New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes January 18, 2006




A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held on January 18, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.  Present were: Mayor Benita White, Councilmembers: Jackie Dahlquist, Larry Graham, and LeeAnn Schumacher.  Absent:  Michael Green.  Also present: The Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Asst. Fin. Officer Teresa Gossard, Dir. Public Works Greg Hall, Officer Przymus, and Roger & Keoni Bills.



Moved by Schumacher second by Dahlquist to approve the agenda.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



Motion by Dahlquist second by Graham to approve the January 4, 2006 minutes. Aye: all.  Motion carried. 



06-02; Roger Bills; February 4, 2006

Motion by Schumacher second by Dahlquist to approve this spiking permit.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



The Black Hills Regional Finance Officer’s Association is sponsoring a motivational seminar on February 23, 2006.  Moved by Dahlquist second by Schumacher to approve the $50.00 registration fee for this seminar.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.



The legislative up date from SDML was given to the Council.  Hot issues are eminent domain & government anti-competition legislation.



The Finance Officer presented the governmental funds reports for 2005.  The Council stayed within their budget and did not over expend in any of the categories. 



The catering agreement for the Municipal League district meeting that is being held in New Underwood in April was presented.  Motion by Schumacher second by Dahlquist to authorize the Mayor’s signature on this agreement.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried. 



WREA and the Dir. of Public Works met and decided the placement of two additional street lights on Janklow one at 1416 and one at Ash.  Motion by Graham second by Schumacher to hire Racicky to trench this line.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.  The two affected property owners will be notified.



The Director of Public Works reported he pumped the old well up to the water storage tank for four hours last week.  When & if we start blending to try to reduce the radium, the public will be notified.  Mr. G. Hall also reported that he has some information coming on treating the new well to remove the radium.  He was led to believe the cost would be approximately 50 cents per thousand gallons for the treatment.  He will keep the Council informed as he researches this avenue for a solution.



A lengthy discussion on animals running at large followed.  The Council agreed that a possible solution could be as follows:  For frequent violators, citations will be written on the County Ordinance which has a standard fine of $100.00.  If citizens see the same dogs running at large they are to call City Hall or 754-6767 and leave a message for Officer Przymus to contact them.

A speed board will be set up twice a month around the City to make citizens aware of their speeds, and a report with the results will print out. 

Officer Przymus reiterated that he would like to encourage citizens to call with any concerns big or small.



Citizens are encouraged to log on to to register for the Vietnam War Memorial Dedication.  You did not have to serve in Vietnam, but served in the military between 2/28/61 and 5/7/75.  Please go on line to get the information and to register.  It is important that the veterans get the recognition they deserve.  The City of New Underwood will again be participating in the parade.



Mayor White reported on the Mayor’s meeting she attended in Rapid City on Thursday.  All the Mayors in our area attend and speak about the projects and concerns they are currently involved in.  Johnson, Thune, and Herseth's office representatives were there to help address matters of interest.   



The Finance Officer reported on the meetings with the two 1988 north waterline contract holders. Negotiations will continue to get the addendum to the contracts signed.  After discussion it was moved by Schumacher second by Graham to authorize the Mayor’s signature on the addendums with the changes the Council had made.   Aye: all.  Motion carried.



The Mayor reported that she, Councilman Graham, Mr. G. Hall, Meri Jo, Heine Junge, Commissioners Davis & Kjerstad, and Duane Anderson had met to speak about the joint effort to build a new City Hall.  The County felt they could help by using their engineers to draw up some preliminary plans.  Also Commissioner Davis said he would contact Pierre and see if any grants were available for a project like this. 



Abatement on taxes for the Hazel Fox house was presented.  (Sunny Haven owned for the last half of the year, so requested taxes be abated.)  Motion by Graham second by Dahlquist to authorize the Finance Officer signature for approval on this abatement.  Roll call vote.  Aye:  Dahlquist, Graham, and Schumacher.  Nay: none.   Motion carried.



  1. The vacancy notices combined with the school have been published.
  2. Drug busts on interstate.
  3. Minutes on the 1416 drainage will be presented at the next meeting. 


Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.



(Seal)  Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer