Minutes April 3, 2007
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held on April 3, 2007, at 6:00 p.m. Present were: Mayor Benita White, Councilmembers: Jackie Dahlquist, Michael Green, Tyler Richter, and John Torrey. Also present: Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Dir. of Public Works Greg Hall, City Staff: Tralice Ellis, Rob Goodman, Mike Holloway, & Lt. Weber. Tony Ascrizzi, Al Ackerman, and Mark Barnes.
Moved by Green second by Dahlquist to approve the amended agenda. Aye: Dahlquist, Green, Richter, and Torrey. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Dahlquist second by Green to approve the March 20, 2007 minutes as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The Finance Officer presented the financial reports, bill-list and vouchers. Motion by Torrey second by Richter to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
March bills payable April 3, 2007
Salaries –3882.27; Mileage – 286.00; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 1023.92; SD Retirement – 544.63; State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 209.04; WREA (service) – 948.36; Golden West (service) – 236.87; Rapid City Landfill (dump fees) – 1679.48; Dakota Care (ins) – 2132.21; NU Post (Publishing) – 532.17; Steve's (fuel) – 354.50; ; Elan (CH Blueprints; CC supplies; shop parts) – 1301.24; Penn. Co. Hwy. (fuel) – 333.99; BH Finance Officer’s Ass’n. (Winter speaker) – 25.00; Buzz’s Well Drilling (2 wells for CC) – 4317.08; SD Municipal League (dist. Meeting) – 96.00; Kolor-Me-Kustoms (CC repair) – 871.25 Janice Jensen (CC) – 28.00; Bev Taylor (CC) – 56.00; Dianne Trullinger (CH cleaning) – 119.00; Dakota Business Center (toner) – 93.12; SDML Work Comp (audit) – 111.00; SD Unemployment Ins. (1st qtr) – 54.84; Dakota Supply Group (CC Geothermal Supplies) – 1031.90. TOTAL: $20267.87
Salaries – 3215.58; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 927.63; SD Retirement – 526.14; WREA (service) – 755.34; Alltel (service) – 115.04; Omni-site.net (alarms) – 56.00; Plumdone Company (curb stop) – 91.53; Northwest Pipe Fittings, Inc (curb stops) – 276.16; DENR (school) – 10.00. TOTAL: $5973.42.
Salaries – 3166.27; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 917.61; SD Retirement – 518.50; WREA (service) – 45.35. TOTAL: $4647.73.
The pricing for port-a-potties at the park for the summer was $110.00 per unit per month with weekly dumping. After discussion it was moved by Dahlquist second by Green to not place these bathrooms at the park. Aye: Dahlquist, Green, and Richter. Nay: Torrey. Motion carried. Councilman Torrey felt bathrooms at the park are needed. The rest of the Council felt the cost was too high and they worried about vandalism. Mr. Hall will get pricing for special celebrations.
Lt. Webber distributed the written monthly report. He reported Officer Pryzmus was named employee of the month in
Mark Barnes, representing Uncle Monkey’s Melodrama, spoke to the Council about having a melodrama during the Centennial Celebration. He stated they could write and produce something about the changes New Underwood has seen. Also free advertising would be involved, since he is Sam Adams of Kat Country. The Mayor explained that he should talk to the Centennial Committee, they are the ones who will bring successful ideas to the Council.
Next Centennial meeting is April 25th at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center.
The Dir. of Public Works reported he had a request from a citizen who would like a fence put around her dumpster in order to stop the trash from blowing into her yard. Discussion followed on extra dumps, putting dumpsters in the alley, and fencing. The Dir. of Public Works stated that the garbage truck is too large to maneuver in the alley unless Citizens would let the dumpsters set to the rear of their properties, which he had no one volunteer property use for. The cost would be approximately $128.00 with pad & fence. Motion by Green second by Richter to place three pads & fences around the worst and see how it works. Aye: Dahlquist, Green, & Richter. Nay: Torrey. Motion carried. Torrey voted nay since he felt it would not address the problem. The rest of the Council felt it was worth a try.
Councilman Richter said he has had several complaints on the dormant vehicles at
The Council liked the brochure Tralice Ellis designed and made some suggestions on additional information to add to it.
Tyler Walker, with Lee Geiger & Associates, physically looked at the City Hall building and took pictures to get some ideas on new designs and the structural soundness of the building. City Hall was tabled until the April 17 meeting.
Spiking Permit – SP#07-04; Meri Jo Anderson; April 8, 2007
Motion by Richter second by Green to approve this spiking permit. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Moved by Green second by Dahlquist to approve a $100.00 donation for this program. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The permits for the two wells at the park have been filled out. Motion by Green second by Dahlquist to authorize the Dir. of Public Work’s signature on these permits and forward them to DENR with the $100.00 fee. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The geothermal units are ready for shipment. The freight is $360.00 or Dennis Johnson will pick them up for a $250.00 transportation fee or the City can drive to Mitchell and pick them up, but would need to rent a trailer. Motion by Torrey second by Green to have Dennis Johnson pick up the geothermal units. Aye: all.
The parking area where the City is installing the geothermal lines will be graveled as soon as possible.
The Council will decide what to do with the propane tank and switching to an electric stove.
Ordinance Number 07-01 received its second reading. (The underlined words are the addition to the existing ordinance.)
BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council for the City of
SECTION 9. There shall be a meter in every service line attached to the water mains. A double banded saddle, corporation, curb stop & curb stop box on property line, and a dual check valve on the house side of the meter will be installed on the service line, at the sole expense of the customer. If a curb stop is inaccessible, the City will notify the property owner to correct the problem within 7 days, at the property owners expense. If not repaired within this time frame the City will repair and bill the property owner at the current City rate. All service pipes connected with the water system from the water mains to the water meters shall be approved by the Director of Public Works at the customer’s expense. All single family units with a service line to the City mains will have a meter and pay monthly charges. Any abandoned buildings and all other buildings on private property such as car garages, storage buildings, etc. on private property with a service line connection to City mains will have a meter and pay monthly charges if asked to be turned on. All apartments, duplexes, Mobile Home Courts, campsites, etc., i.e. those being of more than one family unit, will have at least one service line and meter and will pay a minimum charge set by Resolution of the City Council to be consistent with other users within the Municipality.
Benita R. White, Mayor
Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer
First reading: March 20, 2007
Second reading: April 3, 2007
Publish Date: April 12, 2007
Effective Date: May 2, 2007
Motion by Torrey second by Dahlquist to approve the second reading of Ordinance Number 07-01. Roll call vote. Aye: Dahlquist, Green, Richter, and Torrey. Nay: none. Motion carried.
BP#07-03; Del Beck; 305 S. “B” Ave; garage
Motion by Torrey second by Richter to approve 07-03. Aye: all. Motion carried.
#07-04; Michael Green; 111
Moved by Richter second by Torrey to approve this permit. Aye: Dahlquist, Richter, and Torrey. Abstain: Green. Motion carried.
Councilman Torrey would like to look at raising rates at the Sami Jo swimming pool at the next meeting.
Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m.
(Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer