Minutes May 18, 2005
MINUTES OF THENEW UNDERWOOD CITY COUNCILA regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held on May 18, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. Present was Mayor Benita White, Councilmembers: Michael Green, Tyler Richter and LeeAnn Schumacher. Absent Jackie Dahlquist. Also present: The Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Dir. Public Works Greg Hall, Asst. Finance Officer Teresa Gossard, Officer Wardle, Minister Jim Harbert, Ron Racicky, and Al Ackerman. AGENDA Moved by Richter second by Schumacher to approve the amended agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.MINUTES Motion by Schumacher second by Green to approve the May 4, 2005 minutes. Aye: all. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT The Finance Officer presented the governmental funds reports.Discussion on contracting propane followed.SWIMMING POOLCris Allen has the work schedule for the pool ready and the swim lesson dates set. They will be trying adults only swimming twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings. Look on line for pool information and swim lesson sessions at www.newunderwood.comWATER TESTThe radiological test for this quarter came back good, so hopefully we are on track, and can get the positive reports needed to return to yearly sampling. Quarters are spaced out three months between each sampling. A citizen who had concerns about the higher radiological levels in our previous tests was written a letter explaining we currently are at acceptable levels and to contact the Mayor or DENR for further information. If citizens are concerned or would like to see test results please contact City Hall.WEST NILE PREVENTIONPublic Works will take the same preventive measures for mosquitoes as last year, using briquettes and fog machine. Citizens are encouraged to administer treatment to their own yards if mosquitoes become prevalent in their area.METER PITSThe need to keep the rural water system uniform by requiring meter pits on each service line located on the property line accessible to the City was discussed. The cost of each meter pit is $441.00. There are about three customers that need to upgrade their service line by having these meter pits installed. The Mayor will write to them and request their cooperation with this new requirement. REPLACING WATER MAINS Alderman Green suggested the City not delay any longer making up a schedule on replacing a few blocks of water main every year. Mr. G. Hall will get a priority list made up to follow and put these yearly replacement costs in the annual budget projections.PUBLIC WORKS STAFFMr. Hall reported he has hired two young adults to work this summer. Public Works will start Chip Sealing the streets in June. CARNIVAL BLOCK PARTYPastor Jim Harbert requested using the City Recreation Area July 12th for a fun & games time. It will be open to the public and be from 5 p.m. –10 p.m. Cones or rope will be placed to block off the alley. The City Council did not have a problem with this and wished them luck. CITY HALL RENOVATIONA letter was sent to the State on May 5, 2005. We are looking at private foundation grants, which are numerous. The movers are getting us a quote this week. The Council is open to any options or suggestions.OATH OF OFFICEThe Mayor administered the oath of office to Alderman Richter. BUILDING PERMITSBP#05-12; Randy Ellis; 311 Orin St.; Fence, entryway, and deck 05-14; Ford Dodds; 100 S. Janklow; House & garage 05-15; Steve Brandsted; 510 E. Box Elder; awning on garage 05-16; Ec. Development; 110 E. Oak; House & garage After a lengthy discussion on permit 05-16 it was moved by Green second by Richter to approve permit numbers 05-12, 13, 14, 15, & 16. Aye: all. Motion carried.WATER & SEWER AVAILABILITYWater & Sewer Availability Request - Ford Dodds; 100 S. Janklow.Motion by Green second by Richter to approve this request pending payment. Aye: all. Motion carried.NUISANCESA complaint from the Fire Chief and Ambulance Chief on a vacant house that has become a safety and health hazard. The Mayor explained that according to City Ordinance after a written complaint is received they will have 90 days to abate, or we will and charge them. Concerns were expressed on the 90 day delay. Mary Masten, Ordinance Officer for Pennington County, will be contacted about a possible ordinance the County has that deals with attractive nuisances (nuisances that attract youth). Securing the doors and windows needs to be done as soon as possible.CITY PARKAlderman Dahlquist got a jungle gym donated for the City park from a couple in Rapid City. Mr. Hall will go look at it tomorrow and figure it out how to get it here.Discussion on closing the alley that is behind the Community Center followed. The Fire Chief said that the Fire Dept. did not have a problem with closing this alley. Letters will be sent to the landowners involved and this will be discussed at the next meeting.OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED THROUGHOUT MEETING1. WREA gave a grant in the amount of $1,100.00 to the Stage Committee. Thank you again WREA for your support.2. After the Fire Dept. gets one more truck a request for a new fire rating for homeowners insurance will be obtained.3. Kindergarten Celebration is scheduled for May 27 at the Community Center. The School formally offered the Community Center Committee use of the gym for this celebration, but the invitations had already been sent.4. Address change letters still need to go out.Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m. (Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer