New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes December 18, 2019


A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on December 18, 2019. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Councilmembers: Teresa Gossard, Larry Graham and Kathy Trullinger. Absent: Karin Shoemaker. Also present: Finance Director Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer Kristi Pritzkau, Dir. of Public Works Tim Hall, Pam Cox, Marlene Mecca and Isaac Malsom. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger with the Pledge of Allegiance following.


Motion by K. Trullinger second by Graham to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.


It was moved by Gossard second by Graham to approve the December 4, 2019 Council meeting minutes with a correction to the Water Fund being $6406.17 and the Sewer Fund total was $2192.69. The difference being $1500.00 each for the Central Square/Asyst not being included in the formula. Aye: all. Motion carried.


New water meters are still being installed with some scheduling problems having occurred due to unforeseen difficulties.
A quote from Rapid Rooter was obtained for the sewer at 200 E. Pine St. in the amount of $190.00 for camera inspection and removal of obstructions up to 130 feet of sewer line and $45.00 travel time charge. There is an additional charge for over 130 feet. Mayor Trullinger gave permission for him to schedule a time to have this done.


Thank you letters were sent out for the donations of food for the Food Bank and for the spraying of the park this past summer.
The Festival of Trees was held last week and the K-5 kids decorated 3 trees, staff decorated the Mayor’s tree and the Ladies American Legion Auxiliary decorated the remaining tree in the Community Center. The outside lights on the trees and the Nativity Scene were done by the local churches and community members. It all looks wonderful.


It was moved by Graham seconded by Gossard to approve BP# 19-29; Pam Cox; 16100 Hwy 1416 for a move on of a 26’ x 24’ residence as it meets all setbacks. Aye: all. Motion carried.

200 E. PINE

A plat to divide a property at 200 E. Pine St. into five lots was presented to the Council whereupon Resolution Number 19-14 was introduced.


WHEREAS a Plat of Lot 1R, Lot 2R, Lot 3, Lot 4, Lot 5, and Lot 6 of Block 7 of the Original Townsite of Underwood, (Formerly all of Block 7 of the Original Townsite of Underwood, and the north half of vacated Elm Street Adjacent thereto) Located in the SW1/4 NE1/4 of Section 31, T2N, R11E, BHM, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and

WHEREAS it appears that said plat conforms with the system of streets and alleys of the existing plat of said City and additions thereto, and that all municipal taxes and special assessments have been fully paid and that the plat of said lots had been executed according to law, and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plat of Lot 1R, Lot 2R, Lot 3, Lot 4, Lot 5, and Lot 6 of Block 7 of the Original Townsite of Underwood, (Formerly all of Block 7 of the Original Townsite of Underwood, and the north half of vacated Elm Street Adjacent thereto) Located in the SW1/4 NE1/4 of Section 31, T2N, R11E, BHM, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota, was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, be and the same is hereby approved and the Finance Officer of New Underwood is hereby authorized to endorse on such plat a copy of the resolution and certify as to its correctness.

Dated this 18th day of December 2019


Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor

As the preliminary plat had been approved pending the changes required, it was moved by Gossard seconded by K. Trullinger to approve Resolution #19-14 approving the final plat. Roll call vote. Aye: Gossard, K. Trullinger, Graham. Motion carried. The Mayor and staff will sign the plat and take it to the County to file it.


After some consideration by the Mayor, Council and the Public Works Director about possible complications made by having a 35’ ROW with a 24 foot driving surface and as per the Zoning Ordinance Article VIII Variances which allows for a variance if there is unusual topography or other conditions beyond the control of the developer, it was moved by Gossard seconded by K. Trullinger to authorize a variance to the property at 200 E. Pine St. for the City to maintain the road once it is brought up to the Ordinance requirements of 6 inches of compacted gravel that meets the Pennington County specifications. Aye: all. Motion carried.


It was moved by Graham seconded by K. Trullinger to reschedule the first meeting in January to January 8, 2020 as the first Wednesday of the year falls on a legal holiday. Aye: all. Motion carried.


The 2020 District 9 meeting will be held in New Underwood on April 1, 2020. As alcohol will be served, it was moved by Gossard seconded by K. Trullinger to approve SL #19-19. Aye: all. Motion carried.


Mayor Trullinger thanks all for the decorations at the Community Center and to the Director of Public Works for the street decorations.
Thank you to Don and Cheryl Wiebers for the generous donation to the Food Bank at City Hall. It is looking so much better than it was a month ago.
The Finance Officer apologized for making a couple of mistakes with the October bills. In the November 6, 2019 minutes it was incorrectly stated that the October bill for the City of Rapid City was 1786.34, it was actually 1785.34. The Mastercard bill was 621.77 but the check was written for 627.77 so there is a $6.00 credit there now. Everything has been adjusted the way it was supposed to have been done to begin with.
Mayor Trullinger wishes a Merry Christmas to everyone.

Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:27 p.m.


Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer