construction (CC ceiling/leak repair) – 4719.40; Teresa M. Hall (representative fees) – 200.00; SDRS (retirement) – 470.40; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 1370.54; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 361.19; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 397.87; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting) – 250.00; City of Rapid City (dump fees) – 1871.73; Mastercard AP (shop, pool, motel) – 2765.14; Mastercard (easement, annexation, stamps) – 238.18; WREA (service) – 1918.34; Qualified Presort Services (mailing fees) – 152.30; National Pen (pocket calendars) – 100.99; Snyder Industries (totes) – 2022.06; Sam’s Club (gas /pool concessions) – 111.46; Godfrey Brake Service (repair) – 10.42; Black Hills Chemical (trash bags, toilet paper) – 68.85; Floyd’s Truck Center (dump truck repair) – 8485.04; Jenner Equipment (shop) – 49.90; DMC Diesel Service (coolant in oil repair) – 2150.03 TOTAL: $33055.02 WATER FUND Finance – 3809.48; Public Works – 5962.28; SDRS (retirement) –1351.88; SDRS (late fee) – 91.65; IRS-EFTPS (SW/FWT) – 3179.01; HPSD (insurance) – 2838.16; Hawkins (chemical) – 1796.72; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; WREA (service) – 1367.85; WRT (treatment) – 2658.38; SDARWS (exercising valves) – 300.00; Northwest pipe Fittings (water main repair) – 301.42 TOTAL: $23884.89 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 86.42 TOTAL: $86.42 METER FUND Carter Gravatt (refund deposit) – 50.00 TOTAL: $50.00
PUBLIC WORKS Chris Maas reported the garbage truck and the loader are both fixed, they are picking up chips from the roads and hope to be done with that this week. Also, they are very close to finishing up the Lead Service Line Inventory.
LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report and said he is aware of the skunks that have been around town at night. • He introduced Sgt. Gordon Larsen as the Sgt. in charge of the eastern portion of Pennington County.
MAYOR • Two letters of abatement were sent since the last meeting. One was for a rooster the other is being appealed later in the meeting. • The company responsible for the property located at 208 E. Oak St. had someone with a mowing contract go to the property to mow it but Public works had already mowed what they could. The contractor was only allowed to cut anything under two feet high so anything that was over that is still there. The company sent notifications to the property owners to have any property they want removed from the property. Mayor Trullinger will call on the status of the removal of the vehicles etc. before the next Council meeting on October 15, 2024
111 N. C Ave. • There has not been a response to either of the letters mailed to the resident of 111 N. C Ave. one was sent return receipt requested and the other by regular mail. • The application to enforce restitution was filed today, October 1, 2024 with the clerk of courts office. • The States Attorney’s office stated they could not investigate crimes when asked if they would prosecute the resident for continued theft of services. Deputy Jones had stated he would look into getting the resident charged with felony theft of services.
BUILDING PERMITS Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve Building Permit #24-13 pending payment for a 32’ x 68’ addition at 116 N. A Ave. for Shari Sandal as it meets setbacks. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
ABATEMENT APPEAL Mayor Trullinger had sent an abatement letter to the residents at 201 W. Elm St. asking that the deck be removed as it was built in the right-of-way. He stated that after much thought and research he recommends the Council ask that the portion of the deck that is in the right-of-way be removed as he found nothing that said they could approve building into the right-of-way area. Mr. Kamp explained that when they purchased the house a ramp and steps were already in that location, they just extended a portion of it. That extension didn’t go any farther into the right-of-way than what was existing so he didn’t know that it wasn’t allowed. Mayor Trullinger stated there had not been a building permit requested by the previous owners so it hadn’t been legally approved by the Council. After much consideration Councilor Hockenbary moved to extend the abatement hearing, Building Permit #24-14 and consideration of Variance #24-01 to the next meeting so more research can be done on where the property lines are. That motion was seconded by Richter. Councilor Graham asked Cory Kamp if the Council could look at a copy of the title insurance paperwork and Mr. Kamp affirmed. Mayor Trullinger asked if there was any more discussion needed and hearing none asked the Council if they all approved. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED • Amy Caringi-Hall informed everyone the funeral for Ronnie Racicky will be held at the New Underwood School at 1:00 p.m. There are going to be many fire trucks from many Fire Departments in the procession. A reception will be held at the Community Center. • The Health Pool projects an increase of 7.4 percent and is changing from seven plan options to five. When the Finance Officer receives the renewal packets they will be shared with the Council for their consideration. • The property located at 22723 161st Ave. plans to implement a septic system and the installer knows they have to follow state law concerning this. • The next meeting will be held October 15, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center.
Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on September 17, 2024. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Chris Maas, Amy Caringi-Hall, and Chuck Branum. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the September 10, 2024 minutes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCE • The State has authorized the Bid Award to Quality Driven Service, LLC and stated the total amount of the contract is eligible for Drinking Water SRF participation. • The paperwork for the Water Improvement Project bond will be mailed to City Hall for signatures. PUBLIC WORKS • When using the garbage truck on Monday, the transmission got hot when the truck was stopped unless it was put into neutral so it is back in the shop. • A water leak was found and repaired on B Ave. this week. • A-1 Mechanical has said he will be here to winterize the pool this week. Once the water got below the skimmers in the pool the water loss was minimal. MAYOR • There have been multiple reports of skunks in town. Mayor Trullinger said residents are allowed to shoot them with BB guns and pellet guns in City limits. • Dogs living in city limits are required to have a City Pet License. The fee for the license is $3.00 and they are good for 2 years. Any resident needing a license can go to City Hall with proof of the dog’s vaccinations to obtain one. If residents want to report dogs at large they are encouraged to take a picture of the dog and get an address of the owners to City Hall and a letter will be sent informing the owners of the penalties for allowing their dogs to run at large. • The Council approved the wording of the letter Mayor Trullinger will send to the resident of 111 N. C Ave. FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE • Amy Caringi-Hall reported there were 20 calls for service in August. One fire alarm, two vehicle accidents, six grassfires, six EMS, one other and four structure fires. • August training included Travis Packs and mop-up. The Travis Packs hold a water line which the firefighters can take into areas that vehicles cannot go. Fire mop-up is done after the fire is suppressed to ensure it doesn’t relight. • The Fire Department is working through the agreement with the Fire Protection District whose meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month. The next meeting will be held October 8, 2024 at 7 p.m. all members of the community are encouraged to attend. • The Fire Department’s upcoming events are October 2nd Freshman Impact and October 9th fire prevention at the school for K-5th grade. The Council and Mayor thanked Amy for the update.
An Ordinance to amend Article VII Nuisances
Section N
Note: strikethroughs are deletions, underlined are additions
N. “Fowl” Any duck, goose, guinea fowl, poultry, or turkey, or other domestic fowl. shall only be kept on land zoned agriculture. A maximum of 5 female chickens and/or either sex ducks per residence will be allowed in residential areas.
Dated this 17th day of September, 2024 (seal) Jack Trullinger, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
First Reading September 10, 2024 Second Reading September 17, 2024 Publish Date: September 26, 2024 Effective Date: October 16, 2024 Motion by VanderMay second by Graham to approve the second reading of Ordinance #24-07. Mayor Trullinger asked the Council and audience if they had any further comments or discussion. Hearing none Mayor Trullinger conducted a Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
Be it ordained by the City of New Underwood that the following sums are appropriated to meet the obligations of the municipality for the year 2025: EXPENDITURES 101 General Fund 410 General Government $218,370.00 420 Public Safety $64,930.00 429 Flood Control $4,500.00 430 Public Works $229,128.92 432.3 Solid Waste $79,500.00 450 Cultural & Recreation $41,385.00 455 Library $1,000.00 456 Community Center $12,500.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $651,313.92 212 Special Revenue 410 General Government $1,000.00 429.1 Flood Control $2,000.00 430 Public Works $50,000.00 432.3 Solid Waste $6,000.00 432 Sewer $5,000.00 433 Water $5,000.00 450 Culture and Recreation $6,000.00 456 Community Center $10,000.00 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE $85,000.00 431 TOTAL WATER $4,312,150.00 432 TOTAL SEWER $121,900.00 TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENSE $5,170,363.92
101 General Fund 107 Assigned Cash $135,213.92 310 Taxes $319,050.00 320 License & Permits $8,900.00 330 State & County & Fed Shared $26,000.00 340 Solid Waste $97,200.00 360 Miscellaneous $39,800.00 370 Trust & Agency $3,600.00 212 Special Revenue Fund $93,500.00 TOTAL GENERAL REVENUE $723,263.92 381 WATER $4,321,100.00 382 SEWER $126,000.00 TOTAL MEANS OF FINANCE $5,170,363.92 The County Auditor is hereby authorized and instructed to spread the following taxes upon the property in said City of New Underwood, South Dakota: Tax Dollars required to finance budget: General Fund $230,656.00
Approx. REAL TAX LEVY REQUEST $230,656.00 (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor First Reading September 10, 2024 Second Reading September 17, 2024 Publish Date: September 26, 2024 Effective Date: October 16, 2024 Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve the second reading of Budget Ordinance #24-09. Mayor Trullinger asked the Council and audience if they had any further comments or discussion. Hearing none Mayor Trullinger conducted a Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve Building Permit #24-12 for Brett Elson to place two sheds on the property located at 22796 161st Ave., 1 – 12’ x 20’ & 1 – 11’ x 16’ as long as their placement meets setbacks. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
RURAL SERVICE DISTRICT Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to require the property located at 22723 161st Ave. to be replatted to zone the property being used for commercial separately from the other property. Also, to have the completed plat to the Council for approval within 90 days of receipt of the letter stating this or the Council will take all of the property in that area out of the Rural Service District.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • A resident thanked the workers at City Hall for calling them when the meters were read to make sure they didn’t have a leak as the water usage was higher than normal. • The next Council meeting is scheduled for October 1, 2024 at the Community Center at 6:00 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to go into Executive Session per SDCL 1-25-2 (3) at 6:33 p.m. to discuss legal matters. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
The Council came out of Executive Session at 7:01 p.m. with no official action being taken.
111 N. C AVE Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to contact the State Attorney’s Office to ask if they would be able to charge him with a misdemeanor or a felony for the continued theft of services. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to authorize the Mayor or Finance Officer to sign the Application to Enforce Restitution Order form to be filed with the Clerk of Court. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 7:03 p.m. (seal)
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A meeting to review the 2025 Budget was held at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Center on September 10th, 2024. Present were: Mayor Trullinger, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary and Tara Richter. Absent: Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Deputy Jones, Amy Caringi-Hall, Joe and Noah Weishaar and Joe Noble. The Budget Revenues and Expenditures were reviewed by section. No questions were forthcoming on either one and the review was completed by 5:40 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger at 6:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance following. Public Works Director Tim Hall arrived at 6:17.
A Public Hearing was held for Special License #24-08 and #24-09 for Moe’s Bar and Grill. SL #24-08 is for the Ranch Rodeo on September 14, 2024 and SL #24-09 is for a wedding at Ranch Receptions at 16052 227th St. on September 21, 2024. No questions or comments were received and the hearing was adjourned at 6:03 p.m.
MINUTES Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the minutes for August 20th, 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The August bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues, savings sheets and governmental fund sheets were presented. Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. August bills payable September 10th, 2024 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) –102.09; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.75; FD Merchant Services (CC machine) – 37.17; Salaries: Mayor – 461.75; Public Works – 193.10; Cleaner – 341.36; Pool – 6616.30; Crown Oil (gas & fuel) – 655.09; Bridled for Christ (overpayment refund) – 60.00; Teresa M. Hall (representative fees) – 200.00; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 1662.09; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 279.91; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 525.81; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting) – 425.00; City of Rapid City (dump fees) – 1977.57; Mastercard AP (shop, pool, motel) – 1083.75; Mastercard (easement, annexation) – 31.25; WREA (service) – 2181.13; Jenner Equipment (sweeper maintenance) – 660.03; Qualified Presort Services (June & July mailing fees) – 300.45; Marc (pool chemical) – 363.12; Kimberly Richter (IT fees) – 360.00; Sam’s Club (pool concessions) – 1373.33; Menards (shop, CC supplies) – 45.53; Northwest Pipe Fittings (shop supplies) – 27.00; Black Hills Chemical (trash bags, toilet paper) – 301.93 TOTAL: $20,277.51 WATER FUND Finance – 3809.48; Public Works – 8577.95; SDRS (retirement) – 1803.08; IRS-EFTPS (SW/FWT) – 3997.60; Mastercard AP (testing) – 452.80; HPSD (insurance) – 2838.16; Hawkins (chemical) – 2145.79; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; WREA (service) – 1487.95; WRT (treatment) – 2734.88; Chris Maas (mileage) – 777.20; SD 811 (locator fees) – 21.00 TOTAL: $28,873.95 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 94.10 TOTAL: $94.10 WATER IMPROVEMENT FUND Pennington County Courant (publishing CADEX) – 42.96; Mastercard (file easement) – 31.25 Total: $74.21 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Crown Oil (fuel) – 657.71 Total: $657.71 METER FUND Greg Labs ( deposit refund) – 100.00 TOTAL: $100.00
NEW UNDERWOOD VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT Amy Caringi-Hall requested being moved up on the agenda as she has a Fire District meeting to prepare for this evening. The Council and Mayor agreed that it was not a problem to do so. • The NUFD is preparing for the hot dry fall weather by continuing with their training and checking that all equipment and trucks are in good working condition. • On September 11 annually they have a Community 911 walk at the New Underwood track to remember those who did not survive the attacks. This will happen at 6:30 p.m. if they are not called out for an emergency. Everyone is welcome to join or just watch in remembrance. • Details for August calls will be reported at the next meeting. The Mayor and Council thanked her for the report.
MAYOR • National Grid will be hosting an open house on September 20, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the office of Plant Manager Jeremy Denton at 22941 161st Ave. to provide updated information for the solar project. Lunch will be catered by Hazel’s Sweet Treats and Eats. • Public Works staff mowed the three Szymonski properties this week. City staff were instructed not to contact the person thought to have power-of-attorney of the property and as such have not notified anyone of these abatements. • A couple of letters of abatement were sent to residents concerning roosters not being allowed in residential areas. • He attended the WDRWS annual meeting and found it very informative. • A leak was found on Labor Day weekend to a service line located on Ash Street near Bailey Avenue. The water was shut off at the corporation as the leak is believed to be under the roadbed.
PUBLIC WORKS • They guys are still working on getting the chips swept off the roads. • The garbage truck repairs were completed and the truck is back in town. Although it made it to town, they plan to use it next week to test it further. • The public works staff are trying to complete the Lead Service Line Inventory as the deadline for this is October 16, 2024. • Mr. Hall is in contact with a few places to find out what the solution could be for the antifreeze found in the oil of the loader.
LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report. • There has been an increase of traffic on Highway 1416 due to construction on I-90. He has caught quite a few vehicles speeding eastbound and westbound. Traffic has been going slower more recently.
WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT RESOLUTION #24-17 Notice of Award and Signatory Authority
WHEREAS, the Engineer’s estimates for Schedule’s A, B, C, D and E totaled $5,656,613.00 and, WHEREAS, Bids received were: Lidel Construction Co Inc $4,347,654.00 Quality Driven Service LLC $3,794,923.48 Simon $6,948,210.00 Underground Construction $5,271,492.35 and, WHEREAS, all four bids were received September 5, 2024 by 2 p.m. and, WHEREAS, Joe Noble with AE2S reported that out of the four bids received AE2S recommends accepting the bid received from Quality Driven Service, LLC as they had the lowest bid and when the references for prior jobs completed were contacted, they received overwhelmingly positive reviews and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council approves accepting the Engineer’s recommendation of awarding this bid to Quality Driven Service, LLC and authorizes the signature of the Mayor and/or Finance Officer on the Notice of Award and any other paperwork necessary to accept this bid.
Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #24-17. Roll call vote. Aye: Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
The project has a substantial completion date of September 18th, 2026 and a final completion date of October 16th, 2026. Once the notice of award is issued the first bill the City of New Underwood receives could be approximately three months out as the materials will most likely be purchased as soon as possible.
Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer First Reading: September 10, 2024 Second Reading: October 1, 2024 Publish Date: October 10, 2024 Effective Date: October 30, 2024
SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE Mayor Trullinger read Supplemental Budget Ordinance number 24-08.
BE IT ORDAINED by the New Underwood City Council that the following amounts be appropriated to the 2024 budget to meet the obligations of the municipality: 101-4142-42600 Finance - Supplies & Materials - 3,000.00; 101-4142-42200 Finance - Professional Fees - 5,000.00; 101-4192-42810 General Gov’t - Lights - 500.00; 101-4323-42500 Solid waste - repair and maintenance - 18,000.00; 101-4323-42900 Other (dump fees.) - 2500.00; 101-4310-43160 Public works - Street Lighting - 1,000.00; 101-4560-41200 Community Center OASI & FWT - 1,500.00; 211-4300-43000 Special Revenue - chips/truck - 25,000.00; 602-4331-42820 Water - Elec. Pump #2 – 3,500.00; 602-4333-42201 Water -WRT Treatment – 1200.00; 602-4334-42500 Water Distribution Repair & Maintenance – 3,000.00; 602-4333-42600 Water Distribution - Supplies & Materials – 3,000.00; 602-4335-42700 Water Administration - Travel & Conference - 1,000.00; 602-4335-42200 Water Administration Professional fees - $1,500.00 Means of finance: Unexpended 2023 Funds. Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer First Reading: August 20, 2024 Second Reading: September 10, 2024 Publish date: September 19, 2024 Effective Date: October 9, 2024 Mayor Trullinger asked the Council if they had any questions or comments. With none forthcoming he asked those present if they had any questions for comment. Hearing none, Richter made a motion to approve the second reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #24-08. Motion seconded by Hockenbary. Roll call vote. Aye: Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
ORDINANCE #24-07 Mayor Trullinger read Ordinance #24-07 allowing ducks in residential areas. Motion by Richter seconded by Graham to approve the first reading of Ordinance #24-07. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
INSURANCE A quote of $7.39 per year based on the current rates to insure the solar panels at the pool was received from Lynn Bren with the SDPAA. Motion by Hockenbary second by Graham to get the solar panels at the pool added to the insurance and if would cost about the same to insure the lagoon lift station controls, to add those also. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
2025 BUDGET Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the first reading of Budget Ordinance #24-09. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
BUILDING PERMITS Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve Building Permit #24-10 for a 50’ x 100’ building at 22723 161st Ave. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #24-11 for Tyler Richter to build a 24’ x 28’ addition at 16052 Hwy 1416. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SPIKING PERMITS Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve Spiking Permit #24-07 for Shawnee Flint on October 12, 2024 and Spiking Permit #24-08 for Kristi Pritzkau on September 21, 2024 at the Community Center. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SPECIAL LICENSE Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Special License #24-08 on September 14, 2024 at the Rodeo Grounds for a Ranch Rodeo and Special License #24-09 on September 21, 2024 at Ranch Receptions for Moe’s Bar and Grill. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
3-MILE JURISDICTION Mayor Trullinger recommended leaving any decisions for platting or allowing property description of the property described as: that portion of the N ½ of Section 34, T2N, R10E, BHM, Pennington County, SD lying north of the railroad right-of-way. Motion by Graham second by Richter to defer to Pennington County on any platting requirements they would require for said property. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SDML ANNUAL CONFERENCE The SDML Annual Conference is being held in Sioux Falls, SD from October 8–11. Mayor Trullinger asked the Council if they would be able to attend to please call City Hall before noon on Thursday. The Finance Officer will register those who are able to go.
EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to go into Executive Session per SDCL 1-25-2 (3) at 6:52 p.m. to discuss legal matters.
The Council came out of Executive Session at 7:06 with no official action being taken.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED • The next meeting will be held September 17, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center.
Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 7:06 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on August 20, 2024. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Amy Hakola, Amy Caringi-Hall, Jessica, Blake and Josh Newman, Jessica and Noah Weishaar and Chuck Branum. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES Motion by VanderMay second by Richter to approve the August 6, 2024 minutes with a correction to the meeting date. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS • They are getting chips picked up from the chip seal project. • The backhoe started working correctly even though no repairs were done to fix the issue it was having with coming out of Park. A transmission line was replaced before the issue began and it is thought something entered the system at that time and has now broken loose to allow it to function properly.
POOL MANAGER • Amy Hakola reported the pool will need repairs before it can be opened in the spring and once the leaks are stopped the cost of the chemical will be much less. • The smaller swimming lesson sessions worked out well. Amy thanked Meri Jo for her help. • The pool has been cleaned and is ready to be drained. • Amy has found a full-time job and will not be able to return to manage the pool next year but said Rickkie Martinmaas would be a great candidate as she works at the school and has four children of her own that enjoy the pool. • The Mayor, Council and staff thanked her for her work at the pool, she has done a great job. MAYOR • Two letters of abatement to mow grass were sent. • Two letters concerning animals not being allowed on residential lots were sent. • The pre-bid meeting for the water system improvement project will be held August 27th, 2024 at the AE2S office. The bid opening will be September 5th, 2024 at the Community Center at 2 p.m. • Mayor Trullinger has met with Bill Tines from Tines Construction to get a better idea of what can be done to fix the concrete at the pool. Mr. Tines believes he can get the majority of the pool fixed easily. • The complaint form has been updated. • The first certification Chris Maas passed was wastewater collection and the second certification he passed was for basic water treatment. He is currently testing for water distribution. • The WDRWS annual meeting is scheduled for September 6th, 2024. Mayor Trullinger is registered and if any Council or staff would like to attend, they would need to be registered also. • The Rapid City Bookmobile will be at the Community Center parking lot on August 31, 2024 from 1-2 p.m.
BACKFLOW PREVENTERS • If you have not found someone to install the dual check valve, please call City Hall at 605-754-6777 for information on two options that have been found for having dual check valves installed in the lines that registered the backflow.
FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE • Amy Caringi-Hall reported for the month of July. There were 10 grass fire calls, 1 structure fire, 1 other call, 13 emergency public service calls, 2 vehicle accidents and 1 vehicle fire. • July’s training was a critical thinking class with on scene scenarios. With the hot weather they stayed cool indoors instead of doing outside training. • It has been requested that the fire department help with some kid’s games for the Labor Day Celebration on September 1st, 2024. They will have multiple games by the City shop including bucket brigade and fire fighter challenge. • Please be mindful of the increased foot traffic with school being back in session, kids are walking to school again. Keep an eye out and look twice.
GARBAGE TRUCK REPAIRS The shop working on the garbage truck found that the code that was registering was hiding another code that would not fix the issue with the transmission. They now recommend installing a rebuilt transmission and have taken the cost of the initial repair off of the quote to do so and said there will be no charge for any work done up to this point. Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve having a rebuilt transmission installed for the price quoted of $8,487.01. Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve spending the amount quoted to have a rebuilt transmission installed in the garbage truck. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SKIRTING EXTENSION Motion by VanderMay second by Hockenbary to approve a 2-week extension to have skirting installed on the mobile home located a 110 S. C Ave. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
ABATEMENT APPEAL Josh and Jessica Newman had received the abatement letter concerning their ducks. Jessica explained that they had made the choice to keep ducks for many different reasons. Some of which are they are not dangerous; they don’t tear up their yard and they eat the eggs. Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to drop the abatement as the Council is willing to consider an amendment to the section of the ordinance pertaining to this at a future meeting. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
ANNEXATION AND WATER AVAILABILITY A petition for annexation from Andrew Jensen was received for the property located at Lot 2 of MPH SUBD of Section 19, T2N, R11E BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota. Motion by VanderMay second by Richter to authorize the mayor’s signature on the petition. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, not less than three-fourths of the registered voters and the owners of not less than three-fourths of the value of the territory sought to be annexed have petitioned the Common Council of the City of New Underwood for concurrent annexation and rezoning of the territory herein described; and,
WHEREAS, the territory described herein adjoins and is contiguous to the existing boundaries of the City of New Underwood and is not separated from the existing City by any significant physical barriers, and annexation is natural and reasonable and the municipal body hereby created constitutes a homogenous and unified entity.
WHEREAS, the Common Council for the City of New Underwood desires to annex this property to expand its borders and growth control, and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of New Underwood, Pennington, South Dakota, that the following described territory be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of New Underwood, to-wit:
Lot 2 MHP SUBD of Section 19, T2N, R11E BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota
Dated this 20th day of August, 2024 CITY OF NEW UNDERWOOD (Seal) By: __________________________ Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by VanderMay second by Richter to approve Resolution 24-16 to allow Andrew Jensen to annex the property listed. Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
WATER AVAILABILITY Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve water availability to Lot 2 and Lot 6 MPH SUBD of section 19, T2N, R11E BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota and to have the properties zoned residential. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
WATER SURCHARGE FEE A property owner in New Underwood does not believe they should have to pay the surcharge as they have not had the water turned on yet. Resolution Numbers 23-06 and 23-07 state that a surcharge must be paid by all users who will benefit from the service now or in the future in order to obtain the funds required for the water improvement project.
SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE Mayor Trullinger read Supplemental Budget Ordinance #24-08. Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve the first reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #24-08. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The Governmental fund sheets were presented. • A second quote was not sought for the pool repairs as Bill Tines said the labor to do them would be donated. • The Mayor and Council have not received an update concerning I-90 Meats since the last one reported. • The next Council meeting is scheduled for September 10th, 2024 at the Community Center, they will meet at 5:30 p.m. to review the 2025 Budget before the regular meeting. Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:41 p.m. (seal)
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on July 9, 2024. Present were: Mayor Trullinger, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Deputy Jones, Amy Caringi-Hall, Randy Madsen, Wendy Philipsen, Darlene McNaught, Rickkie Martinmaas, Dean and Mary Boydston, Linda Cudmore, Jessica Weishaar, Steve and Laurie Swanson, Greg and Kami Labs and Chuck Branum. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the minutes for July16th and 26th, 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The July bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. July bills payable August 6, 2024 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) –184.52; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 15.05; FD Merchant Services (CC machine) – 37.17; Crown Oil (gas, diesel) – 2512.80; Floyd’s Truck Center (GT 11 repair) – 4895.71; Salaries: Mayor – 461.75; Cleaner – 371.80; Pool – 6972.48; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 1992.29; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 223.74; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 504.19; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting) – 500.00; City of Rapid City (dump fees) – 2262.96; Mastercard AP (CC, CH, shop) – 1732.65; Mastercard (CC, shop) – 223.95; WREA (service) – 2208.45; Pennington County Sheriff (3rd quarter billing) – 15313.50; Coca-Cola (pool concessions) – 292.00; Great Western Tire Co. (tire repair) – 342.64; 605 Electric (pool maintenance) – 246.84; Menards (shop) – 22.87; SD Dept. of Labor (reemployment) – 51.92; Sam’s Club (pool concessions) – 604.33; Teresa Hall (representative fees) – 200.00; American Legion (flag pool repair/replacement) – 500.00 TOTAL: $42673.61 WATER FUND Finance – 3809.49; Public Works – 9497.09; SDRS (retirement) – 1776.90; IRS-EFTPS (SW/FWT) – 3908.15; Mastercard AP (testing) – 75.00; HPSD (insurance) – 2838.16; Hawkins (chemical) – 1612.04; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; WREA (service) – 1404.71; WRT (treatment) – 2811.38; Chris Maas (mileage) – 313.56; SDARWS (hydro-vac) – 450.00; US Bank (SRF) – 1693.16 TOTAL: $30417.70 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 105.77; Continental Research Corp. (chemical) – 996.30 TOTAL: $1102.07 SPECIAL FUND Crown Oil (fuel) – 628.20; Simon Material (cold mix) – 1356.08; Menards (felt for chip seal) – 29.98; Pete Lien (concrete rock) – 8840.02; Simon Material (oil/chip seal) – 43777.50; Hall Grinding Service (haul rock) – 4285.00; Jenner Equipment (brush repair) – 611.70; Mastercard AP (rock) – 580.70 TOTAL $60109.18
PUBLIC WORKS • Mayor Trullinger reported the backhoe has been returned to the city shop for trouble shooting. • The second garbage truck repairs should be completed next week. • Chip sealing has been completed and the chips will be picked up soon. • Chris Maas passed his first certification and is currently at the second training session.
LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report.
NEW UNDERWOOD VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT • During the Sturgis Rally especially, please be sure to check your blind spots when driving as motorcycles can be hard to see. • The New Underwood Fire Department has been working on wildland fire procedures and operations on the ground as this area has been in and out of high fire danger all summer. • Be aware of ignition sources, even grass that is a few inches tall can start a fire. • If you witness an emergency don’t hesitate to call 911. For all non-emergency questions concerning the fire department please call 605-754-6782 and choose who you would like to speak with.
MAYOR • The swimming pool will need repairs to the deck and pool before it opens next spring. He will contact Huether Construction and Tines Construction for advice and possible quotes for the repair. • The annual fundraiser for the Sami Jo Memorial Pool has been rescheduled for August 10, 2024. • The Facility Plan for the Drinking Water System Improvements Project in New Underwood has been approved by the DANR. • The WDRWS annual meeting will be held in Box Elder on September 6, 2024 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mayor Trullinger is looking forward to attending this and encourages the Council to contact the Finance Officer so they can be registered if they plan to attend. • Modern Woodmen has the Community Center rented October 5th, 2024 for a Raptor Show. Mayor Trullinger asked the Council if they had any comments and they had none.
WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Mayor Trullinger asked the Council if they were still agreeable to advertise for bids for the water improvement project before the loan is closed. They all agreed that would be best. AE2S will be informed of this and they will take care of getting the bid package advertised.
WHEREAS the Council of the City of New Underwood had approved applying for the mini-grant to give to the American Legion chapter in New Underwood for building new flag holders, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the New Underwood City Council, that Mayor, Jack Trullinger be designated to sign this mini-grant application and donate that money to the American Legion chapter in New Underwood to build new flag holders.
Dated this 6th day of August, 2024 (seal) Jack Trullinger, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve Resolution #24-14. Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
COMMUNITY CENTER REPAIRS Motion by Vandermay second by Richter to approve up to $4,719.40 to repair the damage to the Community Center kitchen ceiling which was caused by the leak in the roof. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
WHEREAS Initiated Measure 28 was certified for the November 2024 General Election Ballot by the South Dakota Secretary of State;
WHEREAS Initiated Measure 28, if passed, would remove state, municipal and tribal taxes on all items sold for human consumption except alcohol and prepared food;
WHEREAS “human consumption” is undefined in South Dakota Codified Law or the South Dakota Constitution. Black’s Law Dictionary defines “consumption” as “the act of destroying a thing by using it; the use of a thing in a way that exhausts it.”;
WHEREAS South Dakota Codified Law 34-45-1(7) defines tobacco products as “any item made of tobacco intended for human consumption, including cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, and smokeless tobacco, and vapor products as defined in § 34-46-20.”;
WHEREAS South Dakota Codified Law 10-52-2 allows incorporated municipalities to impose a tax on the sale, use, storage and consumption of items that conform in all respects to the state tax on such items up to two percent;
WHEREAS Initiated Measure 28 is in direct conflict with existing state law and the Attorney General’s explanation of the measure states legislative or judicial clarification would be needed if the measure passes;
WHEREAS The City of New Underwood levies a two-percent sales tax and collected $185,343.95 in the 2023 fiscal year and $84,623.66 year-to-date in the 2024 fiscal year;
WHEREAS The City of New Underwood will lose a portion of sales tax revenue unless Initiated Measure 28 is rejected by voters in South Dakota;
WHEREAS The City of New Underwood supports the SDML with their efforts in defeating Initiated Measure 28 as written to protect municipalities across the state;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of New Underwood, that Initiated Measure 28 would negatively impact our community and its residents.
Dated this 6th day of August, 2024 (seal) Jack Trullinger, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve Resolution #24-15. Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
ORDINANCE #24-07 Ordinance #24-07 concerning fowl received the first reading. Having no comment or motion Ordinance #24-07 died.
BACKFLOW PREVENTERS After the water had to be shut off to every water user in June, many backflows registered when meters were read for the July billing cycle. Eighty letters were sent to various residents and businesses explaining that their meters had registered a backflow. The letter informed them a dual check valve (backflow preventer) is required on the house side of every meter and they will need to get one installed at their own expense before the hydrants get flushed later this fall. The purpose of a dual check valve is to prevent contamination of the water mains by water returning from service lines. Many questions were asked including why it is the home/business owner’s responsibility and expense, the accuracy of the meters showing the backflow, etc. Mayor Trullinger stated the city ordinances and state law require the dual check valves be installed in every service line. City ordinances clarify the city is only responsible for the water main, everything beyond that is the responsibility of the owner of the property or home. When the meters were replaced, the City covered the cost of the meter and installation and no further inspection of the service line, etc. was expected of those who installed them. He further explained the hydrants will not be flushed for over 2 months and should allow enough time to get new valves installed. Councilor Richter stated that her meter registered the same backflow and she is trying to find someone willing to do hers and another one she knows about at the same time. If someone has a solution for this, please let us know, we are always willing to help. Mayor Trullinger further stated that if a backflow is detected after hydrants are flushed this fall, a letter of abatement will be sent and 10 days will be given to complete the work or water service will be discontinued to that location. This is the first time since the new meters were installed that water had to be shut off to all users, that is why there were so many. Before these meters there was no known way to check for this issue. Councilor Graham stated he had been informed at a different time that he needed to get the same thing installed at his home so this isn’t the first time these letters have been sent.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED • A resident suggested that multiple quotes should be obtained before deciding who does work for the city. Mayor Trullinger agreed and said we will try to obtain multiple quotes and will base the decision on the most qualified person. • The next regular council meeting will be held August 20, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center.
Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:41 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A special meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at the Community Center on July 26, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. Present were: Mayor Jack W. Trullinger, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer and Director of Public Works Tim Hall. After some discussion of repairs to the garbage truck already completed, it was moved by Graham second by VanderMay to approve spending $1967.06 to fix the newest issue once Tim Hall confirms that the code that registered both times would be fixed by this repair. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:10 p.m.. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on July 16, 2024. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Chris Maas, Amy Caringi-Hall, Noah Weishaar and Chuck Branum. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve the July 9, 2024 minutes Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS • The newly repaired garbage truck worked long enough to pick up some garbage but when they were on the way to dump once it was full, it exhibited the same problems and is once again in the shop to be repaired. • The part that was ordered to fix the backhoe was not what was needed to repair the problem. The repair shop is continuing to investigate the problem. BOBCAT Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve spending $517.66 to replace the brushes on the box sweeper for cleaning up the chips from the chip seal operation. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
BACKFLOW PREVENTERS New Underwood City Ordinances require a dual check valve on the house side of the meter. When the water had to be shut off to repair a water valve last month 79 meters registered a backflow. A letter will be sent to those that need to install a dual check valve.
MAYOR Mayor Trullinger presented the estimated timeline provided by AE2S for the water improvement project.
FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE • Amy Caringi-Hall reported for the month of June. They responded to one structure fire, nine emergency public service calls, nine grass fires, and one vehicle accident. • Remember to stay hydrated, wear hats and make sure to take breaks out of the sun. • Please when boating, wear your life vests as accidents can happen quickly. • The department had Brush truck, Tender truck and some air method training in June. • The summer fun event will be held August 17th, 2024 at the Fire Station with many games planned.
ORDINANCE #24-06 Mayor Trullinger read Ordinance #24-06.
BE IT ORDAINED: By the City of New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota, be amended into the existing ordinances as follows: The Certificate of Occupancy certifying the relevant provisions of the Zoning Ordinance are satisfied.
(seal) Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to approve the second reading of ordinance #24-06. Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary, Graham. Motion carried.
FIRST INTERSTATE BANK VOLUNTEER DAY GRANT Motion by VanderMay second by Hockenbary to approve applying for the mini-grant to give to the American Legion chapter in New Underwood for building new flag holders. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. The Resolution for this motion will be introduced at the next meeting.
STREET DANCE Enning Propane would like to hold a business appreciation street dance on August 17th, 2024 hosted by Moe’s Bar and Grill. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the closure of A Ave. from Pine St. to Oak St. to all but emergency vehicles with open container allowed in that area. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The Governmental fund sheets and 2025 Budget Revenue and Expenditure sheets were presented. • New Underwood has two garbage trucks, if one is out of service the other one is used for garbage collection. If garbage collection is missed it is unintentional, please call City Hall to make arrangements for collection. • The next Council meeting is scheduled for August 6th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:16 p.m. (seal)
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on July 9, 2024. Present were: Mayor Trullinger Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary and Tara Richter. Absent: Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Deputy Jones, Derek Knodel, Caleb Dustman. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
AGENDA AMENDMENT Mayor Trullinger informed the Council that the Fire Department was unintentionally left off of the Agenda and would be giving their report after Law Enforcement.
MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the minutes for June 18, 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The June bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Hockenbary second by Graham to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. June bills payable July 9, 2024 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 125.96; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.60; FD Merchant Services (CC machine) – 37.17; First Interstate Bank (7769 fee) – 14.99; Salaries: Mayor – 461.75; Finance – 3809.49; Public Works – 8654.28; Cleaner – 295.71; Pool – 3331.94; Council – 1246.71; IRS-EFTPS (fees 941) – 186.96; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 4968.69; SDRS (retirement) – 1771.64; HPSD (insurance) – 2838.16; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 333.33; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 583.85; SD Dept. of Revenue (penalty sales tax) – 14.29; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting) – 391.00; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 151.28; City of Rapid City (dump fees) – 1966.23; Mastercard AP (CC, CH, shop) – 1419.48; Mastercard (CC, shop) – 842.15; WREA (service) – 2000.20; Menards (shop) – 138.73; Coca-Cola (pool concessions) – 234.00; Black Hills Chemical (cc gloves) – 4.99; Knecht Home Center (pool) – 8.59; Great Western Tire Co. (tire repair) – 39.95; Hefty Feed & Seed (weed spray) – 96.18; Chris Maas (re-imbursement CDL) – 35.00; Amy Hakola (re-imbursement concessions) – 573.67; Kimberly Richter (Acronis backup protection) – 270.00; Grimms Pump & Industrial Service (shop) – 62.68; Winzer (shop) – 162.29; Summit (inspect fire extinguishers) – 456.40; Sam’s Club (membership renewal) – 110.00 TOTAL: $37878.40 METER FUND Steve Cogdill (refund deposit) – 50.00; Stacy Finkbeiner (refund deposit) – 50.00; Boom Construction (refund deposit) - 250.00 TOTAL: $350.00 WATER FUND Core & Main (shut off valve) – 2925.99; WREA (service) – 1291.73; WRT (treatment) – 2811.38; Dakota Pump & Control (well #2 repair) – 535.72; Knecht Home Center (well #2 repair) – 11.97; SD DANR (exams) – 110.00; Racicky Ditching (repair valve) – 3020.41 TOTAL: $10707.20 SEWER FUND SD DANR (fees) – 110.00 WREA (service) – 104.63; TOTAL: $214.63 SPECIAL FUND Mastercard AP (rock) – 2612.95; Mastercard (rock) – 415.39; Hall Trucking (haul rock) – 1200.00; Simon Material (cold mix) – 1280.13 TOTAL $5508.47
PUBLIC WORKS • The garbage trucks are both operational. • The backhoe was taken into Titan Machinery to diagnose and repair the problem they’ve been having with it not coming out of park. They have ordered a sensor and will find out if that fixes the problem. • They have started to chip seal the streets and avenues and as Chris Maas is at class this week for waste water collection, John Hall is helping with the chip seal.
LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report.
NEW UNDERWOOD VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT Caleb Dustman reported May and June were fairly busy for the Fire Department crew. A fire in city limits was started by fireworks in the ditch between C and D Ave. The first arriving fire unit arrived at a free burning fire covering about 20’ x 40’. No structures were in danger and the fire was extinguished with no injuries occurring. The crew will be at the Rodeo Grounds on July 20th and 21st playing water games and handing out popsicles outside the gate. Please keep in mind this grilling season to practice safety measures. Make sure not to leave your grills unattended, shut the propane off when the grill is not in use and keep a garden hose nearby.
MAYOR • Flowers were sent with the City’s condolences to Wall’s Mayor, Mary Williams, after the passing of her husband Myron Williams. • The CATEX (categorical exclusion) was sent to the Courant on Friday July 5th and should be published on July 11th. 20 days after that, if no comments are received, the loan for the water improvement project will be closer to completed. AE2S will send us an estimated timeline of events listing what the next steps will be before opening the project up for bids. A copy of the loan paperwork will be sent to Todd Meierhenry for approval. • Mayor Trullinger informed the Council they will be asked to consider, at the next meeting, whether they would be willing to apply for a grant for the American Legion to repair some flag poles.
WHEREAS the New Underwood City Council in 1978 vacated the south end of Monroe Avenue at the request of the Pennington County Housing Authority to build Sunny Haven, and WHEREAS in 1984 Pennington County replatted the property and created a 21-foot-wide strip for a dedicated lane so there would still be a road and accessibility for property owners on each side of the road, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the New Underwood City Council that as this is a dedicated lane, the City of New Underwood will continue to do maintenance on this dedicated lane. Dated this 9th day of July, 2024 (seal) Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve Resolution #24-13. Roll call vote. Aye: Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried. SIDEWALK REPAIR After some discussion it was moved by Richter seconded by Hockenbary not to spend City tax dollars to fix the sidewalk at 513 and 515 S. A Ave. and once the property has a clear owner this subject will be revisited. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
INSURANCE Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to table discussion of getting insurance on the pool, solar panels and lift station controls until more information is acquired. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
STREET DANCE Motion by Hockenbary second by Graham to approve Moe’s Bar and Grill to have a street dance on July 20th, 2024 and closing A Ave. from Oak St. to Pine St. with open container in that area. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
WESTERN DAKOTA REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM Mayor Trullinger and former Mayor Teresa Hall will sign and send a letter of support to Senator Thune, Senator Rounds and Representative Johnson concerning the WDRWS project feasibility study.
WDRWS COMPENSATION After some discussion of the necessity of having a knowledgeable representative involved with the project it was moved by Hockenbary seconded by Graham to approve compensating our current representative Teresa M. Hall with $200.00 a month for travel expenses and time taken off from her job. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
ORDINANCE #24-06 Mayor Trullinger completed the first reading or Ordinance #24-06 to approve a Certificate of Occupancy form to add to the existing Zoning Ordinance. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SPECIAL LICENSE #24-07 Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Special License #24-06 for the Corner Bar to have a bar at the rodeo grounds on August 24th, 2024 for a benefit rodeo. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SPIKING PERMIT Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve a Spiking Permit for Cassie Morgan at the Community Center on August 17, 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
MOBILE HOME INSPECTION Mayor Trullinger inspected a 16’ x 80’ mobile home and said the only thing he found that would need to be fixed is a hole in a window.
BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #24-09 for Penny Trevena to move the 16’ x 80’ mobile home onto the lot located at 110 S. C Ave. pending payment of the inspection fee, skirting deposit and meter deposit. Also, that the window will need to be repaired before the skirting deposit can be returned. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:34 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on June 18, 2024. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter. Absent: Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Chris Maas, Amy Caringi-Hall, Dan Anderson, Lawrence Hockenbary, Jessica and Joe Weishaar and Chuck Branum. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the June 3, 2024 minutes with a correction to the bill list of the Menards bill for $399.37: General Fund - $329.40; Water Fund - $69.97. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
AGENDA Mayor Trullinger let the Council know that item #7 on the Agenda was withdrawn and no longer needs to be considered.
FINANCE OFFICER • Governmental Fund sheets were presented. • A correction to the Revenues in March has been made in the amount of $4.56. A credit had been counted as cash received and should not have been. GARBAGE TRUCK A quote has been received for repairing the transmission on the garbage truck for $5081.13. Motion by Hockenbary seconded by Richter to approve $5,081.13 to repair the transmission. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. A question from the audience about why money is being spent to repair the truck instead of contracting the garbage collection to another company to save the residents money or why offer the service at all and require residents to find a way to dispose of their own garbage. They were informed that keeping the garbage collection in-house saves the citizens money in the long run and state law 34A-6-1.9 requires the city to ensure it is collected and disposed of.
PUBLIC WORKS • The first sickle mowing has been done in various areas in New Underwood. • A leaking valve in the water main was repaired yesterday causing water customers to lose service for a while. Having deemed it an emergency, Mayor Trullinger stated he authorized spending over $500.00 to do the repair. • The public works department hopes to begin chip sealing the streets next week. If that doesn’t happen it will be the following week. SAMI JO MEMORIAL POOL Evan Hakola, Nevaeh Wolf and James Culver are the lifeguards this year. Concessions workers are Connor Hakola and Isaiah Stamp. Swim lessons begin next week and there will be 4 sessions. Classes are smaller this year in order to focus more on each child. Mommy and me classes will be held on July 2-3 and an adult swim class will be held for anyone that doesn’t know how to swim on July 16th-18th. The annual cardboard boat race will be held August 3rd, 2024. The Community Outreach Committee will be hosting a barbeque at the same time.
MAYOR • Mayor Trullinger sent a letter to Judge Connolly to inform him the City of New Underwood has not received a payment from Mr. Kopecky for restitution as he was ordered by the Court to do after being found guilty of 1st degree petty theft last year. • A complaint on the yard at 208 E. Oak St. was received. Mayor Trullinger made a follow up call to the bank that owns it and was informed it may take another couple of weeks for the property to be taken care of as the company which was contracted to do it has subcontracted the work out to another company. FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE • In the month of May there were 7 structure fires, 9 emergency service calls, 2 vehicle accidents, 1 grassfire and 3 other misc. calls. • May training included Tender operations and porta-tank deployment. This training was done at the County shop with Engine 1 and Tender 4. • The department will be teaming up with the rodeo grounds, pool and Community Outreach group to hold certain events throughout the summer. Please keep an eye on the Facebook page for more updates. • As the weather becomes hot and the days are longer, please remember hydration and shade can be important. Heat emergencies happen fast. If you take a hike in the beautiful Black Hills remember these tips and inform friends or loved ones of where you are going and how long you plan to be gone. ABATEMENT Mayor Trullinger contacted James Bialota concerning the broken sidewalk and the hole in the property located at 513 and 515 S A Ave. He stated he has the deed to the property but not the title and has been advised by his lawyer to discontinue making changes to the property until he has the clear title. He also stated that once he does receive the title, he would refuse to fix the sidewalk as he believes the City equipment could have hit it and caused the damage.
SIDEWALKS Mayor Trullinger asked the Council to ponder if they would consider repairing the sidewalk at 513 and 515 S. A Ave. A question from the audience was asked why the city would use tax payer money to repair a sidewalk that is seldom used, knowing they would not be reimbursed for. Also, if this one is done it should to be done at every property that needed it throughout the city to be fair. This issue will be discussed at the next meeting.
RESOLUTION #24-10 Mayor Trullinger read Resolution #24-10.
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood received plans from AE2S to run the secondary water main to the north well on Travis Madsen’s land and,
WHEREAS, Travis Madsen has signed the 30-foot-wide easement for the City of New Underwood to run the secondary water main from the north well on both sides of the interstate on the property located at:
NE1/4 Less ROW; NE 1/4SW1/4 Less ROW; N1/2SE1/4 Less ROW; GL3 Less West 516.81 ft, Less Matz Sub and Less Lot H2, located in Section Thirty, Township Two North, Range Eleven East, of the Black Hills Meridian, City of New Underwood, County of Pennington, State of South Dakota. SE1/4NE1/4 of Section Thirty, Township Two North, Range Eleven East, of the Black Hills Meridian, City of New Underwood, County of Pennington, State of South Dakota. NE1/4SE1/4 of Section Thirty, Township Two North, Range Eleven East, of the Black Hills Meridian, City of New Underwood, County of Pennington, State of South Dakota.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of New Underwood hereby designates the Mayor to act as signatory on the water main easement Adopted this 18th day of June, 2024 (seal) Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve Resolution #24-10. Roll call vote. Aye: Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGE Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to change the first meeting date in July to July 9th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION #24-11 Mayor Trullinger read Resolution #24-11. RESOLUTION #24-11 SIGNATORY AUTHORITY
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood would like the option to purchase material from Pete Lien and Sons, Inc. and,
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood would be offered a lower rate if an account was set up with them and,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of New Underwood, the Mayor has the authority to set up the account and sign the agreement. Adopted this 18th day of June, 2024 (seal) Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #24-11. Roll call vote. Aye: Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION #24-12 Mayor Trullinger read Resolution #24-12.
WHEREAS a Plat of Tract A1, Tract A2, Tract A3 and Tract A4 of Lloyd Subdivision (formerly Tract A of Lloyd Subdivision) located in the S1/2 SW1/4 NW1/4 of Section 13, Township 2 North, Range 10 East of the Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and
WHEREAS it appears that said plat conforms with the system of streets and alleys of the existing plat of said City and additions thereto, and that all municipal taxes and special assessments have been fully paid and that the plat of said lots had been executed according to law, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a Plat of Tract A1, Tract A2, Tract A3 and Tract A4 of Lloyd Subdivision (formerly Tract A of Lloyd Subdivision) located in the S1/2 SW1/4 NW1/4 of Section 13, Township 2 North, Range 10 East Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and the same is hereby approved, and the Finance Officer, Director of Public Works and the Mayor of New Underwood are hereby authorized to endorse on the plat a copy of the resolution and certify as to its correctness. Dated this 18th day of June, 2024 (seal) Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #24-12. Roll call vote. Aye: Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
MOBILE VENDOR LICENSES The Ordinance states that a Mobile Vendor may only vend on commercial property with the consent of the property owner.
Mayor Trullinger verified with Mr. Edoff where he will be setting up and recommended approving the license. Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve the Mobile Vendor License for Steven Edoff to sell fireworks from the parking lot of A Avenue Storage from June 27th through July 6th, 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the Mobile Vendor License for Jolene Geary/SnoDak Shaved Ice to sell shaved ice and ice water at the Rodeo Grounds and on A Ave on July 20th and 21st, 2024 providing she contact with the owners of Moe’s Bar and Grill for permission to sell her product at the street dance they sponsor. She can park her vehicle either in the closed street area or on the lot owned by the New Underwood Community Development with them named as an additional insured on her insurance policy for the dates there. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
MOBILE HOME INSPECTION Larry Graham inspected Jessica Johnson’s 16’ x 80’ mobile home and found no problems. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve Building Permit #24-08 to move the mobile home onto the lot located at 110 S. C Ave. pending receipt of the building permit fee, the meter deposit and the skirting deposit. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SUNNY HAVEN DRIVEWAY A resident asked if Pine St is going to be repaired where Monroe joins it and stated that it has a Monroe St. sign at the end of the drive. Councilor Hockenbary said it is no different than the private drive west of their home. The landowners of the drive have to pay to maintain their section also and access is not denied to city traffic there either. Mr. Hall informed him that he intends to patch it at the same time it gets chip sealed because the trucks that use the driveway will blow the patch out if it is not sealed right away. The County has been contacted concerning signs needed stating it is a private driveway and they will be contacted again.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The easement discussed earlier is for a secondary line from Well #2 into town. • Mayor Trullinger explained the reason the water changes color after it has been shut off is because when the water is turned back on it water hammers any sediment that is on the walls of the pipes loose. • A resident asked if there was anything going on with the water as they’ve had to change their whole house water filter every two or three days and have been doing so for a few months. The resident will show the filter to Mr. Hall the next time it is changed. Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m. (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on June 3, 2024. Present were: Mayor Trullinger Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Chris Maas, Deputy Jones, Derek Knodel, Shawna Watson, Amy Caringi-Hall, Larry Hockenbary and Chuck Branum. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
AGENDA AMENDMENT Mayor Trullinger informed the Council that items 5-7 do not need to me considered at this meeting as there will be changes to the plat that had been submitted.
MINUTES Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve the minutes for May 21, 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The May bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. May bills payable June 3, 2024 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 106.22; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 13.05; FD Merchant Services (CC machine) – 37.17; Dept. of Revenue (malt bev./SD wine) - 600.00; Salaries: Mayor – 873.50; Finance – 5752.96; Public Works – 10413.31; Cleaner – 443.55; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 5637.10; SDRS (retirement) – 2291.82; HPSD (insurance) – 2838.16; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 395.59; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 366.28; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting) – 253.00; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 150.26; City of Rapid City (dump fees) – 2181.06; Ace Hardware (shop supplies) – 101.73; Mastercard AP (CC, CH, shop) – 2560.24; Mastercard (CC, shop) – 1761.44; WREA (service) – 1899.53; Menards (well #2, shop, totes) – 399.37; Coca-Cola (pool concessions) – 701.00; MARC (disinfectant) – 1026.98; Black Hills Chemical (cc trash bags) – 38.93; New Underwood School (library donation) – 1000.00 TOTAL: $42070.31 METER FUND Tanner Namanny (refund deposit) – 150.00 TOTAL: $150.00 WATER FUND Hawkins (chemicals) – 29.86; WREA (service) – 1170.83; WRT (treatment) – 2734.88; Core & Main (shop) – 126.10; SD DANR (exams) – 90.00 TOTAL: $4151.67 WATER IMPROVEMENT FUND First Interstate Bank (7769) – 14.99 TOTAL: $14.99 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 119.91; SD DANR (exams) – 90.00 TOTAL: $209.91
PUBLIC WORKS • The garbage truck is in the shop because of transmission issues. They are waiting for a quote for getting it repaired. • They are almost out of EZ Street but plan to obtain some cold mix locally. • The pump at the pool is working now and some electrical issues should be fixed tomorrow. The plan is to have the pool open this Thursday, June 6th, 2024. • The dump will be open this Saturday June 8th and next Saturday June 15th, weather permitting. • DO NOT put yard waste in the garbage totes, we do not want to incur fines nor lose the privilege of using the Rapid City landfill.
LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones thanked everyone for their kind words in support of him at the last meeting. • He presented the monthly report and said the highest number of calls for service last month was for animals on the loose or barking. • As a reminder, there will be increased foot traffic as summer approaches. Lock the doors to your homes, vehicles etc. If you see something out of the ordinary, please do not hesitate to call dispatch at 605-394-2151. It is much easier for him to follow up on a call when he is back on duty if there has been a deputy called out to deal with the issue at the time it happens.
NEW UNDERWOOD VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT Mayor Trullinger informed the Council the Fire Department has a report for them and as two firefighters had to leave to answer a call and Shawna needed to be out of the meeting early due to prior arrangements, he would like to hear from her before he gave his report. • Shawna Watson with the New Underwood Volunteer Fire Department reported 64 calls have been responded to so far in 2024. There have been some structure fires, grass fires, hay bale fires, vehicle fires, emergency medical service calls and other calls that are unclassified or nondisclosed. • They have two newly trained and certified structure firefighters: Dalton Winegar and Derek Bailey-Meier, two certified wild land firefighters: Jesse Watson and James Blevins and three EMT certified firefighters: Caleb Dustman, Derek Knodel and Shawna Watson. • In April they had an RT 130 wildland refresher course and this Thursday they will have wildland training on the brush truck and tender operations. • They will be helping with water games at the pool on Thursday, June 6, 2024 for opening day. • The May report will be given at the next Council meeting. • The Mayor and Council thanked Shawna for the report. They appreciate that the firefighters would like to keep them informed on what is going on in the area.
MAYOR • Various residents have been contacted concerning mowing of their yards. • A letter was written to the property owner of 513 and 515 A Ave. concerning mowing, the hole in the ground needing filled and the sidewalk needing repairs. The lot has been mowed but no response has been received pertaining to the rest. Mayor Trullinger will get a quote to find out what it will cost to get the sidewalk repaired and the hole filled and will report his findings to the Council at the next meeting. • Mayor Trullinger reached out to Pennington County to inquire as to the bank that has control of the property at 208 E. Oak St. and when he got in touch with the banks code enforcement, received some positive feedback. Clean-up of the lot should begin in the next few weeks.
BOOKMOBILE Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to allow the Finance Officer to sign the Bookmobile Agreement with the amended wording naming the City of Rapid City as the party responsible for insuring the workers and covering any accidents in the Bookmobile. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Mayor Trullinger read Ordinance #24-05.
4. PROCEDURES D. Any Board member or Councilors shall be paid with the last pay period of every two months quarter.
Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
First Reading: May 21, 2024 Second Reading: June 3, 2024 Publish date: June 13, 2024 Effective Date: July 3, 2024
Motion by VanderMay second by Hockenbary to approve the second reading of Ordinance #24-05. Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION NUMBER 24-09 Mayor Trullinger read Resolution #24-09
WHEREAS a Plat of Lot 5R and Lot 6R of Block 9 of Madsen Addition (Formerly Lot 5 and Lot 6 of Block 9 of Madsen Addition) Located in the NE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 31, Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and WHEREAS it appears that said plat conforms with the system of streets and alleys of the existing plat of said City and additions thereto, and that all municipal taxes and special assessments have been fully paid and that the plat of said lots had been executed according to law, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a Plat of Lot 5R and Lot 6R of Block 9 of Madsen Addition (Formerly Lot 5 and Lot 6 of Block 9 of Madsen Addition) Located in the NE1/4 NE1/4 Section 31, Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and the same is hereby approved, and the Finance Officer, Director of Public Works and the Mayor of New Underwood are hereby authorized to endorse on the plat a copy of the resolution and certify as to its correctness. Dated this 3rd day of June, 2024 (seal) Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve Resolution #24-09. Roll call vote. Aye: VanderMay, Richter, Hockenbary and Graham. Motion carried.
WESTERN DAKOTA REGIONAL WATER SYSTEMS, INC. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to table the letter of support for the Western Dakota Regional Water Systems, Inc. until the next meeting. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
PENNINGTON COUNTY TAX ABATEMENT Director of Equalization Shannon Rittberger recommended abating the 2023 assessment for property located at 310 Linn St., for taxes paid in 2024. The 2023 assessment is based on the property as it was on the assessment date of November 1, 2022. The home in question was no longer in City limits so it needs taken off the 2023 tax roll with this abatement. Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to abate the taxes for the property formerly located at 310 Linn Street and authorize the Finance Officer to sign the abatement. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SPECIAL LICENSES Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve Special License #24-05 for Moe’s Bar and Grill to have a bar during Bingo night which will be hosted by the New Underwood Community Outreach Committee on June 19th, 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve Special License #24-06 for Moe’s Bar and Grill to have a bar at the Stock Growers supper on June 29, 2024 at the Community Center. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED • Chuck Branum stated he has a meeting scheduled with the VA to find out what the requirements are to get a transitional home for veterans located in New Underwood. He is on the Community Development board and plans to bring it up at a future meeting with them also but wanted input from the Mayor and Council to see if they would support this effort. It was agreed that this would be welcomed as it is a worthy cause.
Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on May 21, 2024. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Chris Maas, Deputy Jones, Sgt. Swanson, Sheriff Mueller, Lt. Casey Kenrick, Jim Russel, Shawna Watson, Joe and Jessica Weishaar, Lawrence Hockenbary, Derek Knodel, Cassidy Sawvell, Jerry Derr, Jim and Linda Hayward, a Rapid City resident and some Pennington County Sheriff’s office team: Helene Duhamel, Annette Brant, Capt. Kraig Wood, Chief Deputy Mark Hughes, Kevin Karley, Thomas Reese. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the May 7, 2024 minutes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
PENNINGTON COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Sgt. Swanson introduced Sheriff Mueller who then began explaining the many levels of support the City of New Underwood and surrounding areas get because of the contract the city has with the Pennington County Sheriff’s office. The City of New Underwood will pay just over sixty-one thousand dollars this year for the contract for thirty hours per week of multiple Deputies, it would cost over sixty-seven thousand dollars to hire one full-time officer. Jail bed days, swat team availability, insurance, vehicle cost, and repairs, etc. aren’t included in that figure. They have been conducting these meetings to keep in touch with communities and keep the lines of communication open. He stated it is beneficial to the County also to have these contract communities as local Deputies are more aware of the needs and concerns of the residents they live nearby. Lt. Casey Kenrick reported the number of deputy and citizen-initiated contact hours for the surrounding area for last year and this year so far. He also mentioned the school resource officer Deputy Rhoden is another asset to the community. Sgt. Swanson reported that suspicious activity and animal complaints are the most common calls from the area so far this year. Deputy Jones conveyed his connection to the community and how he made the decision to become the local Deputy.
Mayor Trullinger and Councilor Hockenbary both expressed their appreciation for Deputy Jones presence, helpfulness and attention to the community.
PUBLIC WORKS The garbage truck has been experiencing transmission problems but they hope it is fixed.
SAMI JO MEMORIAL POOL • Mayor Trullinger stated that the pool has been patched and hopefully the patches hold through the season as more in-depth repairs are necessary. • Amy Hakola and her team have been cleaning and repairing the pool and pool area.
LAW ENFORCEMENT Deputy Jones gave this monthly report.
MAYOR Letters were sent for mowing yards and installing skirting on a mobile home. The skirting time extension granted at the last meeting has been completed.
COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGE Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to change the first September meeting to September 10, 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Supplemental Budget Ordinance #24-04 received the second reading.
BE IT ORDAINED by the New Underwood City Council that the following amounts be appropriated to the 2024 budget to meet the obligations of the municipality: Public Works (Electric Tank building) 101-4310-42820 - $600.00; Community Center (supplies and materials) 101-4560-42600 – $1,300.00; Water Distribution (Capital Replacement) 602-4334-42501 – $100.00; Water Administration 602-4335-42200 - $500.00 Means of finance: Unexpended 2023 Funds. Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
First Reading: May 7, 2024 Second Reading: May 21, 2024 Publish date: May 30, 2024 Effective Date: June 19, 2024 Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the second reading of Ordinance #24-04. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
WATER SURCHARGE REVIEW The Council said there is no information to review at this time as we don’t know amount of the loan yet. Motion by VanderMay second by Richter to continue with no change to the surcharge fee. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SEWER AVAILABILITY Ben VanderMay with the Bridled for Christ Church has requested sewer availability for the Bridled for Christ house located at 16108 Hwy 1416. The $250.00 hook-up fee has been paid. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve sewer availability for the Bridled for Christ house. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
ORDINANCE NUMBER 24-05 Motion by VanderMay second by Richter to approve the first reading of Ordinance #24-05 Council pay frequency. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #24-07 for Rita Stevens to have a home occupancy for Tons of Fun Daycare. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve Building Permit #24-06 for Alana Szymonski to get a concrete pad in front of her front door and to have a roof added over the front door. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
WATER MAIN SPECIFICATIONS Mayor Trullinger and the Public Works Director met to discuss setting water main specifications in the Ordinance but decided against doing so as there are always new options that become available.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental Fund sheets were presented. • The annual pet clinic which was held on May 4, 2024 resulted in the purchase of 17 city pet licenses and 40 pets being treated. • The annual mowing notice has been posted, please everyone, mow your yard. • The next Council meeting will be held Monday June 3, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:41 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on May 7, 2024. Present were: Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Mayor Teresa M. Hall, Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Chuck Branum, Joe and Jessica Weishaar, Jack Trullinger, Jeremy Denton and Danny Hall. Also, some members of the Wall Meats team: Kevin Larson, Janet Niehaus, Ken Charfauros, Dillon Kammerer, Melisa Byrne, Delfina, Dan, Christopher, Jeff, Sheena and Jody all with I-90 Meats. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to approve the minutes for April 16, 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The April bill list with a correction of one cent, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Hockenbary second by Graham to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. April bills payable May 7, 2024 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 121.85; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.45; FD Merchant Services (CC machine) – 37.17; First Interstate Bank (7769) – 14.99; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Finance – 3809.50; Public Works – 5882.39; Cleaner – 402.24; Election Board (election) – 720.00;IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 3474.51; HPSD (insurance) – 2838.16; SDRS (retirement) – 1351.88; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 335.77; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 428.64; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting) – 375.00; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 149.34; City of Rapid City ( Kieffer dump fees) – 219.85; City of Rapid City (dump fees) – 2518.11; Mastercard AP (phone, dump fees) – 1376.69; Mastercard (CC, shop) – 946.96; WREA (service) – 1903.58; Pennington County Sheriff (2nd Quarter billing) – 15313.50; SD Reemployment (1st quarter) – 65.34; Timothy S. Hall (mileage) – 603.00; Ace Hardware (shop supplies) – 48.91; Snyder Industries (totes) – 3954.71; M & W Towing & Recovery (tow dump truck) – 310.00; Independent Truck Repair (repair GT #7) – 5408.02; MARC (disinfectant) – 160.69 TOTAL: $53423.06 WATER FUND Mastercard AP (conference, water test) – 200.00; WREA (service) – 1098.80; WRT (treatment) – 2658.38; US Bank (SRF) – 1693.16 TOTAL: $5650.34 SEWER FUND Mastercard AP (conference) – 125.00;WREA (service) – 106.33 TOTAL: $231.33 SPECIAL FUND Hansen Construction, LLC (CC roof repair) – 3418.37 TOTAL: $3418.37 FINANCE OFFICE • Thank you to the Council for finding the necessary correction to the bill list, it saves a lot of time when mistakes are found early. POOL AND OFFICE SUPPLIES A rescue tube and lounge chairs are needed at the pool and toner is needed for the printer at City Hall. If they are ordered together, it will exceed the $500 limit the Finance Officer is allowed to spend at one time so it was requested that the Council approve this purchase. Motion by VanderMay second by Richter to approve the purchase of the necessary items. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS • The clean-up weekend had to be postponed due to the weather. It will be held the next weekend that the weather cooperates. • 71 Construction does not currently plan on making EZ Street this year. Hot mix may have to be used instead to fix potholes on the City streets. • They have been working on the old garbage truck and believe they have fixed the problem. • Chris Maas has accepted the Public Works position, he will start on May 13, 2024. • A motor grader has been found that Mr. Hall believes would work well for what the City would need one for. Money has been budgeted for equipment so he will look into purchasing it. • The motor grader that was surplussed a few years ago could be sold for scrap metal if the Council chooses to as the motor is locked up. I-90 MEATS Ken Charfauros introduced Dillon Kammerer, he is the first graduate of the Western Dakota Tech and Wall Meats partnership class for Ag and Meat processing. The Mayor and Council congratulated him on the accomplishment. Mr. Charfauros announced that the property for the I-90 Meat processing plant has been purchased, the EPA study has been completed, the soil sample has been completed and they are doing well with the capital drive. Janet Niehaus and Meri Jo Anderson had run the projected figures and it was found that there is a possibility of a seventeen percent increase in sales tax revenue once I-90 Meats is operational. Mr. Charfauros stated that he truly appreciates his team and mentioned they will be supplying the meat for the Stockgrowers Supper in June in New Underwood. COMMUNITY CENTER Mr. Hall said the pump for the geothermal unit at the Community Center cost half of what it did the last time one was purchased and has a 3-year warranty compared to the last one which had a 1-year warranty. Although the warranty begins at the time of purchase it could be useful to have one on hand in the event it goes out again. Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve the purchase of a spare pump. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. JOB APPLICATION Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the changes to the city’s job application. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. BOOKMOBILE Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to table making a decision whether to sign the agreement. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. The Finance Officer will reach out to the insurance company to get their recommendation. OATHS OF OFFICE Mayor Hall thanked the Council and advised them to keep up the great progress they have made for the City and welcomed Mayor Trullinger to the table. The Finance Officer administered the oath of office to Mayor Trullinger. Mayor Trullinger administered the oath of office to Councilors Hockenbary and Richter. COUNCIL PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT The Mayor read the duties of the Council President and Vice President. Motion by Graham second by Richter to nominate Councilor Hockenbary as Council President. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to nominate Councilor VanderMay as Council Vice President. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS Mayor Trullinger made the following recommendations for appointments & designations: Finance Director – Meri Jo Anderson; Finance Officer – Kristi Pritzkau; Director of Public Works – Timothy Hall; Legal Counsel – Gunderson Palmer Nelson and Ashmore (GPNA) Law Firm; Law Enforcement – Contract Pennington County. Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve these appointments. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Mayor Trullinger administered the Oath of Office to Meri Jo Anderson and Kristi Pritzkau and stated signed Oaths of Office have been received from Sara Frankenstein and Owen Weise with the GPNA Law Firm. LEGAL NEWSPAPER & OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY The Mayor made the following recommendations; to appoint the Pennington County Courant as the legal newspaper (Reference: SDCL 9-12-6) and to designate First Interstate Bank and SD Public FIT as official depositories. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve these recommendations. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. WESTERN DAKOTA REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM Mayor Trullinger recommended appointing Teresa M. Hall as the City of New Underwood representative for the Western Dakota Regional Water System as she is already on the Board, has been there from the start and is very knowledgeable on what is happening. Teresa mentioned the Board did not use to have terms but when they started them, she was chosen to serve a 3-year term, the City may want to designate someone else when her term is up. Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to designate Teresa M. Hall as the City representative for the Western Dakota Regional Water System. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. UNIFORM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the following license applications; • Corner Bar; Serena Rice & Wendy Phillipsen; 524 S. “A” Ave.; Blk 6 Lot 12, Sec. 31 T2N R11E BHM; Malt Beverage and SD Farm Wine License • Harry’s Hideaway; Harold Jensen; 16092 Hwy 1416 Lots 2BR of Lot 2 Vieths Subdivision Sec. 30; T2N R11E BHM; Malt Beverage and SD Farm Wine License • The Hall; Timothy S. Hall; 412 S. “A” Ave; Block 1, S25' of Lot 3; Lot 4-6 Sec. 31, Original Town, T2N R11E BHM; Malt Beverage and SD Farm Wine License • Ranch Receptions; Hazel Phillips; 16042 227th St. Tract A MHP-Subd Section 19 T2N R11E BHM; Malt Beverage and SD Farm Wine License Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the first reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #24-04. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. 2023 ANNUAL REPORT Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to accept the 2023 Annual Report and approve submitting it to Legislative Audit. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on April 16, 2024. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer and Public Works Director Tim Hall, Amanda Trople, Rikki Martinmaas, Jessica Weishaar, Chuck Branum, Mark Johnson, Jeremy Denton, Penny Kane, Danny Hall and Jack Trullinger. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. 2024 ELECTION The Council canvassed the April 9, 2024 municipal election, motion by Richter second by Graham to declare the results as follows: Councilor Ward 1: Tera Hockenbary – 19 Amanda Trople – 12 Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MINUTES Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve the April 2, 2024 minutes and the April 8, 2024 Special Meeting minutes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. CORRECTION TO THE MINUTES A correction to the March 5, 2024 minutes is needed. Resolution #24-05 to surplus the ice machine was numbered incorrectly as #24-04 in the minutes. Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve the correction of the Resolution number in the March 5, 2024 minutes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. CLFRF REPORT The CLFRF report was submitted this week. The Finance Officer believes this will be the final year that this report will need to be completed as all of the funds have been expended on wages. PUBLIC WORKS • A geothermal well pump with a 3-year warranty was purchased to replace the pump that quit working. The Council will consider purchasing a back-up pump at the next meeting. • They had burned the branches at the dump a few weeks ago when there was plenty of snow on the ground to contain the fire. It is assumed the strong winds contributed to the fire restarting yesterday. Thanks to the New Underwood Fire Department, the fire was contained just as the rain began falling. COMMUNITY OUTREACH COMMITTEE • Amanda Trople reported the skate party held on April 7, 2024 at the Community Center was attended by 30 skaters of all ages and there were multiple requests that additional skate parties be scheduled. • A dance for the middle school classes will be held on May 23, 2024 at the school. • Amanda plans to meet up with Amy Hall, Amy Brunson and Amy Hakola to discuss possibly helping with other community events. • A June bingo date is still being considered. • The Booster Club gave permission for the Committee to help with the food concessions during the next football season. This will be another way for the Community Outreach Committee to raise money for future events. MAYOR Mayor Hall thanked Councilor Hockenbary for conducting the meeting in her absence on April 2, 2024. WILD SPRINGS SOLAR Mark Johnson with National Grid congratulated the Council members and incoming Mayor on the election results and introduced the new operations manager of the solar panel project Jeremy Denton. The Mayor and Council welcomed Mr. Denton to the area. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE Supplemental Budget Ordinance #24-03 received the second reading. ORDINANCE NUMBER 24-03 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the New Underwood City Council that the following amounts be appropriated to the 2024 budget to meet the obligations of the municipality: Water (Capital Replacement) 602-4334-42501 - $600.00; Water (Professional fees) 602-4335-42200. Means of finance: Unexpended 2023 Funds. Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer First Reading: April 2, 2024 Second Reading: April 16, 2024 Publish date: April 25, 2024 Effective Date: May 15, 2024 Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the second reading of Ordinance #24-03. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS POSITION After some discussion it was moved by Richter seconded by Graham to offer the Public Works position to Chris Maas. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Councilor Richter asked that both candidates be notified soon. SKIRTING OF MOBILE HOME Penny Kane explained that she’d had difficulty finding someone to skirt her home at 109 S. C Ave. but that she did finally find someone today and they plan to start on it next week. Motion by Graham seconded by Hockenbary to approve a 30-day extension for the skirting to be completed on her home. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SPIKING PERMIT Motion by Richter seconded by Hockenbary to approve Spiking Permit #24-05 for Zane Volmer on May 4, 2024 at the Community Center. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGES Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to change the first meeting of June and November to the first Monday of those months to allow for the elections on the regular meeting dates. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. COMMUNITY CENTER RENTAL FEE The Finance Officer asked the Council if the rental fee for County use of the Community Center for elections should still be half of the regular rate. It was agreed that the fee would remain the same. KINDERGARTEN CELEBRATION The Kindergarten Celebration is scheduled for May 15, 2024 at the Community at 6:00 p.m. all are welcome to attend and please donate an item to each of the students if you are so inclined. JOB APPLICATION Some changes were made to the Job Application to update it. Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to table discussion of the changes until the next meeting so they could have time to look over the changes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. LABOR DAY Sara Hansen with the Labor Day Committee requested that A Ave. from Oak to Elm be closed from 1 p.m. to 12 a.m. and open container in the same area be allowed on Sunday, September 1, 2024. Also, that Pine St. be closed from A Ave. to B Ave. on Monday, September 2, 2024 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with open container allowed in that area. She’d also requested permission to use the Community Center, city electrical and property both days. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to give permission for all requests. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve Building Permit #24-05 for Alysha Carreathers to install additional windows at 103 W. Elm. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. WATER MAIN SPECIFICATIONS Mr. Hall will meet with Mayor Trullinger to consider a list of materials and specifications for water mains as there is no information pertaining to them in the existing Ordinances. The list will be used as a guide which Public Works personnel can refer to when doing water main extensions or repairs. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental Fund sheets were presented. • The Rapid City Public Library bookmobile plans to be in New Underwood every other Saturday during the summer months. The exact schedule has not yet been determined. • The next Council meeting will be held Tuesday May 7, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:29 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on April 2, 2024. Present were: Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Absent: Mayor Teresa Hall. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Deputy Jeff Jones, Chuck Branum, Noah Weishaar, Amy Caringi-Hall, Rikki Martinmaas, Katie Bruce, Shasta, Harper and Tristin Phillips and Jack Trullinger. The meeting was called to order by Council President Hockenbary with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
GOOD SAMARITAN CENTER Amy Caringi-Hall reported the Good Samaritan Center will be getting a new oven delivered later this month and asked if the Council would consider letting them borrow the use of City equipment and staff necessary to get the oven unloaded from the delivery truck. Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve the use of City equipment and staff as necessary when the oven is delivered. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve the minutes for March 19, 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The March bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. March bills payable April 2, 2024 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 169.39; Forte Pay (fees) – 5.00; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.60; First Interstate Bank (fee) – 15.10; FD Merchant Services (CC machine) – 37.17; Catalis, LLC (website management) – 1070.00; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Council – 1154.37; Finance – 3833.84; Public Works – 5729.23; Cleaner – 254.38; Crown Oil, Inc (fuel & gas) – 2680.02; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 3533.27; HPSD (insurance) – 2838.16; SDRS (retirement) – 1351.88; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 232.99; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 425.09; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting) – 750.00; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 153.04; City of Rapid City (dump fees) – 1517.04; City of Rapid City (Feb dump fees) – 219.87; Mastercard AP (phone, dump fees) – 721.31; Knecht Home Center (late fee) – 1.00; WREA (service) – 1780.01; SDML (district meting) – 210.00; SD Federal Property Agency (shop tools) – 47.75; SDML Workers’ Compensation (2023 audit billing) – 559.00; Menards (shop) – 100.43; Black Hills Chemical (CC, shop supplies) – 66.94; Pennington County Highway Dept. (sanding material) – 70.00 TOTAL: $30178.69 WATER FUND Hawkins (chemicals) – 1574.87; Northwest Pipe Fittings (parts well # 2) – 883.57 WREA (service) – 1543.97; WRT (treatment) – 2658.38; Taylor Drilling (well # 2 pump) – 12570.20; TOTAL: $19230.99 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 75.33; Continental Research (chemicals) – 1005.89 TOTAL: $1081.22
PUBLIC WORKS • They have been working on equipment repairs. • The wood pit at the dump has been burned. • The restricted use dump site will be open on the first and third Saturday of each month this summer, weather permitting from 8-noon beginning in May.
COMMUNITY CLEAN UP WEEKEND The annual Clean-up Weekend will be held on May 4-5, 2024 and the dump will be open both days from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., weather permitting.
PET CLINIC The Box Elder Vet Clinic personnel will be holding the annual pet clinic on Saturday, May 4th 2024 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Public Works shop. New Underwood pet licenses will be also be available for $3.00 and they are valid for 2 years.
LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report.
PUBLIC WORKS POSITION AVAILABLE Two applications have been received for the public works position. The Council and incoming Mayor Trullinger would like to interview the candidates on April 8th, 2024 at the Community Center beginning at 6 p.m. The Finance Officer will contact the candidates to check on their availability.
RESOLUTION #24-07 Council President Hockenbary read Resolution #24-07.
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood applied to participate in the Start Today SD apprenticeship program the SD Dept. of Labor has available, and
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood has been approved to receive $15,000 for implementing the Start Today SD apprenticeship program, and
WHEREAS, the Department of Labor requires a signature on the Agreement to implement the Start Today SD program, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of New Underwood hereby authorizes the Director of Public Works to sign the Agreement to implement the Start Today SD program.
Dated this 2nd day of April, 2024. Tera Hockenbary, Council President (Seal)
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve Resolution #24-07. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
ORDINANCE #24-02 Ordinance #24-03 received the second reading.
Ordinance #24-02 CATV Franchise Agreement
Note: underlines are additions, strikethroughs are deletions Section 2. Term and Service to City and School The franchise herein granted shall be for a term of twenty (20) ten (10) years, renewable thereafter for terms of up to twenty (20) ten (10) years on such terms and conditions as may be mutually acceptable to Granter and Grantee; unless the same shall sooner expire by reason of other provisions hereof.
The term of this franchise shall commence on the first day of the first month next following the date of adoption, and Grantee hereunder accepts and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of this franchise. Grantee shall provide installation of one (1) cable Drop, one (1) cable outlet, and monthly Basic Cable Service without charge to City-owned buildings (defined as any building or part of a building, whether owned or leased by City, that is operated and occupied by City personnel), as well as the public school(s) within the city.
No redistribution of the free Basic Cable Service provided pursuant to this Section shall be allowed. Additional Drops and/or outlets in any of the above locations will be provided by Grantee at the cost of Grantee's time and material. Alternatively, at the Granters request, said Granter may add outlets at its own expense, as long as such installation meets Grantee's standards and provided that any fees for Cable Communications Services are paid. Nothing herein shall be construed as requiring Grantee to extend the system to serve additional institutions as may be designated by City.
(seal) Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
First reading: March 19, 2024 Second reading: April 2, 2024 Publish Date: April 11, 2024 Effective Date: May 1, 2024 Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve the second reading of Ordinance #24-02. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
BE IT RESOLVED by the New Underwood City Council that the following property be declared surplus to be sold: 1. Used galvanized well pipe from Well #2 (north well)
Dated April 2nd, 2024 (seal) Tera Hockenbary, Council President Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by VanderMay second by Graham to approve to approve Resolution #24-08. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
2024 APPRAISAL BOARD The Council sat as the Appraisal Board to assess the value of the galvanized pipe from Well #1 and Well #2. They assessed the 28 sections of pipe at Well #1 at $40.00 each, the 16 sections of pipe at Well #2 which is in good condition at $30.00 each and the pipe that isn’t in as good condition at $10.00 each. Anyone interested in purchasing the pipe can call City Hall at 605-754-6777.
BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #24-04 for Stacey Stueven at 213 S. Janklow Ave. to change the location and material of the fence providing it meets setbacks and she is made aware that the fence is currently located in the city’s east drainage ditch easement. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE Motion by VanderMay second by Graham to approve the first reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #24-03. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SPIKING PERMITS Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve Spiking Permit #24-03 on April 13, 2024 for the Community Foundation and Spiking Permit #24-04 for Tera Hockenbary on June 1, 2024. Hockenbary abstained voting on her Spiking Permit. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
COMMUNITY OUTREACH COMMITTEE Rikki Martinmaas with the Community Outreach Committee thanked Teresa Hall for the snacks she provided for the upcoming skate party at the Community Center and asked the Council if they would mind them using the pool’s speaker for the event. The Council said they didn’t have a problem with that. The Finance Officer had been asked if waivers of liability would be needed for the events held on city property. She was sent a couple of different waivers by the SDPAA that would need to be signed in order for people to participate and will forward those to Amanda Trople. Mrs. Martinmaas mentioned the committee plans to hold a dance at the school for grades 6-8 in May.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Rick Reed with Golden West Telecommunications had called to thank the Council and Mayor for taking the time to review the CATV Franchise Agreement. • The next Council meeting will be held on April 16th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center.
Being no further business Council President Hockenbary adjourned the meeting at 6:35 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on March 19, 2024. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer and Public Works Director Tim Hall, Amy Caringi-Hall, Rikki Martinmaas, Blake Miller and Jack Trullinger. Chuck Branum arrived at 6:13 and Laura Moser arrived after that. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the March 5, 2024 minutes with a correction of the General Fund total: $29,440.78, payment to the City of Rapid City for the remainder of January garbage fees - $418.32. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS • 8 loads of concrete have been hauled out of the dump site. • Public Works is over half way done with the Lead Service Line Inventory. • The garbage truck was towed from Love’s Truck Stop to Independent Truck Repair. The part has been ordered to fix it and the repair will be done soon after it arrives. • The repairs to Well #2 (the north well) have begun. The section of the pipe that was in the draw down area was falling apart. That section and the section which is normally in the water is being replaced with stainless steel pipe. Mr. Hall advised it would be a good idea to start budgeting for the next time the pipe needs to be replaced and that the whole pipe be replaced with stainless steel, but as of now the pipe that is above the draw down area is in pretty good shape and should last as long as the new pump is expected to last. • Water was supplied from Well #1 today but he believes they will be able to switch back to Well #2 tomorrow.
MAYOR • Thank you to all the anonymous donors for their donations to the Food Pantry at City Hall. • The Good Samaritan Center’s Administrator has received tickets through a grant to the Day of Excellence in Rapid City on April 24th, 2024 and has offered to give some to a Council member or City employee that would like to go. They would prefer to know if someone would like to attend this event before the end of this week. APPRAISAL BOARD The Council sat as the Appraisal Board to decide the value of the used ice machine. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to declare the ice machine as broken with no value and to store it for two weeks. If someone would like to try to fix it, it needs to be picked up within those 2 weeks or it will be disposed of. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
ORDINANCE #24-02 CATV FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the first reading of Ordinance #24-02. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
BUILDING PERMIT Motion by VanderMay second by Hockenbary to approve the change of the size of the garage from what was initially approved with Building Permit #24-01 for Clayton Lemke to 20’ x 36’ at 301 S. A Ave. with the stipulation that it meets all setbacks. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
BUFFALO RUN ESTATES • Blake Miller was made aware that the alley easement noted on the plat would need to be changed to a dedicated right-of-way. • Councilor Graham stated that he’d had a conversation with David Flint about individual pressurized lift station systems that are being utilized by some developments to provide sewer service to properties which are in areas where the service otherwise may not have been possible. There was some discussion that followed concerning the benefits of using a system like this instead of mound sewer systems. • The Council all agreed they would prefer not to have mound systems in City limits if possible. MOUND SEWER SYSTEMS Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to not grant a variance at this time to allow mound sewer systems for Buffalo Run Estates. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and VanderMay. Nay: Richter. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION #24-05 Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to table the discussion of authorizing the Public Works Director to sign the Start Today SD paperwork until more information is gathered. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
BE IT RESOLVED by the New Underwood City Council that the following property be declared surplus to be sold: Used galvanized well pipe (from Well #1- south well) Dated March 19, 2024 (seal) Teresa M. Hall, Mayor
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to surplus the galvanized pipe from Well #1 (the south well). Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
SURPLUS PIPE • There are twenty-eight 20 foot long 2 7/8” galvanized steel pipes available from Well #1. • There are approximately seventeen 20 foot long 2 7/8” of good galvanized steel pipes available from Well #2 and thirteen sections of the same size pipe that is not in good condition. • These pipes will be appraised at the next Council meeting.
3-MILE JURISDICTION Pennington County Planning and Zoning sent information concerning plans for the development of an Agritourism site within the 3-mile jurisdiction of the City of New Underwood. Any comments need to be submitted by March 20, 2024.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental Fund sheets were presented. • The next Council meeting will be held Tuesday April 2, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:47 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on March 5, 2024. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall. Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary and Tara Richter. Absent: Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Deputy Jeff Jones, Chuck Branum, Jessica Weishaar, Jack Trullinger, Laura, Frank, Mitchell and Bryce Moser, Rickkie Martinmaas, Rick Reed, Katie Bruce, Amanda Trople and Mark Johnson. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the minutes for February 20, 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The February bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. February bills payable March 5, 2024 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 93.05; Forte Pay (fees) – 5.00; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.60; FD Merchant Services (CC machine) – 37.17; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Finance (salary) – 3847.16; Public Works (salary) – 5820.29; Cleaner – 121.76; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 3188.41; HPSD (insurance) – 2838.16; SDRS (retirement) – 1351.88; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 849.28; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 376.65; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 3175.00; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 154.40; City of Rapid City (dump fees) – 1518.95; Mastercard AP (CH, shop) – 2594.19; Mastercard (parts) – 13.51; WREA (service) – 1866.14; SD DOT (bridge inspections) – 156.83; Menards (shop) – 148.71 Ace Hardware (CC- shop) – 63.51 TOTAL: $28872.46 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Mastercard AP (ice machine) – 5338.50; Taylor Drilling (pipe for Well # 2) – 7580.27 TOTAL: $12918.77 HEALTH INSURANCE FUND Kristi Pritzkau (scan) – 150.00 TOTAL: $150.00 WATER FUND Mastercard AP (motel) – 543.54; SD 811 (fees) – 49.35; WREA (service) – 1434.13; Metron-Farnier, LLC (Bruns meter & composite) – 1608.35; WRT (treatment) – 2658.38; Taylor Drilling (well # 2 pump) – 60000.00 TOTAL: $66293.75 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 92.66 TOTAL: $92.66 PUBLIC WORKS • The garbage truck that is not running correctly is scheduled to be repaired March 11th, 2024 in Rapid City. The error code it’s showing is for the injection control valve. • Progress has been made on the Lead Service Line Inventory. The process has proven to be more difficult than they were lead to believe. LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report. MAYOR • School Board Member David Flint will attend the Equalization meeting on March 18, 2024. NATIONAL GRID • Mark Johnson with National Grid reported they are 99% done with the process of getting the solar panel project operational. • The plant manager will be starting next month and will be introduced to the Council and Mayor. • There will be two full time contractors working at the site. • 230th St. has been returned to as close to original specifications as possible. • Any broken modules are properly disposed of, there are very specific rules that need to be followed for those instances. • The solar panels will become operational in April. • While some of them were in the process of moving, the wind came up and some garbage was blown around and will be cleaned up. • Installation of the 3” water line for the Bruns property is nearing completion. National Grid is not hooked up to City water and currently has no plans to be. GOLDEN WEST FRANCHISE AGREEMENT A discussion was had concerning agreements Golden West has with other cities which included the fees other cities receive from Golden West and free cable service to city owned buildings and schools. Rick Reed with Golden West Telecommunications stated the school does receive their service at no charge and if the Council were to ask for a percentage of the revenues from Golden West it would increase the customer’s bills by that fee. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to amend our current agreement with Golden West to set the time limit of the agreement to 10 years and to include free cable service to city owned buildings when it is time to renew the agreement. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. PFAS TESTING RESULTS The PFAS test came back with a positive reading. More paperwork will be sent to Napoli Shkolnik law firm to submit the settlement claim form. SNOW REMOVAL POLICY After much discussion on whether the snow removal policy should remain in the Ordinance section online it was decided there would be no change, but it should be noted that it is a policy not an Ordinance and the Director of Public Works has discretion on when and how to clear snow. The City is not responsible for clearing snow from the parking area at the school. It has been done in the past to be nice, but once the snow is cleared from the sidewalks the city staff are not required to clean the parking area again. To avoid this issue, an open line of communication between Public Works staff and New Underwood school maintenance staff is necessary. 2024 APPRAISAL BOARD Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary for the Council to sit as the Appraisal Board for all of 2024. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #24-04
BE IT RESOLVED by the New Underwood City Council that the following property be declared surplus to be sold: 1. Used Manitowoc ice machine
Dated March 5, 2024 (seal) Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve Resolution #24-04. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and Richter. Motion carried. The board will decide what the ice machine is valued at a future meeting.
BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Hockenbary second by Graham to approve BP #24-03 for CoraJo Barber at 205 E. Ash St. for a 16’ x 20’ shed providing it meets setback requirements. Aye: all. Nay none. Motion carried.
NUISANCE ABATEMENT Letters will be sent to the property owner of 513 and 517 S. A Ave. to have the sidewalk repaired and to the property owner of the Autumn Village mobile home park to have multiple properties cleaned up.
COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE • Amanda Trople explained the committee has evolved into the Community Outreach Committee. They are planning events in multiple locations, not just the Community Center. For example, a junior high dance at the school, a Zombie Walk through town for Halloween, a bingo night at the Community Center and a few other events throughout town are being discussed. • The Mayor and Council agreed that if large events are scheduled at the Community Center by the Committee and the dates are reserved and advertised they will not be expected to cancel the event if the Community Center could be rented to someone else for that date.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Casey Peterson Ltd. has rescheduled the 2023 Audit to May 2024. • The Finance Officer will register those who will be attending the District Meeting in Hill City on March 27th, 2024. • Mitchell and Bryce Moser are with Troop 7 of the Boy Scouts of America. They are attending the Council meeting to earn the Citizenship in Society Merit Badge. • March 14th, 2024 is the deadline to file an objection at City Hall for the Equalization meeting on March 18th, 2024 beginning at 3:00 p.m. at the Community Center. • The next regular Council meeting will be held March 19th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center.
Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:54 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on February 20, 2024. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer and Public Works Director Tim Hall, Chuck Branum, Jessica Weishaar, Amanda Trople and Jack Trullinger. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
A Public Hearing was held for Special License #24-06; Moe’s Bar and Grill at the Rodeo Grounds for the Labor Day Celebration on August 31, and September 1-2, 2024. The hearing was adjourned at 6:01 with no comments from those present being offered.
MINUTES Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve the February 8, 2024 minutes with the corrections of the Mastercard AP on the bill list: General Fund – $440.54; Water Fund - $2,286.00; Sewer - $290.00. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS • The new ice machine has been installed at the Community Center and is working well. • The old garbage truck is not running correctly. More information will be offered at a future meeting. MAYOR • Thank you to Modern Woodmen for the generous donation to the Food Pantry at City Hall.
HELP WANTED AD Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to run the Public Works help wanted ad in all classifieds statewide for 1 week at $150 for 25 words. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SPECIAL LICENSE It was moved by Richter seconded by Graham to approve Special License #24-06 for Moe’s Bar and Grill for Labor Day Celebrations August 31st through September 2nd, 2024 at the Rodeo Grounds. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE Mayor Hall read Supplemental Budget Ordinance #24-01.
BE IT ORDAINED by the New Underwood City Council that the following amounts be appropriated to the 2024 budget to meet the obligations of the municipality: General Government – 101/410/427 (Travel and Conference) - $2,500.00; Financial Administration - 101/414/414.6 (Insurance) – $1463.70; 101/414/427 (Travel and Conference) - $2,500.00; Public Works – 101/430/427 (Travel and Conference) - $2,500.00 Means of finance: Unexpended 2023 Funds.
Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal)
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
First Reading: February 8, 2024 Second Reading: February 20, 2024 Publish date: February 28, 2024 Effective Date: March 20, 2024
Motion by VanderMay second by Hockenbary to approve the second reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #24-01. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
BUILDING PERMIT Councilor Graham inspected the mobile home that was located at 2780 143rd Ave. Lot 46 in Rapid City and found it to meet the City of New Underwood Ordinance requirements. Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve Building Permit #24-02 for Penny Kane to move a mobile home onto the lot at 109 S. C Ave. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION #24-04 Mayor Hall read Resolution #24-04.
RESOLUTION NUMBER 24-04 CITY of NEW UNDERWOOD AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION Modified Retainer agreement with the Law Firm of Napoli Shkolnik PLLC
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood has entered into the retainer agreement with the Napoli Shkolnik PLLC, and
WHEREAS, the agreement has been modified to address how to issue funds from the settlement, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of New Underwood hereby authorized the Mayor and/or Finance Officer to act as signatory on the modified Napoli Shkolnik PLLC PFAS Cost Recovery Program retainer agreement which addresses how to issue funds from the settlement.
Dated this 20th day of February, 2024. Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal)
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
After some discussion about the fairness of the Modified Retainer Agreement it was moved by Graham seconded by VanderMay to approve Resolution #24-04. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
GOLDEN WEST CATV FRANCHISE AGREEMENT The Finance Officer will ask if Rick Reed or someone else with Golden West Telecommunications would attend another meeting to answer some questions the Mayor and Council have. It was moved by Hockenbary seconded by Richter to table the discussion concerning the Golden West CATV Franchise Agreement. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental fund sheets were presented. • The first meeting in April will be held on April 2nd, 2024 with Council President Hockenbary presiding over the meeting. • The Equalization meeting will be held March 18th, 2024 at the Community Center beginning at 3 p.m. • There is ice on the city roads that the plow is not able to move. This occurs after traffic goes over the snow. Please be aware and drive safely. Also, clarification of the snow removal policy of the parking lots at the school will be addressed by the Council. • The next Council meeting will be held Tuesday March 5, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:31 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on February 8, 2024. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall. Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary and Tara Richter, Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Deputy Jeff Jones, Chuck Branum, Joe and Jessica Weishaar, Jack Trullinger, Bart and Blake Miller and Caleb Dustman. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing began at 6:00 p.m. for comments concerning Special License #24-05 at the Rodeo Grounds for a wedding on September 7, 2024. Hearing no comments, the Public Hearing was adjourned at 6:01 p.m. MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the minutes for January 16, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The January bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Vandermay second by Richter to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. January bills payable February 8, 2024 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 232.15; Forte Pay (fees) – 5.00; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.75; gWorks (fees) – 18.10; FD Merchant Services (Dec. CC machine) – 71.09; FD Merchant Services (Jan. CC machine) – 37.17; First Interstate Bank (checking account for water improvement fund) – 100.00; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Finance (salary) – 3809.48; Public Works (salary) – 5740.37; Cleaner – 167.42; HPSD (Dec. remainder) – 222.36; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 3189.39; HPSD (insurance) – 2838.16; SDRS (retire) – 1351.88; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 441.41; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 542.00; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 1000.00; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 152.53; City of Rapid City (dump fees) – 2148.93; Mastercard AP (CH, shop) – 1020.54; Mastercard (stamps) – 66.00; WREA (service) – 2187.12; SD DOT (bridge inspections) – 757.25; SDPAA (insurance) – 14463.70; SDML (meeting & supper fees) – 120.00; SD Dept. of Labor (4th quarter reemployment) – 10.26; Pennington County Sheriff (1st quarter billing) – 15313.50; Sanitation Products (cylinder) – 683.07; Menards (shop) – 91.39 TOTAL: $57432.83 METER FUND Jack Von Eye (meter deposit refund) – 250.00 TOTAL: $250.00 WATER IMPROVEMENT FUND Genesee and Wyoming Railroad Services, Inc (RR crossing application) – 750.00 TOTAL: $750.00 WATER FUND US Bank (Jan SRF loan payment) – 1693.16; Hawkins (chemical) – 2128.72; SD 811 (fees) – 49.35; WDRWS (membership dues) – 1500.00; WREA (service) – 1362.18; WRT (treatment) – 2658.38; SDARWS (conference) – 162.50; Mastercard AP (chemicals) – 1996.00 TOTAL: $11550.29 SEWER FUND SDARWS (conference) – 162.50; WREA (service) – 86.15 TOTAL: $248.65 2023 AUDIT Casey Peterson Ltd. will begin the 2023 Audit in April 2024. PUBLIC WORKS • The new ice maker has been delivered. The previous one could potentially have been repaired but the part required to do so would have been expensive. It could be surplussed so it will be stored in the shop for now. • Mr. Hall attended a Public Works conference in Pierre this week. Although it was mostly attended by larger cities it was very informative. LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jone presented the monthly report. • Rumors of him moving away are not true. MAYOR • Danial Egan with AE2S reported had a conversation with FEMA Region 8 office and has confirmed the City’s floodplain manager can grant exceptions for minor projects in the floodway and the water line replacement classifies as a minor project. • Mayor Hall will not be able to attend the meeting scheduled for April 2nd, 2024. She stated Council President Hockenbary could run the meeting but if the Council would like to change that meeting date it could be decided at a future meeting. • Mayor Hall thanked the 4-H Club and other anonymous donors for their donations to the food pantry. • The SDML District meeting will be held March 27th 2024 in Hill City. These meetings are very educational. • There will be an inspection of a mobile home requested before the next meeting. It is currently located in Rapid City. Councilor Graham said he would try to make the time to do the inspection once the paperwork is completed. • Sandy Larson with the Box Elder Area Chamber of Commerce has invited the Mayor, Council and city staff to attend the next mixer they are hosting on March 27th, 2024 at the Box Elder City Hall Community Center. The annual fee to join the Chamber would be $50 as the City is a nonprofit. LEAD SERVICE LINE INVENTORY SURVEY The link to complete the survey is located at newunderwood.com. It is a simple survey which can be very quickly completed for those whose home was built in 1987 or after as lead water lines were no longer allowed. Mr. Hall stated that after having many conversations with the SD DANR and other Public Works department workers he believes it will be best if the New Underwood public works staff does the majority of the scratch tests here to determine what the service lines are made of and to take and submit pictures of the service lines. This could avoid some confusion and them possibly having to retest lines which residents may submit incorrectly. An Everbridge mass message will be sent to residents when Mr. Hall begins this project to inform them of what is happening. PUBLIC WORKS HELP WANTED AD The Finance Officer has submitted the help wanted ad to SDARWS to be included in their bi-monthly eNews and on their website. Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to run the help wanted ad in the Profit and the Pennington County Courant for another 2 weeks. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. The Finance Officer will look for information on posting the help wanted ad in all newspapers statewide and provide that information at the next meeting. BUFFALO RUN DEVELOPMENT A lengthy discussion concerning the Buffalo Run Development was had with Bart and Blake Miller which included the perc tests on the lots which were tested did not pass. Mounding septic systems will be researched and information gathered will be shared and discussed at a future meeting. Another option would be connecting to the existing sewer system and extending it to the property and installing a lift station over the hill for the proposed area. The Council was receptive to considering a plat of lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 instead of the 8 lots proposed earlier. The Finance Director informed Blake that the plat must have all the dedicated right-of-ways and any easements designated on it. The landowners will be meeting with Caleb Dustman and Amy Caringi-Hall to discuss placement of fire hydrants to service this area. The property owners stated that no lots will be sold until the necessary infrastructure is available to the lots. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE Mayor Hall read Supplemental Budget Ordinance #24-01. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the first reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #24-01. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #24-03 Mayor Hall read aloud Resolution #24-03.
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood must keep all water improvement funds separate from other funds and, WHEREAS, another checking and savings account needs to be opened and, WHEREAS, First Interstate Bank is the designated depository and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of New Underwood, another checking and savings account be opened and the Mayor, Finance Director, Finance Officer and Council President, as established during re-organization of the City Council after any election, have signatory authority on all claims and accounts. Adopted this 8th day of February, 2024 ________________________________ Seal Teresa M. Hall, Mayor ____________________________________ Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve Resolution #24-03. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and Vandermay. Motion carried. SPECIAL LICENSES Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the following Special Licenses for Moe’s Bar and Grill: Special License #24-03 for the Hefty Appreciation Supper on March 2, 2024, Special License #24-04 for the Rodeo Club Supper on March 23, 2024, Special License #24-05 for a Wedding on September 7, 2024; Rodeo Grounds, Special License #24-06; Labor Day Celebration on August 31, and September 1-2, 2024 at the Rodeo Grounds. Aye: all. Nay none. Motion carried. I-90 CROSSINGS INFORMATIONAL MEETING Mikayla Brackin with Stantec Engineering called to reserve the Community Center to hold a public meeting to inform local property owners of information they are gathering concerning some crossroads over and under I-90. It had been asked if they could be charged a special rate for the Community Center rental and the sound system. Motion by VanderMay second by Graham to offer the rent of the Community Center and the sound system for $200.00. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. The meeting will inform the public of the DOT’s study of low volume crossing locations at 151st Ave., 154th Ave., Weiser Rd., Exit 101/Crooked Creek Rd., and Exit 107/Cedar Butte Rd. Future meetings are being planned for Law Enforcement, EMS, etc. The information provided at the online meeting attended by Mayor Hall, Councilor Graham and the Finance Officer will be provided to Caleb Dustman. NEWUNDERWOOD.COM WEBSITE MANAGEMENT The current City website was hosted by Gov Office and is now called Catalis. The contract to renew the City website expired January 31, 2024. Two quotes have been obtained for comparison. Motion by Hockenbary seconded by VanderMay to approve signing the 3-year contract with Catalis to lock in the rates stated on the proposal starting at $1,070.00 for the first year. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The next regular Council meeting will be held February 20, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on January 16, 2024. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer and Public Works Director Tim Hall, Chuck Branum, and Jack Trullinger. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Hockenbary second by Graham to approve the January 8, 2024 minutes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCE REPORTS • Governmental fund sheets and yearly comparison sheets were presented. • The Finance Officer was told by Pennington County Housing that signs will be placed at each end of the driveway on the east side of Sunny Haven stating that it is a private drive. MAYOR As a reminder, the Legislative Rib Dinner is February 6, 2024 and Legislative Day is February 7, 2024. The Finance Officer needs to know if Council members can attend by January 31st 2024 to get them registered. PUBLIC WORKS • A new ice maker will be ordered for the Community Center as attempts to repair the existing one have been unsuccessful. • The SDARWS Annual Conference was very educational again. • The EPA is requiring an inventory of Lead Service Lines (LSL) of residences be obtained and maintained by water supply systems. The current deadline to have this completed is October 2024. The Council will consider how to best inform and encourage residents to help provide this information on the online survey and discuss it at the next meeting. More information on this is available at newunderwood.com along with a link to download the survey. HELP WANTED AD Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to run the Public Works help wanted ad in the Pennington County Courant and the Profit for an additional 2 weeks for $115.00 a week. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGE Some Council and staff will be attending the Legislative Rib Dinner and Municipal Government Day in Pierre when the regular Council meeting would be held on Tuesday February 6th, 2024. After some discussion it was moved by Richter seconded by VanderMay to change the meeting to Thursday February 8th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood is authorized by the State of SD to join or reaffirm their membership in a local government risk pool known as the South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance, and WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood includes the contract in its entirety in this Resolution (SDPAA 01.01.2024) and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of New Underwood hereby designates the Mayor and/or Finance Officer to act as signatory on the intergovernmental contract with the South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance including all other documentation and to provide such additional information as may be required by the State of South Dakota. Dated this 16th day of January 2024. Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to approve Resolution #24-01. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve Building Permit #24-01 for Clayton Lemke to build a garage at 301 S. A Ave. providing it meets setback requirements. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SPIKING PERMITS Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve Spiking Permits #24-01 for Teresa M. Hall on February 17, 2024 and #24-02 for Misti Jeffre on May 25, 2024 at the Community Center. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • A few culverts are still available that were surplussed earlier this year. • There is going to be a fundraiser for Bonnie Griffin on January 19th at the church across from the school. • The next Council meeting will be held Thursday February 8th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:28 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on January 8, 2024. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall. Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary and Tara Richter. Absent: Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Deputy Jeff Jones, Chuck Branum, Noah Weishaar and Josh and Amanda Trople. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the minutes for December 19, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The December bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. December bills payable December 31, 2023 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 106.57; Forte Pay (fees) – 5.00; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.60; gWorks (fees) – 8.75 ; Crown Oil (fuel) – 3623.10; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Council – 692.62; Cleaner – 236.40; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 280.42; HPSD (insurance) – 653.95; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 400.47; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 138.00; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 150.91; City of Rapid City (dump fees) – 1627.92; Mastercard AP (CH, shop) – 1321.65; Mastercard (office, shop, oil, GT) – 1367.51; WREA (service) – 1895.53; Menards (shop) – 41.67; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 282.47; DANR (membership) – 50.00; Timothy S. Hall (mileage) – 539.72; Allstate Peterbilt (garbage truck) – 2920.06; BJ’s Country Store (refreshments) – 48.90; North American Truck & Trailer (parts) – 130.16 TOTAL: $16,946.13 WATER FUND Eurofins Environment Testing (testing kits) – 1080.00; WRT (treatment) – 2658.38; WREA (service) – 1432.61; Hawkins (chemical) – 1282.59; US Bank (SRF Loan) – 1693.16; Metron-Farnier, LLC (parts) – 404.35; SDARWS (membership) – 222.50; Ty Grenstiner (tank mixer electricity) – 4400.00; Core & Main (tool) – 234.34 TOTAL: $13,407.93 SEWER FUND Finance (salary) – 3737.68; Public Works (salary) – 5841.19; HPSD (insurance) – 1961.85; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 2917.79; SDRS (retire) – 1312.32; SDARWS (membership) – 222.50; WREA (service) – 92.73; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06 TOTAL: $16,314.12 PUBLIC WORKS • Mr. Hall will be attending the SDARWS Conference this week in Pierre from Tuesday through Thursday. • The Christmas decorations will be taken down next week. MAYOR Mayor Hall thanked the Wicksville Workers for their generous donations to the food pantry. APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM The City of New Underwood has been approved for the SD Dept. of Labors Start Today SD Apprenticeship Program. Mr. Hall is working on the specifics with Mr. Babbitt with the SD Dept. of Labor. A job description was presented to the Council and Mayor for their consideration and suggestions. Motion by Graham second by Richter to publish the Public Works Apprentice position in the Pennington County Courant, the Profit and the SD Municipal League magazine. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. WELL #2 REPAIRS An estimate from Taylor Drilling was discussed concerning the repairs possibly needed at Well #2. The pump located there should be pumping at 145-150 gpm. It is currently only pumping at 128 gpm. This is not a major issue at the moment but it is better to do the repairs before it is a larger problem. The estimate presented for $79,012.33 includes some items that may not be necessary but represents what is believed to be the worst-case scenario of what it will take to repair any problems found once they begin the repairs. It may take up to a month to receive the parts once they are ordered and 3-4 days to complete the work. It was mentioned this may be a good time to do those repairs as water consumption is lower now than in the summer months. The money to pay for the repairs is available in Capital Replacement and Reserves in the budget. The pump which was replaced approximately 7 years ago can be saved as a back-up in case the new one fails but the seals may dry up from nonuse. Some of what was quoted may not be necessary but it will be more efficient to have the parts available in case they are needed and the prices for the items are not likely to be any lower in the future. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve paying up to $79, 012.33 to make the necessary repairs to Well #2. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and Richter. Motion carried. PAYROLL The gWorks software which is in the first stages of implementation does not offer an option to do payroll bi-monthly at this time. Motion by Richter second by Graham to change the Council payroll to quarterly to accommodate the software abilities. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. LEGISLATIVE DAY The Legislative Rib Dinner and Legislative Day in Pierre, SD will be held February 6-7, 2024. The deadline to register for this is January 31, 2024. Mayor Hall believes she will be able to attend and the Council will check and let the Finance Officer know if they will be able to attend so they can get registered. 2024 ELECTION VACANCY NOTICE The Mayor and one Council member from each ward will be up for election this year. The 2024 election will be held on April 9, 2024. Circulation of nominating petitions can begin on January 26, 2024 with a deadline of February 23, 2024 for the petitions to be turned in to the city Finance Officer or the school Business Manager as required by state law. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report. • Public Works Director Hall reported the water storage tank mixer is working very well. • 2024 Equalization hearings will be held on March 18, 2024 at the Community Center starting at 3:00 p.m. • Amanda Trople as the Community Center Committee representative stated the Committee would like to host a skate night and take donations for candy for the kids participating. Any donations from events held will need to be run through the Council and paid for by the City. • The road from Pine St. to Oak St. and the south end of Monroe Ave. is owned by Pennington County Housing as it is not a dedicated right-of-way on the City street system. The Finance Officer will find out who needs to be made aware of this and to ask that they get signage stating it is a private drive. • The next regular Council meeting will be held January 16, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:33 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer 2024 Statement of Salaries for New Underwood, SD Mayor - $6,000.00/yearly Council - $50.00/meeting Finance Officer $22.97 hourly Director of Public Works – $29.41 hourly Maintenance Man - $18.03 hourly Clerk –$12.75 - $15.45 hourly Laborers - $11.20 - $14.50 hourly Seasonal Workers – $11.20 – $16.00 hourly
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on December 19, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa M. Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Carl, Casey and Connor Knuppe, Jessica, Joe and Noah Weishaar, Wendy and Gale Bruns, Daene Boomsma and Chuck Branum. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by VanderMay second by Richter to approve the minutes for December 5, 2023 with a correction to the Bill List, Governmental Fund sheets and the Special Revenue Fund on the Savings sheets; Big Iron Realty amount should have been $16,465.00 not $16,490.00 as the $25.00 wire transfer fee was listed separately. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS • Taylor Drilling does not have a quote put together for the pump/pipe for Well #2 but it was mentioned that there will be an approximate difference of $18,000 in price for the pipe if it is replaced with stainless steel instead of galvanized steel. The pump was last replaced in 2016, the galvanized pipe was last replaced around 2010. It is believed the stainless-steel pipe would last longer. • The repairs to the old garbage truck were completed today.
MAYOR • Thank you to the Wicksville Workers for their generous donations to the Food Pantry located at City Hall. • Kailey Snyder with BHCOLG would like to schedule a meeting with the Mayor, Council, Finance Director and city staff in January for about an hour and a half to discuss New Underwood’s risk, vulnerabilities and mitigation strategies for Pennington County Emergency Management’s Mitigation Plan. Available dates were discussed and it was requested the Finance Officer schedule a time and date in January for this and then notify all necessary when it is scheduled.
SOUTH WATER LINE The Council was given a copy of the court’s ruling concerning the Bruns/Knuppe easement which ruled a meter pit is considered a structure and as such Bruns is not allowed to build a meter pit in that easement. Mr. Bruns asked the Council to consider letting him place the new meter in the same location as the original one was installed. Councilor Hockenbary inquired if any of the parties present and involved in this would have any objection to allowing the installation of a shut-off valve for the new 3” water line that Mr. Bruns is having installed in the easement. It was stated there would not be an objection to a shut-off valve being installed on the Bruns water line and Mr. Bruns stated he would get the valve installed. The Director of Public Works, Tim Hall told Mr. Bruns that any meter installed would need to be ordered through the City of New Underwood. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to allow the new meter, ordered through the City of New Underwood to be installed in the original location with the stipulation a shut-off valve be installed at the beginning of the new 3” water line located in the easement of the Knuppe property. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
ORDINANCE NUMBER 23-10 Mayor Hall read Ordinance #23-10.
C. Uses Permitted on Review (Building Permit required) Uses permitted upon review by the Governing Body on a conditional basis include: 16. Meat processing establishment. 1. Only Small Establishments will be considered as Light Industrial Operations. Small Establishments are defined by the USDA as establishments with 10 or more employees but fewer than 500 employees. 2. Air pollution. State emission standards shall be met by all possible sources of air pollution. In any case, there shall not be discharged from any sources whatsoever such quantities of air contaminants in general to endanger the comfort, health or safety of any such considerable number of persons or have a natural tendency to cause injury or damage to business, vegetation or property. 3. Odor. The emissions of odorous matter in such quantities as to be readily detectable at any point along lot lines or to produce a public nuisance or hazard beyond lot lines is to be controlled. 4. Sewage and Liquid wastes. No operations shall be carried on which involves the discharge into a sewer, watercourse, river or the ground of liquid wastes of any radioactive nature or liquid wastes of chemical nature, which are detrimental to normal sewage operations or corrosive or damaging to sewer pipes and installations.
(seal) Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
First reading: December 5, 2023 Second reading: December 19, 2023 Publish Date: December 28, 2023 Effective Date: January 17, 2024 Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve the second reading of Ordinance #23-10. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE Mayor Hall read Supplemental Budget Ordinance #23-11.
BE IT ORDAINED by the New Underwood City Council that the following amounts be appropriated to the 2023 budget to meet the obligations of the municipality: Sanitation – 602/432/411.00 (Wages and salaries) – $10,339.67; Sanitation – 602/432/412.00 (OASI) - $3,000.00; Sanitation – 602/432/454.10 (FWT) - $1,000.00 Sanitation - 602/432/454.30 (SD Retirement) - $2,000.00. Means of finance: unexpended Cares Act Funds. Public Safety – 101/420/421.00 (55% County Contract) – $2,675.00. Means of finance: unexpended 2023 funds.
(seal) Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer First Reading: December 5, 2023 Second Reading: December 19, 2023 Publish date: December 28, 2023 Effective Date: January 17, 2024 Motion by second by to approve the second reading of Ordinance #23-11. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Mr. Hall plans to retire from his position as the Director of Public Works in a couple of years. City staff has been in contact with James Babbitt with the SD Dept of Labor’s Start Today SD Apprenticeship program to discuss the requirements that will need to be met to qualify to have the Public Works Director position considered for that program. If accepted for the program the City of New Underwood would receive money from the program to help supplement the starting wages budgeted for this position. If the person hired was found not to be a good fit for the position the money would not need to be paid back to the program, but the next person hired for that position would need to be trained using the same program as the initial hire. Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve the Finance Officer’s signature on any necessary paperwork to apply for this program and to submit the letter and application to the SD Dept of Labor for the Apprenticeship program. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Graham seconded by VanderMay to approve Building Permit #23-32 for Boom Construction to build a house and concrete patio at 413 S. B Ave. as it meets all setbacks. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGE Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve changing the first meeting of January to Monday January 8th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The fees charged for renting City equipment will be discussed at the next meeting. • A suggestion was made that when hiring the apprentice for the Start Today SD program the City consider setting a time requirement to receive the additional wage supplemented by the program or a bonus be withheld until after a certain amount of training was completed. The Mayor and Council agreed that was a good suggestion and would be considered. • A question was posed as to how the City would pay the apprentice after the funds from the Start Today SD program were expended. It was stated that the wages have been budgeted for the apprentice and once the training is completed satisfactorily and the current Director of Public Works retires there will only be two Public Works employees not three and there would not be a need for any supplemental wages. • The next Council meeting will be held January 8th, 2024 at the Community Center at 6:00 p.m. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:32 p.m. (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on December 5, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall. Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Deputy Jeff Jones, John Hall, Chuck Branum, Danny Hall, Lawrence Hockenbary, Kathy Lemke, Joe and Noah Weishaar, Casey and Connor Knuppe. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the minutes for November 21, 2023 with a correction to the number of Ordinance #23-08; clarification of meter pit placement to #23-09. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The November bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. November bills payable December 5, 2023 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 109.85; Forte Pay (fees) – 5.00; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.45; FrontDesk (ACH fees) – 66.35; Coca-Cola (Sept. pool) – 224.00; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Cleaner – 554.10; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 218.30; HPSD (insurance) – 653.95; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 495.17; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 759.00; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 152.18; City of Rapid City (dump fees) – 1659.42; Mastercard AP (CC,CH, shop) – 1320.94; Mastercard (fuel, stamps) – 201.75; WREA (service) – 1764.90; Menards (shop) – 155.29; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 146.99; SD Dept. Of Revenue (title transfer/license) – 26.70; Godfrey Brake (safety lite for pickup) - 383.13; SDML (Membership dues) – 960.23; SD Governmental Human Resource (dues) – 50.00; SD Municipal Street Maintenance (dues) – 35.00; SD Governmental Finance Officers (dues) – 70.00; SD Association of Code Enforcement (dues) – 75.00; Black Hills Chemical (CC) – 84.36; Allstate Peterbilt (garbage truck) – 101.67 TOTAL: $10,697.48 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Big Iron Realty (1999 Volvo dump truck) – 16490.00; Hatch Trucking (haul dump truck) – 1800.00; First Interstate Bank (wire transfer fee) – 25.00; Mastercard AP (totes) – 2171.25; Midco (tank mixer) – 887.82 TOTAL: $21,374.07 WATER FUND WRT (treatment) – 2658.38; Mastercard AP (filter bags) – 504.78; SD DANR (annual fees) – 220.25; WREA (service) – 1447.43; SD 811 (locate fees) – 24.15; Hawkins (chemical) – 536.98; Hawkins (Oct., Sept) – 2442.55; Midco (install tank mixer/clean tank) – 3000.00 TOTAL: $10,834.52 SEWER FUND Finance (salary) – 5645.26; Public Works (salary) – 8707.78; HPSD (insurance) – 1961.85; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 4355.27; SDRS (retire) – 1968.48; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; WREA (service) – 83.77 TOTAL: $22,950.47
PUBLIC WORKS • They are working on the old garbage truck but may need to take it to a shop to get it running right. • Taylor Drilling has been contacted concerning the loss of gallons per minute and occasional spells of rusty water at Well #2. They are busy until after Christmas but will get an estimate put together for the cost of replacing the pipe and possibly the pump in the well in case that is what the problem is.
MAYOR Mayor Hall thanked those who have recently made the generous donations to the food pantry.
ORDINANCE #23-09 Ordinance #23-09 Clarification of Meter pit placement received the second reading. ORDINANCE NUMBER 23-08 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ARTICLE III; UTILITIES; A. UTILITY ORDINANCE #1- WATER – SECTION 3
Additions are underlined SECTION 3. Every customer shall provide a suitable place where a meter can be installed and the municipality shall install and maintain the same. All customers are responsible for meters freezing and will pay for a new meter. Rural customers will install a meter pit, at their expense as close to the property line or as close to the water main as possible. Where service lines with unmetered water cannot be avoided the Council will make the determination on placement of the meter pit. (seal)
Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
First reading: November 21, 2023 Second reading: December 5, 2023 Publish Date: December 14, 2023 Effective Date: January 3, 2023 Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve the second reading of Ordinance #23-09. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
ORDINANCE #23-10 Ordinance #23-10 defining meat processing plant specifications received the first reading. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the first reading of Ordinance #23-10. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION #23-18 Mayor Hall read Resolution #23-18.
WHEREAS a Plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Tract D of Lot 5 of Outlot A of the Madsen Addition to the City of New Underwood Section 31, Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and WHEREAS it appears that said plat conforms with the system of streets and alleys of the existing plat of said City and additions thereto, and that all municipal taxes and special assessments have been fully paid and that the plat of said lots had been executed according to law, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a Plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Tract D of Lot 5 of Outlot A of the Madsen Addition to the City of New Underwood Section 31, Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and the same is hereby approved, and the Finance Officer, Director of Public Works and the Mayor of New Underwood are hereby authorized to endorse on the plat a copy of the resolution and certify as to its correctness. Dated this 5th day of December, 2023. (seal)
Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve Resolution #23-10 as presented with the driveway being an easement not a dedicated right-of-way. The garbage truck will use it to collect the property owner’s garbage but the City will not be responsible for maintenance of the driveway. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE #23-11 Supplemental Budget Ordinance #23-11 received the first reading. Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to approve the first reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #23-11. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SPECIAL LICENSE #23-18 Moe’s Bar and Grill requested approval of Special License #23-18 at the Community Center; December 15, 2023 for an anniversary party. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Special License #23-18. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The next Council meeting will be held December 19, 2023 at 6:00 at the Community Center. • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report.
Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:22 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on November 21, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa M. Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary and Tara Richter. Absent: Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Danny Hall, Kevin Christenson, Josh Trople, and Chuck Branum. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the minutes for November 7, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE Mayor Hall read the guidelines for the Community Center Committee. Amanda Trople who is the head of the Committee emailed the list of interested citizens for the Community Center Committee. Moved by Hockenbary second by Graham to add the following people as volunteers in the minutes: Amanda Trople, Jenny Trople, Katie Bruce, Mike Wolf, Roxi Kenzy, Andrew Martinmaas, Rickkie Martinmaas, Amy Hakola, Tammara Hannan, Monique Coats, Kayla Koch, Amy Hall, and Laura Moser. Aye: all. Motion carried. Others will be added as they join. PUBLIC WORKS Mr. Hall reported that he had purchased a dump truck from the City of Sheridan. It had a coolant leak, so it had to be hauled here. The public works staff repaired the leak and it is running great now, and he stayed under budget. SD RURAL WATER PFAS DISCUSSION Kevin Christenson, SDARWS, (South Dakota rural water) explained that PFAS is a mixture of 5,000 chemicals that was created in 1950. It is in the clothes you wear, make up, and everywhere, including jet fuels. SD Rural Water partnered with Napoli who the City of New Underwood has signed up with for the PFAS recovery program. The Council felt it is their duty to make sure our water supply is safe, even though the government does not require testing for PFAS yet. Motion by Richter second by Graham to hire SD Rural Water to perform the required test on both wells since they are the ones doing the test for Municipalities in SD. Aye: all. Motion carried. Mr. Christenson explained the cost is $550.00 a well up front and he will forward the link to City Hall to get these tests scheduled. Kevin also said that the fees will be reimbursed. RESOLUTION NUMBER 23-17 Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to amend the authorizing resolution on the pick-up damage that was published as 23-16 be corrected to 23-17. Aye: all. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NUMBER 23-08 Ordinance Number 23-08, clarification on the placement of meter pits, received its first reading. Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve the first reading. Aye: all. Motion carried. ORDINANCE FOR MEAT PROCESSING The Finance Office presented the Council with suggestions from other Cities for wording on ordinances for small meat processing plants, which includes size of plant, air pollution, odor control, sewage and liquid waste criteria. The Council will look it over and make suggestions. The first reading of the ordinance will be December 5th. 2024 ELECTION BOARD Moved by Hockenbary second by Graham to add Mary Boydston as an alternate to the 2024 election board. Aye: all. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Mr. Branum had a question on a water meter on pine, Mr. Hall reported it was ordered and questioned where the other meter the city had provided was. It was decided that Mr. Hall will contact Daene about missing meter. • The next Council meeting will be held December 5, 2023 at the Community Center at 6:00 p.m. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:32 p.m. (Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on November 7, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall. Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Finance Director Meri Jo Anderson, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Deputy Jeff Jones, Sgt. Swanson, Doug Wessel, Noah Weishaar, Amanda Trople, Lawrence Hockenbary, Carl, Casey and Connor Knuppe. Arriving at 6:24: Jessica Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by VanderMay second by Graham to approve the minutes for October 17, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. October bills payable November 7, 2023 GENERAL FUND Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Council (salary) – 923.49; Pool (salary) – 51.70; Cleaners – 273.36; First Data (card fees) – 107.33; Forte Pay (fees) – 5.00; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.60; FrontDesk (ACH fees) – 7.95; First Interstate Bank (safe deposit box) – 25.00; City of Rapid City (Kieffer roll-off) – 325.71; City of Rapid City (license fees) – 10.00; City of Rapid City (dump fees) – 2038.66; SD Department of Labor (reemployment) – 84.93; Master Card AP (CC,CH, shop) – 1577.50; Mastercard (motel, gas) – 1295.54; WREA (service) – 1463.13; gWorks (annual subscription) – 6614.00; Menards (shop) – 664.66; Sam’s Club (gas & remainder of July/Aug) – 543.77; Pennington County Sheriff (4th quarter billing) – 14446.50; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 333.36; HPSD (insurance) – 653.95; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 239.84; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 426.40; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 230.00; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 151.74; SDML Workers Comp (renewal) – 5714.00; SD Federal Property Agency (shop, CC) – 26.00; Black Hills Chemical (CC ) – 92.57; FMG Feed & Seed (mice bait) – 44.00 TOTAL: $39614.13 WATER FUND WREA (service) – 1298.69; Racicky Ditching (labor & parts) – 2300.67; Mastercard AP (testing) – 753.50; WRT (base treatment) – 2486.25 TOTAL: $6839.11 SEWER FUND Finance (salary) – 3737.68; Public Works (salary) – 5912.30; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 2929.57; HPSD (insurance) – 1961.85; SDRS (retire) – 1312.32; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; WREA (service) – 87.86 TOTAL: $16169.64 COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE Amanda Trople reported that the Community Center Committee will be working with Teresa Gravatt and the 4-H Club to put up the Christmas decorations at the Community Center and assemble the Christmas trees for grades K-5. They will coordinate with Public Works to get the decorations and trees the week of Thanksgiving. City Hall will be decorated also if there is time. The lighting ceremony will be held on November 26, 2023 at the Community Center. Flyers will be made listing the various games and events they will have that day. PUBLIC WORKS • The Ford pickup is in good enough condition to be used around town. • Mr. Hall is looking at a couple of different auctions for a dump truck. One is in Sheridan Wyoming the other is in Kansas. There is $20,000 saved in the budget for this. • The tank mixer is installed and running in the water storage tank. • The lagoon aerator is still where it belongs. LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones introduced Sgt. Swanson and presented the September and October monthly reports. MAYOR • A donation was made to the New Underwood Community Center by Modern Woodmen in Meri Jo Anderson’s honor for being a valuable unsung hero of the New Underwood community. • National Grid and Ames Construction held a food drive for the food pantry at City Hall. The shelves are loaded with a great variety of food. The Mayor and Council thanked the workers at the solar project for their generosity. • The check for the Ford pickup and lost tools has been received from Claims Associates. • A foosball table was donated to the Sami Jo Memorial Pool. The SDPAA will be contacted to ask if the city is allowed to have it there. BRIDGE INSPECTIONS Doug Wessel with Brosz Engineering gave the Council, Mayor, Finance Office and Public Works department packets that included bridge inspection details and pictures. When explaining the contents of the packets he stated the three bridges in the city street system are in good structural condition overall but spalling and exposed rebar need to be patched and the various wingwalls mentioned need to be repositioned. The Council thanked him for the explanations. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE Supplemental budget Ordinance #23-07 received the second reading.
BE IT ORDAINED by the New Underwood City Council that the following amounts be appropriated to the 2023 budget to meet the obligations of the municipality: Swimming Pool – 101/454/411.00 (Wages and salaries) – $6,270.00; Swimming Pool – 101/454/412.00 (OASI) - $940.00; Swimming Pool – 101/454/426.10 (concessions) - $1,305.00. Means of finance: unappropriated donations. Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer First Reading: October 17, 2023 Second Reading: November 7, 2023 Publish date: November 16, 2023 Effective Date: December 6, 2023 Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the second reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #23-07. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried. SOUTH WATER LINE USERS Mr. Bruns had emailed Mayor Hall a copy of a letter from National grid rescinding their request for water service from the City of New Underwood. H 2024 ELECTION Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to set the date for the 2024 election for April 9, 2024 to be combined with the school and to appoint Connie Carmichael, Donna Rankin and Sara Hansen as the election board with Jack Trullinger as an alternate. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. HEALTH INSURANCE Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to authorize the Finance Officer’s signature on the 2024 HPSD health insurance agreement. The cost of insurance has gone from $653.95 to $705.94. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SPECIAL LICENSE Motion by Graham seconded by VanderMay to approve Special License #23-16 for Justin Hanks Medical Benefit on November 18, 2023 and SL #23-17 for the NFR watch party for the Roping Club on December 9, 2023. Both of the licenses are for Moe’s Bar and Grill LLC at the Community Center. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. 2024 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS Motion by Richter seconded by Hockenbary to approve the following license renewals: Moe’s Bar and Grill LLC at 415 S. A Ave; #PL4547 (off sale) & #RL-5660 (on-sale); Dvorak Convenience Stores, Inc. at 16098 Highway 1416; #PL-4766 (off sale) & #RL-5885 (on sale); Wendy Philipsen & Serena Rice at 524 S. A Ave; #RL-5755 (on sale). Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • A phone call has been made to Mary Boydston to inquire if she is willing to be the second alternate and we are waiting for a response. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on October 17, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa M. Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Amy Caringi-Hall, Gale Bruns, Carl, Casey and Connor Knuppe, Danny Hall and Joe Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the minutes for October 3, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS • The pool building is winterized and the cover will be put over the pool. • The lagoon aerator has been moved back where it is supposed to be. • The insurance adjuster will look at the Community Center roof damage again as damage has been found to it in more places than originally thought.
MAYOR • After Jean Lockhart contacted City Hall and said she is not the person that is responsible for 212 Ash St and 218 Bailey Ave., a letter was sent to the family members we were told were responsible for these properties, a response was received back from those family members that Ms. Lockhart is indeed the responsible party as she has power of attorney over the properties. Mayor Hall will contact her and try to find out what can be accomplished in resolving the issues with the property. • Ken Charfauros will be hosting a meeting to explain where they are in the planning process for I-90 Meats on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. and on Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. at the Community Center in New Underwood. Everyone is encouraged to attend these meetings.
SOUTH WATER LINE Gale Bruns addressed the Mayor and Council and thanked them for giving rural customers water availability. He proposed to the Council what he considered to be a way to resolve the issues between himself and the Knuppe family. National Grid had asked permission in 2022 to replace the existing line being placed on the Knuppe property for the Bruns family in the existing utility easement and to continue that line to their office. The Council had decided the meter pit for that 3” water line should be at the beginning of the water line. Mr. Bruns requested that instead, he be allowed to place the meter pit on his own land as the Knuppe family does not want a meter pit on their property for the 3” water line. He stated that National Grid is no longer part of the equation and is not negotiating to get water to their office as the last email he had received from them stated they plan to haul water to a water storage tank for the office. He also said that he had found out that National Grid had known they were going to tear his existing water line apart and had not told him that. He felt they had overstepped their bounds for not revealing this to him from the start and he is done dealing with them for now.
The Director of Public Works stated that the reason he suggested the meter should be at the beginning of the water line is because if there is a leak the land owner has a bigger incentive to fix the leak as they will have to pay for that metered water. Also, if a shut-off were installed at the beginning of the line instead of the meter pit, the City could shut the water off but multiple rural users would be shut off until the line gets repaired. Councilor Hockenbary asked to hear the Knuppe family’s side of the issue. Casey stated they are in the middle of litigation concerning the utility easement the Bruns family has on the Knuppe land over the size of the water line and locating the meter pit there also. Mr. Bruns had filed for an extension on the hearing until after he was able to approach the Council with his proposal. Nothing has been resolved between the two parties at this time. It was mentioned that there is about half of a mile of unmetered service line from the main to where the meter for the Bruns property is located.
Mayor Hall stated that while the Council can approve water availability, the issue of what can be done in an easement is not something the Council has any input on. The Mayor also said that she and the Council need to make sure that the City is protected and feels that this issue should be tabled until all litigation is settled.
Councilor Richter moved to table this discussion until the pending litigation has been settled and so the Council will have more time to get all relevant information to make an informed decision. This motion was seconded by Hockenbary. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
2006 FORD The City will buy the 2006 Ford pick-up as it was deemed a total loss by the Insurance Company but the motor still runs and is usable. The City will receive $7,192.00 for the damage to the pick-up.
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood has received a quote of $7,192.00 for the damage done to the 2006 Ford pick-up and a quote for Market value of multiple tools in said pick-up for $4,871.66, and
WHEREAS, Claims Associates needs a signed Proof of Loss for the damage done to the 2006 Ford pick-up which was stolen and for the loss of tools in that pick-up, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that as the City of New Underwood authorizes the Director of Public Works to sign the Proof of Loss for the damage done to the 2006 Ford pick-up and the loss of multiple tools in the pick-up for Claims Associates.
Dated this 17th day of October, 2023 __________________ Teresa M. Hall, Mayor
(SEAL) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham seconded by Hockenbary to approve Authorizing Resolution #23-16. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
PFAS TESTING A letter was received from Napoli Shkolnik informing us that we need to get Well #2 tested for PFA’s contamination in order to take part in the settlement from 3M and DuPont, Corteva and the Chemours Company. Councilor Graham requested that the SDML be contacted to inquire as to whether this is something that other communities are doing as well. A company out of Minnesota whose website stated they test for PFA’s has been contacted to ask if they would do that testing but we are waiting for a response.
SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE Supplemental Budget Ordinance #23-07 received the first reading. Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve Supplemental Budget Ordinance #23-07. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SNOW AND ICE CONTROL POLICY When verifying all Ordinances were correctly posted online it was discovered that the snow and ice control policy had been presented with a discrepancy between the June 7, 2017 minutes (Ordinance 17-03) stating the Director of Public Works would initiate snow removal and June 20, 2018 minutes (Ordinance #18-03) designating the Mayor as the one who initiates snow removal. After some discussion it was agreed that the Director of Public Works should be responsible for initiating snow removal.
ORDINANCE #23-08 Ordinance #23-08 ARTICLE VI – TRAFFIC CONTROL SNOW AND ICE CONTROL POLICY Section G. received the first reading. Motion by Graham seconded by Hockenbary to approve the first reading of Ordinance #23-08. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
BUILDING PERMIT #23-31 It was moved by VanderMay seconded by Richter to approve Building Permit #23-31 for Sarah and Steven Willard to build a fence and a chicken coop as long as they all meet setbacks and the residents are aware that only 5 female chickens are allowed. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental Fund sheets were presented. • Casey Knuppe inquired as to when tonight’s meeting minutes would become official. He was told they will become official after they are published and approved by the council at a council meeting. • Amy Caringi-Hall reported there had been a fire at the Boondock campground which was successfully extinguished with no injuries to humans or animals. • A request was made for a calendar to be placed on the City website to announce when Council meetings and other community meetings will be held. It was stated that the meeting dates are now the last item discussed in the meeting minutes. • The next Council meeting will be held November 7, 2023 at the Community Center at 6:00 p.m.
Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on October 3, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall. Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Finance Director Meri Jo Anderson, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Ken Charfauros, Kevin Larson, Janet Niehaus, Tom Fitch, Lisa Culham, Melissa Byrne, Chuck Branum, Ronnie Racicky and Daene Boomsma. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to approve the minutes for September 19, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. September bills payable October 3, 2023 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 104.12; Forte Pay (fees) – 5.00; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.60; FrontDesk (ACH fees) – 13.15; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Finance – 3737.68; Public Works – 5964.02; Cleaners – 177.47; Pool (certification reimbursement) – 1080.00; High Plains Carpentry & Handyman (roof repair CC) – 273.62; City of Rapid City (August fee remainder) – 369.18; City of Rapid City (annual truck registration fee) – 5.00; SD Federal Property (CC & shop) – 40.50; SD Municipal League (conference) – 375.00; Great Western Tire (fix flat) - 39.95; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 3105.70; SDRS (retire) – 1312.32; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; HPSD (insurance) – 2615.80; WREA (service) – 1833.57; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 278.64; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 495.32; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 230.00; Mastercard AP (phone, shop, CH) – 1334.43; Mastercard (shop supplies) – 47.97; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 1934.73; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 154.14; A-1 Mechanical (winterize pool) – 918.00 TOTAL: $ 27097.72 WATER FUND WREA (service) – 1594.73; Metron-Farnier, LLC (Meter parts) – 394.51; Dakota Supply Group (meter) – 160.35; Mastercard AP (testing) – 22.50; WRT (base treatment) – 2830.51 TOTAL: $5002.60 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 91.38; Continental Research Co. (chemicals) – 1002.37 TOTAL: $1093.75 SPECIAL FUND Midco Diving (water tank mixer) – 8638.18 TOTAL $8638.18 FINANCE OFFICER At the BHFOA meeting it was found the SD Dept of Labor may have an apprenticeship program available that the City of New Underwood could implement for the Public Works Director trainee, we are waiting for more information on this. PUBLIC WORKS • The pre-filters at Well #2 normally only require changing every 3 months. In June, July and August they had to be changed monthly. Taylor Drilling was contacted and Mr. Hall was told it is possible that there is a pipe in the draw down area that is rusting out. It is not possible to know until the pipe and the pump are pulled and inspected and if that is done it would make sense to replace the pump and replace the pipe with stainless steel. Meri Jo asked if WRT had been contacted about this issue, which they had and the possibility of the media needing to be changed out was discussed. Mr. Hall will contact WRT again and inquire as to this possibility. • The restricted use dump site will not be open on the first and third Saturday of the month after October. The key will still be available at City Hall during normal business hours if the road is passable. • The 6” PVC culvert was sold that was surplussed at the last meeting. • The possible pool leak was investigated further by A-1 Mechanical and Public Works staff. It is not certain that there is a leak as it is normal to have to add water to the pool daily to replace water loss due to evaporation and splashing. The pool has been winterized so it will be inspected again next spring to determine if there is a leak. • Gale Bruns has requested to be added to the next meeting agenda as there may need to be further input from the Council concerning the placement of a well pit for the 3” line south of town at the next meeting. WALL MEATS UPDATE Ken Charfauros with Wall Meats presented a power point showing plans for the meat processing plant that is to be built in New Underwood. Much discussion was held which included the following. • The meat processing plant that is to be named I-90 Meats will be located north of BJ’s Motel west of 161st Ave. Closing on the property is scheduled for January 2, 2024 and the plan is to break ground in the first quarter of 2024. It is estimated there will be a twelve to eighteen month build time required. • The facility will process the offal from the animals into a fertilizer before transport so the substance will no longer be a biological hazard. • They plan to have a staff of 35-60 people once they are operational. • The animals will be unloaded and contained inside of a building before processing. • There will be two USDA inspectors onsite. One on the clean side with the other on the dirty side. The safety of the employees and the end product is very important to them. • The financial outlook shows they will be profitable within two years after completion. • Investors will have preference for processing scheduling. • In the second phase of the project, they plan to recycle 70% of the water used at this facility. • The Council approved holding some town meetings to inform the community of the plans for this facility. The Community Center will be provided for this and as it will be an informational community event, these meetings will be at no charge. LAGOON Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to pay a rental fee for the boat that Mr. Hall purchased for $800.00 as needed for lagoon issues. This decision will be revisited if the need arises. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. CREDIT CARD MACHINE The option of purchasing a credit card machine for $800.00 for one year with a one-year warranty versus purchasing a machine for a four-year contract with a four-year warranty was discussed. Motion by VanderMay second by Richter to approve the four-year warranty option for the credit card machine at $35.00 per month for four years. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Monday October 9, 2023 is a state recognized holiday so city staff is not required to work that day. • The Council is not in favor of any type of storage units or areas in the Central Business District. • There are multiple street lights that are either burned out or stay on throughout town. • There are a few trees in the city ROW by alleys that may need to be addressed. • The next Council meeting will be October 17, 2023. • The Finance Officer will contact the property owner of the vacant lots in the Central Business District to make him aware of the need for consistent property maintenance. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:56 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:05 p.m. at the Community Center on September 12, 2023. Present were: Council President Tera Hockenbary, Council members: Larry Graham, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall and Rick Reed. Absent: Mayor Teresa Hall and Finance Director Meri Jo Anderson. The meeting was called to order by Council President Hockenbary with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to approve the minutes for September 12, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCE OFFICER A correction to the Governmental Fund Expenditures sheets has been made to Public Works; Minor Equipment and Tools to change the amount from $117.99 to $71.00 as a check for $46.99 was voided because it had already been paid. PUBLIC WORKS • Mr. Hall has tried multiple ways to find the leak at the pool and although it isn’t as bad as last year it is substantial. • Joe Vetter with A-1 Mechanical will be here Thursday September 21, 2023 to winterize the pool and try to find the leak. • The 2006 Ford pickup that was stolen, wrecked, and returned is now running but it has a shimmy when driving between 55-60 mph. Nothing has been heard from the insurance company on what the plan is for the pickup. • The Community Center roof will be repaired tomorrow. He will get quotes for the repairs needed on the inside. ORDINANCE #23-05 Ordinance #23-05 received its second reading. ORDINANCE NUMBER 23-05 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE IV – PLANNING AND ZONING SECTION XV OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW UNDERWOOD BY ZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY BEING ANNEXED INTO THE CITY BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council for the City of New Underwood that the following legal description be added to the current ordinance and zoning map changing from Agricultural to Commercial: Tract A, MHP Subd, Section 19, T2N, R11E, BHM, New Underwood, South Dakota (Seal) Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer First reading: September 12, 2023 Second reading: September 19, 2023 Publish Date: September 28, 2023 Effective Date: October 18, 2023 Motion by Graham seconded by Richter to approve the second reading of Ordinance #23-05. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Richter, VanderMay and Hockenbary. Motion carried. BUDGET ORDINANCE # 23-06 Budget Ordinance #23-06 received its second reading.
Be it ordained by the City of New Underwood that the following sums are appropriated to meet the obligations of the municipality for the year 2023: EXPENDITURES 101 General Fund 410 General Government $198,995.97 420 Public Safety $61,254.00 429 Flood Control $4,500.00 430 Public Works $193,120.48 432.3 Solid Waste $81,600.00 450 Cultural & Recreation $52,125.00 455 Library $1,000.00 456 Community Center $12,100.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $604,695.45 200 Special Revenue 410 General Government $1,000.00 429.1 Flood Control $2,000.00 430 Public Works $49,800.00 432.3 Solid Waste $4,000.00 450 Culture and Recreation $6,000.00 456 Community Center $16,200.00 432 Sewer $10,000.00 433 Water $10,000.00 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE $99,000.00 432 TOTAL SEWER $131,850.00 433 TOTAL WATER $4,306,260.00 TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENSE $5,141,805.45 REVENUES 101 General Fund 107 Assigned Cash $109,705.48 310 Taxes $320,548.00 320 License & Permits $10,900.00 330 State & County & Fed Shared $14,600.00 340 Solid Waste $93,200.00 360 Miscellaneous $40,951.97 370 Trust & Agency $3,600.00 212 Special Revenue Fund $99,000.00 TOTAL GENERAL REVENUE $692,505.45 381 WATER $4,316,300.00 382 SEWER $133,000.00 TOTAL MEANS OF FINANCE $5,141,805.45 The County Auditor is hereby authorized and instructed to spread the following taxes upon the property in said City of New Underwood, South Dakota: Tax Dollars required to finance budget: General Fund $219,048.00 Approx. REAL TAX LEVY REQUEST $219,048.00 (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Teresa M. Hall, Mayor First Reading September 12, 2023 Second Reading September 19, 2023 Publish Date: September 28, 2023 Effective Date: October 18, 2023 Motion by Richter seconded by VanderMay to approve the second reading of Ordinance #23-06. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Richter, VanderMay and Hockenbary. Motion carried.
CATV FRANCHISE ORDINANCE The CATV Franchise Ordinance is set to expire on June 29, 2024. Rick Reed with Golden West Telecommunications wanted the Council to be aware of this in case any changes to it would be needed in order to prevent a delay. At the discretion of the Council the current Ordinance could be extended another 20 years or a shorter amount of time. The Council will review the agreement and let him know if they have any questions and decide at a later meeting what they feel needs to happen.
RESOLUTION #23-16 SURPLUS CULVERTS The Council sat as the Appraisal Board. Mr. Hall stated a new 20 ft. 12 in culvert sells for $481.00 and a new 20 ft. 8 in. one sells for $323.00. After asking Mr. Hall’s opinion on what the surplus culverts could be worth Resolution Number 23-16 was introduced. RESOLUTION NUMBER 23-16
BE IT RESOLVED by the New Underwood City Council that the following property be declared surplus to be sold for the amounts listed:
1. Culverts • 2 – 20 ft. 12 in. metal - $100.00 each • 2 - 10 ft. 12 in. metal - $50.00 each • 1 – 20 ft. 8 in. metal - $75.00 • 1 – 13 ft. 12 in. metal – $25.00 • 1 – 10 ft. 12 in. metal – $25.00 • 1 – 20 ft. 6 in. PVC - $25.00 • 1 – 15 ft made by welding two water tanks together - $25.00 Dated September 19, 2023 (seal) Tera Hockenbary, Council President Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
Motion by Richter second by Graham to set the prices of each to sell on a first come first serve basis. Aye: Graham, Richter, VanderMay and Hockenbary. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Mr. Hall has personally purchased a flat bottom boat for $800.00 to use at the lagoon and he could either sell it to the City and be reimbursed or keep it for himself for fishing and charge a fee for using it at the lagoon as needed. The Council will decide what they would like to do at the next meeting. • The next Council meeting will be October 3, 2023.
Being no further business Council President Hockenbary adjourned the meeting at 6:33 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on September 12, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Sgt. Harkins, Deputy Jones, John Hall, Patrick Langfeldt, Anthony Kathol, Blake Miller, Randy Miller and Chuck Branum. Also, Amy Caringi-Hall arrived at 6:34 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve the minutes for August 15, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The August bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. August bills payable September 12, 2023 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 98.74; Forte Pay (fees) – 5.00; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 15.05; FrontDesk (ACH fees) – 7.30; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Council Members – 784.97; Finance – 3737.68; Public Works – 5595.53; Cleaners – 190.86; Pool – 6857.39; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 4433.08; SDRS (retire) – 1312.32; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; HPSD (insurance) – 2615.80; WREA (service) – 1961.35; SDML (handbooks) – 90.00; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 222.91; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 450.98; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 690.00; Mastercard AP (phone, pool, shop CH) – 1955.72; Sam’s Club (concessions, chlorine) – 804.04; Mastercard (shop supplies) – 230.99; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 2557.80; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 155.33; Bierschbach Equipment (shop supplies) – 32.00; Jenner Equipment (shop supplies) – 46.99; Great Western Tire Co. (tires & shop parts) – 42.95; Rapid Towing (towing) – 542.40; Sanitation Products (shop parts) – 643.91; NASASP (annual dues) – 39.00; Black Hills Chemical (CC supplies) - 212.78; SD DOT Finance Office (bridge inspection) - 332.47; Menards (shop) – 469.18 Casey Peterson ( audit fees) – 22979.35; Catalis LLC (annual hosting fees) – 604.20 TOTAL: $61357.88 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Hall Trucking (haul gravel) – 875.00 TOTAL $875.00 WATER FUND WREA (service) – 1680.50; US Bank (SRF fees) – 1693.16; Dakota Supply Group (meter) – 246.51; SD 811 (locate fees) – 52.50; Hawkins (chemicals) – 1518.30; SDWWA (membership dues) – 10.00; Mastercard AP (testing) – 112.50; WRT (base treatment) – 2658.38 TOTAL: $7971.85 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 91.17 TOTAL: $91.17 BUILDING PERMIT The direction the 30’ x 32’ garage was to be built had to be changed to avoid building over the existing water line. Motion by Hockenbary seconded by Richter to approve the change to Building Permit #23-25 for Dar Sether at 16038 Hwy 1416. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS • The City’s 2006 Ford pickup was stolen on August 23, 2023 from A Ave. beside the shop. Many tools were thrown out of the vehicle while it was being driven. The pickup was recovered from the Badlands after it was crashed. The insurance adjuster looked at the vehicle yesterday and it is not yet known what has been decided. • The lagoon mixer somehow became loose from the steel bars it was connected to and has floated to the far side of the lagoon. • Mr. Hall will contact someone to patch the roof of the Community Center. • Pool and Spa will be contacted to find the pool leak. • Some of the culverts that were removed when C Ave. was being brought up to city specifications will be surplussed soon. LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones went over the monthly report and gave a detailed account of what happened during the police chase after the theft of the city vehicle. • Sgt. Harkins will be retiring from law enforcement September 29, 2023. The Mayor and Council wished him a happy retirement and thanked him for his service. MAYOR • Thank you letters have been sent to the organizations that donated to the Sami Jo Memorial Pool. • The arraignment hearing for the person who stole the city pickup is scheduled for 2:15 p.m. on September 18, 2023. • Letters have been sent concerning the clean up the lots on Bailey, Ash and A Ave. which are owned by the same person. • Mayor Hall will not be able to attend the next meeting so Council President Hockenbary will run the meeting. • Meri Jo and Teresa attended the Western Dakota Regional Water System annual meeting today where two new board members were elected and the previous board members were all reelected. There are now seven board members. The meeting was very interesting. WATER SURCHARGE The Council all agreed to leave the water surcharge at $25.00 per meter as that is what was required by the state for the purpose of paying off the funds received from them. BUFFALO RUN ESTATES Randy Miller with Buffalo Run Estates supplied the Council with plats he’d had prepared for eight lots. After much discussion which included garbage pickup, snow removal, drainage, etc., it was decided a few changes need to be made to the plat in order for it to conform to the City Ordinances. There needs to be a local road with 50’ Dedicated ROW coming off of the 70’ ROW between Lots 7 and 8 going to the south to Lots 6 and 4 then to the east to between Lots 9 and 10 going north to the 70’ Dedicated ROW so the properties are not land locked and will have multiple options going into and out from them. The driving surface can be 24’ wide in the 50’ Dedicated ROW as allowed in the City Subdivision Ordinance for local roads and will be built to Pennington County specifications with culverts installed where necessary. This road will need to be located away from the 20’utility easement. Mr. Miller will meet with the NUFD to find where fire hydrants will need to be located on this property. There is a hydrant located near the property but it is a flushing hydrant, not a fire hydrant. Each of the eight lots will get perc tested and the Council will receive the results to send to the DANR to determine if septic tanks or mounds will be needed for the sewage in this area as the topography makes it a challenge to hook to the municipal sewer system. The plat this these changes will be considered at a future meeting after getting confirmation from Pennington County that it is a legal plat. Also, it was stated that the City will buy the street lights when it comes time for that to be done. BUILDING PERMITS The Council agreed that all permits could be approved together providing they each meet setbacks and payment is received. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the following permits: Building Permits #23-26 for Zach London to build a fence at 103 S. B Ave., #23-27 for Judy Nurmi to build a 6’ x 12’ patio at 319 S. B Ave. #23-28 for Hefty Seed at 711 S. A Ave. to build a 50’ x 30’ concrete pad with an 8’ x 12’ pump building to the west of the store and #23-29 for Patrick Langfeldt at 306 Madison Ave. to build a pergola over the patio and a lean-to style roof off the back side of the garage. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. ORDINANCE #23-05 Mayor Hall read Ordinance #23-05 to Zone 16402 227th St. (Ranch Receptions property) as Commercial property. Motion by Hockenbary seconded by VanderMay to approve the first reading of Ordinance #23-05. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. BUDGET ORDINANCE # 23-06 Mayor Hall read Budget Ordinance #23-06. Motion by Graham seconded by VanderMay to approve the first reading of Ordinance #23-06. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SAMI JO MEMORIAL POOL HANDBOOK Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to change the wording of the Pay System section of the Swimming Pool Handbook: (underlines are additions strike-throughs are deletions) Lifeguard, CPR, and First Aid certification costs will be paid reimbursed by the City for employee(s) who pass certification and maintain employment during the entire season of the certification and/or re-certification at the Swimming Pool. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. CASEY PETERSON ANNUAL AUDIT PROPOSAL Motion by Hockenbary seconded by Richter to accept the 5-year proposal for auditing by Casey Peterson and Associates. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SDML ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Finance Officer will get herself and Meri Jo Anderson registered for the SDML Annual Conference in Rapid City on October 3-6, 2023. This is a great conference and a lot of great information is learned during it. The registration deadline is September 15, 2023. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The invoice for the dues the City owes the WDRWS will be sent in November. • Chuck Branum thanked the Public Works personnel for fixing the potholes beside Sunny Haven even though it is not a City street. He mentioned it may need it again soon. The Director of Public Works stated he will install a sign letting trucks know they are not allowed on that street. • Anthony Kathol attended the meeting and explained he is considering running for election in 2024 to represent District 27 and has been attending meetings in different communities in the District to learn of the different issues that are experienced in the different areas. • The next Council meeting will be September 19, 2023. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:24 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
BUDGET REVIEW The 2024 Budget was reviewed starting at 5:30 on August 15, 2023 with the Council and taxpayers present. A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on August 15, 2023. Present were: Council President Tera Hockenbary, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Absent: Mayor Teresa Hall, Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Pool Manager Amy Hakola, Ronnie Racicky, Chuck Branum, David and Maureen Bamburg, Darryl Bowman, Caleb Dustman and Dub Vanneman. The meeting was called to order by Acting Mayor Hockenbary with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to approve the August 1, 2023 minutes with the following corrections to the bill list: WREA and Mastercard AP – General fund total: $55635.63; Water fund total: $5150.08; Sewer fund total: $433.73. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCE OFFICER • A grant from the New Underwood Area Community Foundation for $3,300 has been submitted, this will help keep swimming free at the Sami Jo Memorial Pool. • A winter cover is not needed for the pool as previously stated in the minutes, it is the solar pool cover that needs replaced next year. POOL MANAGER • The pool will be closing August 20th, 2023 as the lifeguards have gotten their school and sports schedules and will not be able to work on Labor Day. • The week following the 20th will be used for cleaning and hopefully to locate the pool leak. Having to fill the pool water daily, more rain than normal and other contributing factors led to algae bloom on August 14, 2023 and the pool had to be closed for the day. It is better now, but the issue should be addressed before opening the pool next year. • The Sami Jo Memorial Pool Fundraiser will be Saturday, August 20th and there are approximately 8 cardboard boats entered for the race. POOL VACUUM Motion by Graham seconded by Richter to approve purchasing the pool vacuum for $800.00 from Amazon and to create an Amazon business account if shipping is free and will be tax exempt. If not, it will be purchased in a different manner. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS • The roll off at the dump is full and Kieffer estimated it will be 3 weeks before it can be replaced with an empty one. Councilor VanderMay will contact a person he knows that works for Kieffer to see if having two of the large roll offs could be an option next summer. • They got to use the new garbage truck and have fixed a few minor issues that were found. • Hydrants have been flushed. • The meeting with Joe Noble with AE2S this past week was very informative. Joe Noble stated surveying will be done to find where other utilities are located throughout town. They hope to have a final design to submit to DANR in December and should have the approval by March of 2024. Construction could start as early as May of 2025. The project would not have to be completed until 2027 and if the bids are set for an earlier start date, the cost would most likely be increased.
ORDINANCE NUMBER 23-04 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE IV – PLANNING AND ZONING SECTION XV OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NEW UNDERWOOD BY ZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY BEING ANNEXED INTO THE CITY BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council for the City of New Underwood that the following legal descriptions be added to the current ordinance and zoning map: Lots 5 & 6 (zoned residential), and Tract A (zoned as agricultural) of MHP Subdivision (formerly a portion of the S1/2 of the SE1/4 and a portion of the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 of Section 19) Located in the S1/2 of the SE 1/4 and in the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 of Section 19, Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota Tract A of Boydston Heights Subdivision located in the W ½ NW ¼ of Section 29, Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota (zoned commercial) NW1/4 NW1/4, SW1/4 NW1/4, NW1/4 SW1/4, SW1/4 SW1/4 less the East 1220’ Section 20, and less New Underwood Road Right-of-Way on all aforementioned descriptions, Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota (zoned residential) Lot 1, Swanson Subdivision No. 2, Section 32, T2N, R11E BHM, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota (zoned residential) (Seal) Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer First reading: July 20, 2023 Second reading: August 15, 2023 Publish Date: August 24, 2023 Effective Date: September 13, 2023 Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve the second reading of Ordinance #23-04 to amend the Zoning Ordinance and the zoning map to include the four most recent annexations. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried. 2024 BUDGET The first reading of the 2024 Budget Ordinance will be at the September 12, 2023 meeting.
RESOLUTION NUMBER 23-15 BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of New Underwood that Tract A, MHP Subd, Section 19, T2N, R11E, BHM, New Underwood, South Dakota, be zoned commercial and the zoning map be amended to reflect this change. Dated August 15, 2023 (seal) Tera Hockenbary, Council President Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Richter seconded by Graham to approve Resolution #23-15 to rezone the property located at 16042 227th St. from Agriculture to Commercial for Hazel Phillips’ Ranch Receptions with Hazel’s Sweet Treats and Eats Catering. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve BP #23-24 for Dub Vanneman to build a carport and a lean-to addition to the shop at 16000 Hwy 1416 as they will meet setbacks. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by VanderMay second by Graham to approve Building Permit #23-25 for Dar Sether to build a 30’ x 32’ garage at 16038 Hwy 1416 providing it meets setbacks. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. COUNCIL MEETING DATES The first Council meeting in September will be September 12, 2023 and the first meeting in October will be October 3, 2023. LABOR DAY COMMITTEE Motion by Richter seconded by Graham to approve closure of A Ave. from Oak to Elm from 1 p.m. to 12 a.m. with open container on Sunday, September 3, 2023 and Pine St. closed from A Ave. to B Ave. Monday, September 4, 2023 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with open container and permission to use the Community Center and City electrical and property for the Labor Day events. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Ronnie Racicky stated the funds raised at the Labor Day events fundraiser will go to Katie Lane Dirksen to help with medical costs of her battle with cancer. Also, volunteers are needed to help with Labor Day events as those which previously have done it are not able to continue to do so. The Labor Day Committee thanks those who have donated their time and energy to this celebration year after year, it is much appreciated. SPECIAL LICENSE Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve SL #23-15 for the Corner Bar for Barrel Racing at the Rodeo Grounds on August 27, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental fund sheets were presented. • The Council will consider how the water surcharge will be applied to multi-family homes, apartments, etc. • New flags are needed at the Community Center. • It was asked if anything has been resolved with the property at 208 E. Oak St. in regards to the vehicles, etc. Nothing has been heard from the mother of the previous resident since contact was made. • A resident commented they would like to know what they can do when they see strangers walking around town at odd times of the day. • The property at 408 E. Pine St. will be replatted to split it in half. • The New Underwood Volunteer Fire Department will be at the Sami Jo Memorial Pool Fundraiser on August 19, 2023. The Fire Department also plans to have a fundraiser on October 28th, 2023 with a silent auction. • Darryl Bowman thanked the Council for having Public Works mow the properties at 218 Bailey. He also thanked Tim and Mike for doing a great job mowing the properties. • The next meeting will be September 12, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. Being no further business Council President Hockenbary adjourned the meeting at 6:33 p.m. (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on August 1, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Amy Caringi-Hall, Amy Hakola, Todd Himrich, Devin Pfaff, Darryl Bowman, Judy McKay and Marty Wilcox. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the minutes for July 20, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The July bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. July bills payable August 1, 2023 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 122.03; Forte Pay (fees) – 5.00; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.75; FrontDesk (ACH fees) – 10.05; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Finance – 3737.68; Public Works – 5653.72; Cleaners – 40.17; Pool – 9600.64; SD Dept. of Revenue (½ transfer ½ of malt liquor/ wine) – 225.00; SD Department of Motor (GT Plates) – 26.70; SDML (elected officials workshop) – 50.00; Sam’s Club (remainder of May/June bill) – 782.60; SD Dept. of Labor (reemployment) – 103.21; HPSD (insurance) – 2615.80; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 5054.59; SDRS (retire) – 1312.32; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; WREA (service) – 1823.10 ; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 424.42; Mastercard AP (phone, pool, shop CH) – 2503.87; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 462.33; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 598.00 ; Sam’s Club (concessions, chlorine) – 1163.88; Mastercard (ties, shop supplies) – 1101.39; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 1366.47; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 145.44; Jenner Equipment (shop supplies) – 46.99; Coca Cola (pool) – 212.00; Pennington County Sheriff (3rd Quarter billing) – 14446.50; Great Western Tire (tires & shop parts) – 479.90 TOTAL: $54766.36 METER FUND Mindy Seip (deposit refund) – 75.07 TOTAL: $75.07 WATER FUND WREA (service) – 1415.40; SD 811 (locate fees) – 52.50; Hawkins (chemicals) – 983.97; Mastercard AP (testing) – 163.50; WRT (base treatment) – 2658.38 TOTAL: $5273.75 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 95.14; Mastercard AP (chemicals) – 1084.19 TOTAL: $1179.33
PUBLIC WORKS • The water tank mixer has been ordered but it is not known when it will get installed. • There have been two applications for summer help.
POOL MANAGER • Amy is researching the best option for a new pool vacuum. • A new winter pool cover is needed. • One more session of swim lessons is being offered this season with a limited number of spots available. • The pool will be open the two weekends after school starts on August 21st and on Labor Day. • The end of the year pool party will be held August 19th, 2023 with cardboard boat races and a scavenger hunt. Modern Woodmen is offering a $2,500 match donation for this event, users of the pool are encouraged to make a donation at that time.
2022 AUDIT Devin Pfaff presented and explained the 2022 audit financial statements. No audit exceptions were noted. Motion by VanderMay second by Richter to accept the 2022 Audit. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE The Finance Officer was asked to contact Amanda Trople to request a written explanation of what the Community Center Committee’s goals are as in the past they were to give kids something to do and to promote the use of the Community Center.
BUILDING PERMITS Marty Wilcox explained that he is the property manager for 409 S. Madison and stated that the home has been cleaned and repaired and the property owner would like to rent the property out as a duplex. There are two local people that are ready to rent them and the property owner will be paying the water, sewer and garbage bill for each of them. Each section will pay at least the minimum for these services. Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve Building Permit #23-20 for a duplex at 409 S. Madison. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve Building Permit #23-23 for a covered and partially enclosed deck for The Hall at 412 S. A Ave. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. A question was posed on whether the Council would consider approving a Building permit for a “tiny home” to be built towards the back of a property. The Council asked the property owner requesting this to bring in plans with drawings and measurements to show more clearly what is being proposed. The Zoning Ordinance currently states that only one residence is allowed per lot.
YARD MOWING AND CLEAN UP A neighbor of the property located at 218 Bailey Ave. and 212 Ash St. requested that the City ensures the yards get cleaned up and mowed. The Mayor and Council agreed something needs to be done with these properties. Letters have been sent concerning these multiple times and only the outside area has been mowed in response. Mayor Hall does not feel that it would be permissible to throw away anything other than actual garbage while cleaning this property up without permission. Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to hire someone to mow and trim the yard and to dispose of any garbage found at these properties and to assess the cost of this project to the properties. The owner of the properties will be contacted soon about getting the junk out of the yard. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SPIKING PERMIT Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve Spiking Permit #23-04 for Nathan Hannon at the Community Center on September 9, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The Pennington County Sheriff’s report was presented. • The $25.00 monthly surcharge on the water bills is to cover expenses that will be incurred when the water improvements begin. • The owners of the property’s that need to be mowed will be contacted. • A request was received from the Pennington County Republicans for baskets of goods donated from local businesses for a Lincoln Day Dinner. The Council is nonpartisan and does not feel they should donate to partisan events. • There have not been any plans submitted for what is going to be built at 16079 Hwy 1416 or for Wall Meats Processing. • The next Council meeting will be August 15, 2023. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:47 p.m.
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on July 20, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Ronnie Racicky, Mark Johnson and Daene Boomsma. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Hall began the Public Hearing at 6:02 p.m. for the transfer of Uniform Alcohol Beverage License #RB-25744 (on-off sale Malt Beverage & SD Farm wine) from Harry’s Hideaway to Harry’s Hideaway LLC at 16092 Hwy 14-16 and for Hazel Phillips for Ranch Receptions with Hazel’s Sweet Treats and Eats Catering. #RB-29183 (on-off sale Malt Beverage & SD Farm Wine license) at 16042 227th St. Having no comments, the Public Hearing was adjourned at 6:03 p.m.
MINUTES Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the July 11, 2023 minutes with the correction of removing the $50.00 payment to Karen Julius in the Water Fund as this had already been paid with the March bill list. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCE OFFICER The payment made to SD Unclaimed Property for $95.40 should not have been on the bill list as an amount coming out of checking as it had been recorded as coming out when the check had been sent to Matthew Farnworth with the bill list February 2022. This has been fixed on the Revenue sheets and the Savings sheets along with the $50.00 for Karen Julius. The last page of the Budget Expenditures with the $145.40 correction was included in the packets.
INTERPRETING SERVICE After a couple of incidents at the pool when a language barrier was experienced, interpreting services were researched. Alexa White with Pennington County Emergency Management and Mindy Sargent with the SDML helped the Finance Officer find a few Limited English Proficient speaking interpreting services. As City Ordinance states this type of service will be provided, if necessary, the Finance Officer was instructed to utilize LanguageLine Solutions. The service will cost $3.95/minute for audio interpreting in over 240 languages. This service is not expected to be necessary on a regular basis but will be more user friendly than other options have been so far.
WATER TANK MIXER Mr. Hall has received a final quote for the tank mixer, cleaning and installation for $17,251.00. the mixer and tank cleaning for $12,851.00 and the installation quote was $4,400.00. This will be an improvement and as such the second penny funds can be used to make up the difference of what was budgeted for this. It was moved by Graham seconded by Richter to approve spending $17,251.00 total for the tank mixer, tank cleaning and installation using the second penny funds to supplement the budgeted amount. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
MAYOR Mayor Hall will not be able to attend the Council meeting scheduled for August 15, 2023. Council President Hockenbary will officiate that meeting.
BE IT ORDAINED by the New Underwood City Council that the following amounts be appropriated to the 2023 budget to meet the obligations of the municipality: Solid Waste 101/432.3/426 (Supplies and Materials) – $4000.00; Means of finance: Unexpended 2022 Funds.
Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
First Reading: July 11, 2023 Second Reading: July 20, 2023 Publish date: June 27, 2023 Effective Date: August 16, 2023
Motion by VanderMay second by Hockenbary to approve the second reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #23-03. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
109 S. A AVE. The property owner of 109. S A Ave. stated he couldn’t find anyone that would haul the truck from the lot. Meri Jo contacted M & W Towing and found they were willing to do it. She then contacted the property owner who called and worked out a deal with M & W Towing to have it towed himself and said that it will be out of there tomorrow. He thanked the Council for being patient with him.
BEER AND WINE LICENSES Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the transfer of Uniform Alcohol Beverage License #RB-25744 (on/off sale) Malt Beverage/SD wine for Harry’s Hideaway to Harry’s Hideaway LLC and to approve application for Uniform Alcohol Beverage License #RB-29183 (on/off sale) Malt Beverage/SD wine for Ranch Receptions with Hazel’s Sweet Treats and Eats Catering at 16042 227th St. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to approve BP #23-21 for Daene Boomsma to move a mobile home from lot 10 at 16079 Hwy 1416 to 111 S. C. Ave. pending payment of the moving application and building permit. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
ANNEXATION A petition for annexation from Daene Boomsma was presented. Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to authorize the Mayor’s signature on this petition. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Whereupon Resolution Number 23-12 was introduced.
A RESOLUTION EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF NEW UNDERWOOD, SOUTH DAKOTA, BY ANNEXING LANDS MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN. WHEREAS, not less than three-fourths of the registered voters and the owners of not less than three-fourths of the value of the territory sought to be annexed have petitioned the Common Council of the City of New Underwood for concurrent annexation and rezoning of the territory herein described; and, WHEREAS, the territory described herein adjoins and is contiguous to the existing boundaries of the City of New Underwood and is not separated from the existing City by any significant physical barriers, and annexation is natural and reasonable and the municipal body hereby created constitutes a homogenous and unified entity. WHEREAS, the Common Council for the City of New Underwood desires to annex this property to expand its borders and growth control, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of New Underwood, Pennington, South Dakota, that the following described territory be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of New Underwood, to-wit: Lot 1, Swanson Subdivision No. 2, Section 32, T2N, R11E BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota Dated this 20th day of July, 2023 CITY OF NEW UNDERWOOD (Seal) By: __________________________ ATTEST: Teresa M. Hall, Mayor ________________________________ Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve Resolution #23-12. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NUMBER 23-13
BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of New Underwood that, Lot 1, Swanson Subdivision No. 2, Section 32, T2N, R11E BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota be zoned residential and the zoning map be amended to reflect this change. Dated July 20, 2023 (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve Resolution #23-13. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #23-14
Whereas, Radio Building, LLC has shared preliminary plans for the public infrastructure of Curtis Creek Subdivision and desires assistance from the South Dakota Housing Development Authority for the purpose of providing housing development in South Dakota by providing grants and loans for housing infrastructure, and
Whereas, preliminary plans for Lot 1, Swanson Subdivision No. 2, Section 32, T2N, R11E BHM, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota have been presented and have shown to satisfy the requirements of the City of New Underwood, and
Whereas, the City of New Underwood confirms that there is capacity for adequate water supply, water treatment facilities, and wastewater treatment facilities available to support this public infrastructure project, and
Whereas, the proposed public infrastructure will be added to the ownership and ongoing maintenance responsibility by the City of New Underwood once construction is completed, and
Now therefore be it resolved that the City of New Underwood by way of this resolution hereby approves of this proposed housing infrastructure project.
MAYOR I, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer of the City of New Underwood, South Dakota, do herby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed by the City of New Underwood, South Dakota, at a meeting thereof held on the 20th day of July, 2023. (
ATTEST: FINANCE OFFICER Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #23-14 and authorize the Mayor and Finance Officer signatures on it. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
ORDINANCE #23-04 Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve the first reading of Ordinance #23-04 to amend the Zoning Ordinance and the zoning map to include the four most recent annexations. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SPECIAL LICENSE SL #23-11 had been previously approved for September 9, 2023 for Moe’s Bar and Grill at the May 11, 2023 meeting. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve adding Sunday, September 10, 2023 for Special License #23-11. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
WILD SPRINGS SOLAR PROJECT Mark Johnson with National Grid gave an update on how the solar project is going. • They are about 40% done and a couple weeks behind because of the storms and lightning. • The truck traffic is about 90% done. • They expect good weather for the Solar Does Good community fair next week and appreciate all the good footage they have gotten of the community. 111 N. C AVE. The Council instructed the Finance Officer to send a bill to the resident of 111 N. A Ave. charging him for sewer from the time that the court had ruled he pay for it to the present, the bill will include the water surcharge until a copy of the certificate stating he has a well as proof that he is not hooked into the City’s water system. Councilor Graham asked Mr. Hall what it would cost to install a water meter at the beginning of the water line so that the usage at the residences using it could be compared to the meter at the beginning of the line.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental fund sheets were presented. • Public Works mowed the property at 208 E. Oak St. • The next meeting will be August 1, 2023 Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:53 p.m.
(seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on July 11, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Deputy Jones, Amy Caringi-Hall, Amy Hakola, Lawrence Hockenbary, Chuck Branum and Jessica Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by second by to approve the minutes for June 20, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The June bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. June bills payable July 11, 2023 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 66.79; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Council – 784.97; Finance – 5232.26; Public Works – 8401.45; Cleaners – 249.97; Pool – 6308.54; Forte Pay (fees) – 5.50; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.60; FrontDesk (ACH fees) – 5.00; First Interstate Bank (bad check fee) – 4.00; SDRS (late fee) – 60.56; SDRS (retire) – 1847.52; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; HPSD (insurance) – 2615.80; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 2894.22; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 603.61; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 5681.88; SD Dept. of Revenue (sales tax) – 549.68; New Underwood School (library donation) – 1000.00; Secretary of State (notary fee) – 30.00; Purple Wave Auction (2009 Garbage truck) – 33550.00; First Interstate Bank (wire fee) – 25.00; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 552.00; Mastercard AP (phone, roll off, CH printer, propane) – 2977.28; Summit Fire Protection (inspection) – 260.00; WREA (service) – 1820.52; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 145.57; Ace Hardware (pool & shop supplies) – 52.76; Mastercard (stamps, shop supplies) – 226.73; Coca Cola (pool) – 325.00; A-1 Mechanical (pool heater maintenance) – 360.00; Kimberly Richter (IT) – 112.50; Tank Holding Corp. (garbage totes) – 3862.92; Al Cornella Refrigeration Service (CC ice machine) – 450.00; Sam’s Club (pool concessions) – 1345.19; Black Hills Chemical (CC supplies) – 208.61 TOTAL: $83268.24 METER FUND Shaina Bailey-Meier (deposit refund) – 201.00; Kaitlyn Oster (deposit refund) – 150.00; Karen Julius (deposit refund) – 50.00 TOTAL: 401.00 WATER FUND WREA (service) – 1429.65; WRT (base treatment) – 2658.38; Hawkins (chemicals) –1152.83; Northwest Pipe (meter parts) – 292.96 TOTAL: $5533.82 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 109.00; Menards (lift station cleaner) – 241.67 TOTAL: $350.67
PUBLIC WORKS • The garbage truck was purchased from Purple Wave Auctions for a total of $33,550.00. but we may not receive the title for the new garbage truck for up to 2 months as the address on it was incorrect. Mr. Hall contacted the Department of Revenue and asked if there was any sort of a temporary license we could get so the truck could be used and they said there was not. • They have started laying EZ street to patch the streets. • Mr. Hall will be attending a meeting concerning lead service lines on Thursday July, 13, 2023. By the year 2024 the EPA would like to have an inventory of all homes that have lead service lines. This will be difficult to obtain as access to the residences will be voluntary and it is preferred that no excavation be done to find this information out. • They have fogged for mosquito’s three times but it is applied with mineral oil and every time it rains it gets washed away. Residents are encouraged to help us keep the mosquito population down by mowing their yards and keeping water from pooling in yard objects. • The sewer lift station does need some work but Mr. Hall is looking into other ways of upgrading it that would be less expensive than what was quoted.
POOL MANAGER • Amy Hakola reported the first session of swim lessons went well and there were 57 kids present for it. The second session started on July 10, 2023 with 31 kids signed up right now and they may offer one more session. Today’s lessons were cancelled due to the bad weather this morning and will be made up this Saturday. • Thank you to Meri Jo Anderson and Tim Hall for all of the help. • The chlorinator is fixed • There is a leak in the pool that Tim will look into finding and repairing. • Thank you to the Bridled for Christ Church for their donations. • Amy will start advertising the August 19th end of the year party/fundraiser. • Once the pool is closed for the season it might be a good idea to get it resealed or explore other options to fixing it.
LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the June report. • He has recently given a warning for a dog that was barking constantly and that issue has been resolved. As a reminder to pet owners if a citation is issued for a barking dog a court appearance is mandatory. • There has been a vehicle theft and a trailer has been stolen. He has been reviewing videos around the times of these crimes. Please take your keys out of your vehicles and lock them and your homes. The majority of crimes committed have been crimes of opportunity. • Please call dispatch at 605-394-2151 as soon as you find a crime has been committed. Do not wait until Deputy Jones is on duty. Any evidence that may exist could be destroyed if not reported immediately.
MAYOR The insurance claim for the leak at the Community Center was denied as it is not considered a covered event because it was not caused by damage to the roof.
208 E. OAK ST. CLEAN UP The resident at 208 E. Oak St. has passed away and the contact information for his mother has been obtained. After some discussion the Mayor offered to contact the mother to see if she has any plans and to offer her the City’s help to get the vehicles removed and to get phone numbers for her to call to get the yard mowed etc.
HELP WANTED AD The Council asked that the help wanted ad not be published again after this week as nobody as responded to it and there are help wanted posters hanging up around New Underwood.
BUILDING PERMITS Mayor Hall called a 5-minute recess so the Council could look at the Building Permits. The meeting was back in session at 6:39 p.m. Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to table Building Permit #23-16 until clarification could be obtained as to the location of the proposed pergola at 113 N. A Ave. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Councilor Graham had visited the property to help measure and verify that an 8’ variance would not obstruct traffic. Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve the 8’ variance and Building Permit #23-17 for Tera Hockenbary at 417 S. B Ave. for an 8’ x 20’ shed on the west side of the property. Aye: Graham, Richter and VanderMay. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve a 6’ x 12’ deck at 204 S. C Ave. for Amanda Eberly pending payment. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the 10’ 20’ shed on skids at 212 S. A Ave. for Jackie Dahlquist pending it meeting all setbacks. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Mayor Hall received a phone call from Darcy Bolton concerning Building Permit #23-16 to clarify the location of the pergola at 113 N. A Ave. It will be enclosed in the existing fence and will meet all setbacks. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #23-16. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SPECIAL LICENSE Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve Special License #23-13 for the Corner Bar at the Rodeo Grounds for Barrel racing on July 18th and 25th, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE #23-03 Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the first reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #23-03. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MASTERCARD AP REWARDS Motion by VanderMay second by Richter to cash in the $994.54 in rewards points from the Mastercard AP card and to add it to the 2024 Budget as a line item so that what the money is used for can be easily tracked. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
ELECTED OFFICIALS WORKSHOP Councilor VanderMay would like to attend the Elected Officials Workshop on July 26th in Pierre, SD. He stated he will not need a hotel room the night before. The Finance Officer will get him registered for this workshop.
MEETING DATE CHANGE Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to change the next meeting date to July 20th, 2023 so that there is adequate time between the publish date and the meeting for consideration of the Beer and Wine license Public Hearings that will be on the Agenda. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SD STRONG MEETING Mayor Hall and Councilors Richter and Hockenbary plan to attend a mixer at a residence near Whitewood hosted by the SD Strong on Tuesday, July 18th, 2023. There will not be a quorum of the Council present at this event.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Meri Jo and Kristi met with the auditors with Casey Peterson Ltd. for the exit interview for the 2022 Audit. The auditors hope to attend the meeting on August 1, 2023 and will bring a quote for 3 and 5-year audits and give the Council the report on how the 2022 Audit turned out. • The state tax rate has changed from 6.5% to 6.2% and that is why the garbage rate is .07 less per month. • The New Underwood Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting a Family Fun day on July 22, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. • There are some yards that need to be mowed and letters have been sent to the property owners. • The Finance Officer was instructed to contact the property owner of 109 S. A Ave. and inform him that the truck is going to be towed and to contact a towing company to remove the truck from the property and also to contact the property owner of 212 S. D Ave. to make sure that it gets mowed. • The property owners of 107 S. A Ave., 218 S. Bailey and 212 E. Ash St. have begun to mow the properties. • Mr. Branum suggested putting the next meeting date at the end of the minutes so that it can be found easier by the public. The Finance Officer will try to remember to do this and would like to thank him for the suggestion. • Mr. Branum also mentioned Community Development might be interested in acquiring the property at 208 E. Oak and Western Dakota Tech might have a class that needs vehicles that require some fixing up. Mayor Hall expressed her appreciation for these suggestions and thanked him. • The next Council meeting date is scheduled for July 20th, 2023 at 6 p.m. at the Community Center Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:01 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on June 20, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Pool Manager, Amy Hakola, Amy Caringi-Hall, Olivia Hall, Bill Gillen and Joe and Jessica Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
MINUTES Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the June 6, 2023 minutes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS • The flood ditch has been mowed. • There is still no quote for the tank mixer installation. GARBAGE TRUCK Mayor Hall explained that Mr. Hall is in Fargo to inspect two garbage trucks that are going to be auctioned off tomorrow morning and would like the Council to approve $50,000 to be used from the roof monies. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve $50,000 for this purchase. After some discussion of how the city has missed out on some great deals by approving amounts that didn’t win the bids in the past Hockenbary withdrew the motion for $50,000. It was moved by Graham seconded by Hockenbary to approve up to $60,000 for the purchase of a garbage truck through the Purple Wave auction company on June 21, 2023. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
POOL MANAGER • Approximately 40 people attended the summer kick-off party on June 17th, 2023 at the pool. Mrs. Hakola said $50.00 in party supplies and $680.00 was donated at this event. Amy is checking into getting more donations and grants for pool equipment and events. The Wild Springs Solar Project team plans to make a donation to the pool when they hold their Solar Does Good community fair on July 27th and they will visit the pool to make a short video some time in June. • Over half of the food purchased for the kick-off party remains in the freezer and can be used for the summer fundraiser which Amy and the lifeguards are planning to hold August 19th, 2023. • A lightning maps app is used to see when there is lightning in the area so the lifeguards know when the pool should be closed. • There are 42 kids registered to take swim lessons so far and there are 2 after hours rentals scheduled. • Amy has set up an email for the pool at samijopool@gmail.com. • The lifeguards plan to have events on Thursdays after regular pool hours for movies, etc. • The pool heater has been fixed and the pool water temperature is up to 66 degrees now. • The chlorinator needs repaired but in the meantime chlorine tablets are being placed in the skimmers. • A LifeVac device will be purchased and kept at the pool. MAYOR • Some residents have been sent letters of abatement to mow their yards. • The Mayor, Finance Director and Director of Public Works met to review employee wages and decided to increase them to be competitive with other businesses. • The Director of Public Works plans to retire in a couple of years and someone needs to be hired to start training them for this position. It would be best to bring them in at the very start of the water improvement project. This will be planned for during the budget process.
BE IT ORDAINED by the New Underwood City Council that the following amounts be appropriated to the 2023 budget to meet the obligations of the municipality: Water 601/433.1/428.1 (Electric Pump at Well #1) – $2500.00; Water 601/433.3/422.01 (WRT Treatment) - $3200.00; Means of finance: Unexpended 2022 Funds.
Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
First Reading: May 16, 2023 Second Reading: June 20, 2023 Publish date: June 29, 2023 Effective Date: July 19, 2023
Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to approve the second reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #23-02. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
2022 AUDIT During the in-office portion of the 2022 audit it was found that $12,601.80 was coded incorrectly as 331 - CLFRF Funds, it was actually sales tax money. A correction to the annual report will increase 310 - Taxes by $6,300.90 and 200 - Special Revenue fund will increase by $6,300.90.
BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve Building Permit #23-15 for Tony Ascrizzi to build a fence at 516 S. A Ave. as it meets all setbacks. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE Amanda Trople sent an email to inform the Council that she plans to get a Facebook post out asking for volunteers to be on the committee and she’ll give the Council the names so they can be listed in the minutes. A list of guidelines has been compiled for the Community Center Committee to explain what the Council expectations will be and it was stated that these guidelines will be fine-tuned as needed.
SEWER LIFT STATION Information has been received concerning the lift station repair needs. This will be discussed at the next meeting when the Director of Public Works can be present.
SUMMER HELP WANTED The summer help wanted ad which will run in the Pennington County Courant will be $66.00 a week and will be run until the next Council meeting unless someone is hired. The Council will decide at the next meeting if they want to keep running the ad.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental fund sheets were presented. • The New Underwood Fire Department is planning a Fun in the Sun event for July 22nd, 2023. • A resident stated they had changed their whole house water filter and found it to be black so they asked if there have been any problems with the drinking water. There have been no problems that the City is aware of but this will be looked into. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:24 p.m.
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
2023 statement of salaries Finance Officer - $16.00 - $22.30 hourly Director of Public Works – $23.00 - $28.55 hourly Maintenance Worker - $14.00 - $17.50 hourly Clerk –$12.75 - $15.00 hourly Laborers - $10.80 - $14.00 hourly Seasonal Workers – $10.80 – $16.00 hourly
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on May 11, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary and Tara Richter. Absent: Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Deputy Jones, Sgt. Harkins, Danny Hall, John Hall, Amy Caringi-Hall, Amanda and Josh Trople, Amy Hakola, Hailee and Chloe Rudland, Chuck Branum, Bill Gillen, Carl, Judy, Casey, Tiffany and Connor Knuppe, Tony Ascrizzi, Mark Johnson and Jessica Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. SAMI JO MEMORIAL POOL • Hailee Rudland, lifeguard, explained that the Sami Jo Memorial Pool will be having open swimming from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. then adult swim from 1:00-3:00 p.m. and teen swim from 3:00-6:00 p.m. on Tuesday’s, all other weekdays and Saturdays will be open swim from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Sundays from 1:00-6:00 p.m. • The Summer Celebration is planned for June 17, 2023 from 10:30 to 1:30 with a bench dedication for Remi Brunson at 10:45 a.m. There will be various yard games, a car show, food and fun. Everyone is welcome and any funds raised will be dedicated to the Sami Jo Memorial Pool fund. • Chloe Rudland, concessions manager, said that they started with $425.00 of product and on opening day concessions made $207.00 and the second day they made $46.00. Fifty-nine people attended opening day and 24 people on the second day with 1 adult and 7 teens. • Amy Hakola, pool manager, stated they will be enforcing the age requirements this year. Anyone nine years of age and younger will need to be supervised by someone 14 years of age or older. • The chlorine pucks that are in stock are not the correct ones needed so she is using them in the skimmers only so as not to waste them and will get the correct ones when she gets to town. • Pool descaler should not be purchased for a very long time as it is not used very often and there is an abundance of it in stock. • They are in the process of getting swim lessons scheduled and Meri Jo Anderson will help with them when she is able to. They plan to do multiple sessions to ensure the majority of those that responded to the question posed on Facebook that they would like their kids to take lessons this year would get to do so. MINUTES Motion by second by to approve the minutes for May 16, 2023 and a correction to the April bill list published with the May 11, 2023 minutes General Fund total being $39264.51 as the check to SD Federal Property for $30.06 was voided. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The May bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. May bills payable June 6, 2023 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 89.91; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Finance – 3324.68; Public Works – 4975.60; Cleaners – 67.15; Pool – 417.88; Forte Pay (fees) – 6.00; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.45; gWorks (ACH fees) – 5.00; SDRS (retire) – 1191.36; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; HPSD (insurance) – 2615.80; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 2189.88; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 877.02; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 2907.46; SD State Treasurer (sales tax) – 437.86; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 1472.00; Mastercard AP (phone, roll off, shop) – 2749.45; WREA (service) – 1655.44; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 145.64; Crown Oil. (fuel) – 4139.41; Amy Hakola (pool supplies) – 18.08; Ace Hardware (pool & shop supplies) – 276.75; Mastercard (box rent, cert. letter, pool repair, annual fees) – 644.75; BJ’s Country Store – 13.16; Colonial Research Chemicals (weed killer) – 318.00; JJ’s Engraving & Sales (name badges) – 47.00; Coca Cola (pool) – 422.00; Sam’s Club (kindergarten refreshments) – 40.98; Racicky Ditching (pool repairs) – 191.84; Menards (pool supplies) – 44.44 TOTAL: $31936.80 SPECIAL FUND 71 Construction (EZ street) – 4084.50; Larry Phillips Trucking (hauling) – 1606.57 TOTAL: $5691.07 WATER FUND WREA (service) – 1320.98; WRT (base treatment) – 2658.38; Hawkins (chemicals) –1157.58; SD 811 (Locate fees) – 30.45; Mastercard AP (water tests) – 73.50 TOTAL: $5240.89 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 94.28; Continental Research Co. (Bacto-dose) – 2079.67 TOTAL: $2173.95 PUBLIC WORKS • A help wanted flyer will be hung around town for summer help. A seasonal worker of at least 16 years of age is preferred. State law prohibits anyone younger from running the necessary equipment. • Joe Noble with AE2S has been consulted on how to implement two pumps at the lift station in order to avoid overloading the single pump with increased usage. LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the April and May reports. • Dogs that continue to get away from their owners will be taken to the pound. • Please be aware that there has been an increase in criminal activity in a few cities in Pennington County recently. Lock your homes and vehicles and stay vigilant and don’t hesitate to call dispatch if suspicious activity is observed. MAYOR • Thank you to the Wicksville Workers for the generous food donations to the Food Pantry at City Hall. • The SDML Annual Conference is being held in Rapid City this year. Any Council member or staff who wishes to have a hotel room for this should let the Finance Officer know as soon as possible. • All of the equipment declared surplus at the last meeting has been sold. CITY HALL PRINTER A couple of quotes were received for a printing service, the lowest one being for $150.00 per month. Both quotes would require a 3-year contract if accepted. As it is not known if this service would be cost effective a printer was found that has comparable features to those offered for $649.99 with a one-year warranty. Motion by Hockenbary seconded by Richter to purchase this printer for $649.99. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Joe Noble explained the Agreement he sent for consideration was outlined by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee. It defines the design process and explains the different phases of the project and highlights the relationships of the Contractor, Engineer and City staff. AE2S will design a plan while consulting with City staff and oversee the installation of materials needed. They will ensure that all requirements of the SRF loan are met from the beginning to the end of the project including the bid process. They will be looking for the best quality work at the best price. The SRF loan does not require that a resident project representative be present for every moment of construction. An SRF loan requires the contractor to warranty the work for a minimum of 1 year and AE2S also warranties their work for a year. Joe Noble contacted Bill Lass with the Black Hills Council of Local Governments and learned it will be approximately 2 months for him to begin the environmental review which is needed to complete the loan. Once AE2S receives the signed copy of the Engineer’s Professional Service Agreement it could take 4-5 months to complete the design. This project may have a completion date of 2025.
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood hired AE2S to do an evaluation of the water system, and WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood has been awarded financial assistance to fund the water system improvement project, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of New Underwood hereby designates the Mayor and/or Finance Officer to act as signatory on the Engineering Contract with AE2S for the water system improvements. Dated this 6th day of June, 2023 Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (SEAL) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution 23-11. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and Richter. Motion carries. WILD SPRINGS SOLAR PROJECT Mark Johnson with National Grid stated the site work is approximately 50% completed. There are about 180 workers at the site and there is security at the site from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. every day including weekends. All delivery companies were instructed to have their trucks come in from Highway 44 but the majority are not doing as instructed so there will be someone stationed by BJ’s Country Store to start enforcing this once they have signs in place that this will be happening. School is out, the pool is open and kids are enjoying the outdoors and National Grid want to avoid any issues with the trucks. Mayor Hall added that she has been in contact with the Wild Springs Solar team and they have committed to making a donation to each of the organizations represented at the Solar Does Good community fair. There will be an “education station” with some artifacts that were found on the project site and a catered lunch will be offered. Mayor Hall would like the minutes to reflect the fact that rumors are very abundant about who is receiving money from the Solar Project and that she and her husband are not receiving any money from this project and is not biased in their favor because of money, also she reminds everyone that the mayor has no vote except to break a tie and has no influence over the Council although they have the right to voice their opinion. She stated that the Solar Project is here and cannot be prevented. People have the right to do what they want to do with their land and the community has and will continue to benefit from this project. SOUTH WATER LINE A correction to the December 6, 2022 Minutes is needed. Water availability was approved but not how the water lines will run and the City is not responsible for tracking where and how service lines are run. The 3” line is a service line and the City is only responsible for the 6” main. Anything after that is the customer’s responsibility. The City is requiring a meter pit be installed at the beginning of all service lines and any additions to the line that will service other customers and each customer will be responsible for their water usage. RURAL WATER • The low water pressure caused by trucks filling at the fire extinguisher by the County Shop has been addressed. • It was reiterated that any customer that whose property is not annexed into the City of New Underwood is subject to lose water availability if it is deemed necessary. HOUSING NEEDS STUDY Daene Boomsma inquired as to whether the Council would consider updating the Housing Needs Study that was done in 2016. Motion by Richter seconded by Hockenbary to table this until Mr. Boomsma is present. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SPECIAL LICENSE Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve Special License #23-13 for the Corner Bar at the Rodeo Grounds for Barrel racing on June 21st 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMITS Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve Building Permit #23-12 for Travis Madsen for a 100’ x 205’ Building that will be 40’ at the highest point at 22723 161st Ave. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by Hockenbary second by Graham to approve Building Permit #23-13 to tear down the house at 413 S. B Ave. for Jamie Boomsma. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried Motion by Hockenbary second by Graham to deny Building Permit #23-14 for Tony Ascrizzi to build a fence as he is asking for permission to block the alley behind his building at 516 S. A Ave. Aye: all. Motion carried. LIBRARY DONATION Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to donate $1000.00 to the library at the school. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE Amanda Trople would like to volunteer to begin a Community Center Committee to hold various events for all ages year round. The schedule would be coordinated with the staff at City Hall. Mayor Hall suggested the Council consider this at the next meeting when they can look at what the rules for events, scheduling and priorities, i.e., if the Community Center for a funeral, the funeral would be the priority. Any members of this committee will need to be listed in the minutes as a volunteer. MOWING NOTICE Councilor Graham will put door notices on some homes where the grass needs to be mowed. As a reminder, this part of the City Ordinances is published once a year, no other notice is required to charge the fee for City personnel having to mow a yard. Weeds. No owner or occupant shall allow any weeds or plants to grow that are declared to be dangerous or noxious weeds by the South Dakota Department of Agriculture or the State Weed Commission. Grass and weeds that are non-noxious shall not be allowed to grow to a height of more than eight (8) inches or which have gone or are about to go to seed. Fallen tree limbs, dead trees, and dead tree limbs which constitute a health, safety or fire hazard are declared a nuisance. This section does not prohibit the cultivation of crops or vegetation grown in a livestock pasture, wildflower display garden or undeveloped, unpopulated area. The Director of Public Works, will at the beginning of or during the growing season, by public notice, require all weeds and tall grass on any lot within the city to be cut. Notice need not be given personally, but will be given generally by one publication in the official newspaper. Such notice shall provide that each owner, occupant or person in charge of any lot within the city shall cut and remove all noxious weeds, and keep grass and other weeds cut from alley to street even in the right of ways as to prevent aforementioned problems from occurring. Failure to keep such weeds and grass cut will cause the same to be cut and assess the costs thereof against the property benefited. One such notice shall be sufficient for each growing season. If Public Works has to mow any private property, the minimum fee is $100.00 and $80.00/hour after the first hour and $50.00/ hour for each additional person required to complete the job. If said property has to be mowed a second time and the fee has been paid within 10 days of the bill the fee will remain the same. If the fee is not paid within 10 days of the bill the minimum fee will increase to $200.00 and $200.00/hour following the first hour. The fee will be $100.00/hour for each additional person required to complete the job. If the fee is not paid, the fee will be attached to the property and it must be paid prior to transfer of ownership. CODE ENFORCEMENT Mr. Branum inquired as to how the Council decides which ordinances they enforce. It was explained that notices are sent informing residents of which ordinance they are in violation of but if the resident does not voluntarily comply it is very expensive to hire a lawyer to enforce them. Mowing on the other hand takes time and very little money and the fee can be assessed to the property. Dogs running at large is against both City and County rules and that is what Deputy Jones is enforcing, not city ordinances. The city does not have the money to hire a full-time code enforcement officer to help enforce the ordinances at this time but suggestions are always welcome for other options. Mr. Branum suggested the ordinances may need to be updated. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The road on the east side of Sunny Haven belongs to Pennington County but Public Works has repaired it in the past and probably will again when they patch roads this year. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:28 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on May 16, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Ben VanderMay. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Bill Gillen and Jessica Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the May 11, 2023 minutes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS • It could be 7-10 days before they can start filling the pool as they are waiting for a part. • A claim has been filed for the roof and ceiling leak at the Community Center that has been patched for now. SUMP PUMPS Please do not run the water from sump pumps into the sewer as it can overwhelm the system and could cause backup of sewage into homes without backflow preventers. Some cities charge a fine for running water from sump pumps into the sewer system, the Council may want to consider doing the same if it continues to happen. SAMI JO MEMORIAL POOL Nelo Hakola may do volunteer work at the pool this summer. Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve Mr. Hakola as a volunteer for 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MAYOR The Kindergarten celebration will be held tomorrow May 17, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. for those who want to attend. RESOLUTION #23-10
Retainer agreement with the Law Firm of Napoli Shkolnik PLLC
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood has been informed by Gunderson Palmer Nelson and Ashmore LLP that it may be beneficial to sign the PFAS Cost Recovery Program retainer agreement (attached and incorporated within this Resolution) provided to us by SDARWS, and
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood includes the Napoli Shkolnik PLLC retainer agreement in its entirety in this Resolution, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of New Underwood hereby designates the Mayor and/or Finance Officer to act as signatory on the Napoli Shkolnik PLLC PFAS Cost Recovery Program retainer agreement and any or all other documentation and to provide such additional information as may be required by the Napoli Shkolnik PLLC. Dated this 16th day of May 2023. Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (SEAL) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to approve Resolution #23-10. Roll call vote. Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Aye: all. Motion carried.
APPRAISAL BOARD The Council sat as the appraisal board. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to set the price for the 2 spring airplanes at $50.00 each, the price for the slide steps at $20.00, the monkey bars at $20.00 each and the 1949 International truck at $499.00 all on a first come first serve basis. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and VanderMay. Motion carried.
SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE Motion by VanderMay second by Hockenbary to approve the first reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #23-02. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Hockenbary second by VanderMay to approve Building Permit #23-11 for David Bamburg to build a 13’ x 16’ covered porch at the back door of the home at 401 S. Bailey Ave. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
MOBILE VENDOR LICENSE Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the Mobile Vendor license for Tammy Hitt with Just Hitz. She plans to be at the Rodeo Grounds for various events. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SPIKING PERMIT Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve Spiking Permit #23-03 for Angie Derner on May 18th and 19th, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental fund sheets were presented. • Please could everyone help spread the word that when there are events at the football and baseball fields the people parking along side of the streets need to make sure that there is room for two-way traffic. Also please do not block driveways. • There are some deep ruts in the alley between Monroe and Madison that Mr. Hall will address. • The rain spouts at the Community Center should all be pointed away from the building. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:17 p.m. (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on May 11, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Amy Caringi-Hall, David Bamburg, Amanda and Josh Trople, Hailee and Chloe Rudland, Chuck Branum, Bill Gillen, Shari and Monte Sandal, Wendy Philipsen, Randy Madsen, Amy and Evan Hakola, Casey and Connor Knuppe, Mark Johnson and Ben VanderMay. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. GOOD SAMARITAN CENTER Amy Caringi-Hall stated the Good Samaritan Center will be hosting an Open-House on May 19th, 2023 during which the residents will be handing out popsicles and attendees will be welcome to tour the facility. MINUTES Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the minutes for April 18, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The April bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. April bills payable May 11, 2023 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 83.14; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Council – 923.47; Finance – 3324.68; Public Works – 5312.04; Cleaners – 163.24; City of Rapid City (March dump fees) – 171.99; Forte Pay (fees) – 6.50; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.75; gWorks (ACH fees) – 5.00; SDRS (retire) – 1191.36; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; HPSD (insurance) – 2615.80; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 1765.23; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 180.07; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 3094.76; SD State Treasurer (sales tax) – 438.05; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 621.00; Mastercard AP (phone, roll off, shop) – 1501.56; WREA (service) – 1835.33; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 145.64; SD Dept. of Labor (reemployment) – 150.06; SD Federal Property agency (shop supplies) – 30.06; Pennington County Sheriff ( 2nd Quarter Billing) – 14446.50; Knecht (shop supplies) – 21.58; Tera Hockenbary (sound system cable) – 14.95; SD Dept. of Revenue (1/2 of transfer & ½ malt beverage, SD wine license) – 600.00 TOTAL: $39294.57 HEALTH INSURANCE FUND Timothy Hall (medical) – 2872.18 TOTAL: $2872.18 WATER FUND WREA (service) – 1430.71; US Bank (SRF) – 1693.16; WRT (base treatment) – 2658.38; Clear Blue Filtration (parts) – 137.93; SD 811 (fees) – 52.50; SDARWS (water line test fees) – 400.00; Hawkins (chemicals) – 1027.29 TOTAL: $7399.97 METER FUND SD Unclaimed Property (4599 Farnworth deposit refund) – 95.40 TOTAL: 95.40 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 96.36; Continental Research Co. (Bacto-dose) – 1077.98 TOTAL: $1174.34 FINANCE OFFICER During the pre-audit, which will continue in June, it was found that the salaries of the city employees were not published in 2021. PUBLIC WORKS • Mr. Hall and Mr. Siegel attended the SDARWS Water Expo in Rapid City last month. • He has contacted another electrician for a quote on installing the tank mixer and hopes to have a quote by the next meeting. • SD Rural Water Systems suggested adding an oxidizer to the lagoon to help get rid of the smell of it. • A new ice maker is necessary at the Community Center so he will be looking at options as so far, the $2,000 in the budget is not enough to get a comparable one. • The restricted use dump site will now be open on the first and third Saturday of each month during the summer from 8 to noon weather permitting. • They will start filling the pool next week and contact the company to get the solar heater started. • EZ Street has been delivered and they will begin fixing roads in June. SAMI JO MEMORIAL POOL • The new Pool Manager, Amy Hakola, introduced Evan Hakola as the head life guard, Chloe Rudland as a concession worker and Hailee Rudland as a lifeguard. She also said Neveah Wolf and James Culver have also passed the lifeguard certifications and will be working at the pool as lifeguards this summer. • Evan Hakola and Hailee Rudland spoke of their many ideas for events this summer that will include people of all ages. One event will be a bench dedication for Remi Brunson on June 17th, 2023 at the Sami Jo Memorial Pool. • SDPAA will be contacted to ask about whether a slip-and-slide could be allowed. • Mrs. Hakola stated these events will all be self-funded with the participants donations for them. They are all very excited about planning and having the events. • Approximately 50 families responded about swim lessons, they will be held in June and when that time gets closer the lesson registrations will be made available. LAW ENFORCEMENT Sgt. Harkins and Deputy Jones were not able to attend but the monthly report was presented. The Mayor sends condolences from the City of New Underwood to the Pennington County Sheriff’s Office, the law enforcement officers she worked with in Wisconsin and the family of Deputy Kaitie Leising who was killed in the line of duty in Wisconsin a few days ago. MAYOR • The Kindergarten Celebration will be held on Wednesday May 16, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. • Mayor Hall spoke with Ken Charfauros with Wall Meats briefly and he has agreed to host another meeting to inform residents of the plans for the facility and to answer questions. RESOLUTION #23-06 Dated this 11th day of May, 2023 at New Underwood, South Dakota. (seal) Teresa M. Hall Mayor Kristi Pritzkau City Finance Officer Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve Resolution #23-06. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #23-07
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood has been approved for a SRF loan in the amount of $4,010,000 contingent upon charging a surcharge to every customer, and WHEREAS, the bond funds will be applied to the replacement of existing aged watermain and looping of waterlines in areas of the community, and WHEREAS, for the purpose of application and proper allocation of the income of the Improvements and to secure the payment of principal of and interest on the Bond, the separate fund and account shall be used solely for the water improvement project until payment in full of the principal of and interest on the Bond, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that in addition to the other charges, the City hereby establishes a surcharge of $25.00 payable by each customer of its system who receives or benefits from the services of the project financed by the DW-02 loan with the borrower bond. The collection of the surcharge shall start on July 1, 2023 to be billed in August. The surcharge shall remain in effect until such time as the borrower bond is paid in full, it shall be collected at the same time as other charges of the system, and establish a surcharge account to segregate the income from other system income for book keeping purposes to be pledged to the South Dakota Conservancy District. The surcharge shall be reviewed from year to year and modified in order to provide the required 110 percent debt coverage. Dated this 11th day of May, 2023 at New Underwood, South Dakota. Teresa M. Hall (seal) Mayor Kristi Pritzkau Finance Officer Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve Resolution #23-07. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #23-08 RESOLUTION NUMBER 23-08 WHEREAS a Plat of Tract A of Madsen Addition No. 3 located in the NW1/4 NW1/4 of Section 33, Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and WHEREAS it appears that said plat conforms with the system of streets and alleys of the existing plat of said City and additions thereto, and that all municipal taxes and special assessments have been fully paid and that the plat of said lots had been executed according to law, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a Plat of Tract A of Madsen Addition No. 3 located in the NW1/4 NW1/4 of Section 33, Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and the same is hereby approved, and the Finance Officer, Director of Public Works and the Mayor of New Underwood are hereby authorized to endorse on the plat a copy of the resolution and certify as to its correctness. Dated this 11th day of May, 2023 (seal) Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Hockenbary second by K. Trullinger to approve Resolution #23-08. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. 2023 APPRAISAL BOARD Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to set the Council as the Appraisal Board for all of 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #23-09
BE IT RESOLVED by the New Underwood City Council that the following property be declared surplus to be sold: 1. Slide steps 2. Monkey bars 3. 2 spring airplanes 4. 1949 International Truck Dated May 11, 2023 (seal) Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve Resolution #23-09. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to table the appraisal of the items until the next meeting so they can look at the items. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Hockenbary second by K. Trullinger to approve the amendment of Building Permit #23-06 for Moe’s Bar and Grill to add a 720 sq. ft. concrete pad on the west side of the structure. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. PROPERTY ABATEMENT The property owner at 109 S. A Ave. has stated he can have the truck moved next Wednesday May 17, 2023. The Council agreed that would be fine. OATHS OF OFFICE Mayor Hall thanked Kathy Trullinger for her many years of service to the community and welcomed Ben VanderMay to the table so she could administer the Oath of Office to him. The Oaths of Office were then signed by Councilors Graham and VanderMay. COUNCIL PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT The Mayor read the duties of the Council President and Vice President. Motion by Graham to cast a unanimous vote second by Richter to appoint Councilor Hockenbary as Council President. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by Graham to cast a unanimous vote second by Hockenbary to appoint Councilor Richter as Council Vice President. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS The Mayor made the following recommendations for appointments & designations: Finance Director – Meri Jo Anderson; Finance Officer – Kristi Pritzkau; Director of Public Works – Timothy Hall; Legal Counsel – Gunderson Palmer Nelson and Ashmore (GPNA) Law Firm; Law Enforcement – Contract Pennington County. Motion by Hockenbary second by Graham to approve these appointments. Aye: all. Motion carried. Meri Jo Anderson and Kristi Pritzkau signed the Oaths of Office and signed Oaths of Office have been received from Sara Frankenstein and Owen Weise with the GPNA Law Firm. LEGAL NEWSPAPER & OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY The Mayor made the following recommendations; to appoint the Pennington County Courant as the legal newspaper (Reference: SDCL 9-12-6) and to designate First Interstate Bank and SD Public Funds Investment Trust as official depositories. Motion by Richter second by VanderMay to approve these recommendations. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. UNIFORM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS Motion by VanderMay second by Hockenbary to approve the following license applications; • Corner Bar; Serena Rice & Wendy Phillipsen; 524 S. “A” Ave.; Blk 6 Lot 12, Sec. 31 T2N R11E BHM; Malt Beverage and SD Farm Wine License • Harry’s Hideaway; Harold Jensen; 16092 Hwy 1416 Lots 2BR of Lot 2 Vieths Subdivision Sec. 30; T2N R11E BHM; Malt Beverage and SD Farm Wine License • The Hall; Timothy S. Hall; 412 S. “A” Ave; Block 1, S25' of Lot 3; Lot 4-6 Sec. 31, Original Town, T2N R11E BHM; Malt Beverage and SD Farm Wine License Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMITS Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve BP #23-07 for David Rostad to enlarge the kitchen window at 406 S. C Ave. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by Graham second by VanderMay to approve BP #23-08 for Gladys Wilburn to have an 8’ x 16’ deck built at her front door at 410 E. Oak St. and to approve BP #23-10 for Randy Madsen to build a 175’ long privacy fence at 22790 161st St., Boondock’s Campground, towards the south side of the property. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SPECIAL LICENSES Moved by second by to approve SL #23-10 for Moe’s Bar and Grill for the Stockgrowers Street Dance on June 24, 2023, and to approve the closure of A Ave. from Oak St. to Pine St. starting at 3 p.m. on June 24, 2023 to all but emergency vehicles, and to allow open container in this area, SL #23-11 for Moe’s Bar and Grill for an event at the Rodeo Grounds for an event featuring various bands on September 9, 2023 and to approve SL #23-12 for The Corner Bar on May 18th and May 30th, 2023 for Barrel racing at the Rodeo Grounds. Aye all. Nay: none. Motion carried. WILD SPRINGS SOLAR PROJECT Mark Johnson with National Grid Renewables stated they have added more safety signs and they have daily safety meetings to try to prevent any accidents and that they plan to host the Wild Springs Solar Project Community Event on July 27th, 2023. Community members, landowners and partners are invited to attend to learn about the largest solar project in SD. ANNUAL REPORT Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to accept and approve the annual report and approve the publication of it. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. 2022 WATER REPORT The 2022 water report is available at newunderwood.com and notice of this was printed on all water customer bills that were mailed this month. MEETING DATE The first Tuesday of July is July 4th which is a holiday. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to move the first meeting of July to July 11, 2023 at the Community Center at 6:00 p.m. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The city’s legal counsel has not yet received a response from the Napoli Shkolnik PLLC concerning the PFAS Cost Recovery Program. • The Finance Director addressed an issue that a customer had who believed the water main they had paid for to extend it to their property belonged to them. She explained that it was made clear when the extension was approved that the water main would become the property of the City and only the service lines would be owned by the property owners. As such the Council was within their rights to approve water availability to National Grid Renewables. The Council had approved an extension of the main with 3-inch pipe as they don’t believe more properties will be served in that direction. That 3-inch main is also the property of the City of New Underwood and only the service lines will belong to the property owners. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:01 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on April 18, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary and Tara Richter. Absent: Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Amy Caringi-Hall, Randy Madsen and Wendy Philipsen, Bill Gillen and Joe and Jessica Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the April 12, 2023 minutes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS • Mr. Hall heard back from a company that could install the water storage tank mixer and has given them the measurements they requested. He believes he will have a quote from them by next week. • They have added more bugs to the lagoon than ever this winter and spring and the smell is still very strong. He will continue to communicate with other agencies to find any alternative treatments. MAYOR Resolution #23-06 for the approval of the bond for water improvements and Resolution #23-07 for the bond repayment surcharge were not listed correctly on the Agenda. Motion by Richter seconded by Graham to table these Resolution until the next meeting. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCE DIRECTOR The Finance Director testified at Mr. Kopecky’s sentencing hearing today. Judge Connolly instructed him to pay restitution to the City of New Underwood in the amount of $2772.37 at a minimum of $50.00 per month. The Mayor and Council requested the transcript from the hearing so they can decide how to further deal with the issue of continued sewer service to Mr. Kopecky’s residence. WATER AVAILABILITY An inquiry by the property owners was received concerning water availability to the property on the south side of 227th St. approximately 1400 ft. east of 161st Ave. According to city ordinances a payment of the impact fee of $1,000.00 and a connection fee of $750.00 would be required. Also, the property owners would be responsible for the cost and construction of the water main to the property which meets the City of New Underwood Ordinance specifications and which would then become the property of the City of New Underwood. Any service lines from the water main will have a meter installed in a meter pit and all repairs to the meter and any service lines after the installation would be the responsibility of the property owners. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the water availability to this property pending payment of the fees and if the property owner agrees to follow all city ordinances. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #23-08 Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to table Resolution #23-08 the preliminary plat of Tract A of Madsen addition No. 3 located in the NW1/4 NW1/4 of Section 33 as changes will be made to it. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SURPLUS At the next meeting the Council will sit as the Appraisal Board to discuss what if anything needs to be surplussed along with the park equipment being stored by Well #1. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental fund sheets were presented as well as the corrected Expenditure sheets for 2023. • No recommendations have been received yet from our legal representatives for the PFAS cost recovery program. • The SRF loan that was approved for the City of New Underwood water system improvements requires a minimum surcharge of $24.95 be charged to every water user connected to the City water system in addition to the regular monthly fees. This will be discussed at the next Council meeting on May 11, 2023. • FMG is hosting a meeting with Ken Charfauros with Wall Meats on April 19, 2023 at the New Underwood Community Center to further explain how the meat processing plant will do business in New Underwood. They were recently awarded a $3.3 million grant from the USDA Rural Development to help finance the processing plant. People are encouraged to RSVP to attend this if they have questions. • A resident asked why the mill levy for New Underwood is higher than other cities in the area. The Finance Director explained that many communities are experiencing population growth so the tax burden is paid by more people thus lowering their mill levy. When New Underwood’s population grows our mill levy will go down also if the need for tax dollars doesn’t increase. • No building plans have been received from the property owner of the land east of Ron’s Propane where the trailers homes have been removed or the proposed development on the northwest side of town. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:39 p.m. (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on April 12, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Deputy Jones, Sgt. Harkins, Amy Caringi-Hall, Lawrence Hockenbary, Chuck Branum and Joe Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing was held for any comments on or objections to the off-sale #PL4547 and on-sale #RL-5660 Liquor License transfer from Montgomery Sandal to Moe’s Bar and Grill LLC at 415 S. A Ave. New Underwood, SD. Having none the hearing was adjourned at 6:01 p.m. MINUTES Motion by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve the minutes for March 21, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The March bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by K. Trullinger second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. March Bills Payable April 12, 2023 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 67.13; Salaries; Mayor – 411.75; Cleaner – 34.04; Forte Pay (fees) – 6.50; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.60; First Interstate Bank (return ACH) – 3.00; SDML Workers’ Comp Fund – 882.00; HPSD (insurance) – 653.95; Menards (shop) – 219.44; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 1726.20; City of Rapid City (reissue check 4957 for $1714.73) – 0.00; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 229.15; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 132.14; SDML (District meeting) – 200.00; SD State Treasurer (sales tax) – 401.09; Mastercard (office) – 238.87; Mastercard AP (phone, roll off) – 597.03; WREA (service) – 1957.80; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 146.98; Tera Hockenbary (mileage) – 187.50; Interstate All Battery (battery) – 183.75; SDPAA (insurance) – 12597.25; Pennington County Highway (sand) – 211.25; SD Federal Property (tools) – 30.60; GovOffice (domain renewal) – 220.00; Samantha Hall (copy paper) – 36.98 TOTAL: $21387.00 WATER FUND Finance – 3748.56; Public Works – 6770.36; HPSD (health) – 1961.85; IRS-EFTPS (SS, FWT) – 3296.65; SDRS (retire) – 1191.36; Aflac (insurance) - 228.06; WREA (service) – 1467.94; Menards (well #1 part) – 26.29; Pressure Service (water salesman) – 3178.14; AE2S (2022 water system evaluation) – 16285.00; WRT (radium removal) – 2486.25; Metron-Farnier (6 meters) – 442.52 TOTAL: $41,082.98 METER FUND Sean Hunter (balance of deposit) – 57.00; Karen Julius (deposit) – 50.00 TOTAL: $107.00 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 115.35 TOTAL: $115.35 FINANCE OFFICER The following mistakes have been found on the previous years’ financials: $130.00 for PO Box rent, $26.48 and $22.58 for Mastercard AP had all been on the bill list for approval twice and shouldn’t have been. The checks that were reissued in the amounts of $16531.73 on the November 2022 bill list, $230.87 and $150.30 on the January 2023 bill list should not have had amounts listed as they had already been recorded as amounts taken from the appropriate funds. The December 2022 bill list had $4.50 for First Interstate Bank fee and it was actually $2.25. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve these corrections. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MAYOR Mayor Hall informed the Council that the printer at City Hall needs to be replaced. The Finance Officer was instructed to look into getting a replacement and possibly renting one if it could increase productivity. PUBLIC WORKS • The new pump at Well #1 has been working great. • Mr. Hall has still not heard back from the company about the mixer for the water tank at Well #2 but has placed another call into them. • EZ Street has been ordered and should be delivered in 2-3 weeks. COMMUNITY CLEAN UP WEEKEND The annual Clean-up Weekend will be held on May 6-7, 2023 and the dump will be open both days from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., weather permitting. PET CLINIC The Box Elder Vet Clinic personnel will be holding the annual pet clinic on Saturday, May 6th 2023 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Public Works shop. New Underwood pet licenses will be also be available for $3.00 and they are valid for 2 years. LAW ENFORCEMENT Deputy Jones presented the monthly report and stated that the sometimes-problematic situations at Sunny Haven have improved since the cameras have been installed and a proactive manager has been hired. RESOLUTION #23-04 The Pennington County Register of Deeds office requested the wording of the property description be: Lot 5 of Block 7of the Original Townsite of the City of New Underwood. Permission was given to do so by Mayor Hall as this was a minor detail that had been overlooked and did not change the intent of the Resolution. Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the addition of the City of New to Resolution #23-04. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT The SRF Loan was approved by the SD Water and Natural Resources Board that the meeting on March 30, 2023 in the amount of $4,010,000 for drinking water infrastructure improvements. The loan will have up to 61.4% principal forgiveness not to exceed $2,460,000 the interest rate will be 3% for 30 years. A resolution giving approval of certain drinking water facilities improvements, giving approval to accept a bond, etc. was sent from Deb Mathews with Meierhenry Sargent LLC. The loan was approved with a requirement of a minimum surcharge of $24.95 to every water customer that is to be kept in a separate account and the money can only be used for specific improvements. Motion by Hockenbary second by K. Trullinger to table this discussion until the next meeting. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. ABATEMENT The owner of the property at 109 S. A Ave. was sent a certified letter concerning the removal of the camper with broken windows and moving the truck from the ROW of the street and repairing the broken windows. The camper has been removed from the property and the property owner contacted City Hall to inform them he is trying to find a different place for the truck. The Council set a final date of May 1, 2023 before the city will have the truck moved. LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER It was moved by Graham seconded by Richter to approve the transfer of the off-sale #PL4547 and on-sale #RL-5660 Liquor License from Montgomery Sandal to Moe’s Bar and Grill LLC at 415 S. A Ave. New Underwood, SD. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MEETING DATE Mayor Hall will not be able to attend the May 2, 2023 Council meeting. State law requires that the Oath of Office be administered, and the Council President and Vice President be elected at the first meeting in May. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to move the first meeting to Thursday May 11, 2023 at 6 p.m. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #23-05 Mayor Hall read the following Resolution.
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood is required by SD Legislative Audit to have its financial statements audited, and WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood will hire Casey Peterson, LTD to audit two (2) years of financial statements, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that as the City of New Underwood is required by SD Legislative Audit to have its financial statements audited and the City of New Underwood will hire Casey Peterson, LTD to audit two (2) years of financial statements, the City of New Underwood hereby designates the Mayor and Finance Officer to act as signatory on any necessary documents, and to provide such additional information as may be required. Dated this 12th day of April, 2023 (SEAL) Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by K. Trullinger seconded by Hockenbary to approve Resolution Number 23-05. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Amy Hakola has been practicing for the lifeguard test next week with some prospective lifeguards. • A resident stated that some people may get upset if the surcharge is imposed before the water improvements are started. The Mayor and members of the Council stated that the loan is a 30-year loan, the money can only be used for what it was given for and these improvements have been deemed necessary for the well-being of the residents. • A question was raised as to how it is decided who is chosen to receive letters concerning property abatements. It was stated that as the city cannot afford to hire a Code Enforcement officer at this time, it is very expensive to hire a lawyer to enforce the abatements and as it would be a full-time job to monitor all residences in city limits, action is only taken if a written and signed complaint is filed at City Hall. A letter is then sent to the residents asking that the nuisance is abated. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on March 21, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Chuck Branum, John Hall, Bill Gillen, Monte and Shari Sandal and Joe and Jessica Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the March 7, 2023 minutes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCE OFFICER • The certified, return-receipt-requested, letter has not yet been sent to the owner of the property located at 109 S. A Ave. It will be sent this week. • Casey Peterson would like to start the Annual Audit in April. The Finance Officer hopes to be caught up with office work when they are ready to do it. MAYOR • The restitution hearing for Mr. Kopecky has been rescheduled for April 18, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. • Amy Hakola has been hired to be the pool manager this summer. She is scheduled to take the American Red Cross Lifeguard certification course at the YMCA April 20-23, 2023. She also has lifeguards and back-up help lined up for the summer. • The meeting which was held on March 15th, 2023 at the Community Center to explain the property tax assessment process was very informative. Property owners are encouraged to contact their representatives at the state level if they would like to see changes to this process. • The Water and Natural Resource Board is scheduled to meet March 30th, 2023 to decide if they will approve funds for the City of New Underwood water system improvements that are needed. PUBLIC WORKS • The new pump for Well #1 that was purchased by Ames Construction was installed the week of March 13th, 2023. PET CLINIC The date for the annual pet clinic will be announced when confirmation is received from the vet clinic. BUILDING PERMIT #23-06 Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #23-06 for Moe’s Bar and Grill to build a 72’ x 24’ addition to the existing structure on the north side pending verification from the surveyor that setbacks will be met and confirmation is received that there are no existing easements to that area. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NUMBER 23-04
WHEREAS the owner of Lot 5 of Block 7 of the Original Townsite of Underwood, (Formerly all of Block 7 of the Original Townsite of Underwood, and the north half of vacated Elm Street Adjacent thereto) Located in the SW1/4 NE1/4 of Section 31, T2N, R11E, BHM, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota, has requested a release of the easement of the north half of vacated Elm Street located at lot 5 of Block 7 of the Original Townsite of Underwood, and WHEREAS Resolution 87-13 dated November 2, 1987 was to approved with an easement to maintain the flood ditch, and said Resolution was recorded with the Pennington County Register of Deeds on November 16, 1987, in Misc. Book 32, Page 9250, and WHEREAS the Building Permit for Lot 5 of Block 7 was approved at a Council meeting on July 12, 2022 and the house has been built over said easement, and WHEREAS the Director of Public Works and the City Council agree it would cause undue hardship and inconvenience on the property owner if the City were to retain an easement of the north half of vacated Elm Street, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of New Underwood does hereby release the easement for maintenance in the north half of vacated Elm Street located at Lot 5 of Block 7 of the Original Townsite of Underwood and the Mayor and Finance Officer of New Underwood are hereby authorized to endorse this resolution and certify as to its correctness. Dated this 21st day of March, 2023 Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Mayor Hall mentioned that the Director of Public works and herself verified there will be adequate space remaining for maintenance to the flood ditch if needed. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #23-04. Aye: all. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental fund sheets were presented. • No recommendations have been received yet from our legal representatives for the PFAS cost recovery program. • There is currently no way to track online sales tax revenue separately from local business sales tax. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:15 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on March 7, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary and Tara Richter. Absent: Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, John Hall, Deputy Jones, Sgt. Vic Gus, Joe and Jessica Weishaar, Chuck Branum and Bill Gillen. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Hockenbary second by Graham to approve the minutes for February 21, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The February bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. February Bills Payable March 7, 2023 GENERAL FUND Salaries: Mayor & Council – 1289.06; Cleaner – 122.94; First Data (card fees) – 84.83; Forte Pay (fees) – 7.00; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.30; City of Rapid City (garbage) – 1511.97; Menards (cc supplies) – 375.59; Crown Oil Inc. (gas/fuel) – 2251.23; Grimms Pump & Industry Supply (fuel tanks) - 98.00; BJ’s Country Store (CC oven cleaner) – 11.18; HPSD (insurance) – 653.95; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 300.38; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee/mileage Leg. Day) – 748.38; WREA (service) – 2077.75; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 557.28; Mastercard AP (phone, roll off, hotel, shop) – 1799.92; SD State Treasurer (sales tax) – 441.56; Dept of Revenue (1/2 Malt Liq. license) - 150.00; Knecht Home Center (CH floor) - 19.58; Penn Co Highway Dept (sand) - 292.50; Qualified Presort Service (Fees) - 148.32; Mastercard (CC/Plant) - 156.85; Tara Richter (mileage/Leg. Day) - 187.50; Sam’s (public works) - 83.98; TOTAL: $ 13382.05 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Crown Oil (diesel) – 242.35 TOTAL: $242.35 WATER FUND Finance – 3539.57; Public Works – 6770.36; Aflac (insurance) - 228.06; HPSD (health) – 1961.85; SDRS (retire) – 1191.36; IRS-EFTPS (SS, FWT) – 3262.02; Hawkins (chemicals) – 1193.89; WREA (service) – 1468.37; SD 811 (fees) - 22.05; Mastercard AP (gasket) - 34.62; WRT (base treatment) – 2486.25; Timothy Hall (mileage/SDARWS) – 187.50 TOTAL: $ 22345.90 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 108.12 TOTAL: $108.12 PUBLIC WORKS The second portion on the 3” water line connecting the National Grid building to the City’s water system will be installed before the first portion. LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report. • Owners of dogs that are that bark constantly will be issued a citation and a court appearance will be required. Residents that have problems with dogs barking can call dispatch at 605-394-2151. MAYOR • The new flooring at City Hall is looking great. • Mayor Hall has been contacted by various individuals about Wall Meats being awarded a grant to build a processing plant in New Underwood, but there is not much to say about it as no permits have been filed yet. She plans to attend the conference Dusty Johnson will hold in Wall on March 17th, 2023 concerning this. ORDINANCE #23-01
NOTE: Strikethroughs are deletions. STANDARD MUNICIPAL PENALTY CLAUSE APPLICABLE TO ALL CITY ORDINANCES AND TO THOSE RESOLUTIONS WHICH HAVE BEEN SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED TO APPLY. BE IT ORDAINED: By the City of New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota, be amended into the existing ordinances as follows: All penalty clauses on all existing Ordinances (except for Article III A. Utility Ordinance #1 Water as it has its own penalty clause) in and for the City of New Underwood shall be declared amended to read as follows: Violation of any City Ordinance shall be a minimum of a $100.00 fine and a maximum fine not to exceed $200.00, and/or 30 days in jail. If the common council determines that a violation of City Ordinance exists after an appeal hearing, a criminal citation may be issued to the offending party and/or the City may abate the offense as provided in Article VII; Section A; Appeals to Common Council, which appeal process is incorporated into this ordinance, and charge the cost of abatement plus any costs or attorney fees against the property by special assessment. A minimum of at least 72 hours must lapse before another citation for the same offense is issued. This penalty clause shall apply to all articles, (except for Article III A. Utility Ordinance), sections, or parts thereof of the compiled City of New Underwood Ordinances. Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer First reading: February 9, 2023 Second reading: March 7, 2023 Publish date: March 16, 2023 Effective date: April 5, 2023 Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the second reading of Ordinance #23-01 to remove jail time from the Penalty sections of the Ordinances. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and Richter. Nay: none. Motion carried. NUISANCE ABATEMENT There have been two letters and multiple phone calls to the owner of the property at 109 S. A Ave. with no resolution to the issue of junk vehicles. Graham recommended sending a certified letter to property owner to abate this nuisance within 10 days. If it is not, the removal of the vehicles will be arranged and the cost of it will be assessed against the property as allowed by Ordinance. POOL MANAGER There is someone registered to take the lifeguard course being held April 3-6, 2023 that is interested in being the pool manager this summer. She also knows of others that would like to be lifeguards. SPIKING PERMIT #23-02 Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve SP #23-02 for the craft workshop at the Community Center on March 17, 2023 being held by Shasta Phillips. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. BUIDLING PERMIT Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #23-05 for Tyler Richter to remove the structures at 312 S. B Ave. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. STREET CLOSURE Motion by Richter second by Graham to allow closing A Ave. from Oak to Pine on June 24, 2023 for the Stockgrowers Dance from 3 p.m. to midnights. There will be access for emergency vehicles and residents that live in this area. Open container will be allowed and wristbands will be used. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SDPAA CONTRACT Motion by Hockenbary seconded by Richter to authorize the Mayor and/or Finance Officer’s signature on the SDPAA contract. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. EQUALIZATION Property taxes have increased again this year and it will be beneficial to taxpayers to learn why so the City has been in contact with Commissioner Lasseter to request that a meeting be held at the Community Center for residents to learn how the Property Equalization process is handled. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 15th, 2023. Comments were made by a few residents stating how the process is not fair. Our residents shouldn’t be subject to the same increases as Rapid City residents as there is not curb and gutter, the water and sewer systems are aged, recycling of garbage is not offered, etc. Mayor Hall stated the process of Equalization is dictated by state law and if anything can be done to change, it needs to start at that level. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The City’s legal counsel is waiting for a response from the named representatives in the PFAS Cost Recovery Program before giving a recommendation. • The Finance Officer will get the Mayor and Council registered for the District Meeting in Hot Springs on March 29th. The deadline to get registered for the meeting is March 15, 2023. • Equalization appeals need to be turned into City Hall by Thursday, March 16, 2023 Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on February 21, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer and Public Works Director Tim Hall, Amy Caringi-Hall, Chuck Branum, John Hall and Lawrence Hockenbary. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the February 9, 2023 minutes and to amend the minutes of January 17, 2023 to correct Special License #23-03 for Moe’s Bar and Grill for the Rodeo Club Steak Feed to be held March 24, 2023 not February 25, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. STREET LIGHTS The street lights that were not working as of the last meeting were reported to WREA. Further communication revealed there had been a misunderstanding when a request was made to them by the crew doing the teardown of the mobile homes behind McGas Propane. They had requested that WREA pull the meters on the west side of the flood ditch which resulted in shutting the street light off at 16077 Hwy 1416. The landowner had stated they would trench a line to supply power back to it. The Council was asked if they had any objection to the light being moved to the east side of the flood ditch so that boring under the flood ditch can be avoided when getting power supplied to it. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve moving the light to the east side of the flood ditch. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MAYOR • The restitution and sentencing hearing for Mr. Kopecky has been rescheduled for March 21, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. • The broken windows of the house located at 208 S. C Ave. have been replaced. • There is a Floodplain Management course scheduled in Rapid City on April 17, 2023. It was requested that the Finance Officer ask if the Mayor or Council would like to attend this when it is closer to the time of this meeting. • Reports of garbage blowing into residents’ yards from their neighbors have been received. Mayor Hall asks that everyone bag their garbage to minimize this issue. • Dog owners need to ensure their pets are contained within their yards and not allowed to run around town. PUBLIC WORKS • The flooring installation at City Hall is coming along nicely. • The new pump for Well #1 is scheduled to be installed the week of March 13th, 2023. Also, an email from Thomas Piersch was received stating a check is on the way to cover the remaining balance due for the parts for Well #1. • Residents are asked to not place construction materials in the totes such as 2x4’s, cinder blocks or other items that could damage the garbage truck when compacting. A key can be checked out from City Hall to dispose of these items at the restricted use dump site during regular business hours as long as the road to it is dry and clear. As repairs to the garbage truck are expensive, Councilor Graham recommended that a letter be sent to residents when it is noticed that they are including such material in the totes to inform them of what isn’t allowed in the them. C.O.R.E. Karin Clarke contacted Mayor Hall to let her know that she and Rick McPherson and with Freshman Impact (C.O.R.E.) might not be able to attend the meeting due to the adverse weather but they would like to request a donation for the program. Mayor Hall suggested tabling this subject until they could hear details from them on what they plan to do with the funds they raise. Councilor Graham stated he would prefer they not postpone a decision and made a motion to donate $200.00 to Freshman Impact. This was seconded by Richter. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. DISTRICT MEETING The District 9 Meeting will be held in Hot Springs on Wednesday March 29th, 2023 at the American Legion. The deadline to register to attend is March 15th, 2023. The Finance Officer will register those that plan to attend when the date gets closer. The staff and Council that don’t get registered can attend, but they will not be guaranteed a meal. SPECIAL LICENSES Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve SL #23-08 on September 2, 2023 for Moe’s Bar and Grill for a wedding reception and SL #23-09 on September 23, 2023 for Moe’s Bar and Grill for an anniversary party. Both will be held at the Community Center. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #23-03
WHEREAS a Plat of Lot 2 of Price Estates Subdivision located in the S1/2 SW1/4 and in the SW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 21, Township 2 North, Range 10 East of the Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and
WHEREAS it appears that said plat conforms with the system of streets and alleys of the existing plat of said City and additions thereto, and that all municipal taxes and special assessments have been fully paid and that the plat of said lots had been executed according to law, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a Plat of Lot 2 of Price Estates Subdivision located in the S1/2 SW1/4 and in the SW1/4SE1/4 of Section 21, Township 2 North, Range 10 East Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and the same is hereby approved, and the Finance Officer, Director of Public Works and the Mayor of New Underwood are hereby authorized to endorse on the plat a copy of the resolution and certify as to its correctness.
Dated this 21st day of February, 2023
(seal) Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
The surveyor, Dean Scott, had asked if anyone with the City would need to be updated if the Pennington County Highway Department had any restrictions on where the access road would be to this property. The Finance Director explained that this could mean that the Highway Department might require that access to this property be shared with the owners of the adjacent property to the west. The Council agreed that they wouldn’t need to be informed of this so it was moved by Graham and seconded by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #23-03. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental fund sheets were presented. • The Council reviewed the changes made to the Building Permit form which states the property owners’ responsibility to inform them of the existence, location and purpose of any easements on the property when they apply for a building permit. • No recommendations have been received yet from our legal representatives for the PFAS cost recovery program. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:16 p.m.
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on February 9, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and by telephone, Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, John Hall, Deputy Jones, Joe and Jessica Weishaar, Travis and Isaiah Lassiter, Derick Bailey-Meier, Sheriff Meuller, Gary Drewes, Lloyd LaCroix, Ben VanderMay, Joe Miller, Alexa White, Jerome Harvey, Amy Caringi-Hall, Jack Dustman, Katie Winegar, Iden Ramey, Zach Beale, Zach Eiger. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. PUBLIC HEARING A Public hearing was held to consider any comments for, or in opposition to, the Retail (on-off) sale Malt Beverage & SD Farm Wine license application for Hazel Phillips at Ranch Receptions with Hazel’s Sweet Treats and Eats Catering at 16042 227th St. being Tract A MHP subdivision, Township 2N, Range 11E, Pennington County, SD. This hearing was adjourned at 6:02 p.m. having no comments. MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve the minutes for January 17, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The January bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Councilor Graham found the voucher for WRT was missing, this will be corrected. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. January Bills Payable February 9, 2023 GENERAL FUND Salaries; Mayor – 411.75; Cleaners – 233.49; First Data (card fees) – 280.75; Forte Pay (fees) – 9.75; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.25; City of Rapid City (remainder dump fees) – 248.88; HPSD (insurance) – 100.60; City of Rapid City – 2121.84; Menards (cc supplies) – 324.04; Whisler Bearing Co – 151.44; Pennington County Sheriff (Law enforcement contract) – 14446.50; SD Federal Property (shop tools) – 8.50; BJ’s Country Store (refreshments tree decorating, fuses) – 32.71; HPSD (insurance) – 653.95; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 181.50; Black Hills Chemical (chemicals) – 37.85; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 506.00; Rylie Shull (re-issue check) – 150.30; Tara Richter (re-issue check) – 230.87; WREA (service) 2103.40; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 200.34; SD Dept of Labor (unemployment tax) – 31.15; Mastercard AP (phone, roll off, shop) – 596.40; SD Department of Revenue (sales tax) – 435.11; Jenner Equipment (shop) – 293.64; Overhead Door (shop door) – 536.23 TOTAL: $24339.24 WATER FUND Finance – 3324.68; Public Works – 6770.36; Mastercard AP (Omni-Site alarm, water testing) – 631.00; US Bank (SRF) – 1693.16; Aflac (insurance) - 228.06; HPSD (health) – 1961.85; SDRS (retire) – 1191.36; IRS-EFTPS (SS, FWT) – 3226.42; SD 811 (msg fees) – 22.05; Hawkins (chemicals) – 60.86; WREA (service) – 1171.17; BJ’s Country Store (shop) – 4.50; WRT (base treatment) – 2486.25; SDARWS (conference) – 300.00; Ramkota Hotel (conference) – 272.00 TOTAL: $ 23343.72 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 85.02; Mastercard AP (Omni–Site alarm) - 290.00 TOTAL: $375.02 PUBLIC WORKS Mr. Hall reported that he is waiting for a quote for the cost for installation of the water tank mixer and he hopes to have the floor at City Hall installed by the end of the month. He will be working on that on the weekends so residents and staff are not stuck with the smell of the adhesive. The Mayor and Council asked him to let them know if he needed help moving the stuff in the office out of the way. LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report. • Residents are required to make a court appearance if cited for dogs that constantly bark. • It is against city Ordinances to park in the street right of way. If an accident happens involving objects in the right of way the owner of the property is deemed responsible. SHERIFF MEULLER Sheriff Mueller introduced the three Pennington County Commissioners present: Lloyd LaCroix, Gary Drewes and Travis Lassiter. He thanked everyone for their part in keeping people safe during the storm in December which started off with many believing it was going to be a small winter squall but then turned into a 3-day storm. Special thanks to everyone that aided the Sheriff’s office during and after the storms in Wall, Wicksville and New Underwood. There were approximately 200 vehicles trapped between Box Elder and Wall. Sheriff Mueller invited some in attendance to stand and share their personal experiences. Gary Drewes had been stuck in Wall trying to get home from Pierre. He thanked the people that helped him in Wall and complimented the leadership in Wall and New Underwood for the great job they all did. Travis Lassiter’s family was stuck on I-90 at the site of an 18-wheeler that had it blocked but made it home safely once the road was cleared. Thank you to everyone from the Highway Department, EMS, Pennington County Emergency Management and the New Underwood Volunteer Fire Department for all the hard work they do. Alexa White with Pennington County Emergency Management thanked everyone for the communication and help during the event also. Sheriff Mueller presented Mayor Hall, Ben VanderMay, Joe Miller and staff with the Pennington County Highway Department, Amy Caringi-Hall and the New Underwood Volunteer Fire Department and Jerome Harvey and the Scenic Volunteer Fire Department with Certificates of Commendation in recognition of aid rendered to law enforcement that assisted the Sheriff’s Office in achieving a safe outcome for all. Although many of those involved with helping keep people safe during the storm were not in attendance at this meeting, they will receive commendations for their efforts also. Amy Caringi-Hall said Fire Chief Caleb Dustman apologized for his absence as he had a prior engagement. She thanked Sheriff Mueller for the kind words and for everyone that helped during the storm including the Fire Department teams, SD Highway Patrol, Pennington County Sheriff’s, Bridled for Christ Church and city personnel. MAYOR • The land owner and the owner of the mobile home at 208 S. C Ave. that has broken windows has been informed that it is necessary to clean up and secure the premises. • The owner of the property at 109 S. A Ave. has been sent another letter of abatement to clean up the property. • They have all been informed the penalty clause of the City Ordinances allows the city to charge the cost of abatement plus any costs or attorney fees against the property by special assessment. • The BHCOLG and Pennington County Emergency Management has inquired if anyone would be willing to meet with staff to give thoughts on possible emergencies in the future that could be planned for to help update the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan. Mayor Hall and Council members Hockenbary and Richter would be willing to depending on when and how that input would be done. PUBLIC HEARING It was moved by Graham seconded by Richter to approve the Retail (on-off) sale Malt Beverage & SD Farm Wine license application for Hazel Phillips at Ranch Receptions with Hazel’s Sweet Treats and Eats Catering at 16042 227th St. being Tract A MHP subdivision, Township 2N, Range 11E, Pennington County, SD pending payment. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. ORDINANCE #23-01 Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the first reading of Ordinance #23-01 to remove jail time from the Penalty sections of the Ordinances. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #23-01 Cody Axlund with the SDDOT sent a list of companies that are prequalified by SDDOT and on retainer to do bridge inspections along with the following resolution. Joe Noble with AE2S found Brosz Engineering to be very knowledgeable and friendly. RESOLUTION #23-01
WHEREAS, 23 CFR 650, Subpart C, requires initial inspection of all bridges and reinspection at intervals not to exceed two years with the exception of reinforced concrete box culverts that meet specific criteria. These culverts are reinspected at intervals not to exceed four years. THEREFORE, the City of New Underwood is desirous of participating in the Bridge Inspection Program using Bridge Replacement funds. The City requests SDDOT to hire Brosz Engineering Inc. for the inspection work. SDDOT will secure Federal approvals, make payments to the Consulting Engineer for inspection services rendered, and bill the City for 20% of the cost. The City will be responsible for the required 20% matching funds. Dated this 9th day of February, 2023 at New Underwood, South Dakota. Teresa M. Hall Mayor ATTEST: Kristi Pritzkau Finance Officer Motion by Hockenbary second by Graham to approve Resolution #23-01. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. STREET DANCE Moes Bar & Grill requested closing street on S. A Ave. from Oak to Pine and open container for a Street dance July 22, 2023. There will be access for emergency vehicles and residents who live in this area and wrist bands will be used. Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve this street closure, and open container from 5 p.m. to midnight. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SPECIAL LICENSE #23-06 Motion by Graham seconded by Hockenbary to approve Special License #23-06 on September 2-3, 2023 at the Rodeo Grounds. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SPIKING PERMIT #23-01 Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve SP #23-01 for Shasta Phillips to host a craft workshop at the Community Center on February 24, 2023. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #23-02 Resolution #23-02 was introduced in preparation for the cyber security test performed by DSU that will begin April 2, 2023. Councilor Graham suggested giving DSU two contact numbers in case one person is unavailable.
Security Assessment Agreement
This Agreement is made and entered into by and between Dakota State University, Madison, South Dakota (“DSU”) and City of New Underwood (“City of New Underwood”), a political subdivision of the State of South Dakota, on this 7th day of February 2023. WHEREAS, DSU operates Madison Cyber Labs (“MadLabs”) which encompasses a variety of educational, research and development items related to cyber activity including identifying security flaws, along with analyzing and detecting cyber threats; and WHEREAS, Project Boundary Fence is part of MadLabs at DSU; and WHEREAS, Project Boundary Fence, a free resource for South Dakota county and city governments, seeks to assist county and city governments in securing networks from cyber- attacks through external penetration testing on outward facing technology infrastructures; and WHEREAS, Project Boundary Fence performs cybersecurity assessments in order to identify network vulnerabilities while also validating current security defenses; and WHEREAS, City of New Underwood seeks assistance from DSU in order for DSU, via Project Boundary Fence, to conduct a cybersecurity assessment of City of New Underwood systems, networks and facilities (“System”) in order to determine whether potential weaknesses exist in said Systems; and WHEREAS, in order to conduct a cybersecurity assessment of City of New Underwood Systems, DSU, via Project Boundary Fence, may seek to bypass security mechanisms in order to attempt to gain access to City of New Underwood Systems; and WHEREAS, DSU, via Project Boundary Fence, is willing to assist City of New Underwood in the performance of a cybersecurity assessment. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of and pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein, DSU hereby enters into this Agreement with City of New Underwood, in order for DSU, via Project Boundary Fence, to conduct a cybersecurity assessment of City of New Underwood System; and the parties agree to the following: 1. Project Boundary Fence will perform a cybersecurity assessment of City of New Underwood System, which assessment will be completed in conformance with industry standards and best practices. Project Boundary Fence agrees to advise City of New Underwood of any potential weaknesses with the City of New Underwood System based upon the results of the cybersecurity assessment. 2. During the term of this Agreement, the City of New Underwood grants to the below-listed members of DSU’s Project Boundary Fence cybersecurity assessment team permission to assess information security for the City of New Underwood, including permission to attempt to bypass security mechanisms and gain access to protected systems or resources of the City of New Underwood, utilizing social engineering methods with City of New Underwood employees in order to induce said employees to disclose information, and engaging in other activities in order to assess whether City of New Underwood System is vulnerable to security breaches. The individuals with Project Boundary Fence, to whom permission is granted to complete the cybersecurity assessment, include the following: • Tyler Flaagan, Assistant Professor of Computer & Cyber Science • Christopher Loutsch, Research Engineer II • Bailey Belisario, Research Engineer II • DSU Student Employees for Project Boundary Fence Should other members of Project Boundary Fence at DSU provide services under this agreement, DSU will provide written notice to City of New Underwood of such individual. Any questions about the assessment provided pursuant to this Agreement, the cybersecurity assessment team, or the permission they have been granted may be directed to: City of New Underwood Kristi Pritzkau 423 S. A Ave New Underwood, SD 57761 605-754-6777 Additionally, the City of New Underwood will provide DSU, via Project Boundary Fence, with a phone number where an authorized employee can be reached 24 hours per day during the term of this Agreement, to be used in the event DSU or Project Boundary Fence, is ever questioned by law enforcement regarding its access to, or attempts to access, the City of New Underwood information. Project Boundary Fence will perform the assessment in conformance with industry standards and best practices. DSU, via Project Boundary Fence, will advise City of New Underwood of any potential weaknesses in and/or concerns with the System based upon the results of the assessment. 3. The Parties acknowledge that as consideration for the cybersecurity assessment, DSU may receive payment from the South Dakota Fusion Center and/or the Department of Homeland Security. DSU will not separately charge the City of New Underwood for its cybersecurity assessment. 4. For purposes of the cybersecurity assessment, and so that DSU, via Project Boundary Fence, may provide recommendations to the City of New Underwood, the City of New Underwood will provide to Project Boundary Fence or allow Project Boundary Fence access to certain Confidential Information of the City of New Underwood, as defined below, and which Confidential Information the Parties recognize to be the property of the City of New Underwood, and confidential and not discoverable as provided in State law and the transmission of which is granted in consideration of DSU’s acceptance to sign this Agreement. Accordingly, the parties agree as follows: A. DEFINITION OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. For the purposes hereof, “Confidential Information” means data and information relating to the official business of the City of New Underwood or an affiliate of the City of New Underwood which is or has been disclosed to DSU or of which DSU became aware as a consequence of or through its relationship to the City of New Underwood or its affiliate and which has value to the City of New Underwood or its affiliate and is not generally known to the public or required by law to be disclosed to the public. Such Confidential Information shall also include, but not be limited to: (1) any third-party Confidential Information that the City of New Underwood and/or any supplying party has a duty to maintain as confidential and has so informed DSU; and (2) any other valuable information designated by the City of New Underwood and/or supply party as Confidential Information expressly or by circumstances in which it is provided (e.g., non-public party information provided by the City of New Underwood and related to services performed by DSU). B. COVERED PARTIES. For purposes hereof, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: (1) “City of New Underwood” shall mean the party that delivers Confidential Information to DSU. (2) “DSU” shall mean the party that receives Confidential Information from the City/County. (3) “Representatives” shall mean any directors, officers, employees, affiliates, representatives, agents, students, independent contractors or advisors of either party. (4) DSU shall be solely responsible for all actions and obligations of its Representatives. C. EXCLUSIONS. However, Confidential Information does not include information that: (a) is now or subsequently becomes generally available to the public through no fault or breach on the part of DSU; (b) DSU can demonstrate to have had rightfully in its possession prior to disclosure to DSU by or on behalf of the City of New Underwood; (c) DSU can demonstrate was independently developed by the DSU without the use of any Confidential Information; or (d) DSU rightfully obtains from a third party who has the right to transfer or disclose it. D. NON-DISCLOSURE AND NON-USE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. DSU will not, and will not permit its Representatives to disclose, publish or disseminate Confidential Information to anyone other than its employees and agents on a need-to-know basis, for purposes of providing the Services as required by this Agreement, and agrees to take every precaution to prevent any unauthorized use, disclosure, publication or dissemination of Confidential Information, other than the sole purpose stated above in this Agreement. Although DSU may have access to Confidential Information beyond what is necessary for DSU to perform its quality assurance activities, DSU agrees and acknowledges that it will limit its use of such information to only that which is necessary. Any use or transmission of all or any part of the Confidential Information, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, shall be deemed to be a default under this Agreement. E. AUTHORIZED ACCESS. DSU will notify the City of New Underwood of any individual who will seek access to Confidential Information to assist in performing the Services. No individual shall be provided or allowed access to Confidential Information until prior notice has been provided to, and approval received from, the City of New Underwood. F. LEGAL PROCESS AND PRODUCTION. In the event that DSU or anyone to whom DSU transmits the Confidential Information becomes legally compelled to disclose any of the Confidential Information, DSU will provide the City of New Underwood with prompt notice so that the City of New Underwood may seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy and/or waive compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. In the event that such protective order or other remedy is not obtained, or that the City of New Underwood waives compliance with the provisions of this Agreement, DSU will furnish only that portion of the Confidential Information which is legally required. 5. This Agreement shall terminate on May 31st, 2023, provided, however, that the confidentiality obligations set forth herein will remain in full force and effect for so long as DSU is in possession of any Confidential Information of the City of New Underwood in any form. 6. Either party may, by written notice to the other, terminate this Agreement in whole or in part at any time. 7. The parties acknowledge that they are entering into this Agreement freely and voluntarily, that they have the opportunity to be represented and advised by counsel in the negotiations resulting in this Agreement, that they have ascertained and weighed all the facts and circumstances likely to influence their judgment, that they have given due consideration to the provisions contained herein, and that they thoroughly understand and consent to all provisions herein. 8. The validity, performance, and enforcement of this Agreement are governed by the laws of the state of South Dakota. Should any section or provision of this Agreement be declared by the courts to be invalid, the same will not affect the validity of the Agreement as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part declared to be invalid. 9. This instrument contains the entire Agreement between the parties, and no statement, promises, or inducements made by either party or agent of either party that are not contained in this written contract shall be valid or binding. This contract may not be enlarged, modified, or altered except in writing, signed by both parties and endorsed hereon. 10. DSU hereby assigns to the City of New Underwood all right, title, and interest in and to all reports, schedules, models, budgets, and other documents, and all information contained therein, prepared and assembled by DSU in connection with this Agreement. 11. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, assignees, and successors of the respective parties. 12. The parties agree that electronic transmission via facsimile or email to the other party of a copy of this Agreement bearing such parties’ signature shall suffice to bind the party transmitting same to this Agreement in the same manner as if an original signature had been delivered. Without limitation of the foregoing, each party who electronically transmits an executed copy of this Agreement via facsimile or email bearing its signature covenants to deliver the original thereof to the other party as soon as possible thereafter. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. Teresa M. Hall, Mayor ATTEST: Kristi Pritzkau Finance Officer Motion by K. Trullinger second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #23-03. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Nothing has been received back from the city’s legal counsel concerning the PFAS Cost Recovery Program. • A street light on D Ave. has wires hanging from it and the street light at Bailey Ave. and Pine St. and one by McGas on Hwy 1416 are not working. West River Electric will be contacted concerning these. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:34 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on January 17, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer and Public Works Director Tim Hall, Amy Caringi-Hall, Chuck Branum, Daene Boomsma, and Caleb Dustman. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by K. Trullinger second by Hockenbary to approve the January 3, 2023 minutes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCE REPORTS • Governmental fund sheets were presented. • The Council was made aware of a correction to the December 2022 revenues. A payment of $4.98 was made for the rural service district by Pennington County so the total revenues were actually $127,312.34. • Completed W-2’s have been mailed or given to FY2022 employees. MAYOR A NUHS sophomore had asked Mayor Hall why there isn’t a recycling option offered to residents of New Underwood. Mayor Hall explained that it has become very expensive to and many people did not follow the instructions when it was offered. She then challenged the student to get others involved in helping to find a solution for this. PUBLIC WORKS • The SDARWS Annual Conference was very informative again. • Mr. Hall will find funds in the budget for the water tank mixer as he believes it would be very beneficial. SPECIAL MEETING Due to open meeting laws, we would like to report a quorum of the New Underwood City Council plans to attend the Legislative Rib Dinner and Municipal Government day in Ft. Pierre and Pierre, SD on February 7-8, 2023 at which no official city business will be acted upon. COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGE The Mayor, Council and some staff will be attending the Legislative Rib Dinner and Municipal Government Day in Pierre when the regular Council meeting would be held so after some discussion it was moved by Graham seconded by Hockenbary to change the meeting to Thursday February 9, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. 2023 ELECTION The 2023 Vacancy Notice for one Council member from both wards and one School Board member will be published as required for circulation dates being January 27 through February 24, 2023. BUILDING PERMIT, WATER AVAILABILITY AND BEER/SD WINE LICENSE Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve Building Permit #23-02 for Hazel Phillips to build a wedding venue and for water availability pending payment of both fees. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Mrs. Phillips has stated she would like to apply for a Beer and SD Wine license from the City of New Underwood. A Public Hearing will be held at the February 9th, 2023 Council meeting to allow for statements or objections to this. The hearing notice will be published in accordance with SD state law before that meeting. BUILDING PERMITS A lengthy conversation about whether to allow building in the 300-foot easement that was granted to the City of New Underwood by the landowner for the construction and maintenance of the flood ditch. This easement was not known about prior to the approval of Building Permit #22-33 for the shop at 405 E. Pine St. currently under construction. The house and garage will be built at a minimum of one foot above the flood hazard area as required by FEMA and the developer will get a Letter of Map Amendment so the property will not be required to have flood insurance coverage. As the signed easement dated February 6th, 1973 was interpreted to read that the land owner reserves the right to use the land at any time for any purpose that would not negatively affect the flood ditch construction or maintenance it was moved by Graham seconded by K. Trullinger to approve Building Permit #23-03 for Tom Trople for a house and garage at 405 E. Pine St. with the understanding that the property owner agrees that if any maintenance needs to be done in this area city personnel and anyone hired by the city for maintenance will have the right to use the area for such. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by Hockenbary seconded by Richter to approve Building Permit #23-04 to replace the existing fence and extend the east side of it to be in line with the east side of the home at 217 S. A Ave. for Jodi Bonefield. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SPECIAL LICENSES Mayor Hall asked if there were any objections for considering the following five Special Licenses at the same time as they are all for Moe’s Bar and Grill for different events at the Community Center. No objections were voiced. • SL #23-01 - February 17, 2023 for the Hefty Appreciation Supper. • SL #23-02 - February 18, 2023 for a diaper keg party. • SL #23-04 - February 25, 2023 for the New Underwood Rodeo Club Steak feed. • SL #23-04 - June 17, 2023 for a wedding. • SL #23-05 - June 22, 2023 for a wedding. Motion by K. Trullinger second by Graham to approve Special License #23-01 through #23-05 for Moe’s Bar and Grill at the Community Center on the dates stated. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. EQUALIZATION MEETING The equalization meeting on March 20, 2023 will begin at 3:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Assessment notices are sent to property owners annually on or before March 1st. When a property owner receives their assessment notice, it is their duty to review the notice to confirm the property is listed correctly. If the property is valued higher than a property owner thinks it should be, the owner should talk to the county Department of Equalization who can explain which properties were used for comparisons to determine the assessed value of the property in question. The property owner may appeal if they still disagree with the assessed value of their property in comparison to other properties. The first step in the appeal process is the local board of equalization. Our local board consists of the Mayor, City Council and a member of the New Underwood School Board. The taxpayer must appeal by March 16th, 2023. If the property owner disagrees with the decision of the local board, they may appeal to the county board. More information can be found concerning property taxes at the Department of Revenues website (dor.sd.gov). OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • No recommendations have been received yet from our legal representatives for the PFAS cost recovery program. • The Building Permits will be updated to state that property easements must be disclosed when the permits are applied for. • Mayor Hall and the Finance Officer attended a meeting by Zoom with Pennington County Emergency Management, Mayor Williams and Finance Officer Anderson from Wall, Red Cross representatives and various others that were affected by the storms in December to go over the events and to hear any suggestions for improvements. It was the general consensus that everyone did what they could to help and although some areas of communication may need improvement, everyone survived. • Caleb Dustman thanked the Public Works department for the help during the storm with communication, plowing of the Fire Department and for helping to house those that were stranded due to the storm. • The Mayor and Council thanked the Fire Department for the work they all did during the storm also. • Daene Boomsma brought up the subject of SB 41. So far it has passed as rewritten during this Legislative session, we should all be watching this closely as if the $150 million is approved for the South Dakota Housing Development Authority to administer it will provide help with infrastructure improvements and repairs needed in many of our communities with less stringent requirements than Federal funds require. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on January 3, 2023. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Sgt. Harkins and Joe and Jessica Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the minutes for December 20, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The corrected November bill list, the following warrants, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. December bills payable December 31, 2022 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 89.83; Salaries; Council – 646.45; Cleaners – 127.06; Forte Pay (fees) – 7.00; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 4.50; McGas Propane - 653.12; Rachel Holzer (refund for CC rental) – 60.00; gWorks (annual fees) – 2068.34; HPSD (insurance) – 628.80; BJ’s Country Store (shop) – 2.29; John Hall (parts) – 20.10; Menards (cc supplies) – 74.25; West River Welding (GT repairs) – 505.00; Michael Siegel (parts) – 2.51; Trans-source Truck & Equipment (parts) – 355.17; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 1781.81; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 273.07; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 303.29; SDML (legislative rib dinner) – 240.00; SD State Treasurer (sales tax) – 435.95; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 230.00; Mastercard (office) – 1604.75; Mastercard AP (phone, roll off, shop) – 818.36; WREA (service) – 2376.44; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 333.10; TOTAL: $13641.19 WATER FUND Finance – 3258.98; Public Works – 6629.59; gWorks (annual fees) – 2068.33; HPSD (health) – 1886.40; IRS-EFTPS (SS, FWT) – 4731.24; SDRS (retire) – 1735.50; Aflac (insurance) - 228.06; WREA (service) – 1591.38; Mastercard AP (22.58 approved on Nov BL, supplies) – 11.10; Metron Farnier, LLC (water meters) – 443.00; Hawkins (chemicals) – 706.90; TOTAL: $23290.48 SEWER FUND gWorks (annual fees) – 2068.33; WREA (service) – 96.21 TOTAL: $2164.54 LAW ENFORCEMENT • Sgt. Harkins presented the monthly report. • Mr. Kopecky was found guilty of grand theft for not paying for city services and the sentencing hearing is scheduled for January 13, 2023. • Sheriff Mueller and other Pennington County Officers were sworn into office today. • Sgt. Harkins thanked the Public Works staff, New Underwood residents and the local Fire Department for helping to keep everyone safe during the storm. MAYOR Ames Construction has reimbursed the City of New Underwood for the majority of the cost of the new equipment for Well #1 and will make another payment of $2465.36 to fulfill their obligation. BUILDING PERMIT Motion by K. Trullinger second by Graham to approve Building Permit #23-01 for the removal of the home Karen Julius at 211 W. Elm St. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Nothing has been received back from the city’s legal counsel concerning the PFAS Cost Recovery Program. • The owner of the mobile home on C Ave. that has broken windows will be informed that it is necessary to clean up and secure the premises. • The people clearing snow at the old mobile home park at 16079 Hwy. 1416 were made aware that snow removed from the property should not be placed in the flood ditch. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:09 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer 2023 Statement of Salaries for New Underwood, SD Mayor - $6,000.00/yearly Council - $50.00/meeting Finance Officer $20.30 hourly Director of Public Works – $26.55 hourly Maintenance Man - $15.20 hourly Clerk –$12.75 - $13.15 hourly Laborers - $10.80 - $13.50 hourly Seasonal Workers – $10.80 – $16.00 hourly
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on December 20, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary and Tara Richter. Absent: Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall and Amy Caringi-Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve the minutes for December 6, 2022. Aye: all. Motion carried. FINANCE OFFICER • The governmental fund sheets were presented. • Check 4981 for $361.75 was voided as there was no amount due to Northwest Pipe. • The AP card payment for the sound system purchased for the Community Center was taken out of the Special Revenue Fund for $2748.89. PUBLIC WORKS • Snow removal has been the main concern lately. The priority route is Oak St. to Madison Ave. and Madison Ave. to Highway 1416 for access to the Good Samaritan Center when it is blizzarding. • Mr. Hall thanks everyone that helped clear the snow from streets after the blizzard. MAYOR Mayor Hall expressed her appreciation for everyone that helped and for those that stayed out of the way while snow was being cleaned up after the blizzard. Also, for the public works staff that went above and beyond the call of duty to help some employees of the Good Samaritan Center get to work.
Ordinance number 22-07 received the second reading.
SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the New Underwood City Council that the following amounts be appropriated to the 2022 budget to meet the obligations of the municipality: Financial Administration; 101/414/429; Audit; $21,586.69. Means of finance: 2019, 2020 and 2021 budgeted and unexpended Audit funds. Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer First Reading: November 15, 2022 Second Reading: December 20, 2022 Publish date: December 29, 2022 Effective Date: January 18, 2023 Motion by Hockenbary second by Graham to approve the second reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #22-07. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and Richter. Motion carried. BRIDGES All three bridges on City streets are now on the DOT inventory as they meet the size requirements of the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). They have been assigned structure numbers that are based on the statewide structure numbering system and they qualify for the bridge inspection program which pays for 80 percent of the inspection costs leaving 20 percent payable by the city. In January or early February, a resolution will be received with a list of consultants that the DOT has deemed qualified to perform these inspections. The Council will need to pick a consultant and the completed resolution will be sent to Cody Axlund with the DOT. They will bill the city for the 20 percent match when the hours are received from the consultants. PFAS COST RECOVERY PROGRAM It was moved by Hockenbary seconded by Richter to send the retainer agreement for the PFAS Cost Recovery Program to the city attorney for their consideration. CONTINGENCY FUND TRANSFER It was moved by Richter seconded by Graham to approve a transfer from the contingency fund to: 101/410/414.8 (General Government - Health Insurance) - $2850.00; 101/414/414.7 (Finance - Work comp.) - $1235.00; 101/414/454.3 (Finance - Retirement) – $165.00; 101/432.3/411 (Solid Waste - Wages) – $1400.00; 101/432.3/412 (Solid Waste - OASI) - $940.00; 101/432.3/414.8 (Solid Waste - FWT) - $405.00; 101/432.3/425 (Solid Waste - Repair and Maintenance) - $1540.00; 101/456/426 (Community Center - Supplies and Materials) - $1250.00; 602/432.5/426 (Sewer - Collection and Disposal - Supplies and Materials) - $1700.00; 601/428/428.2 (Water- Electricity for pump at Well #2) - $5900.00; 601/433.3/426 (Water - Purification - Supplies and Materials) - $6000.00; 601/433.5/422 (Water -Administration - Professional Fees) - $1200.00. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. LEGISLATIVE RIB DINNER The dinner this year will be held February 7, 2023 at the Drifter’s Event Center in Ft. Pierre. The Municipal Government day at the Legislature will be the following day. Rooms will be reserved for the Mayor, Council and City staff that are able to attend this. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The Council thanked the public works staff for the good work clearing the streets. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:11 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on December 6, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary and Tara Richter. Absent: Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Deputy Jones, John Hall, Joe and Jessica Weishaar, Joe Noble, Shari and Monte Sandal, Jon and Irene Madsen, Amy Caringi-Hall, Tyler Richter and Mark Johnson. By telephone: Bill Lass. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. PUBLIC HEARING The public hearing began at 6:07 p.m. with Bill Lass from the Black Hills Council of Local Governments on the phone explaining the necessity for this hearing. He made it clear that public comment and questions will be considered before its conclusion. Joe Noble with AE2S Engineering outlined the goals of the Water System Evaluation that was completed by them earlier this year at the Council’s request. They took into consideration: system life, health, safety and redundancy. They also evaluated the supply, storage and distribution aspects of the system. With that done, they identified 5 projects for the Council to consider. (Costs are estimated and rounded) 1. The 4-inch AC pipe needs to be replaced with 6-inch PVC pipe: $2.4 million 2. Looping of the distribution system: $1.6 million 3. Construction of Well #3: $3 million 4. New elevated storage tank for Well #3: $500 thousand 5. Demolition of C Ave. elevated storage tank: $26 thousand The total amount being applied for is $7.58 million. Mr. Noble said that each project was priced separately and it is possible that if a single company were to do all the work it would be less expensive. A digital copy of the Water Facility Evaluation is available at newunderwood.com for more information. Bill Lass explained the financing side. January 1, 2023 is the deadline for submitting the request to the DANR board for consideration. The results of this consideration will be announced at the end of March. Funding for drinking water projects is provided through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program and the Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program. Applicants could also receive some portion of funding as a loan from the Drinking Water SRF program. The approximate monthly debt service for a $7,580,000 loan at 3.0% for 30 years with no grant monies awarded would be approximately $31,958/month. A 10% debt reserve amount would also be required. So, total monthly debt costs would be approximately $35,154.00. Based on 289 accounts the approximate monthly debt cost per account would be $122.00. This amount does not take into consideration any future rate increases which may be required. Approval of the loan would not mean that the Council would need to accept the full loan of $7.58 million to complete all 5 of the proposed projects. They could submit a revised proposal to the DANR for a different combination of projects. Any revised proposals would also need to receive approval from the DANR Board. Bill Lass explained that we will either need a revenue bond or a water surcharge revenue bond. The surcharge would be preferred as it does not go against the city’s debt limit which is set by state law. The Bond Counsel will advise which option is best. Mayor Hall explained that fees should have been raised by prior Council’s as the system is outdated and needs to remain functional to supply the current residents as well as any further developments. She then called for public comments or questions. Q: Where the $10% money paid for the debt reserve would go. A: The funds will be retained by the City of New Underwood as a reserve. Q: As the city grows can the surcharge amount per account be lowered. A: The surcharge can be adjusted at any time by the governing body. Being no further comment or questions the public hearing was adjourned at 6:41 p.m. The Mayor and Council will keep the public informed on any new developments and continue to get their input. MINUTES Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the minutes for November 15, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The bill-list, savings sheet, monthly revenues, and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. November bills payable December 6, 2022 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 159.33; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 2.25; Forte Pay (fees) – 10.00; City of Rapid City - 653.72; Vadim Municipal Software - 110.15; Salaries: Mayor – 823.50; Cleaners – 342.17; SD HS Roping Club - 500.00; Kristi Pritzkau (building code books) - 246.52; Mastercard AP (phone, roll off) – 3576.10; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 161.36; HPSD (health) –2515.20; SDML (membership) - 930.85; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 1714.71; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 454.85; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 236.76; WREA (electric) – 1937.80; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 736.00; Mastercard (office) – 320.11; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 154.00; Menards (shop) – 210.30; John Hall (CC light) – 21.17; Lawson Products (shop-solvent) – 164.67; Black Hills Chemical (shop) – 37.85; Casey Petersen (audit fees) – 21586.69; Dept. of Labor (reemployment) – 110.22; Crown Oil, Inc (fuel) – 4766.00; BJ’S Store (supplies) – 5.47; SD Municipal Street Maintenance Assoc. (membership dues) – 35.00; SD Governmental Finance Officers Assoc, (dues) – 70.00; SD Association of Code Enforcement (dues) -75.00; SD Governmental Human Resource Assoc. (dues) – 50.00; SDML (annual conference) – 300.00; Allstate Peterbilt (parts) – 163.30; Carefree Lawn & Sprinklers (winterize the park) – 156.00; Gunderson, Palmer, Nelson & Ashmore (legal fees) – 2730.00 TOTAL: $46067.05 REVENUE FUND Simon Material (reissue payment replacing check 4849) – 16531.73 TOTAL: $16531.73 WATER FUND Finance – 4810.36; Public Works – 9831.45; Farmer’s Supply (pump, etc. for well #1) – 65465.36; Vadim Municipal Software (postcard bills Jan. to July 2021) – 110.15; SDRS (retire) – 1157.00; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; IRS-EFTPS (SS, FWT) – 3154.16; US Bank (SRF) – 1693.16; Chris Supply Company (meter leads) – 22.58; Hawkins (chemicals) – 618.51; WREA (service) – 1439.82; WRT (Base treatment) – 4972.50; SD One Call – 33.60; SDARWS (membership dues) – 420.00; Racicky Ditching (machine work & labor) – 2234.68 TOTAL: $96191.39 SEWER FUND Vadim Municipal Software (postcard bills Jan to July 2021) – 110.15; Northwest Pipe Fittings (sewer jet) – 361.75; WREA (service) – 92.15 TOTAL: $564.05 FOOD PANTRY Thank you to the Wicksville Workers, Dale and Cheryl Deuter and all others for their generous donations to the Food Pantry located at City Hall. There are also food drives being held by the 4-H Club, Ames Construction and National Grid. PUBLIC WORKS • The Christmas decorations on A Ave. should be up by Thursday. • Additional money will be needed in order to install the mixer in the water tank as the quote received did not include the cost of cleaning the tank which is required. • Tom with Ames Construction called to say the check to reimburse the city for the cost of the parts bought from Farmers Supply will be sent Thursday. • Letters were sent to the residences that showed that their back-flow preventer was not working correctly. A back-flow preventer is required by City Ordinance and SD State Law. LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report. • He had been informed that beer bottles were found in the mail receptacle at the USPS. It is a federal offense to tamper with the mail. • Owners of dogs that are reported to be loose or that bark incessantly will receive only two warnings before receiving a citation which requires a court appearance. MAYOR • Mayor Hall informed the Council that she approved holiday pay for John Hall as he has been a huge help while the other public works staff dealt with personal issues. The Council agreed that it was the right thing to do and thanked John for accepting the responsibility. • Thank you to Teresa Gravatt, the Viewfield Wranglers 4-H Club and all others that decorated City Hall and the Community Center and for setting up the trees for the K-5 school kids to decorate. It all looks great. • Residents need to have their garbage out on Tuesday mornings by 6:00 a.m. facing the correct direction and they must make sure that there is at least 4-feet in between them so there is ample room for the truck to pick each one up. WATER AVAILABILITY Mark Johnson with National Grid stated they would like to run a 3-inch line from the existing water main to the location of their office a large amount of water would not be necessary as it will only have 2 bathrooms and a kitchen. This new line would be run on the Bruns family’s land, an additional line would be connected to this line to supply the family operations with water also. This line would improve the water pressure to this area as it would replace the 1 ¼-inch water line that is currently utilized. Public Works Director Tim Hall suggested that a meter be installed where the proposed line joins with the existing line so that all water being supplied would be metered in the event of a leak. It was moved by Graham and seconded by Hockenbary to approve the water availability for this line pending payment, with the stipulation that a meter pit with a meter be installed at the beginning of the line that meets the requirements of the City Ordinance and that all water cost will be the responsibility of the Bruns family and that all payment arrangements made will be between the landowners and the lessors. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. GOOD SAMARITAN CENTER EMERGENCY PLAN Mayor Hall was contacted by a staff member of the Good Samaritan Center and was asked if they still had permission to use the Community Center to house the residents and staff if any emergency occurred. She posed this question to the Council whereby it was moved by Richter seconded by Hockenbary to approve Mayor Hall’s signature on an updated agreement which allows the use of the Community Center in case of any emergency. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. WEST RIVER REGIONALIZATION WATER AND WASTEWATER STUDY City Hall was contacted by Karen Brady with RESPEC Engineering concerning the state funded West River Regionalization Water and Wastewater Study to gather information on the City’s systems. A meeting was held on November 15, 2022 in Rapid City concerning this but City Staff were unable to attend. Mr. Noble with AE2S explained the goal of this study is to determine if an opportunity for collaboration of some regional water and wastewater systems would be feasible or possible. PFAS COST RECOVERY PROGRAM SDRWS recommends registering with the PFAS Cost Recovery Program. There is no cost to register onto the cost recovery rolls and doing so will protect the City’s water system users from a potential increased financial burden. The EPA has recently set health advisory levels for PFAS as low as 4 parts per quadrillion. Tim Hall said he was told that level is comparable to two ounces in the amount of water used in the city of Sioux Falls in a year. The Finance Officer has sent in the request for registration. BRIDGE INSPECTIONS The SDPAA recommended having the bridges on the City’s streets inspected as required by State Law. Cody Axlund, LGA Lead Bridge Engineer with the South Dakota Department of Transportation was contacted to inquire as to the SD State Law requirements, he replied that it is required by the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) that all structures that have an opening of greater than 20’ in length, measured down the center of the roadway, be inspected and added to the National Bridge Inventory. A map with the bridge locations and measurements along with pictures of the structures will be sent to him for verification that they meet the requirements for this. If they do, the City of New Underwood would be eligible for a cost share of 80% federal funds with a 20% local match to perform these inspections. Further information will be gathered and reported. SPECIAL LICENSE Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve Special License #22-11 for Moe’s Bar and Grill on December 10, 2022 at the Community Center for the Roping Club’s NFR watch party fundraiser. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. PENNINGTON COUNTY PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT/REFUND The mobile home which had been located at 211 S. C Ave. was removed in 2021 with no notice to city personnel so a move off permit was not issued or turned in to Pennington County Auditors. An Application for Abatement and or Refund of Property Taxes was received along with a request that it be approved at this meeting. Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve this abatement. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. GWORKS PAYMENT OPTION A $500.00 credit will be given to the City of New Underwood for signing up for the gWorks payment option. The Finance Officer did this as the City would be required to sign up for this option anyway. SPIKING PERMIT Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve Spiking Permit #22-09 for Rachel Holzer for a wedding reception at the Community Center on December 29, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Josh Newman was contacted concerning insurance coverage for the vending equipment. He said he has over the $500,000 amount requested by the Council. He will wait until next spring to do anything further with those machines. • A tear down/move off permit does require the approval of the Council. • Parking of vehicles or placement of other objects in the road right-of-way (alongside of streets) is against City Ordinance. Any damage that may occur during snow removal will be the fault of the owner of the parked vehicle. • An insert was included in with the bills explaining that the monthly chlorine sample was missing. All tests prior to and since have tested under the Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level, so we are back in compliance with state regulations. • Thank you, Deputy Jones for helping to get the new sound equipment put together and taken over to the Community Center for this meeting. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on November 15, 2022. Present were: Acting Mayor Larry Graham, Council members: Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and by telephone Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, John Hall and Mark Johnson. Absent: Mayor Teresa M. Hall and Public Works Director Tim Hall. The meeting was called to order by acting Mayor Graham with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the minutes for November 1, 2022. Aye: all. Motion carried. FINANCE OFFICER • There is a 1.5% savings incentive for paying sales tax to the SD Treasurer through the EPath site so the last bill was only $469.52 not $476.67. • Legislative Audit has approved the 2021 audit report submitted by Casey Peterson, Ltd. • The Board of Water and Natural Resources has approved the placement of the New Underwood Drinking Water System Improvements project onto the State Water Facilities Plan. This does not guarantee funding but it makes the project eligible to apply to the department’s programs for funding consideration. The City of New Underwood will remain on the State Water Facilities Plan through calendar year 2024. PUBLIC WORKS John Hall with the Public Works Department reported that they had to take the garbage truck to the dump half-way through picking up the City of New Underwood garbage today as the truck was full but that all garbage was picked up that was out when required and they’d removed snow a couple of times from the downtown area. Discussion of the water tank mixer and an updated quote from Farmers Supply for pump equipment at Well 1 was tabled until more information is obtained. MAYOR The resident that had been sent a letter concerning the junk vehicles on their property has responded and plans to get them removed. VENDING MACHINES A hold harmless agreement was presented for the Council to consider. Acting Mayor Graham suggested that there be a one-million-dollar or at least a five hundred-thousand-dollar insurance policy specifically required in the agreement for the vending machines to be placed in the Community Center and/or the pool area. Also, that the policy names the City of New Underwood as an additional loss payee The Finance Officer will get in touch with Mr. Newman to see if he has any insurance on the vending machines. This will be discussed further at the next meeting. PUBLIC HEARING There will be a Public Hearing to receive comments from residents concerning the application for funds from the SD DANR for repairs and improvements to the city’s water system on December 6, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Todd Meierhenry has agreed to be the Bond Counsel for the City of New Underwood and will send the proper Resolution required for this. RESOLUTION 22-17 Resolution #22-17 was presented.
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood (“City”) has determined it is necessary to proceed with improvements to its municipal water system, including but not limited to: replacement of existing water main including approximately 14,540 ft. of antiquated main, installation of new water main including a new supply line to provide an additional link between the distribution system and the storage reservoir, three (3) new looping projects to increase system redundancy, construction of a new well and new storage reservoir in order to increase reliability, demolition of an existing antiquated storage reservoir, and related water system improvements and appurtenances. All of the foregoing improvements are otherwise known by the project title “System-Wide Improvements Project” (the “Project”); and, WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood has determined that financial assistance will be necessary to undertake the Project and an application for financial assistance to the South Dakota Board of Water and Natural Resources (the “Board”) will be prepared; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary to designate an authorized representative to execute and submit the Application on behalf of the City and to certify and sign payment requests in the event financial assistance is awarded for the Project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City of New Underwood as follows: 1. The City hereby approves the submission of an Application for financial assistance in an amount not to exceed $7,580,000.00 to the South Dakota Board of Water and Natural Resources for the Project. 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the Application and submit it to the South Dakota Board of Water and Natural Resources, and to execute and deliver such other documents and perform all acts necessary to effectuate the Application for financial assistance. 3. The Mayor or Finance Officer is hereby designated as the authorized representative of the City to do all things on its behalf to certify and sign payment requests in the event financial assistance is awarded for the Project. Dated this 15th day of November, 2022 Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (SEAL) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve Resolution #22-17. Roll call vote. Aye: Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE #22-07 Motion by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve the first reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #22-07 for payment of the 2021 Audit. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. WATER AVAILABILITY Mark Johnson with National Grid Renewables requested consideration of water availability to the locations south of town indicated on the site maps he presented to the Council where they plan to build an operations and maintenance building and continuing to 230th St. He was informed that the availability fee for this would be $750.00 and the impact fee would be $1,000.00 as it is outside of city limits. Mr. Johnson stated they were considering a 3-inch service line which another customer in that area would be able to connect with to increase their water pressure but would like to know what size line the Council would require. This will be discussed further at the next meeting. TIRES Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve paying up to $1,450.00 to recap the tires on the Bobcat as they are needed. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental fund sheets were presented. Being no further business Acting Mayor Graham adjourned the meeting at 6:35 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on November 1, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and by telephone Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Deputy Jones, John Hall, Jessica Weishaar, Melanie and Josie Tish, Devin Pfaff and Derek Bierschbach. Arriving later: Misty Koch. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the minutes for October 18, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The bill-list, savings sheet, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. October bills payable November 1, 2022 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 124.16; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 3.50; Forte Pay (fees) – 7.50; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Council – 692.62; Cleaner – 60.03; Mastercard AP (phone, roll off, pocket calendars) – 900.22; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 251.20; HPSD (health) – 628.80; WREA (service) – 1562.57; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 469.52; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 342.03; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 1589.86; City of Rapid City (annual fee) – 5.00; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee, mileage) – 782.13; Mastercard (hotel, office) – 703.85; Sam’s Club (fundraiser, gas) – 290.69; Qualified Presort (mailing bills) – 156.09; Godfrey Brake Service (tool) – 32.57; Menards (shop) – 25.48; Pennington County Sheriff (4th qtr.) – 13376.50; SDML Worker’s Compensation (annual fee) – 4258.00; A-1 Mechanical (winterize pool) – 858.50; Hefty Feed and Seed (chemical) – 125.00; Charlotte Bale (refund credit) - 166.70; Interstate Battery – 181.50 TOTAL: $ 28005.77 INSURANCE FUND Monument Health (insurance deductible) – 2392.94 TOTAL: $2392.94 WATER FUND Finance – 3240.24; Public Works – 6554.30; SDRS (retire) – 1157.00; IRS-EFTPS (SS, FWT) – 3154.15; Aflac (insurance) – 228.06; HPSD (health) – 1886.40; WREA (service) – 1143.80; Charlotte Bale (refund credit) - 166.70; WDRWS (donation) – 1000.00; Mastercard AP (3rd qtr. water test) – 339.00; Racicky Ditching (water leak) – 1861.21; WRT (Base treatment) – 2486.25; Hawkins (chemicals) – 2246.57; SD One Call – 33.60; SD Water and Wastewater (membership) – 5.00; SD DANR (annual fee) – 220.00 TOTAL: $25722.28 METER FUND Cassandra key (meter deposit remainder) – 77.00; Carlos Robles (meter deposit remainder) – 43.00 TOTAL: $120.00 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 86.64; Michael Siegel (shop) – 44.60; BJ’S Store (oil) – 5.19; Charlotte Bale (refund credit) - 166.70; SD Federal Property Agency (tank) – 800.00; SD Water and Wastewater (membership) – 5.00; Mastercard (sewer jet) – 274.54; Grimm’s Pump Service (sewer jet) – 30.40; SD DANR (annual fee) – 50.00 TOTAL: $1463.07 FINANCE OFFICER The Finance Officer found some mistakes that were made in a few of the published bill lists in the minutes. In April the total for the March Sewer Fund was not published ($19,228.69). The April bill list published in May included a payment of $178.46 that wasn’t necessary as it was paid on the previous bill list. The May bill list published in June included a payment of $130.00 by Mastercard that had already been approved on April’s bill list. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS • They have finished sewer jetting. • Mr. Hall is waiting for more quotes for getting a tank mixer installed in the water storage tank. So far, the ones he has received have been higher than what he had been quoted from Midco when budgeting for it. All the companies that have given quotes required the tank to be cleaned also. • The water main leak on N. C Ave. has been repaired and it was found to have been mapped incorrectly. It was listed as being PVC pipe but is actually made of AC. He has now noted that on the map. • Mr. Hall is still waiting for the updated quote that Ames Construction requested he get from Farmers Supply for the new pump and parts for Well #1. • A plastic diverter that curves around the corner will be installed on the downspout at the Community Center. • Mike Siegel’s thumb was broken when a pick-up hood slammed on it. The SDML Workers Compensation has been informed and the proper paperwork has been sent. LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report. • He has been spending more time in the school area to deter problems and keep in contact with the students. MAYOR A letter was sent to a resident concerning dogs at large. COMMUNITY CENTER Councilor Hockenbary obtained a quote for a mobile sound system that can be used at the Community Center for various events. Some discussion was held concerning whether there should be a fee charged for the use of the sound system. Councilor Richter suggested charging a deposit to cover any possible damages but not a fee. Motion by K. Trullinger second by Graham to purchase the system for the price quoted of $2,529.89 which includes a microphone with a cord and one wireless, to charge a refundable deposit of $250.00 for the use of the system that will be returned if there is no damage to the equipment. Also, that the system be stored at City Hall where it will be checked out from and returned to. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Councilor Hockenbary recommended purchasing a case for this system to protect it. The cost will be under the $500.00 limit set to purchase equipment without Council approval. 2020 AND 2021 AUDIT Devin Pfaff and Derek Bierschbach with Casey Peterson and Associates presented the 2020 and 2021 audits. Both years were issued a clean opinion, Mr. Pfaff explained the findings and said overall no major problems were found. Also, approval was received from the SD Department of Legislative Audit to issue the audit for 2021. He noted the Sewer Fund revenues were not keeping up with the operating expenditures. The audit information can be found at newunderwood.com. WATER PROJECTS Bill Lass with the Black Hills Council of Local Governments will be completing the application for the funds needed to complete the multiple projects identified by AE2S and wanted to make sure the Council was still on board with going forward with applying for the full $7,581,000. The Council all agreed the water system issues need to be addressed and they do want to continue as planned. Mr. Lass will send us a copy of the wording required for the Resolution that will need to be adopted at the next meeting. BOND COUNSEL Bill Lass also mentioned we would need to have a Bond Counsel. Meri Jo Anderson stated that Todd Meierhenry had helped with our last one. Motion by Hockenbary second by Graham to authorize the Finance Office to contact Todd Meierhenry to see if he would be willing to provide bond counsel for the City of New Underwood. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. 2023 LIQUOR LICENSES Motion by Graham seconded by Richter to approve the following license renewals: Moes; 415 S. A Ave; #PL4547 (off sale) & #RL-5660 (on-sale); Dvorak Convenience Stores, Inc.; 16098 Highway 1416; #PL-4766 (off sale) & #RL-5885 (on sale); Wendy Philipsen & Serena Rice; 524 S. A Ave; #RL-5755 (on sale). Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. GWORKS PAYMENT OPTION The Council did not feel that it is necessary at this time to switch to or add the gWorks payment option for accepting payment online. MARIJUANA TESTING LAB Jessica Fanning was not present to give the Council any information on the plans for this so the subject was tabled. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The Sami Jo Memorial Pool is winterized and the cover is on. • An agreement will be drawn up concerning the vending machines owned by Josh Newman once the City insurance company is contacted. • A resident explained they were delinquent on their water bill. They were directed to talk to the staff at City Hall to make arrangements for getting caught up. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:51 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on October 18, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, and Tara Richter. Absent: Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Joe and Jessica Weishaar and Josh Newman. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the minutes for October 3, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS • A written quote was received from Midco Diving for a water tank mixer that included cleaning the tank again which had not been budgeted for in the 2023 Budget as we were not made aware of the need to do so. More information will be gathered and this subject will be revisited at a later meeting. WATER SALESMAN Mr. Hall detailed multiple problems that have occurred with the water salesman at the Fire Hall. He has found that parts are not available for it and researched options. He found a unit from Pressure Services Inc. that will accept dollar bills and can be updated with new prices. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve spending up to $4,000.00 to purchase and install the new unit. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. RESTRICTED USE DUMP SITE The October 15, 2022 fall clean-up day was busy with many repeat visitors. The site will not be open on weekends until next spring but the key is available at City Hall during normal business hours. MAYOR • A sound system would be useful for meetings etc. at the Community Center. She recommends storing it at City Hall and possibly charging a fee to use it. Councilor Richter said she doesn’t feel a fee needs to be charged. Councilor Hockenbary has volunteered to look into what it would cost to get something that can be easily operated. This will be discussed in more detail at the next meeting. • The next motion hearing for the resident at 111 N. C Ave. that is charged with theft of City services will be held in front of Judge Connolly on November 10, 2022. The letter that was sent to Judge Linngren will be forwarded to Judge Connolly concerning revocation of the bond. • Mayor Hall had been approached by a resident that pays for rural water to let her know that when trucks fill from the fire hydrant at the Pennington County Shop there is no water to their residence until they are done. VENDING MACHINES Josh Newman asked the Council if they would like to have a soda machine put into the Community Center that he and his family will keep stocked. He also mentioned he has a 9-bin vending machine for kid’s toys and candy. He offered to give the City 30% of money earned with an understanding that there is no guarantee that the machine will last any amount of time. The Mayor and Council want to make sure that Mr. Newman understands that the City of New Underwood is not responsible for any damage to or maintenance of the machine. He said he had gotten the machines for a reasonable price and would appreciate having a place to put it. The dollar bill accepter does not work but quarters can be used. A variety of soda can be made available for $1.00 each. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to allow only the soda machine at the Community Center with receiving 30% of the money earned as it had been said that the vending machine is large and the area for vending is small. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE #22-04 Supplemental Budget Ordinance #22-04 received the second reading.
BE IT ORDAINED by the New Underwood City Council that the following amounts be appropriated to the 2022 budget to meet the obligations of the municipality: General Government 101/410/414.8 (Health insurance) – $1,100.00; Financial Administration 101/414/414.8 (Health insurance) – $175.00; 101/414/426 (Supplies and Materials) - $1800.00; Public Works 101/430/414.8 (Health insurance) - $1440.00; Solid Waste 101/432.3/414.8 (Health insurance) - $173.00; Special Revenue 200/212/410 (General Government – $1725.00; Sewer Collection and Disposal 602/432.5/426 - $1800.00; Water Distribution 601/433.4/426 – $1800.00; Water Administration 601/433.5/414.8 (Health insurance) – $160.00. Means of finance: Reappropriated 2021 funds (wages) after CARES Act funds were received. Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer First Reading: September 20, 2022 Second Reading: October 18, 2022 Publish date: October 27, 2022 Effective Date: November 16, 2022 Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the second reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #22-04. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and Richter. Motion carried. ORDINANCE #22-05 Ordinance #22-05 received the second reading.
International Code Council
AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ARTICLE IV; PLANNING AND ZONING; SECTION V DEFINITIONS OF TERMS; SECTION XXVI; BUILDING PERMITS BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council for the City of New Underwood that Article IV; Section V; Definitions of Terms and Section XXVI; Building Permit, be amended to read as follows: Note: additions are underlined, deletions are strike-throughs SECTION V. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS Building/Development and Move on-off Permit - A permit (CNU form #1 and CNU form #2) issued by the Zoning Administrator (Mayor) with Council approval, signed by the Applicant certifying that such building, as proposed would be in compliance with the provisions of the Ordinance and with the SD building code International Code Council as adopted by the State of South Dakota. If within the term specified in this permit the proposed construction has not been completed all work thereon must cease immediately, except that upon showing of valid cause the Zoning Administrator (Mayor) may grant an extension of such permit with Council approval, for a period not to exceed six (6) months. (Term of permit may not exceed six months or less if stipulated on the Permit.) SECTION XXVI. BUILDING PERMIT A. No person shall assist in or proceed with the construction, erection, alteration, enlargement, removal or demolition of any building or structure in the corporate limits of New Underwood without first securing a building permit. A duly approved permit is required for any activity covered by this Ordinance or any other duly passed ordinance by the City of New Underwood. Building permits are available on line or at City Hall. All construction will conform to the most recent versions as adopted by the State of South Dakota of uniform building codes as required by the International Building Code, the International Residential Code and the International Property Maintenance Code as developed by the International Conference of Building Officials International Code Council. (seal) ________________________________ Teresa M. Hall, Mayor ____________________________ Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer First reading: October 3, 2022 Second reading: October 18, 2022 Publish Date: October 27, 2022 Effective Date: November 9, 2022 Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the second reading of Ordinance #22-05. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and Richter. Motion carried. ORDINANCE #22-06 Ordinance #22-06 received the second reading. ORDINANCE #22-06 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ARTICLE VIII AFFIRMATIVE ACTIONS AND BOARD CONDUCT Note: deletions are strike throughs, additions are underlined 4. PROCEDURES A. Meetings are to be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order SD State Law. Although our city is small and informal, order must be maintained to ensure all actions will be supported by law. Outbursts, inflammatory comments, and personal attacks will not be tolerated by anyone in attendance at any meeting. ______________________________ Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal) ______________________________ Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer First reading: October 3, 2022 Second reading: October 18, 2022 Publish Date: October 27, 2022 Effective Date: November 9, 2022 Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the second reading of Ordinance #22-06. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and Richter. Motion carried. HOLIDAY LIGHT CEREMONY Teresa Gravatt sent a letter explaining that for the holiday light ceremony on December 4th, 2022 they will not be decorating the trees at the Community Center as it has been a dry year and branches broke last year when they decorated them. Instead, they would like to put lights up on the Community Center and possibly City Hall, assemble the Nativity Scene and Mrs. Gravatt will contact the 4-H club to see if they would be willing to help put the trees up for grades K-5 to decorate. The Council agreed the fee for the use of the Community Center will be waived as this is a City event. AMES CONSTRUCTION When Ames Construction reviewed the MOU written up concerning use of the City water, they asked if it would be possible to increase the amount of water allowed to be used from 80,000 gallons per day to 120,000 gallons per day. The Council didn’t feel comfortable allowing that at this time but they are open to consider it after the project gets under way and if the need for an increase is proven to be necessary. The contractor also requested that Mr. Hall get a firmer price for the materials needed and informed him they would like to wait to install the new equipment until December and January, when the need for water is less. This should work well with the timing of getting the parts shipped in from Farmers. It was reiterated that the MOU with Ames Construction states that the City Council can stop allowing them to use City water at any time i.e., if there is a danger to the residents’ ability to receive water or if it is found that any part of the agreement is not being followed. No changes were made to the MOU so it stands as signed by the Mayor. WESTERN DAKOTA REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM A request for a donation had been received from Cheryl Chapman, Director of Western Dakota Regional Water System that will be matched by a SWRM Grant up to $250,000.00. Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve a donation of $1,000.00 as this is an investment in the future of our city residents’ ability to obtain water. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. HPSD The annual renewal for the Health Pool of SD has been received. There was a 4% increase that is covered by the 2023 Budget. Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the Finance Officer’s signature on the agreement. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental fund sheets were presented. • The Annual SDML Conference was very informative. • The City is now signed up to pay the State of SD taxes online through the EPath site. • There will be a charge on the next bill list payable to the Finance Officer for the purchase of the International Code Council books covering the Codes that have been newly adopted. • A rain spout diverter will be installed on the north side of the Community Center gutter. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:09 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on October 3, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, John Hall, Joe and Jessica Weishaar, Tom Trople, Daene, Jaime and Bria Boomsma, Caleb Dustman and Steve Swanson. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. MINUTES Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve the minutes for September 20, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The bill-list, savings sheet, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. September bills payable October 3, 2022 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 140.42 ; First Interstate Bank (fee) – 11.75 ; First Interstate Bank (safety deposit box rent) – 25.00; Forte Pay (fee) - 7.25 ; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Finance – 3220.24; Public Works – 6550.30 ; Cleaner – 159.08 ; Dallas Madsen (lift rental) - 360.00;Vadim Enterprise – 223.44; Mastercard AP – 1137.64; AFLAC (insurance) – 228.06; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 3324.48; SDRS (retire) – 1157.00; HPSD (health) – 2515.20; SDML (handbooks) – 300.00; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 1837.30; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 434.41; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 239.63; WREA (service) – 1849.06; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 230.00; Mastercard – 136.46; Qualified Presort Service (printing bills) - 322.04; Jenner Equipment ( couplers) – 130.35; gWorks (Simple City software) –1627.50; Ace Hardware (marking paint) - 60.94; Michael Siegel (cc screens) - 95.96; Menards (paint) - 61.96; West River Welding & Machine (hydraulic cylinder repair) – 540.00 TOTAL: $27,337.22 HEALTH INSURANCE FUND Timothy S. Hall (reimbursement) –666.21 TOTAL: $666.21 WATER FUND Vadim Enterprises (postcard bills) – 223.44; gWorks (Simple City software) – 1627.50; Hawkins (chemicals) – 2074.69; WREA (service) – 1302.35; WRT (Base treatment) – 2486.25; Northwest Pipe Fittings (check valve, fitting) – 485.04 TOTAL: $8199.27 METER FUND Shawn Coleman (meter deposit) – 150.00 TOTAL: $150.00 SEWER FUND Vadim Enterprises (postcard bills) – 223.44; gWorks (Simple City software) – 1627.50; WREA (service) – 85.49; TOTAL: $1936.43 FINANCE OFFICER The interfund transfer in the Water Fund on the Savings Sheet is to correct a mistake made in the Meter Deposit section of the Fund. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS • Mr. Hall reported that he has a meeting this Wednesday with a couple of people that are working on the Wild Springs Solar Project, one of which expressed interest in possibly connecting to the City of New Underwood’s water system. • There was a water line break on B Ave. last week. • Flushing of fire hydrants was completed today. MAYOR A request was received from the Director of the Western Dakota Regional Water System for a donation from the City of New Underwood for a matching grant fund for the project. This will be on the next meeting agenda for consideration. ORDINANCE #22-05 Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve the first reading of amended Ordinance #22-05 Article IV. Planning and Zoning; Section V. Definition of Terms and Section XXVI. Building Permits to adopt the most current version as adopted by the State of South Dakota of the International Building Code, International Residential Code and the International Property Maintenance Code as developed by the International Code Council. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #22-16
Memorandum of Understanding with Ames Construction
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood realizes the need to have a written Memorandum of Understanding between themselves and Ames Construction for the sale of water and use of Well #1, and WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood had the Gunderson, Nelson and Ashmore Law firm draw up the Memorandum of Understanding containing the items discussed at the September 20, 2022 meeting which included water rates, with Ames Construction paying up-front cost for new pump, pipe and VFD, proof of insurance, hold harmless clause, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of New Underwood hereby designates the Mayor to act as signatory on the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of New Underwood and Ames Construction. Dated this 3 day of October, 2022. Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (SEAL) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with amending the specification of written notice prior to removing the City of New Underwood from their insurance or lowering the policy limits. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter, K. Trullinger. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #22-15 Resolution #22-15 was introduced with Daene Boomsma stating this is a plat of a lot done in order to transfer ownership of the land.
WHEREAS a Plat Township 2 North, Range 10 East of the Black Hills Meridian New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and
WHEREAS it appears that said plat conforms with the system of streets and alleys of the existing plat of said City and additions thereto, and that all municipal taxes and special assessments have been fully paid and that the plat of said lots had been executed according to law, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a Plat Lot 1 Swanson Subdivision (formerly the NW1/4 of the NW1/4, less Swanson First Addition, and less right of way) located in the NW1/4 of the NW1/4, Section 32, Township 2 North, Range 10 East of the Black Hills Meridian New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and the same is hereby approved, and the Finance Officer, Director of Public Works and the Mayor of New Underwood are hereby authorized to endorse on the plat a copy of the resolution and certify as to its correctness. Dated this 3rd day of October, 2022
Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
Motion by K. Trullinger second by Graham to approve Resolution #22-15. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter, K. Trullinger. Motion carried.
BUILDING PERMIT #22-33 Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #22-33 for Tom Trople to build a shop at 405 E. Pine St. pending payment as it will meet set-backs. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
ORDINANCE #22-06 Ordinance #22-06 an Ordinance to amend Article VIII Affirmative Actions and Code Conduct to remove Robert’s Rules of Order received its first reading. Motion by Hockenbary second by K. Trullinger to approve the first reading. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Deputy Jones had turned in the written monthly report for review. • Consideration of allowing a local vendor to supply a soda and food vending machine at the Community Center was tabled until more information could be received from him. • Consideration of where to designate the CARES ACT funds will be discussed at the next Council meeting. • Information about getting a cardboard container will be obtained. • Only replacement of lines not older than 50 years was removed from the state water plan application that was submitted. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:32 p.m.
(Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on September 20, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, John Hall, Sara Frankenstein, Owen Weise, Jack Trullinger, Caleb Dustman and Jessica Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. AGENDA Motion by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve the agenda with the addition of the Memorandum of Understanding from Owen Weise and correcting the number of building permits for Boom Investments to six. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MINUTES Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the minutes for September 6, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCE OFFICER A mistake was found in the published minutes of the March 1, 2022 council meeting. The February bill list presented at that meeting and the expenditure sheets that were presented at the following council meeting were correct but the published fund balances were not. An apology was given for the oversight. Also, next month the savings sheets will show a correction to the Water Fund, $45.50 needs to be transferred in that fund from meter deposits to water to correct the totals. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS • Midco Diving has not yet supplied a written statement verifying they would install the mixer in the water storage tank without cost to the City of New Underwood for parts or labor until the Director or Public Works finds whether or not the mixer is useful after January 1, 2023. They will have one ready before the next Council meeting. • Animal remains are not allowed in garbage totes. The City of Rapid City landfill has a separate location where these are allowed. MAYOR • The Wicksville Workers and Donna and Leroy Rankin have made generous donations to the Food Pantry located at City Hall. • A letter was sent to a resident informing them it is against City Ordinance to burn garbage, construction materials, etc. in city limits. RESTRICTED USE DUMP SITE The dump will be open from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. on October 15, 2022 for a trial fall clean-up day. That will be the last Saturday the dump is manned on a weekend for the year. WATER SYSTEM AE2S found that replacement of the PVC pipes is not justifiable according to the state requirements. The revised amount that will be requested is $7,580,000. That amount includes replacement of only the AC pipe along with the other improvements proposed. They would like to receive any input concerning the draft Facility Plan before September 26, 2022 in order to meet the October 1, 2022 deadline for submission to the DANR. OATH OF OFFICE Mayor Hall recommended appointing Gunderson, Palmer, Nelson and Ashmore Law Firm as the City’s legal counsel. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the mayor’s recommendation. Motion by K. Trullinger second by Hockenbary to approve the mayor’s signature on the retention agreement. Aye: all. Motion carried. Mayor Hall administered the Oath of Office to Sara Frankenstein. A copy of the Oath of Office will be kept on record at City Hall. It was explained that any person in the firm that does anything for the City of New Underwood will be administered the Oath of Office and a copy of each will be sent to City Hall. WILD SPRINGS SOLAR PROJECT A preliminary Memorandum of Understanding was received from Owen Weise from the Gunderson, Palmer, Nelson and Ashmore Law Firm listing the City of New Underwood’s requirements for the use of the water from Well #1. A few suggestions were made on changes needed such as possibly adding the City of New Underwood as an additional insured on Ames Constructions insurance, adding the Variable Frequency Drive to the list of parts supplied by Ames Construction and setting the maximum amount of water usage per day at 80,000 gallons. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the mayor’s signature on the final draft. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Mr. Weise will provide an updated copy of the MOU when it is ready (when the council can then legally approve the mayor’s signature). AMES CONSTRUCTION The Council agreed to allow Ames Construction to use water out of the hydrant by the Pennington County shop for the rural water rate and the radium removal fee for a total of $8.50 per thousand gallons until the new parts come in and are installed in Well #1. This may cause low water pressure for the time it takes to fill their tanks but it shouldn’t be more than 20 minutes at a time. CARETAKERSHIP Tony Ascrizzi would like to have a caretakership placed on the property at 16070 Hwy 1416. He had said that he will obtain a letter from the property owner that states they do not have a problem with him placing said building closer to the property line than the Zoning Ordinance allows. The Council agreed they would not be willing to consider a variance request as there are other options available to Mr. Ascrizzi such as adding on to the west side of the existing structure. ORDINANCE #22-05 Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve the first reading of Ordinance #22-05 amending Article IV; Planning and Zoning; Section V. Definition of Terms and Section XXVI. Building Permits to adopt the most current version of the International Building Code and the International Property Maintenance Code as developed by the International Code Council. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Sara Frankenstein recommended that the City of New Underwood purchase copies of each of these books. BUILDING PERMITS • Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve Building Permits #22-26, 22-27, 22-28, 22-29, 22-30 and 22-31 for Boom Investments to remove six mobile homes from the west side of the property located at 310 Linn St. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. • Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve Building Permit #22-32 for Darcy Bolton for a privacy fence on the property at 113 N. A Ave. as it will meet setbacks. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SIMPLE CITY SOFTWARE Steve Mosteller with gWorks/Simple City reached out to inform the Finance Officer of an opportunity to get trained on the Finance, HR Hub and Utility Billing upgrade before the first of the year if the Council would agree to allow payment of the prorated rate for the Annual subtotal at $228.08 per month and half of the one-time subtotal in the amount of $4025.00. The remaining balance of $6762.00 would then be due after the first of the year. This was budgeted for the year 2023 but the funds are available now. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve payment in the amount of $4709.24 for the upgrades. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ORDINANCE #22-04 Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the first reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #22-04. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY Teresa Gravatt is looking for alternatives to putting Christmas lights on the trees at the Community Center this year as it has been a very dry year again and the branches broke easily last year when they put the lights up. The Mayor and Council will try to come up with suggestions at a future meeting. THEFT OF SERVICES A letter was received from the Pennington County State’s Attorney’s office informing of a Motion Hearing scheduled for October 18, 2022 for Mr. Kopecky. Jack Trullinger asked the Council to consider sending a letter requesting revocation of the bond that was issued to Mr. Kopecky so he would then have to show up to that hearing. Motion by Hockenbary seconded by Richter to send a letter requesting the revocation of his bond and to authorize Mayor Hall’s signature on it as Mr. Kopecky has missed several hearings most recently causing the postponement of his trial and this has been going on since 2018. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental fund sheets were presented. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:12 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on September 6, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Sgt. Harkins, Deputy Jones, John Hall, Joe and Jessica Weishaar, Amy Caringi, Joe Noble, Keith Jahner and Rod Crosbie. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. PUBLIC HEARINGS Although all Labor Day weekend events were approved by the Council to be the same as the previous year the Public Hearing for Moe’s Bar and Grill for Labor Day weekend at the Rodeo Grounds should have been included on the meeting agenda for August 16, 2022 and was not. The Finance Officer apologized for the omission. Rod Crosbie asked the Council to consider allowing part of the east side of D Ave. to be rezoned to commercial so that storage units could be put there on the south three lots. The Council and Mayor asked him to bring in the plans on paper and said notice will be given to the adjoining property owners for the next meeting so a Public Hearing can be held with ample notice. AGENDA Motion by K. Trullinger second by Hockenbary to approve the amended agenda with removing the zoning change request discussion further. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MINUTES Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the minutes for August 16, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The bill-list, savings sheet, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. August bills payable September 6, 2022 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 119.29; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 12.00; Forte Pay (fees) – 5.50; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Council – 831.14; Finance – 3161.21; Public Works – 6660.16; Cleaners – 54.04; Lifeguards – 3564.78; Ione Wolf (CH) – 160.50; Jerome Johnson (labor) – 126.50; Mastercard AP (phone, CH a/c, misc.) – 3532.98; City of Rapid City (July roll off) – 208.62; SDRS (retire) – 1157.00; AFLAC (insurance) - 114.66; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 4417.52; HPSD (health) – 2515.20; WREA (service) – 1961.33; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 543.72; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 293.28; Michael Siegel (CC repairs) – 46.57; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 2289.94; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 460.00; Mastercard (CC, shop, CH supplies) – 127.66; Sam’s Club (concessions) – 261.96; BJ’S Store (diesel) - 79.12; Grimms Pump (plug) – 7.83; NASASP (annual fee) – 39.00; Northwest Pipe (check valve) – 485.04; Sanitation Products (GT parts) – 241.91; Whisler Bearing (hose) – 88.87; SDRS (late fees) – 149.46; Mastercard AP (phone, pool, Kieffer, CH) – 1092.50; Black Hills Chemical - 37.85; SD Federal Property (tools) – 27.00; Crown Oil (fuel) – 1836.00 TOTAL: $37121.89 SECIAL REVENUE FUND Simon Materials (chips/oil) – 16531.73; Hall Trucking (haul distributor) – 750.00 TOTAL: $17281.73 WATER FUND WREA (service) – 1519.40; US Bank (SRF) – 1693.16; WRT (Base treatment) – 2486.25; Hawkins (chemicals) – 1071.04; SD one Call – 32.55; TOTAL: $6802.40 METER FUND Jon Oberlander (meter deposit remainder) – 123.50; Ashley Burns (meter deposit remainder) – 80.00 TOTAL: $203.50 SEWER FUND WREA (service) – 83.14; Dakota Supply Group – 3579.10; Continental Research – 1074.38; TOTAL: $4736.62 2022 SAMI JO MEMORIAL POOL FUNDRAISER The fundraiser went very well this year. So far over $9,000.00 has been raised and Modern Woodman will match $2,500.00 of that total. Thank you everyone for your support. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS • Mr. Hall expects to have heart surgery soon. WATER STORAGE TANK MIXER Midco Diving will install a mixer in the water storage tank that has been budgeted for 2023 when word is given to do so and will not charge for anything unless it is found to be useful at the end of the year. Motion by Graham second by Richter to get this in writing to be sure. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. WILD SPRINGS SOLAR PROJECT Mr. Hall stated that Farmers Supply prefers to run all business with Ames Construction through the City of New Underwood for the parts that Ames Construction plans to have installed which include all new pipe, fittings and a new pump with a variable frequency drive and surge protection at the south well (Well 1), some of the parts will not be available for 4 weeks after the day they are ordered. It was reiterated that a lawyer is needed to draw up an agreement for all of this. LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report. MAYOR • Inspection reports were received from the DANR for the restricted use dump site and waste water treatment site. Thank you to the Public Works department for their great work at these sites. • The Annual SDML Conference will be held October 4-7, 2022 in Watertown, SD. Councilor Trullinger verified she will be attending. CITY ATTORNEY Mayor Hall spoke with Sara Frankenstein from the Gunderson, Palmer, Nelson and Ashmore Law Firm and found her to be very knowledgeable and experienced in municipal law. A letter had been emailed stating the discounted rates that would be charged to the city. Legal matters the City of New Underwood could possibly face with the construction of the Wild Springs Solar Project were discussed and Sara affirmed they would draw up an agreement for the City of New Underwood for the use of Well 1. During discussion the Council agreed with Mayor Hall that the presence of legal counsel will not be necessary at every meeting but it would be good to have their attendance when needed. Mayor Hall asked that Sara Frankenstein be contacted to see if she will be available to receive the Oath of Office for the Law Firm at the next regular Council meeting. AE2S Joe Noble presented copies of the six proposed projects that are being recommended for the City of New Underwood water system. The proposed projects are: replacement of 4-inch and 6-inch pipe, distribution improvements, replacement of 6-inch pipe that has reached the end of its intended service life, a new water storage tank farther north of the existing one, construction of the new well and the demolition of the water tower by the Rodeo Grounds. All of these projects have an estimated cost of $9,346,000. A great discussion was had with good participation from all attending about the necessity of each of these projects and that it’s not likely the price of materials will go down in the future. Joe Noble stated that any funds that may be approved will not need to be paid back unless they are utilized. RESOLUTION NUMBER 22-14 Motion by Hockenbary seconded by Graham to request getting on the State Water Plan and to request funding for all six projects recommended by AE2S.
Water System Improvements
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood has identified the need for water system upgrades for distribution, storage and treatment, and WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood hired AE2S to do an evaluation of the water system, and WHEREAS, AE2S Engineering has identified six projects that need to be addressed: replacement of 4-inch and 6-inch pipe, distribution improvements, replacement of 6-inch pipe that has reached the end of its intended service life, a new water storage tank farther north of the existing one, construction of the new well and the demolition of the water tower by the Rodeo Grounds. All of these projects have an estimated cost of $9,346,000, and WHEREAS, AE2S Engineering will partner with the Black Hills Council of Local Governments to put together a request to get the City of New Underwood on the State Water Plan, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of New Underwood get on the State Water Plan for these six projects: replacement of 4-inch and 6-inch pipe, distribution improvements, replacement of 6-inch pipe that has reached the end of its intended service life, a new water storage tank farther north of the existing one, construction of the new well and the demolition of the water tower by the Rodeo Grounds at an estimated cost of $9,346,000 and that the New Underwood City Council designates the Mayor and/or the Finance Officer to sign any and all paperwork necessary to secure funding for the water system improvements. Dated this 6th day of September, 2022 Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (SEAL) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMITS Motion by K. Trullinger second by Graham to approve Building Permit #22-24 for Rhonda Torrey at 512 E. Ash St. for a 20’ by 20’ carport and to move the existing shed into the back yard. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by Richter seconded by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #22-25 for Keith Jahner at 103 S. Madison Ave. for 85 feet of 6-foot-high privacy fence on the west side of the yard at a minimum of 6-inches from the property line. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MEETING DATE CHANGE Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to move the first October meeting to Monday October 3, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center to avoid conflicting with the Annual SDML Conference date. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • It was discussed that any funds needed for the new equipment at the south well will need to be given to the City before the City will order the necessary parts. • The Mayor and Council thanked Jessica Weishaar for her input. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on August 16, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, John Hall, Joe Noble, Emma Madsen, Amy Caringi, Tyler LaVere and Jessica Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. AGENDA Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
MINUTES Motion by K. Trullinger second by Graham to approve the minutes for August 16, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS • Mr. Hall has started a new business and will not be at work for the city on a regular basis for about a month and a half but he will be available and come in when necessary. • The new pump for the lift station has arrived and will be installed as time allows or if the need arises.
WILD SPRINGS SOLAR PROJECT Ames Construction has requested water from our south well (Well 1) and has asked if it would be feasible to install a new pump and pipe in that well, Taylor Drilling is very busy and recommended Farmer’s Supply to look into this and do the work. Mr. Hall contacted them and they have said they have not received a proposal from Ames Construction yet. Once operational, Ames Construction estimates they will use between 30-40 thousand gallons a day for about 18 months. The Council asked if the new well pump and pipe would be staying at the South Well after this project is done. Mr. Hall said he believed so. After some discussion including that the City of New Underwood will have a higher electric bill for the pumping of the extra water used it was decided that Ames Construction would be charged the rural water rate for the water usage and since there will be no radium removal there would be no fee for that. The Mayor and Council will make sure the wording is very concise in the contract to allow water usage for the Wild Springs Solar Project. Specifically, that no water will be provided to them if anything causes either Well 1 or Well 2 to fail until the problem is resolved.
2022 SAMI JO MEMORIAL POOL FUNDRAISER The pool will be open from 4-6 p.m. on August 20, 2022 for the pool fundraiser with swimming and various games in the park. Burgers, hot dogs and chips will be served under the tent at Moe’s Bar and Grill and Colin and Sara Hansen will DJ. Various people have said they would pitch in to help with the event and Amy Caringi said she would help cook if she is available. The New Underwood Volunteer Fire Department will have a truck parked by the pool from 4-6 p.m. on the day of the fundraiser and they will be handing out freeze pops.
During discussion it was stated that it essential for the City to find out what all the needs of the water system are now and could be in the future. Joe Noble explained that doing a study only on what it would take to replace the 4” water lines with 6” water lines as had been requested after the last meeting would not save any money in the long run. After more discussion Resolution #22-13 was introduced.
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood has identified the need for water system upgrades for distribution, storage and treatment, and
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood realizes that to be eligible for funding through the state the City needs have an engineering study completed, and
WHEREAS, AE2S LLC has provided the City of New Underwood with an Agreement for Water System Facility Evaluation, and
WHEREAS, AE2S LLC will partner with the Black Hills Council of Local Governments to put together a request to get the City of New Underwood on the State Water Plan, and
WHEREAS, AE2S LLC has agreed to render these services for a fee of $16,285.00, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the New Underwood City Council designates the Mayor and/or Finance Officer to sign the Agreement for Water System Facility Evaluation.
Dated this 16th day of August, 2022 Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (SEAL) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
Motion by Graham seconded by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #22-13. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried.
Joe Noble with AE2S believes that they and the Black Hills Council of Local Governments will try to meet the October 1, 2022 deadline for application to the State Water Plan. These applications are accepted quarterly.
BUDGET ORDINANCE #22-03 Budget Ordinance #22-03 received its second reading.
Be it ordained by the City of New Underwood that the following sums are appropriated to meet the obligations of the municipality for the year 2023: EXPENDITURES 101 General Fund 410 General Government $213,076.72 420 Public Safety $55,111.00 429 Flood Control $2,450.00 430 Public Works $178,395.48 432.3 Solid Waste $80,800.00 450 Cultural & Recreation $48,935.00 455 Library $1,000.00 456 Community Center $13,100.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $592,868.20 200 Special Revenue 410 General Government $20,000.00 429.1 Flood Control $2,000.00 430 Public Works $55,000.00 432.3 Solid Waste $4,000.00 432 Sewer $10,000.00 433 Water $10,000.00 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE $101,000.00 432 TOTAL SEWER $104,080.00 433 TOTAL WATER $263,984.00 TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENSE $1,061,932.20 REVENUES 101 General Fund 107 Assigned Cash $131,433.53 310 Taxes $300,895.00 320 License & Permits $7,100.00 330 State & County & Fed Shared $67,239.67 340 Solid Waste $88,150.00 360 Miscellaneous $17,200.00 370 Trust & Agency $3,500.00 212 Special Revenue Fund $89,000.00 TOTAL GENERAL REVENUE $704,518.20 381 WATER $253,084.00 382 SEWER $104,330.00 TOTAL MEANS OF FINANCE $1,061,932.20 The County Auditor is hereby authorized and instructed to spread the following taxes upon the property in said City of New Underwood, South Dakota: Tax Dollars required to finance budget: General Fund $207,792.00 Approx. REAL TAX LEVY REQUEST $207,792.00 (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Teresa M. Hall, Mayor First Reading August 2, 2022 Second Reading August 16, 2022 Publish Date: September 1, 2022 Effective Date: September 19, 2022 Motion by Richter seconded by K. Trullinger to approve the second reading of Budget Ordinance #22-03. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The meet and greet at the Community Center with Senator Thune on Monday went well. • The pool leak is now very minimal thanks to Pool and Spa Center. • The Fire Department District meeting will be September 13, 2022 at 7 p.m. The public is encouraged to attend. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:57 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on August 2, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Deputy Jones, John Hall, Joe and Jessica Weishaar and Ronnie Racicky. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. AGENDA Motion by K. Trullinger second by Hockenbary to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MINUTES Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve the minutes for July 26, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The bill-list, savings sheet, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. July bills payable August 2, 2022 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 147.67; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 5.00; Forte Pay (fees) – 5.00; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Finance – 3473.69; Public Works – 6253.07; Cleaners – 102.06; Lifeguards – 3120.85; SDRS (retire) – 1157.00; AFLAC (insurance) - 114.66; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 3923.05; HPSD (health) – 2515.20; WREA (service) – 1923.98; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 615.61; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 241.03; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 1749.48; Menards (shop) – 48.96; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 483.00; Mastercard (CC, shop, CH supplies) – 244.82; Sam’s Club (concessions) – 533.07; Splash City (pool chemical) – 262.50; Pennington County Sheriff (3rd qtr.) – 13376.50; Casey Peterson (2020 audit) – 20548.17; Spectrum Industrial Products (CC Mopit solenoid) – 86.93; Carefree Lawn and Sprinkler (park sprinklers) – 125.00; Kristi Pritzkau (keys) – 17.67 TOTAL: $61485.72 SECIAL REVENUE FUND Simon Materials (chips/oil) – 12560.12; Halls Grinding Service (haul chips) – 600.00; Hall Trucking (haul chips) – 750.00 TOTAL: 13910.12 WATER FUND WREA (service) – 1446.15; WRT (Base treatment) – 2486.25; Hawkins (chemicals) – 1482.84 Core & Main (meter coupling) – 15.47 TOTAL: $5430.71 SEWER FUND WREA (service) –134.21 TOTAL: $134.21 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS • The streets should all be chip sealed after tomorrow. • The distributor truck has been delivered. WILD SPRINGS SOLAR PROJECT Mr. Hall received a call from Ames Construction who was awarded the bid for the Wild Springs Solar Project about the possibility of replacing our pump at Well 1 (the south well) with a larger one at their own expense because of the amount of water they are planning to purchase from the city. He is waiting for more information from Taylor Drilling Co. to answer that question and others. They plan to start construction in October. If we can come to an agreement, a legal document with a detailed understanding will be drawn up by an attorney with both parties signing. 2022 SAMI JO MEMORIAL POOL FUNDRAISER The fundraiser will be held on August 20, 2022. There will be open swim from 4-6 p.m. at the pool and food and refreshments under the tent behind Moe’s Bar and Grill with music provided by Sara and Colin Hansen. Please come enjoy this with us. LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report. The trial for James Kopecky for theft of New Underwood utility services will be held on August 22-23, 2022 in Rapid City. The Finance Officer informed the Council that he is no longer receiving garbage services. MAYOR The Rapid City Public Library staff has been coming to town and setting up a tent on the first and third Mondays of the month from 1-4 PM, outside of the Community Center. People can sign up for and renew their library card and check out books, DVD’s and games. They are also providing technology troubleshooting. Mayor Hall wants to share that this a free service for Pennington County residents. BUDGET ORDINANCE #22-03 Budget Ordinance #22-03 was presented and received the first reading. Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve the first reading of Budget Ordinance #22-03. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. LABOR DAY CELEBRATION Motion by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve the following requests. Street closure from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. & open container Sunday September 4, 2022 from Oak St. to Elm St. Electrical from Public Works Shop & cement pad for music, events and announcing. Pine St. closed from A Ave. and to the alley’s east and west of A Ave. for showing cars and the use of the Community Center for the Labor Day steam burger feed. Also, Monday September 7, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. open container and the back yard of City Hall for horseshoes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. There are multiple different activities being planned for this year’s celebration. Ronnie Racicky stated any funds raised by the Labor Day Committee will be donated to Jodi Madsen to help with medical bills. AE2S The proposals for detailed in depth feasibility studies on water and sewer for current and future needs that were requested by the Council from AE2S were reviewed. Public Works Director Tim Hall stated that in his opinion the replacement of 4-inch water mains that are connected to 6-inch mains throughout the majority of the city is a priority. The Council agreed that although it is important to see the big overall picture it would be best to take care of the issues that are already known within our current infrastructure. Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger to request a quote for AE2S to draw up an engineered plan to replace these 4-inch mains with 6-inch mains which includes the projected cost so we can be ready to apply to get on the state water plan. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMIT & VARIANCE REQUEST Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #22-21 for Chris Maas for a carport at 106 S. D Ave. as permission has been given by the landlord. The Variance request #22-03 is approved only for the carport to be placed up to the property line, not into the right-of-way since it is a carport and not a solid structure. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Ronnie Racicky complimented the Public Works Department on the chip seal work that’s been done. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:08 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
2023 BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing was held from 5:30 p.m. to 5:55 p.m. to go over the proposed 2023 budget. REGULAR MEETING A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on July 19, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, John Hall and Dustin Willett. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. AGENDA Motion by K. Trullinger second by Graham to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MINUTES Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the minutes for July 12, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. PENNINGTON COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Dustin Willett with Pennington County Emergency Management explained that they are working to collaborate with municipalities to raise awareness of Emergency Management mitigation. Congress has been approving more funds to FEMA to help with the mitigation process because it is more productive to mitigate a disaster than to recover after one. The signature requested is not stating that the signor is responsible for attending the meetings that may be scheduled but that someone from the City of New Underwood will to attend.
Memorandum of Agreement for Participation in the Pennington County Multijurisdictional / Multi-Hazard Disaster Mitigation Planning Process WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood understands the need to be prepared for emergencies, and WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood agrees to cooperate with Pennington County Emergency Management and other communities involved in the mitigation of emergencies, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of New Underwood hereby designates Mayor Hall to act as signatory on the Memorandum of Agreement for participation in the Pennington County Multijurisdictional / Multi-Hazard Disaster Mitigation Planning Process. Dated this 19th day of July 2022. Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (SEAL) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #22-12. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. SIMPLE CITY • The transition from the old system to Simple City gWorks has been going well. • The FrontDesk system is now available for citizens to use to pay their water sewer and garbage fees. Per Resolution 22-04 the City of New Underwood will cover the fees that would get charged to the resident if payments are made by ACH/e-Check using this method. Credit and debit cards can also be used for a 2.75% convenience fee. The link to FrontDesk can be found at newunderwood.com. Please call City Hall with any questions about signing up for this. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS • They are almost done chip sealing the streets. The Director of Public works commended the crew for sticking it out through the hot days. • Mr. Hall is continuing to look for an end dump truck for sale in SD that is in better condition than what they currently have. Others have been found out of state but it is not cost effective to go look at them. • A pump has been ordered for the lift station it should be here in 3-4 weeks. • Residents need to be aware that “flushable” wipes do not degrade and they can and have caused the sewer lines to become clogged. • As a reminder to residents, the sewer system is not to be used for water from sump pumps. When it rains the water dumped into the sewer from sump pumps causes large waste to be rushed at the pump which plugs it and can cause the sewer lines to clog. Also, the chemical required to treat the sewage is expensive and it wouldn’t require as much chemical if there was less water/waste collected at the lagoon. • Pennington County plans to chip seal A Ave. the week of July 25, 2022. 2022 SAMI JO MEMORIAL POOL FUNDRAISER The pool will be open from 4-6 p.m. on August 20, 2022 for the pool fundraiser with swimming and various games in the park. Food will be served under the tent at Moe’s and other plans are still in the works. MAYOR • A letter was sent concerning mowing and trimming of a property. WATER AND SEWER PROPOSALS The water and sewer study proposals that had been requested have not been received. It was discussed that as there is not a project scheduled for either it is not imperative that an engineer is hired right now to do these studies. The Finance Director pointed out that a study could give Council members now and in the future an idea of what the city infrastructure will require and a time frame so they can better plan for the future needs. RESOLUTION #22-11 Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #22-11.
WHEREAS a Plat of Lot 1A and Lot 1B of Price Estates Subdivision located in the SW1/4 of Section 21, Township 2 North, Range 10 East of the Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and WHEREAS it appears that said plat conforms with the system of streets and alleys of the existing plat of said City and additions thereto, and that all municipal taxes and special assessments have been fully paid and that the plat of said lots had been executed according to law, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a Plat Lot 1A and Lot 1B of Price Estates Subdivision located in the SW1/4 of Section 21, of Tract Township 2 North, Range 10 East Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and the same is hereby approved, and the Finance Officer, Director of Public Works and the Mayor of New Underwood are hereby authorized to endorse on the plat a copy of the resolution and certify as to its correctness. Dated this 19th day of July, 2022. (seal) Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The Finance Director has hired Kathy Lemke for the City Clerk position. • The Council does not believe it is necessary to have time constraints added to the Ordinance concerning fireworks as the majority of people have been respectful of other residents and have quit lighting them when it gets late. Also, it is difficult to prove who had set any fireworks off after a time that would be specified if added. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on July 12, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Emma Madsen, Deputy Jones, Sgt. Harkins and Joe Noble. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. AGENDA Motion by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. AE2S Joe Noble with AE2S did a presentation explaining the purpose of a more in-depth water, sewer and lagoon study. The Council and Mayor requested a proposal for each. It will be discussed at a future meeting once the proposals are received. MINUTES Motion by K. Trullinger second by Hockenbary to approve the minutes for June 28, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The bill-list, savings sheet, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve the financial reports and the following warrants with a correction to the Sam’s Club amount to $1,441.37. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. June bills payable July 12, 2022 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 68.95; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 2.50; First Interstate Bank (return ACH) - 3.00; Forte Pay (fees) – 5.00; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Finance – 4839.48; Public Works – 9978.14; Cleaners – 252.11; Lifeguards – 3355.19; Council - 738.80; SDRS (retire) – 1735.50; SDRS (late fees) – 201.53; AFLAC (insurance) - 114.66; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 5907.06; HPSD (health) – 2515.20; WREA (service) – 1909.86 ; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 578.50; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 140.01; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 2156.35; Menards (pool pump, oil, shop) – 137.98; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 207.00; Mastercard (AP card) – 1714.83; Dennis Johnson (CC geothermal repair) - 519.03; McGas (propane) - 515.25; NU School (library donation) - 1000.00; Ace Steel & Recycling (GT repair) - 200.53; Summit Fire Protection (annual inspection) - 126.00; SD of Dept Labor (reemployment) - 108.31; A1 Mechanical (pool heater) - 155.00; BJ’S (pool dye) - 5.69; Sam’s Club (concessions) – 1441.37; SD Federal Prop Ag (desk) - 345.00; Great Western Tire Co. (mow tractor) - 29.90; Mastercard (rooms/USPS) – 373.17 TOTAL: $41792.65 SECIAL REVENUE FUND Interstate Battery Center (Distributor) - 161.85 TOTAL: $161.85 WATER FUND WREA (service) – 1315.38; WRT (Base treatment) – 2486.25; Hawkins (chemicals) 1858.30 TOTAL: $5659.93 SEWER FUND Mastercard (sewer net) -24.99; WREA (service) – 111.69 TOTAL: $136.68 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS • A distributor truck has been purchased through Purple Wave Auctions in Mitchell, SD for $1,100. It is larger than what we currently have and the truck was reported to have worked very well when Davidson County crews last used it. • They have started chip sealing the streets. • The lift station pump quit working so the trash pump is currently being used. The trash pump does not chew up what it pumps so a new pump is needed. They were given some pumps that are larger but in order to put those to use the lift station would need a major overhaul which would require hiring an engineer. • A reminder to the public not to deposit large items in the garbage totes such as two-by-fours, construction material, metal, tables and other stuff. This stuff damages the garbage truck hydraulic system, compactor, etc. and it is very expensive to fix. We have a restricted use dump site for these items and the key is available during the week at City Hall. • Residents that have sump pumps need to know that the water it pumps out should not go into the sewer system as it taxes the lagoon capacity after it rains. POOL MANAGER • The pool is still leaking and has to be filled every 12 hours. • The person that had planned to go to the last lifeguard training session was unable to go. Hayden Thorton has been hired to help with concessions when she is able. • The pool will be closed for the summer after August 19, 2022 except for the fundraiser. 2022 SAMI JO MEMORIAL POOL FUNDRAISER The pool staff are planning to hold the annual fundraiser on August 20, 2022 from 4-6 p.m. at the pool and City Park with yard games and food after. Emma has had some people volunteer to help with this and will continue to ask around for more volunteers. She will also get in touch with Modern Woodmen and letters will be sent out to others requesting donations for the pool and for this event. More plans will be discussed at the next meeting. LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report. He also wants to let people know that once a Pennington County officer gives a verbal warning concerning dogs barking excessively the next step is a written warning then if it is not taken care of within 3 days citation is issued and a court appearance is required. Be considerate of your neighbors. MAYOR • Three letters were sent to residents concerning parking of vehicles in the right-of-way. • Mayor Hall and some Council members had received some complaints from residents about allowing fireworks in City limits, they responded by letting the people that were concerned know that the Fire Department has requested that fireworks be allowed in town as it is safer than having people go out to the country to light them off. COUNCIL MEETING The meeting on July 19, 2022 will start at 5:30 to go over the 2023 Budget line by line. SPIKING PERMITS Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve Spiking Permit #22-07 for Shayla Garner on October 22, 2022 for a wedding reception and Spiking Permit #22-08 for Marla Tisdale on August 27, 2022 for a baby shower. Both pending payment. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #22-20 for Trent Pulis Construction for a governor’s house and attached garage at 529 Cecilia Ave. as the plans show it will meet setbacks. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The 2023 Budget figures that include the first 6 months of 2022 will be corrected to reflect the total for 2021 on the Revenues and Expenditures sheets. • Due to scheduling conflicts the 2021 Audit has been rescheduled to begin August 29, 2022. • Utility payments have been entered into the Simple City system as of the first of July and things seem to be going smoothly. We are hoping to have the billing done through Simple City for the August bills and have the rest of the system operational by mid to late August. • The Mayor and Council would like to thank residents for being considerate of others when shooting off fireworks and for cleaning up after themselves. • There has not been any interest in the position of City Clerk as of now. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:02 p.m. at the Community Center on June 28, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer and Public Works Director Tim Hall, Pool Manager Emma Madsen, John Hall, Charles Branum and Joe and Jessica Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
AGENDA Motion by Hockenbary seconded by Richter to approve amending the agenda to add the Pool Manager. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
MINUTES Motion by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve the June 7, 2022 minutes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS • The floor of the compactor in the garbage truck will be repaired. • As the last lot on Cecilia Lane is still not in place and the price of oil is so high this year, they will wait to seal that road. • The price of oil for the chip sealing has also increased but they will start that process on other streets when they have all the help necessary. • The flood ditch and the drainage area on the west side of Janklow has been mowed.
POOL MANAGER • Emma Madsen reported that the pool will be closed for the duration of the week of June 28, 2022 as Mikala Olic will not be available to help because of a personal matter and that due to the holiday they will not be open on July 4-5, 2022. • Emma will find out if Watertree/Pool and Spa has the ability to find pool leaks as the lifeguards and the Public Works guys have not been able to, Water needs to be added every 12 hours making it difficult to keep the chemicals at the proper level. It is possible that it is leaking from small cracks in the pool as Vulkem sealant was not applied before filling the pool this spring. • Emma had been told about an additional lifeguard certification class possibly being held in Rapid City this summer. She and the Finance Officer will look into that. • It is hoped that a part time worker for the concession stand will start soon. MAYOR A letter was sent to a residence informing them their yard would be mowed by the Public Works department and they would be charged accordingly if they did not complete it themselves.
FIREWORKS The Mayor and Council discussed concerns about fires over the 4th of July. It was stated that it is much safer to allow fireworks in City limits as the Fire Department is right here in town. Fireworks will be allowed June 27th through July 5th as allowed by Ordinance.
BUIDLING PERMIT Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #22-19 for Jack Von Eye to build a 10’ x 22’ addition to the north side of house located at 205 S. Bailey. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Project Boundary Fence conducted by SDSU found that the network at City Hall passed their cyber security assessment. They will do this annually for the City of New Underwood for at least the next 2 years. This service is available through the SD Public Assurance Alliance to the municipalities that have coverage through them. • Casey Peterson Ltd. has completed the audit of 2020 and they will start on the 2021 audit in July after they have heard back from Legislative Audit and get the ok on the financial statements. • The process of implementing the Simple City gWorks software is going well and it is hoped that it will be available this next month for use. It has proved to be user friendly so far and the customer service has been very helpful and patient. • The governmental fund sheets where presented. • The Elected Officials Workshop will be held in person and by Zoom on July 13, 2022. • Notices for the City Clerk job opening will be hung around town. • Thank you to Shari Sandal for the very nice clock at the community center.
Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:25 p.m.
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall on June 7, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Emma Madsen, Deputy Jones, Sgt. Harkins, Jessica Weishaar, Sarah Haines, Tim Ulrich, Cody and Kaitlin Oster, Brenda Flint, Gladys Wilburn, Jace Philipsen and Darcy Kuhlman. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing was held to hear comments concerning Special Licenses #22-06, #22-07, #22-08 and #22-09 for Barrel Racing at the Rodeo Grounds requested by the Corner Bar to be held on July 3rd, July 31st, August 6th and September 5th, 2022. With there being no comments, the hearing was adjourned at 6:02 p.m. AGENDA Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MINUTES The Finance Officer explained that she mistakenly sent the incorrect minutes for the Council meeting on May 17, 2022 to the Pennington County Courant for publication. Motion by K. Trullinger second by Hockenbary to approve the complete correction to the minutes for May 17, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The bill-list, savings sheet, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. May bills payable June 7, 2022 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 78.86; First Interstate Bank (fees) – 2.25; Forte Pay (fees) – 5.00; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Finance – 3226.32; Public Works – 5691.48; Cleaners – 540.23; SDRS (retire) – 1157.00; AFLAC (insurance) - 114.66; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 3421.39; HPSD (health) – 2515.20; gWorks (Simple City software) – 1415.00; WREA (service) – 1614.61; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 421.23; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 324.92; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 2777.94; Menards (paint, oil, shop) – 454.96; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 253.00; Department of Revenue (malt beverage/SD wine) – 450.00; Crown Oil (gas/diesel) – 4581.25; SDGFOA (FO School) – 150.00; SDGHRA (HR School) – 100.00; MG Oil (hydro fluid) – 899.74; Ace Hardware (pool toilet repairs, paint) – 152.71; Mastercard (stamps, CC supplies, gas and fuel) – 656.90; FMG (bait) – 4.99; BJ’s (CC and K celebration supplies) – 19.90; BH Chemical (CC cleaner) - 12.75; BH Power Equipment (mower) – 151.09; DSG (CC) – 5.58; The Clubhouse (Energize conference) – 662.52; My Place Hotel (Energize Conference) – 193.54; Pool and Spa (fee) - .50 TOTAL: $32467.27 WATER FUND gWorks (Simple City software) – 1415.00; WREA (service) – 1008.01; WRT (Base treatment) – 2486.25; Hawkins (chemicals) – 483.69 TOTAL: $5392.95 SEWER FUND gWorks (Simple City software) – 1415.00; WREA (service) – 110.20 TOTAL: $1525.20 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS • A large water leak at the pool is being investigated as water has to be added to it daily. • They hope to start laying EZ Street tomorrow. AUCTION Motion by Graham second by Richter to authorize a letter from the bank to be sent to Purple Wave auction services stating the City of New Underwood has good standing with them in order for Mr. Hall to be allowed to bid over $10,000. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. POOL MANAGER • The pool deck has been painted and the pool has been cleaned. • There are only 2 lifeguards certified and willing to work at the pool this summer so far. There have been no more scheduled lifeguard certification classes found and unless someone that is already certified that would like to work, the pool will be open Monday through Friday from noon to 5 p.m., weather permitting. • There will be no swim lessons this year. LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report. • Please keep your dogs on a leash or otherwise in control, if they are found at large and the owners are cited, a court appearance is required. • Residents are encouraged to remain vigilant as gas prices rise as this has resulted in gas theft in the past. MAYOR A letter will be sent to a residence concerning their dog being allowed to run free in neighbor’s yards and leaving their waste behind. TRANSFER A transfer from the general fund to the sewer fund on the Savings Sheets is needed as the first quarter payroll was taken out of the sewer fund before the funds had time to build up enough to cover the expenses. Motion by Hockenbary second by K. Trullinger to approve that transfer. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. GARBAGE FEES A request was received to waive the garbage fees for a resident that lives at home a few days a week and generates very little garbage. The Utility Ordinance states that unless a house is vacant for 30 days, the fee needs to be paid by all residences. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to follow the Ordinance and require the fee to be paid. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. VARIANCE #22-01 The Public Works Director had noticed that the building was being constructed at 113 N. A Ave. beyond the property line, it was then found that there had been a misunderstanding with the builder and the property owner of what the City of New Underwood Zoning Ordinance requires for setbacks on properties. The builder said they would be able reduce the length of the existing construction that is currently in the right-of-way so that it will be 5 feet from the property line. A 20-foot variance was requested by the property owner to which the neighbors to the north and south had no objection. Councilor Richter noted her concerns with other property owners wanting variances also. Mayor Hall stated that the City Zoning Ordinance allows for variances to be considered on a case-by-case basis. Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve Variance #22-01 of 20 feet for the garage at 113 N. A Ave. to be 5 feet from the property line on the east side of the property. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and K. Trullinger. Nay: Richter. Motion carried. The property owner will ensure that the rocks on the neighboring property’s get cleaned up and any damage done will be corrected now that she has been informed of the problems. SPECIAL LICENSES Motion by K. Trullinger second by Graham to approve Special Licenses #22-06, #22-07, #22-08 and #22-09 for Barrel Racing at the Rodeo Grounds that were requested by the Corner Bar to be held on July 3rd, July 31st, August 6th and September 5th, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. STREET DANCE Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve A Ave. closure from Oak St. to Pine St. for Moe’s Bar and Grill to host a street dance after the 4-H rodeo on July 23, 2022 with open container allowed in that same area only. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SPIKING PERMIT Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve Spiking Permit #22-03 for Misti Blackwell at the Community Center for when/if the event is rescheduled. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. LIBRARY DONATION Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve donating $1,000 to the school library as it is available to City residents to use. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MEETING DATE CHANGES Motion by Hockenbary second by K. Trullinger to change the first meeting date of July to the second Tuesday, July 12, 2022 so a more complete bill list, etc. can be available for the Council. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. The next meeting date in June will be held June 28th, 2022 at the Community Center. WORKERS COMPENSATION Motion by Richter second by K. Trullinger to authorize Mayor Hall’s signature on the updated SDML Worker’s Compensation Contract. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The Finance Officer is unable to attend the SDML Human Resource and Finance Officer school this year. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:48 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on May 17, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall and John Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. AGENDA Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MINUTES Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve the May 3, 2022 minutes as presented. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS They plan to leave on May 18, 2022 in the morning to go to a Purple Wave Auction in Iowa to look at a dump truck. The bid is due by 9 a.m. on Thursday morning. MAYOR • Councilor Hockenbary will be supplying the sound system for the Kindergarten Celebration next week on Wednesday May 25th at 6 p.m. at the Community Center. • Meri Jo Anderson wrote up a brief summation of the Energize Conference that was attended by some Councilors and staff last week in Ft. Pierre. • The lifeguards hope to be certified at the YMCA May 31-June 3, 2022 during the American Red Cross Lifeguard/Water Park & CPR Pro and Emergency Oxygen Course. The Pool manager, Emma Madsen, plans to be in attendance at the June 7, 2022 Council meeting for further updates. FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNDRAISER The New Underwood Fire Department has requested a lower rate for the rental of the Community Center on October 23, 2022. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to allow the rental at the $60.00 rental rate for this event. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. BUDGET TRAINING The SDML is hosting an annual budget training in Rapid City on June 22nd, 2022 at the Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The registration deadline is June 9th, 2022 and the fee is $30.00 per person. RESOLUTION #22-10
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood has evaluated the rising costs of providing water, sewer, and garbage to its citizens, and WHEREAS, these enterprise funds need to increase to cover future expenses, and WHEREAS, extra tote dumps were not addressed with Resolution #22-02 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following rate will be effective on June 1, 2022: Garbage: (prices include sales tax) $14.00 per extra dump of garbage tote. Dated May 17th, 2022 Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve Resolution #22-10. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental fund sheets were presented. • The negative amount for the sewer on the savings sheets will be looked into. • The Revenue governmental fund sheets total Balance of Budget lines were moved down and will be corrected. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:22 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on May 3, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Deputy Jones, John Hall, Joe, Jessica and Noah Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. AGENDA Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
MINUTES Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve the minutes for April 19, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The bill-list, savings sheet, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. April bills payable May 3, 2022 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 86.57; Forte Pay (ACH fee) – 5.00; Salaries: Mayor and Council – 1381.42; Finance – 3226.32; Public Works – 5486.34; Cleaners – 159.08; SDRS (retire) – 1157.00; AFLAC (insurance) - 114.66; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 2686.37; HPSD (health) –2515.20 ; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 273.41; City of Rapid City (March remainder) – 226.92; Tim Hall (mileage) - 168.00; State Treasurer (sales tax) – 451.29; All-State Peterbilt (GT switch, breaker) – 178.46; Office Depot (ink) – 38.98; Menards (auto flush kit, CC supplies) – 298.02; Sam’s Club (gas, fees) – 148.96; Kieffer Sanitation (April roll off) - 160.00; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 345.00 ; Mastercard (March) – 36.00; Vadim Municipal Software (billing fees) - 126.42; SDSU (Energize conference) – 400.00; WREA (service) - 1921.03; Golden West (phone service) - 359.38; City of Rapid City (April fees) - 1701.90; Mastercard (postage, fuel, motel) – 828.14; Action Mechanical (CC heat repair) – 288.00; Pennington County Courant (fees) – 41.11; Pennington County Sheriff (2nd qtr.) – 13376.50; SDPAA (insurance) – 11607.95; SD Dept. of Labor (reemployment) – 121.10; Hefty Feed and Seed (chemical) – 130.00; Sturdevant’s Auto Parts (GT repair) – 16.36; Sanitation Products (GT repair) – 4296.35; Moe’s Bar and Grill (District meeting) – 283.00; SD Federal Property (shop) – 115.00; Whisler Bearing (GT repair) – 208.77; Sara Hansen (post prom) – 100.00; USPS (box rent) – 130.00 TOTAL: $55194.01 WATER FUND WREA (service) – 1279.90; WRT (Base treatment) – 2486.25; Omni Site (alarm) – 185.26; Hawkins (chemicals) – 633.57; Vadim Enterprises (billing fees) - 126.42; US Bank (SRF) – 1693.16; Midcontinent (1st qtr. water testing) – 69.00; SDARWS (conference) – 75.00; Metron Farnier (meters, antennas) – 763.24; SD 811 (fees) – 2.10 TOTAL: $7313.90 SEWER FUND Omni-Site (alarm) – 185.26; WREA (service) – 99.21; Vadim Enterprises (billing fees) - 126.42; SDARWS (conference) – 75.00 TOTAL: $485.89 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 71 Soil and Stone (EZ Street) – 4164.00; Larry Phillips Trucking (haul EZ Street) – 1637.84 TOTAL: $5801.84
PUBLIC WORKS • Mr. Hall and Mr. Siegel attended the Water Expo in Rapid City last week where they learned about a lot of new stricter regulations for water systems that are expected to be in effect by October 2024. An example of the new regulations is that water system operators will need to find out what type of service lines are being used to provide water to residences connected to each system. • Dennis Johnson is working to help figure out what the problem is with the heat at the Community Center. Currently one unit must be left off as the pump is not able to run all of them. • The Council agreed that the dump should be open Saturday May 7, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. as they were not able to be open for either prior scheduled Clean Up Weekend due to rain. This announcement will be posted on the city website and on the City’s unofficial Face Book page. • Mr. Hall verified that the City of New Underwood is on a list for a different garbage truck. • The people that had inquired as to water availability were informed that if the south well is approved to be used for this project it will be with the same stipulations as the rural water users in such that if the north well was to experience problems the city residents would have priority for the usage of water from the south well as needed to prevent an interruption of services. They will need to adjust their bids to plan for this scenario. • Federal Surplus has 800-gallon tanks for sale that Mr. Hall is contemplating purchasing. They could load one into the auto-car and a pump could be used to pump water as needed for different projects.
LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report.
MAYOR • As the Mayor and some Council and staff will be attending the SDSU Energize Conference on May 11-12, 2022 in Ft. Pierre, City Hall will be closed on May 12, 2022. • The Kindergarten Celebration will be on May 25th, 2022 at the Community Center starting at 6 p.m. everyone is welcome to attend. • The New Underwood School district strategic planning committee will host another informational meeting at the school on May 24th, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. open to the public about potential plans for expanding the school. These meetings will include information about the strategic planning process and what has been accomplished so far, the needs of our present facilities, financial information related to future expansion, and a tentative plan for moving our district forward in preparation for the immediate future and beyond. There is a survey for the public to complete located under the “Strategic Planning” tab on the school website for questions and ideas.
SPIKING PERMIT Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve Spiking Permit #22-02 for Christie Nelson for a Wedding Reception on June 25th, 2022 at the Community Center. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
BUILDING PERMITS Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve Building Permit #22-09 for Chandler Cook to build a 16 x 30 lean-to. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve Building Permit #22-10 for Dave Rostad at 406 S. C Ave for concrete patios as they will meet setbacks. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Motion by K. Trullinger second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permits #22-11 through #22-17 for Boom Investments at 310 E. Linn St. for Mobile Home move offs. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
SPECIAL LICENSE Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve Special License #22-05; Moes’s Bar and Grill at the Community Center for a Benefit on June 18th, 2022.
MALT BEVERAGE AND SD WINE Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve the renewals of the Uniform Alcohol Beverage License applications for on/off sale Malt Beverage/SD wine for the Hall, the Corner Bar, and Harry’s Hideaway. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
CLFRF ANNUAL REPORT The CLFRF Annual Report was successfully filed April 20th, 2022.
2021 ANNUAL REPORT The Finance Officer presented the 2021 annual report to the Council. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the 2021 annual report, publish in the legal newspaper and forward it to the State Dept. of Legislative Audit. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. (See below)
OATH OF OFFICE Finance Officer Kristi Pritzkau administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Hall. Mayor Hall administered the Oath of Office to Councilors Hockenbary and Richter.
COUNCIL PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT Mayor Hall recited the duties of the Council President and Vice President. Councilor Hockenbary nominated Larry Graham for Council President seconded by Richter. Motion by Richter nominations cease motion seconded. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. K. Trullinger nominated Richter for Council Vice President, Hockenbary seconded this nomination. Hockenbary moved that nominations cease motion seconded. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter, K. Trullinger. Motion carried
APPOINTMENTS, LEGAL NEWSPAPER & OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY Mayor Hall made the following recommendations for appointments: Finance Director – Meri Jo Anderson; Finance Officer – Kristi Pritzkau; Director of Public Works – Timothy Hall; Law Enforcement – Contract Pennington County Sheriff. No lawyer has been chosen as of yet. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve these appointments. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. Mayor Hall administered the Oath of Office to Meri Jo Anderson and Kristi Pritzkau.
Mayor Hall recommended designating the Pennington County Courant as the legal newspaper (Reference: SDCL 9-12-6), First Interstate Bank and SD Public Funds Investment Trust as the official depositories of City funds. Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve these designations. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Amanda and Deb Eberly are in the process of deep cleaning the Community Center and it is looking great. Thank you!
Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on April 19, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Cheryl Chapman and Jessica Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. WEST DAKOTA REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM Executive Director Cheryl Chapman explained to the Council how this System was formed after the West Dakota Water Development District paid for a study to be done by the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. The study showed that if our area were to experience a prolonged draught, we would have great need for additional sources of water. The WDWDD had a contract with Banner Associates where Cheryl Chapman worked and she began asking surrounding communities if there was interest in an additional source of water for them also. The subject raised much interest. Mrs. Chapman now works with the newly formed West Dakota Regional Water System to move this project further along. The WDRWS has been in close contact with SD DANR Secretary Hunter Roberts and staff to get the funding necessary for a feasibility study that will define where water lines, reservoirs, etc. would be needed and placed to supply the communities that participate in this effort. In February 2022 the engineering firm AE2S was selected to do this study. On April 13, 2022 the SD Board of Water and Natural Resources approved an $8,000,000 grant for the WDRWS to complete it. The WDRWS was represented by Cheryl Chapman at the Rural Water Rally held in Washington D.C. in March where she found great support from our representatives and lobbyists. The WDRWS will be working with the SD Bureau of Reclamation for future funding and the Board will hold meetings in the next few months to work out more of the finer details. The Mayor and Council thanked her for taking the time to come and inform them of the progress that’s been made. AGENDA Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MINUTES Motion by K. Trullinger second by Hockenbary to approve the April 5, 2022 minutes as presented. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS • The garbage truck was taken to Sanitation Products in Sioux Falls for necessary repairs at a cost of $4,296.35 of which labor was the largest portion. The compactor was not functioning correctly and there was an electrical problem. It was found that a piece of construction material that shouldn’t have been in the totes for pick up by the garbage truck was part of the problem. Please take these items to the Restricted Use Dump site. • Mr. Hall inquired at Sanitation Products as to the availability of a used garbage truck or a new truck for sale and was told there aren’t any at this time. A new truck like the one we currently use would cost about $330,000, another option would cost between $270,000 and $280,000. If we were to order one now, we could possibly get it by the first part of next year. • Watertown may be in the market for a new truck next year. The one they have now is a 2013 model ours is a 2001. The Council recommended getting on a list to possibly buy their used one. • The Council will look into where the funds would be used from for this purchase when doing the 2023 Budget. • The Restricted Use Dump site will be open April 23-24, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weather permitting for the city wide clean up weekend with the following weekend, April 30th and May 1st as the alternate days. • The pet clinic will be held May 7, 2022 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Public Works shop. City of New Underwood dog tags are good for 2 years. WILD SPRINGS SOLAR PROJECT A couple of companies contacted Public Works Director Tim Hall about water availability for use during the project. He told them the price of rural water and that he will need to get more information on the capabilities of the south well and get with the Council on what they would like to do. After some discussion it was agreed by the Council and Mayor that if the south well is to be used for this it will be with the same stipulations as the rural water users in such that if the north well was to experience problems the city residents would have priority for the usage of water from the south well as needed to prevent an interruption of services. Over all, the money made would be beneficial to the City of New Underwood for use in attaining another well in the case of emergencies. Other stipulations will be considered before giving a final answer to the companies for their bids. MAYOR • Deb and Amanda Eberly will be starting a deep clean of the Community Center tomorrow April 20, 2022. • The problems with dog attacks were taken care of by Deputy Jones and animal control. • The Rapid City Rush invited area Mayors to attend the first hockey playoff game held at home in 7 years to start the game off by doing the puck drop on Friday April 22, 2022 and she plans to attend.
Supplemental Budget Ordinance Number 22-02 received the second reading.
BE IT ORDAINED by the New Underwood City Council that the following amounts be appropriated to the 2022 budget to meet the obligations of the municipality: Financial Administration 101/414/426 (Supplies and Materials) – $3113.00; Financial Administration 101/414/425 (Repair and Maintenance) – 1140.00; Water 601/433.4/426 (Supplies and Materials) – $3113.00; Water 601/433.4/425 (Repair and Maintenance) $1140.00; Community Center 101/456/428.3 (cable tv/internet) – 800.00; Sewer 602/433/426 (Supplies and Materials) – $3113.00; Sewer 602/433/425 (Supplies and Materials) – $1140.00. Means of finance: Federal Grant Funds and additional Community Center rental fees. Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer First Reading: March 15, 2022 Second Reading: April 19, 2022 Publish date: April 28, 2022 Effective Date: May 18, 2022 Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve the second reading of Ordinance #22-02. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve Building Permit #22-08 for Patrick Langfeldt to lay a 16’ x 21’ concrete slab with pergola supports and a concrete pad for the shed both in the back yard. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #22-09 Mayor Hall read Resolution #22-09.
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood has evaluated the rising costs of providing water, sewer, and garbage to its citizens, and WHEREAS, these enterprise funds need to increase to cover future expenses, and WHEREAS, 450 gallon and 300 gallon garbage totes were not addressed with Resolution #22-02 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following rate will be effective on May 1, 2022: Garbage: (prices include sales tax) Commercial – $48.00 a month per 300 gallon tote and $70.00 a month per 450 gallon tote Dated April 19, 2022 Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by K. Trullinger second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #22-09. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. 2021 DRINKING WATER REPORT The 2021 Drinking water report is available at City Hall and online at newunderwood.com. The Mayor and Council let Mr. Hall know that his efforts are appreciated and thank you for the great job done again this past year. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the necessary signature on this report. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Governmental fund sheets were presented. • The Rapid City Library will again be setting up a stand for residents to check out books at the New Underwood City Park on the first and third Monday of every month from noon to 4:00 starting in May and ending in September, weather permitting. • The new system for billing, etc., gWorks, has proven to be much more user friendly than the system currently in use and the response time for questions has been very timely. The resident’s information is still being entered so it is unknown when we will begin implementing it. • A huge thank you to the City of Spearfish for the use of their garbage truck when we were in such great need. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:02 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on April 5, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, and Tara Richter. Absent: Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Deputy Jones, Sgt. Harkins, Chief Deputy Mueller, Caleb Dustman, John Hall, Jessica Weishaar, Sara Hansen, Dub Vanneman and Keith Karp. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. AGENDA Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the agenda with the addition of Resolution #22-09. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MINUTES Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the minutes for March 15, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The bill-list, savings sheet, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. March bills payable April 5, 2022 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 71.78; First Interstate Bank (Feb. maintenance fee) – 17.00; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Cleaner – 142.06; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 159.36; HPSD (health) – 628.80; gWorks (Simple City software) – 2743.00; WREA (service) – 2027.75; Golden West (phone, fax, CC) – 367.45; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 448.60; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 156.39; City of Rapid City (Feb dump fee) – 29.99; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 1776.32; Fastenal (shop) - 26.48; Ace Steel & Recycling Inc. (tube rectangle/shop) - 15.52; Menards (LED/shop-office supplies CH) - 102.92; Sam’s Club (printer/shop/gas) – 363.85; Kieffer Sanitation (March roll off) - 160.00; Allstate Peterbilt (gar truck) – 249.35; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 575.00; Mastercard (shop, District meeting, minute book) – 426.16; Central Square (Annual main fee) - 63.55; SDML Workers Compensation (insurance) - 674.00 TOTAL: $11637.08 HEALTH INSURANCE FUND Timothy S. Hall (reimbursement) – 2694.75 TOTAL: $2694.75 WATER FUND gWorks (Simple City software) – 2743.00; WREA (service) – 1157.85; WRT (Base treatment) – 2314.13; Omni Site (alarm) – 25.00; Hawkins (chemicals) – 1010.02; Water Tree (water testing vials) - 11.10; WREA TOTAL: $ 7261.10 SEWER FUND Salaries: Finance – 3226.32; Public Works – 5180.45; SDRS (Feb. retire bal.) – 578.50; SDRS (retire) – 1157.00; AFLAC (insurance) - 114.66; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 2873.78; HPSD (health) – 1886.40; gWorks (Simple City software) – 2743.00; Omni-Site (alarm) – 25.00; WREA (service) – 95.06; Gloria Smith (reimbursement for sewer costs) - 397.96; Continental Research Corp (Bacto Dose) - 950.56; TOTAL: METER FUND Alexis Sobolewski (meter dep. balance) - 104.00 TOTAL: $104.00 LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report. • There were 3 dog attacks recently that resulted in 2 passing away. He believes they are closer to getting violent dog taken care of. It has been a huge priority. • Please keep your pets contained. MAYOR • Tim Hall is on the way to Sioux Falls to get the garbage truck repaired. The compactor is not working. • The dump will be open the first and third Saturdays through the summer starting May 8th, 2022, weather permitting, from 8 a.m. to noon. • The unofficial New Underwood Facebook page is live. There will be community news and events posted there. MOWING NOTICE Weeds. No owner or occupant shall allow any weeds or plants to grow that are declared to be dangerous or noxious weeds by the South Dakota Department of Agriculture or the State Weed Commission. Grass and weeds that are non-noxious shall not be allowed to grow to a height of more than eight (8) inches or which have gone or are about to go to seed. Fallen tree limbs, dead trees, and dead tree limbs which constitute a health, safety or fire hazard are declared a nuisance. This section does not prohibit the cultivation of crops or vegetation grown in a livestock pasture, wildflower display garden or undeveloped, unpopulated area. The Director of Public Works, will at the beginning of or during the growing season, by public notice, require all weeds and tall grass on any lot within the city to be cut. Notice need not be given personally, but will be given generally by one publication in the official newspaper. Such notice shall provide that each owner, occupant or person in charge of any lot within the city shall cut and remove all noxious weeds, and keep grass and other weeds cut from alley to street even in the right of ways as to prevent aforementioned problems from occurring. Failure to keep such weeds and grass cut will cause the same to be cut and assess the costs thereof against the property benefited. One such notice shall be sufficient for each growing season. If Public Works has to mow any private property, the minimum fee is $100.00 and $80.00/hour after the first hour and $50.00/ hour for each additional person required to complete the job. If said property has to be mowed a second time and the fee has been paid within 10 days of the bill the fee will remain the same. If the fee is not paid within 10 days of the bill the minimum fee will increase to $200.00 and $200.00/hour following the first hour. The fee will be $100.00/hour for each additional person required to complete the job. If the fee is not paid, the fee will be attached to the property and it must be paid prior to transfer of ownership. POST PROM Mayor Hall stated the Council has donated $100.00 in the past. Motion by Graham second by Richter to donate $100.00 again as they agree that it is a great way to keep the kids safe and entertained. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. ANNEXATION As Travis Madsen has signed a petition for annexation for the Balance of Tract B of N1/2 of Section 31 Mayor Hall introduced Resolution Number 22-07.
A RESOLUTION EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF NEW UNDERWOOD, SOUTH DAKOTA, BY ANNEXING LANDS MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN. WHEREAS, not less than three-fourths of the registered voters and the owners of not less than three-fourths of the value of the territory sought to be annexed have petitioned the Common Council of the City of New Underwood for concurrent annexation and rezoning of the territory herein described; and, WHEREAS, the territory described herein adjoins and is contiguous to the existing boundaries of the City of New Underwood and is not separated from the existing City by any significant physical barriers, and annexation is natural and reasonable and the municipal body hereby created constitutes a homogenous and unified entity. WHEREAS, the Common Council for the City of New Underwood desires to annex this property to expand its borders and growth control, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of New Underwood, Pennington, South Dakota, that the following described territory be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of New Underwood, to-wit: Balance of tract B of N1/2 of Section 31, Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota Dated this 5th day of April, 5, 2022 (Seal)
Teresa M. Hall, Mayor
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve Resolution Number 22-07. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and Richter. Motion carried.
BUILDING PERMITS Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve Building Permit #22-05 for Travis Madsen and Schlecter Ag to Extend existing fertilizer containment at 711 S. A Ave. and Building Permit #22-06 for Travis Madsen for a concrete slab and fertilizer bins at 700 S. C Ave. west of the Hefty Store. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
WHEREAS a Plat of Tract A of Briggs Addition and Tract A and Tract B of Vanneman additions (formerly the S1/2 of Section 25, less that part of the S1/2 of section 25 lying S of Hwy 1416 and less ROW located in the south1/2 of Section 25, Township 2 North, Range 10 East of the Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and
WHEREAS it appears that said plat conforms with the system of streets and alleys of the existing plat of said City and additions thereto, and that all municipal taxes and special assessments have been fully paid and that the plat of said lots had been executed according to law, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a Plat of Tract A of Briggs Addition and Tract A and Tract B of Vanneman additions (formerly the S1/2 of Section 25, less that part of the S1/2 of section 25 lying S of Hwy 1416 and less ROW located in the south1/2 of Section 25, Township 2 North, Range 10 East Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and the same is hereby approved, and the Finance Officer, Director of Public Works and the Mayor of New Underwood are hereby authorized to endorse on the plat a copy of the resolution and certify as to its correctness. Dated this 5th day of April, 2022 (seal) Teresa M. Hall, Mayor Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #22-08. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and Richter. Nay: none. Motion carried.
CLEAN UP DAYS The Spring Clean Up Days are scheduled for April 23-24, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weather permitting. Tires will not be accepted at the dump as the City has to pay for disposal. Last year residents of Pennington County were allowed to dispose of them for free at the Rapid City Landfill.
PET CLINIC The pet clinic May 7, 2022 with the Box Elder Vet Clinic at the Public Works building from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Information on pricing etc. can be found at newunderwood.com.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Chief Deputy Mueller, candidate for Pennington County Sheriff, introduced himself at the meeting. • Public works will see what it will take to repair the walking bridge by Oak St. • A resident inquired as to whether the city is responsible for fixing potholes on the side, but not on the actual street surface i.e. part of the gravel approach. They were told that is the property owner’s responsibility. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:32 p.m.
(Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on March 15, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall and Jessica Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
Motion by Hockenbary second by K. Trullinger to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve the March 1, 2022 minutes as presented. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
- Some trees in alleys were cut down and more will be when the ground dries up and weather permits.
- Snow removal was done a few times after the last snow storm.
Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Spiking Permit #22-04 for Tabitha Grundahl on July 9, 2022 for a bridal shower, Spiking Permit #22-05 for Dalton Winegar for a gathering April 2, 2022 and Spiking Permit #22-06 for a Stock Growers meeting March 23,2022 all at the Community Center. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve Building Permit #22-04 for Larry Graham to replace the roof at 16068 Hwy 1416 with a gabled metal roof. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve allowing Pennington County Planning and Zoning to handle the platting for the property where 11 Leaf Farm, LLC will be located. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve the first reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #22-02. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
- Governmental fund sheets were presented.
- The audit of 2020 is projected to be wrapped up by the end of April.
- The Equalization meeting will be held Monday March 21, 2022 at the Community Center at 3:00 p.m.
- There will be no City or School election this year at all incumbents ran unopposed.
Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:08 p.m.
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on March 1, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Amy Caringi, Deputy Jones and Sgt. Harkins. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. AGENDA Motion by K. Trullinger second by Hockenbary to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MINUTES Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the minutes for February 15, 2022 with a correction to the New Underwood Fire Department meetings are the second Tuesday of every month. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The bill-list, savings sheet, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. February bills payable March 1, 2022 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 61.04; First Interstate Bank (Jan. maintenance fee) – 9.95; Salaries: Mayor and Council – 1150.54; Cleaner – 136.07; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 330.77; HPSD (health) – 628.80; WREA (Jan. service) – 3048.31; Golden West (phone, fax, CC) – 371.18; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 424.41; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 183.55; City of Rapid City (Jan. dump fee) – 1322.99; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 391.00; Mastercard (hotel/plat/shop) – 1201.98; MARC (pool chemicals) – 1114.72; Godfrey Brake (light bar) – 300.70; First Interstate Bank (rerun fee) – 1.00; SDML (Annual district meeting) – 208.00 TOTAL: $10885.01 WATER FUND WREA (Jan. service) – 1429.05; WRT (Base treatment) – 2314.13; Omni Site (alarm) – 25.00; Hawkins (chemicals) – 707.39; Tem-tech (well 2 repairs) – 209.18 TOTAL: $4684.75 SEWER FUND Salaries: Finance – 3226.32; Public Works – 4959.36; SDRS (retirement) – 578.50; AFLAC (insurance) - 114.66; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 2639.00; HPSD (health) – 1886.40; Omni-Site, Inc. (alarm) – 25.00; WREA (Jan. service) – 99.80; Grimm’s Pump (3” hose) – 115.60 TOTAL: $13644.64 FINANCE OFFICER The check on the Dec. Bill List for Louise Dunn was not written as it was not necessary, it had been paid in November. PUBLIC WORKS • The Director of Public Works plans to cut down trees in the alleys in town if the necessary equipment is available. • They will repair the furnace in the Community Center. LAW ENFORCEMENT • Deputy Jones presented the monthly report. • Residents need to make sure their dogs are not running at large. Animal control will start doing rounds through town again and if they capture an animal and have to take them to the pound, citations will be issued to the owners and there is a mandatory court appearance. • As a reminder, when parking on A Ave., make sure you are parked diagonally so as not to block traffic and that the vehicle is pointed in the correct direction. COMMUNITY CENTER The Youth Rodeo Club approached Mayor Hall about the possibility of purchasing some tall round tables for the Community Center and splitting the cost equally with the City of New Underwood. There will be room to store the new tables in the utility room once the unneeded items are removed. The tables will be the property of the City of New Underwood. Motion by Hockenbary second by K. Trullinger to purchase eight tall round tables for up to a maximum cost of $500.00. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution Number 22-06. RESOLUTION NUMBER 22-06 WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood has evaluated the rising costs of providing services to its citizens, and WHEREAS, the utility rates have been increased, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that any customer, prior to receiving any municipal utility service, shall deposit with the Finance Officer a utility deposit. The amount of the deposit will be $250.00 in order to cover two (2) months of service. ____________________ Dated March 1st, 2022 Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal)_______________________ Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. SPIKING PERMIT Motion by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve Spiking Permit #22-03 for Misti Blackwell at the Community Center for a baby shower on May 28, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
WHEREAS the New Underwood City Council recognizes the need to offer better means to pay their consumer fees in a timely fashion, and WHEREAS Forte has a comprehensive payment solution for our customers, offering the option of credit card, debit card, ACH electronic check transactions and automatic monthly payments, 24/7, using the Front Desk site, and WHEREAS Forte charges a smaller fee for customers to pay by ACH/e-check if the City of New Underwood absorbs the cost per bill paid through the Front Desk service, and WHEREAS this option of payment will increase productivity by automatically being entered into multiple forms, and WHEREAS this fee can be taken into consideration when the rates are reviewed again, and WHEREAS the fees that Forte charges to pay by credit and debit cards is 2.75% through the Front Desk service this fee will be the responsibility of the customer thus not burdening all the taxpayers with the service fees incurred to accept credit cards and debit cards, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the New Underwood City Council that a service agreement be entered into with Forte for a monthly agreement that is automatically renewable every month until the Council agrees in writing to discontinue this service and they authorize the Finance Office signature on this agreement. Dated March 1, 2022 _____
Teresa M. Hall, Mayor
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #22-04. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. QUALIFIED PRESORT BILLING Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve implementing Qualified Presort Services out of Sioux Falls to do the paper utility billing as it is closer in proximity and the service will cost about the same as what is currently being used. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. The residents that sign up to use the Front Desk application that is implemented will receive notifications that their bill is ready and they won’t have to wait for a paper bill to be sent to them. Ultimately the goal is to have as many people sign up for Front Desk as possible as it will save staff time and City funds. RESOLUTION #22-05 After clarifying that the special water rate that is in effect for the Boydston and Bills property will only remain in effect as long as the property remains in the family and is zoned Ag. If the property is sold that agreement is no longer valid. Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve Resolution #22-05.
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood has evaluated the rising costs of providing water, sewer, and garbage to its citizens, and
WHEREAS, these enterprise funds need to increase to cover future expenses, and
WHEREAS, special water rates were not addressed with Resolution #22-02
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following rate will be effective on April 1st, 2022:
Water: Special water rate – a minimum of 23.60 for the first 3,000 gallons and 5.73 per 1,000 thereafter. _____________________ Dated March 1, 2022
Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal)_______________________ Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger.
OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • The Equalization meeting will be March 21st at the Community Center. Appointments will start at 3 p.m. • The issue with the property at 16079 Hwy. 1416 was taken care of before the meeting and no further action is required. • Councilor Graham and Mayor Hall have received an invitation to WDT by email for a mayoral breakfast on March 9th, 2022. Mayor Hall said she would reply that neither of them will be able to attend. • The Black Hills Mayor’s meeting in Box Elder will be held at City Hall on March 16th, 2022. The Finance Officer will forward the email invitation to the Council members once it is received. • The street lights at Bailey and Pine and at Hwy 1416 and Janklow are out. West River Electric will be contacted. • The property assessments have been sent out by Pennington County. The statements do not reflect any exemptions that residents may have on their property but they will be taken into account when the bills are paid. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:48 p.m.
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on February 8, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Absent: Tera Hockenbary. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Deputy Jones, Ryan Mechaley, and Patrick and Alexander Langfeldt. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. AGENDA Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve the agenda with the addition of the second reading of Ordinance #22-01. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. MINUTES Moved by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve the minutes for January 18, 2022 with correcting the Equalization meeting date to March 21, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST The bill-list, savings sheet, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Moved by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. January bills payable February 8, 2022 GENERAL FUND First Data (card fees) – 190.53; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; IRS EFTPS (SS-FWT 2021 adj.) – 13.52; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 126.50; HPSD (health) – 628.80; WREA (Jan. service) – 2202.24; Golden West (phone, fax, CC) – 365.41; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 337.74; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 185.99; City of Rapid City (Jan. dump fee) – 1744.60; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 460.00; Mastercard (hotel/plat/shop) – 628.26; SDML (Leg. Day) – 240.00; McGas (propane) - 643.38; Pennington County Sheriff - (1st Quarter) - 13376.50; Contractor’s Supply Inc. (measuring wheel) - 152.00; Northwest Pipe Fittings Inc. (shop) - 74.31; McGas (leak test CH) - 94.50; GovOffice (Annual Hosting Fee) - 570.00; Sam’s Club (office supplies) - 97.94; Water Tree (pool cover) - 556.00; Black Hills Chemical (CC) – 112.46; Kieffer Sanitation (roll off) - 169.60; Donna Rankin (replacing lost check) – 431.58 TOTAL: $23813.61 WATER FUND DANR (water fee) – 25.00; WREA (Jan. service) – 1450.95; WRT (Base treatment) – 2314.13; Omni Site (alarm) – 25.00; Hawkins (chemicals) – 1190.19; Midcontinent Testing (water testing for 4th Quarter) - 352.50; US Bank (SRF) – 1693.16 TOTAL: $7050.93 SEWER FUND Salaries: Finance – 3226.32; Public Works – 5019.89; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FTW 2021 adj.) – 64.72; SDRS (retirement) – 1157.00; AFLAC (insurance) - 114.66; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 2418.36; HPSD (health) – 1886.40; Omni-Site, Inc. (alarm) – 25.00; WREA (Jan. service) – 110.99; DANR (water fee) – 25.00 TOTAL: $14048.34 LAW ENFORCEMENT Deputy Jones presented the monthly report. He attended a course in Washington that was educational. MAYOR • The next Black Hills Mayor’s Meeting will be at noon on March 16, 2022 in Box Elder at City Hall. • The Legislative Rib Dinner and Legislative Day in Pierre on February 1-2, 2022 were very informative. • Mayor Hall and other representatives from the Western Dakota Regional Water System testified in Pierre in support of the water line from the Missouri River to supply water to western South Dakota. Senate Bill 85 was introduced by Helene Duhamel and received broad support with no opponents. • Councilor Graham witnessed a difficult situation at City Hall last week and would like to get an alert system installed there in case of any other such events. The Finance Officer will get more information on what is available. RESOLUTION #22-02 Resolution #22-02 was introduced. RESOLUTION NUMBER 22-02 WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood has evaluated the rising costs of providing water, sewer, and garbage to its citizens, and WHEREAS, these enterprise funds need to increase to cover future expenses, and WHEREAS, water and sewer fees have not raised since 2009 and garbage rates have not raised since 2013, and WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood rates will need to match the state rate (which is currently $55.00 for 5,000 gallons for water and $55.00 for 5,000 gallons for sewer) in order to qualify for grants or loans in the event of major water and/or sewer problems these rates will be reviewed yearly, and WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood presently has ordinances which govern the operation of the municipally owned enterprise funds and these ordinances provide for changes by resolution as may be necessary, as determined by the Council, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following rates will be effective on April 1st, 2022: Water: Residential – a minimum of $20.00 for the first 3,000 gallons and $5.50 per 1,000 thereafter. Rural (non-municipal) – a minimum of $40.00 for the first 3,000 gallons and $6.50 per 1,000 thereafter. Senior - $6.70 per 1,000 gallons up to 3,000 gallons and 5.50 thereafter. Sewer: Residential - $27.00 a month. Commercial - $3.00 per 1,000 gallons of water (minimum $27.00 a month) Garbage: (prices include sales tax.) Residential (family domestic unit) - $24.00 a month. Commercial - $48.00 a month per dumpster; and $28.00 for special commercial rate. Rural – $31.00 a month. Dated February 8, 2022 Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve Resolution #22-02. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. SIMPLE CITY SOFTWARE The Finance Director and Finance Officer visited the Hill City Finance Office to see the Simple City software in use. It appears to be very user friendly and makes the billing process streamlined. The Mayor and Council agreed it would be worth getting specific information on pricing, etc. This information will be presented at the next meeting for consideration. ORDINANCE #22-01 Ordinance #22-01 Ordinance #22-01 received the second reading.
Address location and size The following standards for addressing shall be complied with when installing new or replacing existing number on houses or other buildings: 1. All addresses shall be numbers containing no script. 2. Numbers shall be plain painted, printed, or metallic numbers. 3. Numbers shall be of a contrasting color to the background they are attached to. 4. Numbers shall be clearly visible from the street of the structures’ address. 5. If the structure is not visible from the roadway because of terrain, trees, or other obstructions, or if the structure is more than four hundred (400) feet from the roadway, the address numbers shall be posted on a post at the entrance of the driveway to the structure. The numbers on the post shall be visible from both sides of the approach to the entrance. The post with the numbers shall be a minimum of four (4) feet in height above the ground in a visible location within twenty (20) feet of the roadway. Dated this 8th day of February, 2022 Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (SEAL) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer First reading: January 18, 2022 Second reading: February 8, 2022 Publish date: February 17, 2022 Effective date: March 9, 2022 Motion by K. Trullinger second by Graham to approve the second reading of Ordinance #22-01. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. WATER AND SEWER AVAILABILITY Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve availability of water and sewer services to Darcy Kuhlman at 113 N. A Ave. and Economic Development at 515 and 521 Cecilia Lane. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMIT #22-03 Motion by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve BP #22-03 for Patrick Langfeldt at 306 Madison Ave. for a 12’ x 20’ shed provided it meets setbacks of 10’ from the sides and rear of the property. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. SPIKING PERMIT #22-01 Motion by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve SP #22-01 for Kristi Decker at the Community Center on February 13, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #22-03 Resolution #22-03 was introduced.
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood has authorized an incidental account making general fund monies available for use during the month, prior to approval at the first meeting of the month per SDCL 9-23-23, and WHEREAS, these funds may be expended with the preauthorization of two officers of the municipality, and WHEREAS, the First Interstate Accounts Payable Card is established to pay monthly bills, and would help facilitate the flow of city business, will earn cash back, and WHEREAS, a detailed account of the expenditures from the First Interstate Accounts Payable card shall be presented with verified vouchers, itemized and supported by receipted bills or other information as evidence of payment, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council in and for the City of New Underwood does hereby approve the use of the First Interstate Accounts Payable Card per SDCL 9-23-23, using the above-mentioned constraints. Dated this 8th day of February, 2022 Teresa M. Hall, Mayor (SEAL) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Motion by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve Resolution #22-03. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • It has been found that the City of New Underwood does not have to redistrict according to the data collected for the 2020 Census. Also, population numbers cannot be contested, only boundaries and the number of houses can be and those were found to be correct overall. • Ryan Mechaley, candidate for Pennington County Sheriff, introduced himself at the meeting. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on January 18, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer and Public Works Director Tim Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following. AGENDA Motion by K. Trullinger seconded by Graham to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried. MINUTES Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the January 4, 2022 minutes with a correction to the bill list, S & B Lawncare $4250.00 from the Special Revenue Fund instead of the General Fund. General Fund total corrected to $12,138.56. Aye: all. Motion carried. FINANCE REPORTS Governmental fund sheets and yearly comparisons were presented. MAYOR Emma Madsen will be the Pool Manager this year. WATER MAIN OWNERSHIP A resident has approached Mayor Hall with a question on being reimbursed for new taps to the water main going to their property. Mayor Hall read the section of the Water Ordinance that applies to this situation that states that once a water main is connected to the City water system all mains become the property of the City of New Underwood. This section became effective in 2006. PUBLIC WORKS • The SDARWS Annual Conference was very educational again. • The pump at Well #2 quit working for a while on Monday January 17, 2022. It took a while but it has been repaired. BUILDING PERMIT Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve Building Permit #22-01 for a 16’ x 20’shed at 200 S. D Ave. for Mark Anderson. The land owner’s permission was obtained. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. EQUALIZATION MEETING The equalization meeting on March 14, 2022 will begin at 3:00 p.m. at the Community Center. ORDINANCE #22-01 Motion by K. Trullinger second by Graham to approve the first reading of Ordinance #22-01 an amendment to Article IV – Zoning requiring address numbers to be installed on all homes and businesses to help EMS locate them in the case of an emergency. ADDITIONAL WELL A conversation took place concerning an additional well that would be needed if there were problems with our current wells. Councilor Graham would like to see a well go in on a property to the north where the water could be gravity fed to the south and to the north. In the case of an emergency our current tank could be filled using the new well to supply water to the city. The possibility of joining with the Viewfield water system was discussed again as it could improve the chances of getting a loan or grant from DANR because it would provide service to more than just the residents of New Underwood. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED: • After reviewing the yearly comparisons and seeing the deficiencies, an increase in water, sewer and garbage fees was discussed. Resolution #22-01 will be introduced at the next meeting for these increases. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:07 p.m. (Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on January 4, 2022. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tara Richter and Tera Hockenbary. Absent: Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall and Deputy Jones. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the agenda with delaying Building Permit #22-01 until the next meeting. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Moved by Graham second by Richter to approve the minutes for December 21, 2021. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
The bill-list, savings sheet, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Moved by Hockenbary seconded by Graham to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
December bills payable December 31, 2021
First Data (card fees) –77.25; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Council – 692.62; Cleaner – 246.32; City of Rapid City (Nov. dump fee) – 239.73; Pennington County Courant (remainder of Nov. fee) – 100.00; IRS EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 297.21; HPSD (health) – 628.80; WREA (Service) – 1665.10; Golden West (phone, fax, CC) – 446.09; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 362.09; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 185.32; City of Rapid City (Dec. dump fee) – 1668.96; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fee) – 460.00; Mastercard (K-5 tree decorating) – 19.20; S & B Lawn Care (sander) – 4250.00; Sam’s Club (batteries, ink) – 145.90; SD Federal Property (shop) – 10.00; Chris Supply (shop) – 40.31; Sturdevant’s Auto Parts (shop) – 30.30; SD Dept. of Labor (reemployment) – 27.29; Crown Oil Co. (gas/fuel) – 3152.44; Sanitation Products (GT repair) – 434.86; BJ’s (water, fuses) – 13.98; Menards (walk bridge repair) – 127.06; Dakota Battery (shop heater repair) – 243.55; Teresa Gravatt (lights- donation money) – 110.86; A&B Welding (shop) – 170.30; Napa Auto Parts (fluid, bulbs) – 78.67; Louise Dunn (repayment) – 52.60 TOTAL: $16388.56
Salaries: Finance – 4730.33; Public Works – 9341.54; SDRS (retirement) – 1685.08; AFLAC (insurance) - 114.66-; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 4486.72; HPSD (health) – 1886.40; WREA (Dec. Service) – 1011.08; SDARWS (convention registration) – 250.00; WRT (Base treatment) – 2314.13; Omni Site (alarm) – 25.00; Hawkins (chemicals) – 700.18 TOTAL: $26545.12
Stephanie Sires (balance of meter deposit) – 95.40 TOTAL: $95.40
Omni-Site, Inc. (alarm) – 25.00; WREA (Dec.) – 92.67 TOTAL: $117.67
They burned the wood pit at the restricted use dump site. The sander was purchased for the green pick up for $4250.00 and it is being installed now. Christmas trees can be left by the Public Works shop.
Deputy Jones presented the monthly report.
Jaedyn Finkbeiner has resigned as the pool manager. Thank you, Jaedyn for the wonderful years of exceptional service and good luck in your future endeavors. If anyone is interested in applying for this position or that of a lifeguard, applications are available online and at City Hall. UTILITY RATES
After more discussion on the need to raise utility rates it was again stated that in order to qualify for grants or other assistance for City infrastructure maintenance or improvements, the minimum established rate for both water and sewer service in municipalities is $30.00 or more for 5,000 gallons. For rural customers the minimum rate for water is $55.00 for 7,000 gallons. The minimum utility rates are established in Administrative Rules of South Dakota 74:05:07:08.01. The Finance Officer will find out if the rate has to be set at a minimum of 5,000 gallons or if it is acceptable to set the rate per thousand as long as it equals $30.00 once 5,000 gallons is used. Graham suggested a possible Monthly increase of $10.00 divided over water, sewer and garbage and to raise the meter deposit required to $200.00. This subject will be discussed further at the next meeting.
After a discussion about the advantages of paying bills by ACH and the ability to do payroll by direct deposit there was a motion by Hockenbary seconded by Richter to approve the transition as it will save on postage, ink, paper etc. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
The legislative rib dinner will be in Ft. Pierre on February 1st, 2022 and Legislative Day will be on February 2nd, 2022. The Finance Officer will register Teresa Hall, Graham, Hockenbary, Richter, K. Trullinger, Meri Jo Anderson, Tim Hall and herself for this. Rooms have already been reserved.
Mayor Hall asked the Council if they would have any objections to a combination shop/house (shouse) being built on a lot in city limits. It was stated there is nothing in the current ordinances pertaining to this but they would like more information on any possible issues that could arise.
Mayor Hall introduced Resolution #22-01.
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood is authorized by the State of SD to join or reaffirm their membership in a local government risk pool known as the South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance, and
WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood includes the contract in its entirety in this resolution (SDPAA 01.01.2022) and,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of New Underwood hereby designates the Mayor and/or Finance Officer to act as signatory on the intergovernmental contract with the South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance including all other documentation and to provide such additional information as may be required by the State of South Dakota.
Dated this 4th day of January, 2022.
Teresa M. Hall, Mayor
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution Number 22-01. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and Richter. Nay: None. Motion carried.
More information about Simple City billing, Front Desk and other core financial applications will be considered before renewing the Asyst system currently in use. Councilor Hockenbary will not be attending the February 8th Council meeting due to prior arrangements. Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m.
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
2022 Statement of Salaries for New Underwood, SD
Mayor - $6,000.00/yearly
Council - $50.00/meeting
Finance Officer $19.70 hourly
Deputy Sheriff - $53506.00 yearly
Director of Public Works – $25.80 hourly
Maintenance Man - $14.76 hourly
Clerk –$12.73 hourly
Laborers - $9.95 - $12.88 hourly
Seasonal Workers – $9.95 – $16.22 hourly
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on December 21, 2021. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary and Tara Richter. Absent: Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works, Tim Hall, John Hall and Danny Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the December 7, 2021 minutes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
- The distributor truck that was up for auction was sold for more than the amount the Council had approved at the last meeting.
- Public Works will be installing new flooring at City Hall. The price of the flooring material is projected to increase after the first of the year so they are working on getting it before then.
Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the purchase of a sander insert for the city pickup to be used while plowing snow for up to $4,500.00. Aye: all. Motion carried.
- The Black Hills Area Mayors meeting on December 8th in New Underwood was a success. Mayors and other city employees from five communities and representatives from the offices of Thune, Rounds and Johnson were able to attend. Conversations were had about the various challenges different communities face and how they deal with them.
More information will be obtained for the fees for bills and payroll to be done by ACH.
WHEREAS a Plat of Lot 2A and Lot 2B of Racicky Subdivision (Formerly Lot 2 of Racicky Subdivision) Located in the SE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 31, Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and
WHEREAS it appears that said plat conforms with the system of streets and alleys of the existing plat of said City and additions thereto, and that all municipal taxes and special assessments have been fully paid and that the plat of said lots had been executed according to law, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a Plat of Lot 2A and Lot 2B of Racicky Subdivision (Formerly Lot 2 of Racicky Subdivision) Located in the SE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 31, Township 2 North, Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and the same is hereby approved, and the Finance Officer, Director of Public Works and the Mayor of New Underwood are hereby authorized to endorse on the plat a copy of the resolution and certify as to its correctness.
Dated this 21st day of December, 2021
(seal) Teresa M. Hall, Mayor
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #21-13. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and Richter. Nay: none. Motion carried.
After a detailed drawing of the plans was reviewed it was moved by Richter seconded by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #21-28 for Darcy Kuhlman to move a manufactured home to 113 N. A Ave. As it is a new home an inspection was not required. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
The 2020 Decennial population count that was done for the year 2020 indicates the population of the City of New Underwood dropped from 660 people in 2010 to 568. As there are more houses now and our records do not indicate the same drop the Finance Officer will do more research will be done on how to dispute the Census results or find out what information they are possibly missing.
Joe Noble with AE2S brought a meat and cheese tray to City Hall on Monday and a conversation was had that included the possibility of hiring them to do a utility rate study for the city. Mayor Hall said she thought it could be a useful tool to use to start raising awareness in the community of the need to raise rates. If the city needs to get an additional well to supply water to the residents with ample pressure or another cell at the lagoon, a grant or loan may be necessary and we will be required to meet the state rate requirements. The Finance Officer will find out what those rates are for water and wastewater.
- Governmental fund sheets were presented.
Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:27 p.m.
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on December 7, 2021. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Deputy Jeff Jones, Sgt. Randy Harkins, John Hall, Ronnie Racicky, Amy Caringi and Jessica Weishaar. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
Motion by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Moved by Hockenbary second by Graham to approve the minutes for November 16, 2021. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
The vouchers, bill-list, savings sheet, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
November bills payable December 7, 2021
First Data (card fees) – 45.97; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Cleaners – 198.96; HPSD (health ins.) – 598.86; Public Works (salary) – 1471.10; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 599.02; City of Rapid City (October dump fee) – 603.29; Sam’s Club (Food Pantry) – 178.18; WREA (Service) – 1540.43; Golden West (phone/internet) – 304.21; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 442.46; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) - 203.58; Meri Jo Anderon (consulting) – 299.00; Mastercard (pocket calendars, shop, CC vacuum, stamps) – 855.48; City of Rapid City (Nov. fee) – 2294.21; Jenner Equipment (oil) – 28.31; Allstate Peterbilt (oil) – 46.33; Kieffer Sanitation (roll off) – 480.00; Whisler Bearing (park repair) - 55.86; Sanitation Products – (GT repair) – 352.44; Menard’s (shop) – 111.16; McGas (propane) – 498.26; SDML (Annual dues) – 904.43; SD Federal Property Agency (shop) - 125.00; Sturdevant’s Auto Parts (fog lamp) - 22.78; Carefree Lawn Inc (winterize) - 115.00; NAPA Auto Parts (spark plug/brake) - 33.27; SD Association of Code Enforcement (2022 dues) - 40.00; SD Municipal Street Maintenance Assoc. (2022 dues) - 35.00; SD Gov’t Finance Officers Assoc. (2022 dues) - 70.00; SD Gov’t HR Assoc. (membership) – 50.00; Titan Machinery (filters/oil) - 201.75 TOTAL $13216.09
Louise Dunn (deposit and overpayment refund) – 102.60 TOTAL $102.60
Finance Office – 3130.24; Public Works – 4766.02; SDRS (retirement) - 1123.40; SDRS (late fee) – 56.87; HPSD (health ins.) – 1796.58; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 2569.61; Aflac (insurance) - 114.66; WREA (Service) – 936.06; WRT (Base treatment Nov./Dec.) – 4628.26; Omni Site (alarm) – 25.00; Hawkins (chemicals) - 122.63; Pool & Spa (chlorine/shop) - 23.20; SDARWS (membership) – 420.00 TOTAL: $19712.53
WREA (service) – 96.53; Omni-Site, Inc. (alarm) – 25.00 SDWWA (membership fee) - 10.00; TOTAL: $131.53
- The flood ditch was mowed.
- Christmas lights were put up along A Ave.
- Mr. Hall has found an 800-gallon water tank that could be put in the box of the auto-car for use when sewer jetting. A pump would also need to be purchased for this option to be viable.
Mr. Hall informed the Council that he’d found a distributor truck that is being auctioned on Purple Wave that is 30 years newer and in better shape than the one that the city currently has. Councilor Graham asked if the older distributor could be used as a water tank for sewer jetting as it has a pump on it already. Mr. Hall stated that was his thinking also. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the purchase of the distributor truck for up to $5,000.00, after more discussion it was then moved by Graham seconded by Hockenbary to approve up to $6,000.00 for this purchase. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Deputy Jones presented the monthly report and stated November had been much calmer than October.
- Thank you to the elementary students and teachers, the 4-H and Wicksville workers for the much-needed donations to the food pantry located at City Hall.
- The Council agreed that the Hall would be used to cater the District 9 meeting on March 30, 2022 as they had come in with the lowest bid two years ago when the meeting first had to be postponed.
- Mayor Hall reported to the Council that the West Dakota Water Development District meeting on December 1, 2021 was very informative. She asked if the Council would mind if she asked Cheryl Chapman if she would be willing to change the date that she would attend a Council meeting to inform the Council of the progress of the WDWD District to the second one in January as Meri Jo Anderson will not be able to attend the next meeting. They agreed that this would work for them also.
- The first Black Hills Mayor’s meeting in two years will be hosted by New Underwood on December 8, 2021 at the Community Center.
Ordinance #21-11 received its second reading.
BE IT ORDAINED by the New Underwood City Council that the following amounts be appropriated to the 2022 budget to meet the obligations of the municipality: (Solid Waste Collection) 101/432.3/437 – $6,993.00; Means of finance: Budgeted Revenues.
Teresa M. Hall, Mayor
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
First Reading: November 16, 2021
Second Reading: December 7, 2021
Publish date: December 16, 2021
Effective Date: January 7, 2022
Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve the second reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #21-11. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #21-27 for Chandlor Mikkonen for a fence at 519 S. B Ave. providing it meets setbacks. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Richter seconded by K. Trullinger to approve setting the election date for April 12, 2022, combine with the school and to appoint Connie Carmichael, Kathy Lemke and Sara Hansen as the election officials with Jack Trullinger and Mary Boydston as alternates. Aye: all. Motion carried.
As there have been many requests for internet access at the Community Center during rentals and the Roping Club paying for the service there this December for their fundraiser on December 11, 2021 a discussion was had on the subject. The cost will be $65.95 a month, it would be $10.00 to put the service on vacation for up to a year and Golden West could be called to turn it back on if a renter said they wanted to have it and pay for it. The Council agreed that it would not be fair to the first person that wants the service for a rental as they would need to pay for it even though the entire month would then be paid. Finance Director Anderson stated the first penny tax money could be used to provide this service. Councilor Richter stated she thought that would be best to do that as it would benefit the community and increase the appeal of renting the Community Center. After more discussion including the low cost to rent the Community Center it was moved by Graham seconded by K. Trullinger to increase each of the rental fees by $10.00 effective January 1, 2022 except for the events already scheduled as they’d reserved it for the lower amount. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and K. Trullinger. Nay: Richter. Motion carried.
The Legislative Rib Dinner will be held on February 1, 2022 at the Drifters Bar and Grille in Ft. Pierre. The Legislative Committee Meetings will be on Wednesday February 2, 2022 at the State Capitol Building. The Finance Director will reserve hotel rooms for the Council, Mayor, Finance Director, Public Works Director and herself for that night. If it is found that someone isn’t able to attend, their room can be cancelled 24 hours in advance for no charge.
Motion by Richter seconded by K. Trullinger to change the first meeting date in February from February 1st, 2022 to February 8th, 2022. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
- Amy Caringi informed the Council of two vehicle fires in town last month. Both were contained to the vehicles and no damage to residences was done.
- Ronnie Racicky thanked the Public Works Department for taking down the flags for the American Legion and repairing the supports when they put the Christmas decorations up on A Ave.
- By State Law, in order for the Council to be able to make a motion on something, there needs to be at least 24 hours’ notice for an item to be put on the Council Meeting Agenda.
- Public Works still plans to get the trees in the alleys cut down.
- Before a developer begins construction of infrastructure, they will need to have an engineer go over and approve the plans, they will take these plans to the Council who will then have an engineer hired by the City approve the plans.
Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:42 p.m.
Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer