New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes January 6, 2010


                           MINUTES OF THE



A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center on January 6, 2010.  Present were: Mayor Benita R. White, Councilmember’s: Jackie Dahlquist, Michael Green, John Torrey, and Jack Trullinger.   Also present: Dir. Public Works Greg Hall.  (Councilman Trullinger kept minutes.)



Moved by Green second by Dahlquist to approve the agenda.  Aye: all. Motion




Moved by Dahlquist second by Torrey to approve the December 15, 2009 minutes as presented.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.


FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST                                                                                   

The financial reports, bill-list and vouchers were presented.  Motion by Trullinger second Dahlquist to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.  

December bills payable December 31, 2009

GENERAL FUND                                                                                        

Salaries – 4399.90; Wellmark (ins.) 508.33; Amsterdam (calendars) – 90.50; Paul’s Electric (PW wiring) – 2801.11; SD Public Assurance Alliance (2010 Ins. – 6319.07;  Merchant Bank (visa charges) – 43.40;  FIB ( SS, FWT) – 1225.74; SD Retirement (Dec) – 605.57; WREA (Service) – 1471.11; Golden West Service) – 287.75; SD State Treasurer  ( Sales Tax) – 252.41; RC Landfill (Dump Fees) – 1870.95; ELAN (CC fridge; office supplies; auto supplies, lights, pesticide certi) – 755.14; NU Post (publishing) – 174.24; Steve’s (fuel) – 385.27; Penn. Co. Hwy. (fuel) 263.61; Kristi Lemke (clean CC) –50.00; NU Ambulance (aid) – 1000.00; BH Agency (2010 ins) – 5221.00; Diane Trullinger (CH cleaning) – 120.00; SD Fed. Prop Agency (PW) – 20.00; Meri Jo Anderson (toner reimbursement) – 28.61; Dakota Business Center (cartridges) – 25.68; GovOffice (domain name) – 55.00.  TOTAL: $27974.39.


FIB (loan payment PWB) – 1878.44.  TOTAL:  $1878.44

WATER FUND                                                                                             

Salaries – 3189.64; FIB (SS & FWT) – 964.31; SD Retirement (Dec)  – 478.16; WREA (Service) – 309.45; Omni-site (alarms) – 23.00; Cetec Engineering (radium project) – 1773.00; Hawkins (chemicals) – 682.98; DSG (meters) – 394.78; Paul’s Electric (WH wiring) – 1053.31; Wellmark (ins) – 1524.99.  TOTAL: $10393.62.


Salaries – 3628.44; FIB (SS & FWT) – 1042.47; SD Retirement (Dec)  – 541.75; WREA (service) – 57.91; Omni-Site, Inc. (alarm)  – 23.00; DENR (wastewater fee) – 50.00; Alltell (service) – 114.14. TOTAL: $5457.71.



The Dir. of Public Works thanked all the volunteers who helped out during the Christmas Blizzard.  It made clearing the streets a much faster job.  Some equipment failure slowed the process down.   

The motor saver at the lagoon failed Christmas day and had to be monitored.  due to the motor saver failure. Repairs were made immediately so it could be back on line.

Grader tires and chains needed, cost approximately $1600.00.

Mr. G. Hall may retire in May 2011 instead of Nov. 2010.



The Council will work on the priority list for the next five years at 5:30 p.m. January 20, 2010.



Seco has started construction of the new building for the treatment plant.  The notice to proceed for WRT has been issued, but the service agreement has not been signed by the City. 



Councilman Torrey had a complaint about the train sitting in town for extended periods of time.  He requested a letter be sent to DM&E (Canadian Pacific). 


Other items discussed:

1.      Legislative Day in Pierre is February 3.

2.      Councilman Torrey asked about snow removal at the fire hall.


Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 6:23 p.m.





(Seal)  Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer