New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes November 17, 2020


A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on November 17, 2020. Present were: Mayor Teresa Gossard, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Public Works Director Tim Hall, Andrea Eddy and Serena Rice. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gossard with the Pledge of Allegiance following.


Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.


Motion by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve the November 3, 2020 minutes. Aye: all. Motion carried.


The overhead door at the north storage building is now working and three trucks and a tractor are now inside.
The Community Center heater has been repaired.
New emergency and exit lights have been installed inside the Community Center.
Installation of the outside security lights at the Community Center has been scheduled. Until it is completed, he will install a split light under the flag to help illuminate the front area.
As the silt at the lift station was not able to be completely removed by Hills Septic alternative methods of breaking it up so removal will be possible are being looked into.

The laptop needs to be replaced at City Hall as the current one has a battery that is bulging and the City Clerk’s computer should have Windows 10 on it so that network communication can be improved.


Andrea Eddy verified with the Mayor and Council that the Community Center could be used by the Douglas/New Underwood/Rapid Valley Youth wrestling club for wrestling practice and various duels. Each use will be covered by their insurance so there will be no liability to the City for any possible injuries. The rent will be $50.00 per use if no admission is charged. If admission is charged the cost will be $125.00 per use. The Mayor and Council agreed that there was no reason why this wouldn’t be allowed but it was requested that proof of insurance coverage be sent to City Hall for verification of coverage.


The candle pouring class that was originally scheduled for November 13, 2020 had to be postponed so it was requested to change the date for Spiking Permit #20-07 to December 18, 2020. Motion by Hockenbary seconded by Graham to do so. Aye: all. Motion carried.


It was moved by Graham seconded by K. Trullinger to approve the Finance Officer’s signature on the 2021 HPSD Health Insurance agreement. Aye: all. Motion carried.


Moe’s Bar and Grill; 415 S. A Ave; renewal #PL4547 (off sale) & #RL-5660 (on-sale)
Dvorak Convenience Stores, Inc; 16098 Highway 1416; #PL-4766 (off sale) & #RL-5885 (on sale)
Wendy Philipsen and Serena Rice; 524 S. A Ave; renewal #RL-5755 (on sale)

Motion by Graham seconded Hockenbary by to approve each of these renewals. Aye: all. Motion carried.


It was moved by Richter seconded by Hockenbary to approve setting up an account to advertise the surplus 1977 Wabco Motor Grader with Public Surplus at no cost to the City. Aye: all. Motion carried.


Governmental fund sheets were presented. A contingency fund transfer or supplemental budget ordinance will be requested at the next meeting to cover all costs not budgeted for.
Thank you to Aimee and William Shackelford for the generous donation of approximately 500 pounds of food for the food pantry.
Being no further business Mayor Gossard adjourned the meeting at 6:27 p.m.


Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer