Minutes April 9, 2014
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center on April 9, 2014. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Council member’s: Rikka Buchtel, Larry Graham, Laurie Holloway, and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Finance Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Pub. Works Dir. John Bale, and Dianne Trullinger. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger.
Motion by Graham second by Buchel to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Moved by K. Trullinger second by Holloway to approve the March 19, 2014 minutes as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The financial reports, bill-list and vouchers were presented. Motion by Buchtel second by Holloway to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
March bills payable April 9, 2014
Salaries – Mayor & Council – 361.75; Error on ck. 2335 – 2.14; Merchant Bank (visa charges) – 37.06; SDML (reg. fees dist. Meet) – 200.00; Merchant Capital (backhoe payment) – 12138.39; IRS (SS & FWT) – 176.50; WREA (Service) – 1710.21; Golden West (Service) – 293.16; RC Landfill (dump fee) – 1623.09; Penn. Co. Hwy (fuel) – 109.89; State of SD (sales tax) – 333.10; NU Post (publishing) – 347.52; AT&T (service) - 215.02; Fastenal (shop) – 103.96; Ace (shop) – 36.96; MARC (chemicals SP) – 1026.52; NW Pipe (CC) – 11.73; Dennis Johnson (Geothermal repair) – 950.65; Great Western Tire (BH) – 296.75; BJ’s (fuel) – 561.44; SD Unemployment (1st qtr) – 134.84; Racicky Plumbing (CC) – 92.57; McGas (propane) – 280.50; Dianne Trullinger (cleaning) – 161.08. TOTAL: $21204.83
WREA (Service) – 635.37; WRT (radium removal charge) – 1912.50; Hawkins (chemicals) – 1061.69; Energy Labs (tests) – 250.00; Omni Site (alarm) – 23.00. TOTAL: $3882.56
Salaries – Finance Office – 2998.94; Public Works – 4273.64; Wellmark (health ins) – 1427.31; IRS (SS & FWT) – 2078.63; SD Retirement (Mar) – 898.47; WREA (service) – 87.33; MARC (chemicals) – 212.50; Omni-Site, Inc. (alarm) – 23.00. TOTAL: $11999.82.
Jessica Bellin resigned as chairman of the community center committee, but will remain on the committee. The Council agreed the committee can make a recommendation of who should be the next chairman, and consider their recommendation when they appoint a new chairman. The Council was not in favor of a blanket amount for them to spend on each event. Since all of the expenses and revenues are city funds it must run through the Council first. They did agree that the committee could spend up to $20.00 on the easter egg hunt.
The Finance Officer met with candidates for the manager position on Saturday, and enrolled five people in the certification classes this week-end for lifeguard training. She will report back at the next meeting on how many lifeguards we will have certified.
Easy Street and mosquito spray have been ordered.
Training on water & sewer the 29th & 30th in Rapid City.
Relining sewer lines, a demonstration will be held in Custer the 23rd. Public Works, the Mayor and Councilor Graham will try to attend.
Bases on the plastic dumpsters seem to be working out fine.
Summer help (duties include mowing, chip/seal, laborer) will be discussed at the next meeting when budgeted figures are available on how much money remains, since we had to hire someone during Mr. Bale’s restrictions.
Deputy McPherson reported the DARE class held graduation and the Mayor also attended.
He will be working tens the next couple of months.
He also thanked the Council for working with him on hours during his mother’s death and his grandson’s cancer treatments.
Freshman Impact program will be May 8 at Douglas.
Spring is here so the kids will be driving accordingly, report any exhibition driving to the deputy.
The Mayor reported there was a complaint on the approach that was widened on “A” Ave. Mr. Bale surveyed the elevations, and the Mayor presented the detailed drawing of the results. It slopes to the east as it is supposed to.
Jim McKee curb stop locating is under progress. The Mayor received the signed release from Economic Development to dig on their lot on Main Street, since the information obtained so far leads them to believe this house is hooked onto the water main on Main Street. They have found one curb stop, but it is not the correct one. Rural Water will come down on April 22, to try to locate the some of the curb stops we cannot find. The fee to hire them is $100.00 a day.
The Council agreed the project he did on the handicap entrance to city hall looks excellent and instructed a thank you be sent to Eagle Scout Ryan Nelson.
Clean Up Weekend April 26 & 27. The property owners with branches in their yard yet from Storm Atlas will get notices asking them to clean up and take them to the dump on clean up week-end. Anyone with items they need help with should contact city hall.
The Council again agreed to allow 4 tires per household at the dump clean up weekend.
Need to have a couple of people who live near the community center to have a key to open it and get things set up when people are diverted here during times the interstate closes. A camp stove, soup and crackers will be stored in the kitchen for emergencies. The cots, sheeting, pillows, and blankets are stored in the storage shed and have to be brought in.
SP#13-04; Rachel Kjerstad; May 3, 2014
Moved by Trullinger second by Graham to approve. Aye: all. Motion carried.
SL#14-02; Moes; May 24, 2014
Motion by Holloway second by Graham to approve. Aye: all. Motion carried.
BP#14-06; Rikka Buchtel; 213 S. Janklow Ave; an upcycling retaining wall made out of used tires.
The Council took a recess at 7:25 to go look at this proposed retaining wall location and reconvened at 7:42.
Motion by Holloway second by K. Trullinger to approve this permit. Aye: Graham, Holloway, and Trullinger. Abstain: Buchtel. Motion carried. It may take up to six months to construct and she will try to keep the tires organized. The Council agreed that she may take the tires that go to the dump on clean-up day to construct this project. It will save the city approximately $400.00 in disposal fees.
BP#14-04; Randy Nixon; 209 Janklow Ave.; fill retaining wall.
No action was taken, since the work he has done so far does not require a permit.
Pet Clinic April 26
Dump keys will be given to the Council.
Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m.
(Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer