New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes Feb. 16, 2005

MINUTES OF THENEW UNDERWOOD CITY COUNCILA regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held on Feb. 16, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. Present were: Mayor Benita White, Councilmembers: Jackie Dahlquist, Michael Green, Tyler Richter, and LeeAnn Schumacher. Also present: The Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Dir. of Public Works Greg Hall, Asst. Finance Officer Teresa Gossard, Officer Wardle, Kurt & Karina Wolken, Janice Jensen, Randy Madsen, and Al Ackerman. PUBLIC HEARING TRANSFER LIQUOR LICENSESA public hearing on transferring the following liquor license from (T & T’s); Timothy & Tammy Hall to Saloon Number 2; Randall Madsen; 415 S. “A” Ave; Package & Retail Liquor (on & off sale). The other transfer that was advertised was withdrawn. No one presented themselves to voice any objections to this transfer license. The hearing adjourned at 6:05 p.m. with the regular meeting called to order immediately following.AGENDA Moved by Schumacher second by Dahlquist to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.MINUTES Motion by Green second by Richter to approve the Feb. 2, 2005 minutes with the following addition: the reason Green voted nay on Ordinance #05-01 was because he felt the money could be better spent purchasing something for the youth. Aye: all. Motion carried. LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFERFrom Timothy & Tammy Hall; T & T to Saloon Number 2; Randall Madsen - 415 S. “A” Ave; Lots 5-7; Blk 2; Org; Package & retail (on-off sale)Motion by Richter second by Green to approve the transfer of this liquor license for the year 2005, since no one presented themselves to voice any objections. Aye: all. Motion carried.FINANCIAL REPORT The Finance Officer presented the governmental funds statements.LAW ENFORCEMENTOfficer Wardle reported the burglary at the Mill and the heat tape theft are ongoing investigations, all the other cases have been resolved. The Mayor questioned him on if the victims in the cases are contacted and kept informed. In most cases they are.DUMPMr. Hall reported that starting this Saturday the dump will again be open on the first and third Saturday’s mornings, weather permitting.VOLUNTEER REQUESTMayor White requested anyone interested in volunteering to help assist Marvin Jensen while he is home should contact Janice (Don) Jensen or RJ and Judy Madsen. There will be a volunteer meeting held at the Community Center to instruct these volunteers on what they can do to help. Marvin did a lot of volunteer work for our community and it is now time to give help back. The Council agreed that they would donate the use of the Community Center for this meeting.REZONING QUESTIONSJohn Szymonski in writing requested the Council consider rezoning the old Conoco Station at 102 W. Box Elder St. It is currently zoned commercial and he would like to change part of it to residential. After discussion the Council agreed they would be open to having the public hearing for this rezoning request and take action after input from the Community.CLEAN UP WEEK-ENDMr. Hall would like to try doing a clean up week-end on April 23 & 24, 2005 using guidelines used by Phillip and Wall. The rubble site will be open and manned from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. that Saturday and Sunday for people to dispose of their yard waste, wood, concrete, and metal. (No tires, unless fee paid) Plastic, cardboard, sheetrock, household garbage, TV’s, furniture, ect go in the garbage truck. More detailed notices will be hung around the City. The Council agreed that this is a good idea and agreed on the dates.SPIKING PERMITS 05-02; Teresa Gossard; March 27, 2005Motion by Richter second by Green to approve this permit. Aye: all. Motion carried.BUILDING PERMITS 05-05; Kurt Wolken; 501 E. Pine; House 05-06; Scott Burleson; 404 S. “C” Ave; storage shedMoved by Green second by Schumacher to approve permit #05-05. Aye: all. Motion carried.Moved by Richter second by Green to approve permit #05-06. Aye: all. Motion carried.OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED THROUGHOUT MEETING1. The animal clinic is Sunday April 24, 2005 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.2. Tire Disposal still free until the end of this month.3. Animal running at large warning letter.4. Voter Registration deadline is March 28, 2005.5. Mr. Trullinger has a torn rotator cuff and will see the doctor on Thursday.Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. (Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer