New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes of September 19, 2012





A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Center on September 19, 2012.  Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Council member’s: Rikka Buchtel, Laurie Holloway, Sheila White, and Joe Whitney. Also present: Finance Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Deputy McPherson, Dianne Trullinger, Rory & Amy Pischer. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger.



Motion by Whitney second by White to approve the amended agenda.  Aye: all. Motion carried.



Moved by Buchtel second by Holloway to approve the September 5, 2012 minutes as presented.  Aye: all.  Motion carried. 



Mayor Trullinger presented Mr. Bale’s public works report. He reported the staff will be finishing removing the chips and will start sealing next week; water main break to the south is repaired; landfill inspection was conducted today by DENR; WRT inspection: sensors for the radium removal plant are being replaced; three meter readers have been hired and they will start reading meters next week. 



Abatements  on mobile home with siding missing, skirting missing, and building debris in yard; dormant vehicle; issuing tickets on violations that are not abated.



Ordinance Number 12-11 received its second reading.

                                              ORDINANCE NUMBER 12-11


BE IT ORDAINED by the New Underwood City Council that the following amounts be appropriated to the 2012 budget to meet the obligations of the municipality: 101/410/427 – 4000.00; 101/430 – 1500.00; 101/432.3 – 3000.00; 101/454 – 4000.00; 601/433.1 – 5000.00; 601/433.3 – 15000.00;  601/433.4 – 4000.00; 601/433.5 – 5000.00.  Means of finance: reimbursements, unused 2012 budget monies, and undesignated funds.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor


Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer


First reading:  September 5, 2012

Second reading:  September 19, 2012

Publish Date:  September 27, 2012

Effective Date:  October 17, 2012                

Motion by Whitney second by Buchtel to approve the second reading of ordinance number 12-11. Roll call vote. Aye: Buchtel, Holloway, White, & Whitney. Nay: none.  Motion carried.



A letter from the postmasters association informing the city that the New Underwood post office’s hours will be cut to 2-4 hours a day was presented to the council. This letter states we will be getting a formal notice from the United States postal service and a meeting with the community will be set.  This letter encourages citizens to act and contact their congressional representatives if they have objections to the post offices  proposal to cut services. The Mayor will write a letter for now and the Council will adopt a resolution next meeting to start the fight against this proposal.



The Mayor met with a member of the county engineering department to discuss the Catholic Church drainage proposal. He did not have problem with the full culvert, but felt it would not aid the church’s drainage on their own land.  He proposed three other alternatives to fix the problem.  The Council will drop this off the agenda until the Church contacts them to get on the agenda.



The Council discussed the release of liability for the use of the bouncy toys (inflatables) when they are used on city property, and the lack of insurance even though the citizen has signed the waiver and has insurance. The Council all agreed they would like to see the public get to use these toys, but insurance protecting the city must be found.  Quotes for special liability coverage will be obtained for the next meeting.



Motion by Buchtel second by Holloway that due to a conflict with the municipal convention the New Underwood city council meetings will be October 10th  & 24th.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



Sp#12-23; Jessica Schauer; 104 S. “C” Ave;  windows & siding

Moved by Whitney second by White to approve this permit.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.


Other items discussed:

1. The finance officer presented the governmental fund sheets.

2. Municipal League Conference in October, the Finance Officer, Mayor, and two Councilors will attend.

3.  Light at 1416 and 161st not working.

4. Mr. Pischer now has 30 days to get his skirting in place.


Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m.


(Seal)  Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer