Minutes December 21, 2011
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:05 p.m. in the Community Center on December 21, 2011. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Council member’s: Rikka Buchtel, Laurie Holloway, and Joe Whitney. Absent: John Torrey. Also present: Finance Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Dir. Of Public Works John Bale, Jim Harbert, Dianne Trullinger, Dena Whitney, and Mike Holloway. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger.
Motion by Whitney second by Buchtel to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Moved by Holloway second by Buchtel to approve the December 7, 2011 minutes. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Motion by Buchtel second by Holloway to transfer from contingency $10,000.00 to solid waste & $2,000.00 to water to purchase meters. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Mr. Bale reported the dump will be closed on Saturdays until spring. A key can still be obtained at City Hall or the Public Works Shop during the week. Keys will also be made for the Council along with the dump information list.
The sewer main on Pine Street plugged over the week-end. The public works staff got it open, but the item that caused the plug, a big towel, went on down and tore out the pump at the lift station.
Sewer main by Rask’s will have to be cut due to the Y that was placed there originally, and this design is no longer used, and the correct saddle will be installed by the City. The work is being coordinated with R & R trenching who is doing the work on the service line.
The digging north of Gimpel addition, lot 5, has been turned over to the insurance company.
The City has applied for the seven year review of Future Use Water Permit No. 1780-2. The notices for these water rights will be published after the first of the year.
The city’s testing proves that the water is passing all quality tests and the radium is successfully being removed from the water. The Council agreed that the city should hand deliver to consumers that New Underwood water is top quality again.
The Attorney has put his input into the draft of the nuisance ordinance. The proposed ordinance will be posted at the Bank, Post office, Steve’s and Ron’s and also on the website newunderwood.com. Input from citizens is requested prior to the first reading January 4, 2011.
The Council will look over the information they have in their packets and send suggestions to the finance officer for a draft ordinance to be written.
Moved by Buchtel second by Whitney to appoint Jackie Dahlquist, Kay McKee, and Jim McKee to the 2012 election board. Aye: all. Motion carried. Anyone interested in being and alternate for the election board should contact City Hall.
Motion by Whitney second by Holloway to combine with the school and set April 10th as the municipal school Election Day. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Motion by Buchtel second by Whitney to approve the renewal of the insurance policy with the pool through Black Hills Agency for 2012. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Other items discussed:
- The ad for the ground storage tank will be put back in the municipal league magazine towards summer.
Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:27 p.m.
(Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer