New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes October 12, 2021


A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on October 12, 2021. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary and Tara Richter. Absent: Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Deputy Jeff Jones, Ronnie Racicky, Amy Caringi, Caleb Dustman, Jessica Weishaar, Karralynn Uthe and Kallie Shook. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following.


Motion by Richter second Hockenbary by to approve the agenda correcting BP #21-25 to a 16’ x 74’ mobile home. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.


Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the minutes for September 21, 2021 with the addition of Ordinance #21-07 to be found in Article VIII; Affirmative Action. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.


The vouchers, bill-list, savings sheet, monthly revenues and savings sheets were presented. Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.

September bills payable October 12, 2021


First Data (card fees) – 65.96; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Finance Office – 3130.24; Public Works – 6449.76; Cleaners – 137.68; SDRS (retirement) - 1123.36; Aflac (insurance) - 114.66; HPSD (health ins.) – 2395.44; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 3179.53; City of Rapid City (dump fee) - 168.74, Sam’s Club (office supplies) – 78.42 ; WREA (Service) - 1985.40; Golden West (phone/internet) – 309.71; Schlecter Ag (weed killer) – 55.75; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 432.00; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 381.59; Meri Jo Anderon (consulting fee) – 253.00; Mastercard (plat/pool/shop) – 303.96; Kieffer Sanitation (roll off) – 160.00; NAPA auto parts (oil) – 43.08; Black Hills Chemical (body soap/towels/trash bags) – 114.80; Godfrey Brake (garbage/shop) – 126.27; Midcontinent (pool test) – 36.00; Menards (floor registers CC) – 80.96; Kieffer Sanitation (Aug./Sept roll off) – 334.40; Fastenal (merry go round) – 11.50; A1 Mechanical (winterize pool & heater) - 658.00; SDML (4 reg. for annual conference) - 400.00; First Interstate Bank (safety deposit box rent) - 25.00; City of Rapid City (dump fee) – 3172.34; Crown Oil Inc. (gas/diesel) - 2350.00; SD Dept of Labor (3rd qtr. reemployment) – 65.48 TOTAL $28554.78


Darrell Baldwin (deposit) 150.00; Tim Thompson (deposit) – 150.00 TOTAL $300.00


WREA (Service) – 1297.10; WRT (Base treatment) – 2314.13; Omni Site (alarm) – 25.00; Hawkins (chemicals) – 724.78; Midcontinent (2nd qtr. Water tests) – 60.00 TOTAL: $4421.01


WREA (service) – 110.68; Omni-Site, Inc. (alarm) – 25.00; Ixom Watercare Inc. (lagoon aerator) - 28,000.00; Continental Research Center (Bacto dose) - 567.69 TOTAL $28703.37


Meri Jo Anderson shared a report of the various subjects covered at the SDML Conference in Spearfish last week such as redistricting, cannabis regulations, ARPA Funds requirements and affordable housing issues. It was very educational and enjoyable.


The tires at the dump were taken to the Rapid City Landfill during the free period advertised for accepting tires from residents in multiple cities in Pennington County including New Underwood, but the public works staff were told that because the City of New Underwood was considered a commercial entity it will be charged the normal rate for disposal of tires. A letter of inquiry regarding this will be sent.
The banks of the lagoon have been built back up and they hope to get the riprap covering them no later than next spring.
Weather permitting the fire hydrants will be flushed next week.

Deputy Jones presented his monthly report and again encouraged people to continue to lock up their belongings and report any suspicious activity to dispatch at 605-394-6113. It is helpful to him if there is a report made in a timely manner when there are issues if he is not on duty at the time.
Deputy Jones recommends residents install motion lights to help deter unwanted activity around their homes.
Pennington County Housing sent representatives to New Underwood to inquire as to the general opinion held of Sunny Haven as they had received letters from some of the residents. Deputy Jones informed them of the many calls the Sheriff’s office receives concerning issues there. The property manager has been contacted about these issues and it has been difficult to get a response. The building has been left unsecured so anyone has access to it and many residents there report feeling unsafe. The representatives stated that deadbolts will be installed in each unit soon and access to the building will be limited.


A meeting was held at City Hall with a gentleman and a victim’s advocate from the States Attorney’s office concerning the legal matter the City of New Underwood has pending against the resident of 111 N. C Ave. for theft of City water and services.
After a resident brought pictures to City Hall and signed a complaint, a letter was sent to the owner in regards to their dog running at large.


Mayor Hall and the Director of Public Works inspected the mobile home where it is currently located in Rapid City. With the exception of a door that is going to be replaced the home passed inspection. Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #21-25 for Karralynn Uthe to move the 16’ x 74’ mobile home onto the lot at 104 S. C Ave. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. It was stated that the skirting and steps will need to be installed within 30 days of moving it in and Karralynn assured that it would be.


Motion by Graham second by Richter to approve the first reading of Supplemental Budget Ordinance #21-08. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.



WHEREAS a Plat of Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Tipton Properties Subdivision; (formerly an unplatted portion of the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 33) Located in the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 33, Township 2 North, Range 10 East of the Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and

WHEREAS it appears that said plat conforms with the system of streets and alleys of the existing plat of said City and additions thereto, and that all municipal taxes and special assessments have been fully paid and that the plat of said lots had been executed according to law, and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a Plat of Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Tipton Properties Subdivision; (formerly an unplatted portion of the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 33) Located in the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 33, Township 2 North, Range 10 East of the Black Hills Meridian, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and the same is hereby approved, and the Finance Officer, Director of Public Works and the Mayor of New Underwood are hereby authorized to endorse on the plat a copy of the resolution and certify as to its correctness.

Dated this 12th day of October, 2021

(seal) Teresa M. Hall, Mayor

Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer

Motion by Graham second by Hockenbary to approve Resolution #21-11. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and Richter. Nay: none. Motion carried.


The Council was asked to consider allowing the closure of Janklow Ave. at 100 Janklow right off of Hwy 1416 on November 2, 2021 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for the New Underwood Fire Department to practice with the higher-powered fire hydrant at this residence. Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to allow the street closure for that date, place and time. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.



WHEREAS a request was received from First Data for confirmation in the local minutes that Kristi Pritzkau is currently the contact, and

WHEREAS Meri Jo Anderson has retired as the Finance Officer, Kristi Pritzkau being the current Finance Officer for the City of New Underwood is now the contact, and;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Kristi Pritzkau be recognized as the authorized contact for First Data.

Dated this 12th day of October, 2021.

Teresa M. Hall, Mayor


Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer

Motion by Richter second by Graham to approve Resolution #21-12. Roll call vote. Aye: Graham, Hockenbary and Richter. Nay: none. Motion carried.


The November 2,2021 Council meeting will be held in the Community Center as Pennington County doesn’t need it for an election.
There were multiple people wondering if the BH Mayors group could try to get monthly meetings scheduled again with the first one being held in New Underwood.
Being no further business Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 6:39 p.m.


Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer