New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes October 6, 2010

                          MINUTES OF THE



A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center on October 6, 2010.  Present were: Councilmember’s: Rikka Buchtel, Jackie Dahlquist, Michael Green, and Joe Whitney.   Also present and late arrivals were:  Finance Officer Meri Jo Anderson, John Torrey, Lt. Brubakken, Deputy McPherson, Linda Cudmore, Pam Gunner, Shirley Prince, Dianne Trullinger, Dena Whitney, Wes Flint, Nina Madsen, DeLynn Willis, Janice Jensen, and Steve & Laurie Swanson.  Meeting was called to order by Council President Green, since Mayor White was absent.



Moved by Whitney second by Dahlquist to approve the agenda.  Aye: all. Motion




Moved by Whitney second by Dahlquist to approve the September 15, 2010 minutes. Aye: all.  Motion carried.


FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST                                                                                  

The financial reports, bill-list and vouchers were presented.  Motion by Whitney second by Dahlquist to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.  

September bills payable October 6, 2010

GENERAL FUND                                                                                        

Salaries – 5346.77; Wellmark (ins.) 488.18; Merchant Bank (visa charges) – 12.95; SDML (registration fee conference – 400.00 & election school – 40.00); Sam’s Club (SP supplies) – 376.62; First Interstate Bank (pay off public works shop) – 54569.32; IRS – EFTPS (Sept) – 1390.42; SD Retirement (Sept) – 624.93; WREA (Service) – 1323.55; Golden West Service) – 352.82; RC Landfill (dump fees) – 2176.83; SD State Treasurer  ( Sales Tax) – 301.28; Steve’s (fuel) – 494.26; ELAN (stamps, parts, permalube, filters, Lt. Kit) – 396.62; NU Post (publishing) – 231.65 (and replacement ck; publishing – 154.77; Penn. Co. Highway (fuel) – 380.70; Johnson Machine (filters) – 227.16; Pool & Spa Center (motor & chemicals) – 260.04; Dakota Typewriter (cartridge & name plates) – 119.24; Midcontinent Testing (SP) – 68.00; Kristi Lemke (clean CC) – 100.00; Dianne Trullinger (clean CH 3rd qtr) – 148.00; NASASP (membership fees for surplus property) – 39.00; American Red Cross (lifeguarding & 1st aid manuals) – 30.00; Jenner Equipment (parts) – 151.07; 3D Specialties (post for signs) – 1076.60; Pete Lien & Sons (sand) – 58.28; SD Unemployment Ins. (3rd qtr) – 488.13; Summit Signs (street signs) – 1404.00.  TOTAL: $73231.19.


Larry Phillips (hauling chips) – 397.00; Lee Phillips (hauling chips) – 553.79.  TOTAL:  $950.79.

WATER FUND                                                                                             

Salaries – 3932.11; IRS – EFTPS (SS & FWT) – 1109.04; SD Retirement (Sept)- 590.17; Wellmark ( ins) – 1952.72; WREA (Service) – 210.12; Elan (study books; water books, embroidery) – 398.53; Alltel (service) – 111.07; WRT (Sept) – 1912.50; Racicky Plumbing (supplies) – 32.58; Hawkins, Inc (treatment chemicals) – 1154.70; Omni-site (alarm) – 23.00; Energy Labs (testing) – 115.00.  TOTAL: $11541.54



Salaries – 4663.64; FIB (SS & FWT) – 1322.15; SD Retirement (Aug) – 601.38; WREA (service) – 81.26; Wellmark (ins) – 488.18; Alltel (service) – 110.67; Omni-Site, Inc. (alarm)  – 23.00; SD Public Utilities Commission (locate tickets) – 21.47. TOTAL: $7311.75


Seco (final payment) – 3770.00; City of NU (reimbursement for engineering) – 886.13.  TOTAL: $4656.13



Lt. Brubakken presented the written monthly report.  Deputy McPherson will be attending DARE classes the next two weeks.  Deputy McPherson and Wildlife Officer Jamin Hartland thanked the Council for the use of the Community Center for the Hunter Safety Course. 



The Council went over the proposed changes to the liquor ordinance inserting the changes the legislature made this year.  The first reading of this ordinance will be ready for the next meeting.



A signed complaint form was received from a citizen on a nuisance (noise & foul odor).

Motion by Whitney second by Buchtel to send an abatement notice to the property owner.  Aye:  Buchtel, Dahlquist, and Whitney.  Abstain: Green.  Motion carried.  Lt. Brubakken stated they will deliver the notice if the Council feels it necessary.



The Council discussed guidelines for drafting this ordinance with the mobile home park owners in attendance. (Currently there are no restrictions on the types of mobile homes that can be allowed in mobile home parks.) The City will continue to work on the best ordinance for all involved and will send copies of the proposed changes to the owners for input.



The school requested open burn at the tennis court for coronation.  Motion by Whitney second by Dahlquist to grant this request.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



BP#10-19; Travis Madsen; 701 S. “A” Ave; addition

BP#10-20; Deb McClaren; 419 S. Janklow; move on mobile home

BP#10-21; Charlotte Clark; 309 S. Janklow; move off & move on mobile home

BP#10-22; Frank Avallone; 219 S. “B” Ave; addition to garage & house

Moved by Whitney second by Dahlquist to approve BP#19 thru 22 pending drawings & meeting set backs.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



SP#10-10; Deanna Bray; October 9, 2010

SP#10-11; Nina Madsen; October 23, 2010

Moved by Whitney second by Dahlquist to approve these permits.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



Other items discussed:

1.      Smoke testing sewer mains. Notices will be hung advising the public.

2.      The pilot study on the garbage totes is going well. 

3.      Signage between “B” & “C” Aves on Pine and Wood Ave. were tabled until legal advice is obtained. 



Being no further business Council President Green adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m.





(Seal)  Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer