New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes September 20, 2017




A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on September 20, 2017. Present were: Councilmembers: Teresa Gossard, Larry Graham, Karin Shoemaker, and Kathy Trullinger. Absent: Mayor Jack Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer, Kristi Pritzkau, Assistant Finance Officer, Dir. of Public Works Tim Hall, Pool Manager Amber Beer, Carol Jensen, and Ava Shoemaker. The meeting was called to order by Council President Gossard.


Motion by Shoemaker second by Trullinger to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.



Moved by Graham second by Shoemaker to approve the September 6, 2017 minutes as presented.  Aye: all. Motion carried. 



The Assistant Finance Officer prepared a list of all the residents in New Underwood and their phone numbers to send in to Code Red staff so everyone receives the alerts we send out when emergencies with the city utilities exist. Anyone in the City who does not wish to receive the alerts when their water is shut off due to main breaks etc. should contact City Hall to be removed from the list. The Council agreed that people who do not live in the city limits or are not on city utilities do not need to be included in this notification system list.



  • Mr. Hall reported they have begun the annual meter readings.

  • He also explained the water breaks that occurred last week.

  • Rural Water is here exercising the water valves and should be done this week.

  • The overhead door on the ground storage building is closer to being done, they are just fine tuning now.

  • Lead and Copper water tests are being done this week on select residences and are sent to DENR.

  • Sensitivity training.



    Three quotes were obtained on the winter pool cover. We need a new one, the old one lasted 15 years. Motion by Shoemaker second by Graham to pursue the quote from Mighty Covers and see if they can match our eyelets, and still have the same warranty. If they cannot guarantee the same warranty or if the price approaches the Pool and Spa quote then we will go with Pool and Spa. Aye: all. Motion carried.

    Pool Manager Amber Beer presented the pool repairs report.

  • Repairing the cracks did not hold up, so they have ground them out and are putting epoxy in tomorrow.

  • They will try to paint the pool next week.

  • Crack on skimmer 1 foot to the south was discovered when they scoped the pool. Will get more advice on whom to hire to dig up concrete and fix.

  • Chlorinator needs rerouted.

  • Floor drains will be capped off and discontinued.

  • The Floor resurfacing and the new roof will be installed next week.

  • More information will be obtained on the solar heating of the pool and grants will be applied for through WREA, Modern Woodman, and Game, Fish, and Parks.



    Complaints on a residence that needs cleaned up and obstructions in right of way, trees that need trimmed by hydrants. Abatements will be sent and these problems will be handled in house. The trees around the hydrant have been removed.



    Moved by Shoemaker second by Trullinger to take this off the agenda until the Mayor has the draft plan. Aye: all. Motion carried.



Supplemental Budget Ordinance Number 17-07 received its first reading. Motion by K. Trullinger second by Graham to approve the first reading. Aye: all.  Motion carried.



Councilor Shoemaker spoke to the school board about their plans to improve the courts to the south of the school. They are open to discussion.  A senior project to put concrete in by the basketball hoops was mentioned and it was agreed everyone needs to be on the same page on how to proceed with the improvements.  Councilor Shoemaker will speak to the school to get a more definitive plan and requested this be taken off our agenda until she has more information.  Motion by Graham second by Trullinger to grant this request.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



  1. A letter on a late water bill was presented to the Council.




Being no further business Council President Gossard adjourned the meeting at 6:53 p.m.





Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer