Minutes April 7, 2004
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held on April 7, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. Present were: Mayor Benita White, Councilmembers: Jackie Dahlquist, Michael Green, Tyler Richter, and John Torrey. Also present: The Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Dir. of Pub. Works Greg Hall, Asst. Finance Officer Teresa Gossard, Asst. Dir. of Pub. Works Jack Trullinger, Officer Adrian & trainee Trent Nelson, Al Ackerman, Wes Flint, Bill Gillen, and Jon & Irene Madsen. Arriving later: LeeAnn Schumacher, Gale Bruns, Galen Niederwerder, Carl Knuppe, Clint Ness, and Kenny Rostad.
Motion by Dahlquist second by Torrey, to approve the amended agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Motion by Dahlquist second by Richter to approve the Mar. 17, 2004 minutes with the following corrections: on page 3 under water availability - Niederwerder - 1/2 mile south of City and insert approval of availability with signature of land owner on the south waterline user agreement. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The Finance Officer presented the financial reports, bill-list and vouchers. Motion by Richter second by Green to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
March bills payable April 7, 2004
Salaries – 2915.57; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) –946.00; SD Retirement (Mar) – 532.94; State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 188.83; WREA (service) – 903.40; Golden West (service) – 165.38; Rapid City Landfill (dump fees) – 1660.05; Rapid City Journal (publishing) – 237.79; DakotaCare (ins) – 364.45; Steve's (fuel) – 258.30; Elan (supplies) – 584.41; Case Credit (payment) - 958.66; Penn. Co. Hwy. (fuel) – 77.74; SD Fed. Prop. (supplies - shop) – 217.50; Dakota Supply Group (culvert) – 287.07; Karen Julius (CC cleaning) – 300.00; Jenny Printz (CC cleaning) – 290.00; Bev Taylor (CC cleaning) – 320.00; Ron’s Propane (CC) – 442.25; Cellular One (service) – 43.86; Dakota Business Center ( office) – 163.95; Ace Hardware (supplies) – 22.86; Demersseman, Jensen, and Christianson (attorney fee) – 946.45; Pauls Electic (CC) – 596.29; SDML (election CD) – 10.00; Asphalt Conference (reg. Fee) – 160.00; Sam’s Club (fees) – 31.80; TOTAL: $13625.55.
Salaries – 1907.56; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 602.13; SD Retirement (Mar.) – 462.56; WREA (service) – 506.67; Golden West (Water Alarm) – 23.50; Dakotacare (ins) – 984.65; Hawkins (chemicals) – 201.68; Dakota Pump (omni-site) – 56.00; Sioux Pipe (couplers) – 339.49; Rons Propane (WH) – 155.15. TOTAL – $5239.39.
Salaries – 609.58; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 167.96; SD Retirement (Mar) – 98.69; WREA (service) – 63.56; Contractors Supply (lift sta) – 52.50; One Call (locate) – 10.43. TOTAL – $1002.72.
Since the Municipal League District meeting is scheduled for April 21, 2004 the second meeting of the City Council will be held on Monday April 19, at 6:00 p.m.
The Dir. of Public Works reported on his meetings with the County on applying for a grant in conjunction with them. After much discussion resolution number 04-02 was introduced.
WHEREAS the City of New Underwood is actively pursuing the prevention of the West Nile virus in our area by proactively implementing Mosquito Prevention and Control, and
WHEREAS the City of New Underwood is requesting a grant from the Department of Health in conjunction with Pennington County for financial aid in purchasing traps, fogging equipment, and chemicals for use in this project, and
WHEREAS a City official must be designated to sign any and all documents necessary to apply for this grant, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the New Underwood City Council that the Mayor, Benita R. White be designated to sign any and all documents necessary to obtain this grant.
Dated this 7th day of April, 2004
(Seal) Benita R. White, Mayor
Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer
It was moved by Richter second by Green to accept Resolution Number 04-02. Roll call vote. Aye: Dahlquist, Green, Richter, and Torrey. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Officer Adrian declined the job of counting mosquitoes from the City traps.
Dare graduation went well.
He will continue with training of new officers.
#04-08; Bill Gillen; 313 S. Monroe Avenue; garage
#04-09; Roland Trullinger; 204 S. Madison Ave.; remove bldg.
Moved by Richter second by Dahlquist to approve BP04-08 and 04-09. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Gale Bruns, representing the south waterline users reported that the users on this line have formed a group and are in the process of passing by-laws. They had some questions on the south waterline users agreement dealing with the amount of water and the one year notification. The City Attorney recommended the Council not change the agreement she drew up until this group becomes a legal entity. After a lengthy discussion, with good public participation, it was agreed the deadline to sign the contract remain April 14th.
Jon & Irene Madsen water availability request was again presented. The cost for material to put a City main to their property is $8,043.69. It would cost Mr. & Mrs. Madsen approximately $4,000.00 to put in a two-inch service line. Motion by Green second by Richter to approve this availability request. Aye: all. Motion carried. (Madsen’s are willing to sign a user agreement including a clause that no one else will be allowed to hook onto their service line.)
More discussion was held on the advantages to the City to place a main and if this venture would be able to recoup the capital expended. Motion by Richter second by Green to expend the funds and man hours to place a main to the west, since Madsen is willing to invest $4,000.00 for this project and a main on land contiguous to the City was advantageous. Aye: Green and Richter. Nay: Dahlquist and Torrey. The Mayor voted nay breaking the tie. Motion failed. The Mayor voted nay until she can get more information on the advantages of this project and find the necessary funding in the budget.
Motion by Richter second by Torrey to proceed with the DENR grant for a feasibility study for rural water and insert the Scope of Services agreement from Cetec in the grant application. Aye: all. Motion carried.
A time extension on the roofing contract from Chuck Gottschalk was presented. Moved by Torrey to grant this extension to May 30th with no penalty. This motion died for lack of a second. After more discussion, it was moved by Green second by Torrey to extend the deadline for the roofing job to May 30th with the stipulation that if the job is not completed by this extended deadline the penalty for liquid damages will be retroactive back to the Mar. 31st deadline and will be charged him. Aye: all. Motion carried.
(State law requires you accept the lowest bid unless you receive written proof that the contractor is not responsible.)
Clean Up day is set for the week-end of April 24 & 25. The public works staff will have the City dump open for citizens to use both of these days.
The public works staff will pick up the remaining garbage up on the following Monday & Tuesday.
The Council agreed that the fee for tires and refrigerators would be waived that week-end.
The animal clinic has been set for Sunday April 25, 2004 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Motion by Dahlquist second by Richter to leave the snow removal policy as is. Aye: Dahlquist, Green, and Richter. Nay: Torrey. Motion carried.
SP04-03; Teresa Gossard; April 11, 2004
Motion by Richter second by Green to approve SP04-03. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The Finance Officer reported on the lifeguard classes and who would be attending. Motion by Dahlquist second by Green to pay for these courses as long as the applicants sign an agreement stating they will work for the City. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The swimming lesson sessions have been set. There will be three sessions this summer. Opening date for the pool is tentatively set for May 29, 2004.
- Mr. Hall and Mr. Trullinger reported on their asphalt conference in Pierre that they attended.
- Mr. Hall will meet with the electrical engineer on the autocon system next week.
- The public works department received the free computer through the Dept. of Health grant they applied for last month.
- A letter will be sent to a business owner whose garbage is escaping his barrels, since there are no lids on them.
- Lion’s Club welcome sign tabled until a representative is present.
Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.
(Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer