Minutes September 6, 2017
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on September 6, 2017. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Councilmembers: Teresa Gossard, Larry Graham, and Kathy Trullinger. Absent: Karin Shoemaker. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer, Kristi Pritzkau, Assistant Finance Officer, Dir. of Public Works Tim Hall, Deputy Jeff Jones, Pool Managers Melanie Tish and Amber Beer, Josie Tish, Marvin Rask, and Dianne Trullinger. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger.
Motion by K. Trullinger second by Gossard to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Moved by Gossard second by K. Trullinger to approve the August 16, 2017, minutes as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The financial reports, bill-list and vouchers were presented. Moved by K. Trullinger second by Graham to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
August bills payable September 6, 2017
Merchant Bank (visa charges) – 35.69; First Interstate Bank (stop payment fee) – 17.00; Salaries – Mayor & Council – 1192.89; Finance Office – 8042.20; Public Works – 9013.28; Swim Pool – 5135.93; CC Cleaners – 286.78; Sam’s Club ( pool concessions) – 1103.48; HPSD (health ins.) – 2200.12; Aflac (insurance) – 77.62; IRS (SS & FWT) –7958.11; SDRS (August Retirement) – 2034.72; WREA (Service) – 1797.71; Golden West (Service) – 289.12; SD State Treasurer (August Sales Tax) – 379.19; NU Post (publishing) – 290.56; City of Rapid City (dump fees) -1788.29; BJ’s Store (brake fluid, cups and tea) – 32.91; Mastercard (mower, tire and blades, printer ink, tie rod, etc.) – 597.15; Menards (masonry grinding pads) – 14.15; Kieffer Sanitation (roll- off dumps) – 320.00; Al Cornella Refrigeration Service Inc.(service ice maker) – 722.27; Pool and Spa (pool supplies) –237.48; SDML (conference registration) – 900.00; MG Oil (diesel) –721.24; A&B Welding (welding materials) – 226.05; Mid Continent Testing (pool testing) – 68.00; Power House (weed eater ignition) – 32.16; Titan Machinery (backhoe window) – 217.48 TOTAL: $45731.58
Larry Phillips Trucking (hauling gravel for streets) – 676.56; Michael Holloway (parts) – 22.97; Carquest (brakes and parts for chipper) – 117.08 Adams ISC (welding and repair of chipper) – 399.60; Hills Materials (chips and oil for streets) – 19439.66; TOTAL: $20655.87
WREA (Service) – 1113.54; WRT (radium removal charge) – 2142.00; Omni Site (alarms) – 25.00; Hawkins, Inc. (water treatment for August) – 1667.00; TOTAL: $4947.54
WREA (service) –93.39; Omni-Site, Inc. (alarm) – 25.00; HD Supply (sewer risers) – 263.20; TOTAL: $381.59
Mr. Hall reported the Chip/Seal project was complete.
Sewer jetting has begun.
More speed zone signs are installed, also height adjustments were made.
The door on the ground storage building needs to be finished, they will work on it this week.
They will begin the yearly meter readings will begin the last two weeks of September.
Drained swimming pool and ground out the crack.
Deputy Jones presented his written monthly report. He will be patrolling the school zone traffic more vigorously the rest of the school year.
Deputy Jones reported that the Labor Day Celebration went well.
Pool Managers Melanie Tish and Amber Beer presented the volunteers doing pool repairs that need to be approved in the minutes:Volunteer list; Brad Beer, Amber Beer, Kevin Tish, Melanie Tish, Tammy Bills, Tyler Walker, Dallas Madsen, and Danny Knecht. Motion by Gossard second by Graham to approve this list. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The swimming pool fund raiser raised approximately $2,500.00, which will be used to repair the roof. The total in the Sami Jo Memorial fund is $4,308.03, which will be zeroed out and closed with the monies going to repairs. The quote to do the roof and the soffit is $2,963.10, with the work being done this month. Motion by Graham second by Gossard to use the fund raiser monies and the City will pay the rest to get the roof and eaves, floor repairs, and pool repairs completed. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Resurfacing and painting the bathrooms common area and concession stand by Rockstarz Concrete came in at an estimate of $2,356.20 plus $924.00 for prep work. Mr. Kevin Bloom stated he would donate the prep work. He can do this project in October. Moved by Gossard second by Graham to approve this project with the rest of the swim pool fund monies being used and city funds. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The $646.00 deposited in the City from the fund raiser will be used for pool toys and equipment.
Joe Vetter will be checking the skimmers and plumbing this week to make recommendations on how to repair any cracks and cap off unnecessary pipes.
Melanie put another layer of hydraulic concrete on the crack in the six foot area, and she will paint tomorrow.
Estimates on the air to air heating in the pool are still being obtained. Amber Beer will check with the Phillip pool to see what type of heating they have.
The Boy Scouts may want to use the painting of the outside of the pool house as a community service project.
The fiberglass liner estimate is being obtained.
Motion by Gossard second by K. Trullinger to approve up to $1600.00 for a winter pool cover, since the old one, which lasted 15 years, is now unusable. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Moved by K. Trullinger second by Gossard to table the swimming pool handbook revision. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The Mayor thanked Don and Sharon Anderson for the donation of the regulation horse shoes.
The Mayor and the Council wrote a welcome letter to visitors during the Labor Day Celebration.
The County will be resurfacing “A” Ave. tentatively mid September.
- The Finance Officer presented the monthly governmental funds sheets to the Council.
- Mayor Trullinger reported that we will get weather proof permits for the annual golf cart permits.
- Updating the disaster plan will be left on the agenda.
- The Council agreed we would have an entry for the homecoming parade.
Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m.
Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer