New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes November 16, 2005




A public hearing and regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held on November 16, 2005 at 5:00 p.m.  Present were: Mayor Benita White, Councilmembers: Jackie Dahlquist, Michael Green, Larry Graham, and LeeAnn Schumacher.   Also present: The Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Asst. Fin. Officer Teresa Gossard, Dir. Public Works Greg Hall, Asst. Dir. Of Public Works Jack Trullinger, Officer Przmus, Steve Swanson, and Al Ackerman.



A public hearing on liquor licenses for R.K’s;  Randall & Kathryn Madsen; 525 S. “A” Ave.; Package & Retail Liquor (on & off sale) and for Randall & Kathryn Madsen; Saloon #2; 415 S. “A” Ave; Package & Retail Liquor (on & off sale) and for Steve’s Superstore, Inc. – 22797 161st Ave.; Retail (on sale).  No one presented themselves to voice any objections to these licenses. The hearing adjourned at 5:10 p.m. with the regular meeting called to order immediately following.



Moved by Dahlquist second by Graham to approve the amended agenda.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



Motion by Schumacher second by Dahlquist to approve the November 2, 2005 minutes. Aye: all.  Motion carried. 


This will be the last weekend the City dump will be open on Saturdays until next spring.  The key can still be obtained at City Hall during regular business hours. 

Steve Swanson requested a barbwire fence be put up going north of the first gate (east edge of ROW), so people will not just drive around it.  He will put it up if the City will cost share half of the cost with him.  The Dir. Of Public Works will get cost figures and bring them back to the Council for their consideration. 



Officer Przmus reported that things have been settling down.  He will check on the placement of the I-90 interstate sign that has been installed. 



Councilman Dahlquist reported the City Hall Committee had their first meeting on Monday Nov. 14, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. to do some brainstorming.  They will meet again after some more information on cost comparisons are obtained.  They are looking at all the different options and would like public input and support on the best solution.  The interior work would be done, in house, by the public works staff.




The Council felt a need for more information on the Water & Sewer Availability Request Form.  The Council suggested adding the following to the form to make it more definitive to those requesting City water or sewer:  Specifying pasture tap or residential tap;        Stating that prior to extending water or sewer to another location off this service line the user will apply to the City Council, in advance, for permission to make any alterations and pay the appropriate fees.  Motion by Graham second by Schumacher to approve the new form.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.

Steve Swanson requested water availability for a pasture tap south and west of the elevator.   A lengthy discussion on people using the same service line for different properties followed.  We should have curb stops at each different property, so they can be shut off individually.  Moved by Schumacher second by Graham to approve this availability request for a pasture tap.  Aye: Dahlquist, Graham, and Schumacher.  Nay:  Green.  Motion carried.  Councilman Green would like written agreement between all property owners on the same service line.  He stated we have had non stop service line problems and the ordinance needs rewritten. He further stated curb stops should be installed on public property or in easement areas.



Randall & Kathryn Madsen - 415 S. “A” Ave; Lots 5-7; Blk 2; Org; Package & retail (on-off sale)

Randall & Kathryn Madsen - 525 S. “A” Ave; Lot 12; Blk 6; Org; Package & retail (on-off sale)

Steve’s Superstore, Inc. – 22797 161st Ave.; Lot 1 of SE ¼ and Lot 2 AR Vieths Subdivision; Retail (on sale)

Officer Przmus reported that he has not received any complaints on these businesses.

Since no one presented themselves to voice any objections it was moved by Schumacher second by Dahlquist to approve these liquor licenses for the year 2006.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



05-09; NU Roping Club; Dec. 2, 2005

Motion by Schumacher second by Green to approve permit SP#05-09.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



Motion by Graham second by Green to appoint:  Connie Carmichael, Sarah Deal, & Donna Rankin as the 2006 Election Board.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.

Moved by Graham second by Green to hold the 2006 City/School election jointly on the second Tuesday in April.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



05-26; Renee Borgelt; 208 S. “C” Ave.; enclose deck

     05-27; Jerry Cook; 418 S. “A” Ave.; storage shed

     05-28; Harry Jensen; 205 S. Janklow Ave.; house & garage

Motion by Green second by Graham to approve these permits.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.




  1. Letter from the Mayor of Pierre requesting support for DME.  No action was taken.  
  2. Meeting on 2010 Initiative on Nov. 29th.
  3. The Finance Officer presented the governmental funds statements.   
  4. The distributor motor is rebuilt and the Public Works staff is installing it.


Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 5:58 p.m.



(Seal)  Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer