Minutes August 3, 2005
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held on August 3, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. Present were: Mayor Benita White, Councilmembers: Jackie Dahlquist, Michael Green, Tyler Richter, and LeeAnn Schumacher. Also present: The Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Asst. Fin. Officer Teresa Gossard, Dir. Public Works Greg Hall, Officers Wardle & Przmus, Ron Racicky, George Langendorfer, Larry Graham, Vaughn & Steph Stover, and Al Ackerman. Arriving later: Dean & Mary Boydston and Steve & Laurie Swanson.
Moved by Richter second by Schumacher to approve the amended agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Motion by Schumacher second by Dahlquist to approve the July 20, 2005 minutes correcting the date from the 21st to the 20th. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The Finance Officer presented the financial reports, bill-list and vouchers. Motion by Richter second by Dahlquist to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
July bills payable August 3, 2005
Salaries – 6650.21; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 1573.56; SD Retirement – 424.06; State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 130.60; WREA (service) – 1066.94; Golden West (service) – 202.74; Rapid City Landfill (dump fees) – 1540.35; DakotaCare (ins) – 1070.17; Steve's (fuel) – 773.80; Elan (supplies) – 606.65; CNH Capital (BH payment) - 958.66; Penn. Co. Hwy. (fuel) – 464.52; Penn. Co. Sheriff (3rd qtr) – 8225.25; Pool & Spa (chemicals) – 412.31; Coca Cola (SP) – 184.00; J & J Asphalt (patch) – 462.39; Armstrong Extinquishers (recharge & extin) – 120.00; Midcontinent (SP) – 80.00; Hills Material (patch) – 683.55; Sam’s Club (SP) – 166.86; Jenner (parts) – 416.00. TOTAL: $26212.62.
Salaries – 1885.16; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 575.37; SD Retirement – 312.91; WREA (service) – 843.78; Golden West (Water Alarm) – 23.50; Dakota Supply Group (meters & parts) – 462.33; DakotaCare (Ins.) – 396.29; Midcontinent (tests) – 426.00; Hawkins (chemical) – 989.80. TOTAL – $5915.14.
Salaries – 1408.18; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 346.69; SD Retirement – 106.83; WREA (service) – 37.84; Cellular One (service) – 44.30; Dakota Pump (omni-site) – 56.00. TOTAL – $1999.84.
Officer Wardle presented his written monthly report. Officer Wardle moved into his promotion as investigator early, so this will be his final meeting. The Mayor and Council thanked him for his service to the City. Officer Wardle reintroduced his successor Kent Przmus. Officer Przmus just graduated from DCI school and there he received the prestigious Coalor Williams award.
Spiking Permit -# 05-06; Vaughn Stover; Sept. 3
Motion by Richter second by Green to approve this permit. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The Labor Day Committee requested free use of the Community Center on Sept. 5 and blocking off main street from Pine to Elm with open container in the central business district and at the horseshoe pits. Moved by Schumacher second by Green to grant these requests. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Fire Chief Ron Racicky requested the City cost share a new siren for the Fire Hall. They have applied for a grant for 75-100% of the projected cost. If the Fire Dept. ends up paying 25%, he felt the Fire Dept., Ambulance Dept., and City should cost share this. The City will consider this request in the 2006 budget, if monies can be found, and the Fire Dept. annual financial information is presented to us. The request is for approximately $1,500.00.
Ordinance Number 05-06 was introduced and received its first reading. This ordinance changes the name of Box Elder Street to Highway 1416 and Adams Avenue to 161st Avenue and deletes Orin Street completely. Motion by Schumacher second by Dahlquist to approve the first reading of Ordinance Number 05-06. Aye: all. Motion carried.
As directed by the Council at the last meeting, a copy of the Pennington County Animal Control Ordinance was presented. Also a copy of Wall’s ordinance and the proposed new City Ordinance were presented. After a lengthy discussion on possible changes it was moved by Schumacher second by Richter that we keep our Animal Control Ordinance the way it currently is written and that we start enforcing it. Aye: all. Motion carried. Mr. Hall will purchase a digital camera to take pictures of dogs running at large so we can start issuing citations to offenders.
A letter from the State Bureau of Administration was presented to the Council stating that we are one of four finalist for the old governor’s mansion. The next phase is getting cost projections ready, conceptual drawings, and funding sources. The Finance Officer will meet with different agencies and departments that will be aid in achieving these goals.
The movers were contacted and will go to Pierre next week to get information so they can give us an idea on the price to move it here. Anyone with ideas or who is interested in helping with this project should contact City Hall.
Dean Boydston and Steve Swanson questioned the Council about annexing some land on the east end of Pine Street. The Council agreed they would approve a petition for annexation for a lot size 145’ X 250’ – 300’. Mr. Boydston will order a plat be prepared for the Councils perusal. Concerns were expressed that when he has a loaded truck he not use Janklow Avenue to drive on.
DENR inspected the swimming pool. Things are going pretty good, but the baffol in the sand filter is on order and needs replaced to efficiently clean the pool. (We are having to use more chemical then usual until the filter is repaired.) The Dept. of Health was down and inspected the pool also. We passed both inspections and received some helpful suggestions from these two state agencies.
- Budget Hearing August 17, 2005 @ 5:00 p.m..
- Public Works has completed half of the chip seal project.
- West Box Elder St. drainage is tabled. The City Engineer will get us the information by the next meeting.
- The building permit for Robert Edgar will have a public hearing next meeting.
Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
(Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer