Minutes August 3, 2021
A meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Center on August 3, 2021 to go over the 2022 Budget. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter, and Kathy Trullinger. Absent: Larry Graham. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Sgt. Harkins, Sara Hansen, Ronnie Racicky, Randy Miller and Jessica Weishaar.
The Council went over the proposed 2022 budget. A mistake was found that will be corrected before the next Council meeting. The budget hearing adjourned at 6:03 p.m.
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
A public hearing was held for Special License #21-15 for Moe’s Bar and Grill at the Rodeo Grounds/A. Ave./Community Center for Labor Day celebration events September 4-6, 2021 and for SL #21-16 for The Corner Bar at the Rodeo Grounds on September 4, 2021. With no comment from the audience the hearing was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.
Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Moved by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve the minutes for July 20, 2021. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
The vouchers, bill-list, savings sheet, and monthly revenues were presented. Motion by Hockenbary seconded by K. Trullinger to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
July bills payable August 3, 2021
First Data (card fees) – 88.52; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Finance Office – 4730.33; Public Works – 9165.88; Cleaners – 218.09; Pool – 7771.48; SDRS (retirement) – 1685.04; Aflac (insurance) - 114.66; HPSD (health ins.) – 2395.44; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 6543.87; City of Rapid City (July dump fees) – 1627.22; Pennington County Sheriff (3rd qtr.) – 12987.00; WREA (July Service) – 2013.38; Golden West (phone/internet) – 303.12; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 434.76; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 243.76; SD Dept. of Revenue (reemployment) – 66.71; Butler Cat (battery) – 201.08; Central Square (annual fee) – 745.85; SD Federal Prop. (tools) – 9.00; Meri Jo Anderon (consulting fee) – 920.00; Mastercard (stamps, shop supplies) – 207.09; Pool & Spa Center (pool chemicals) – 880.48; Kieffer (July roll off) – 320.00; Sam’s Club (June concessions) – 657.30; Sam’s Club (July concessions) - 760.46; Menards (misc. shop tools) – 51.94; Whisler Bearing (hose assy.) – 68.84; NAPA (ac repair) – 132.32; Ace Hardware (tools) – 52.95; City of Rapid City (June fees) – 2472.69; SDML (handbook update) – 30.00; Ramkota (elected officials) – 200.46; Coca-Cola (pool) – 40.00; BJ’s (pool) – 3.99; Midcontinent (pool water tests) – 72.00; Tera Hockenbary (mileage) – 190.40; Tara Richter (mileage) – 190.40 TOTAL: $59008.26
Simon Materials (chips and oil) – 5948.80 TOTAL: 5948.80
Trevor Anderson (meter deposit balance) – 10.00; Brittany Wainwright (meter deposit balance) – 149.00; Nick Eslick (meter deposit balance) – 24.30 TOTAL: $183.30
SD One Call (locate fees) – 54.60; WREA (July Service) – 1284.95; WRT (Base treatment) – 2314.13; Omni Site (alarm) – 25.00; Hawkins, Inc. (chemicals) – 1413.54; AE2S (study/report) – 1683.00; DANR (fees) – 220.00 TOTAL: $6995.22
WREA (July service) – 117.50; Omni-Site, Inc. (alarm) – 25.00; AE2S (study/report) – 1683.00; Continental Research Co. (Bacto dose) – 538.45 TOTAL: $2363.95
Volunteers are needed to help distribute the food from Feeding South Dakota on the second Monday of every month. Please contact Feeding South Dakota for more information.
They have been doing chip sealing on north and south roads in city limits.
More large garbage totes have been ordered.
Mr. Hall contacted the person in charge of selling the aerator he is wanting to buy for the city lagoon and was told it would be possible to purchase it for $28,000, the amount that is proposed in the 2022 budget.
The garbage in the garbage truck was smoldering when the guys got to work last Thursday, July 29th so it was dumped. The fire department was called and the flames were extinguished and the garbage was reloaded into the truck.
Mr. Hall reiterated that it is not acceptable to dispose of yard waste in the garbage totes. There is a spot dedicated for that at the restricted use dump site. A key is available from City Hall and the dump is open the first and third Saturday (weather permitting) for the citizens convenience.
Sgt. Harkins reviewed the monthly report for the Mayor and Council.
Councilor Graham donated the money he would have received for mileage for inspecting the last two mobile homes to pay for 2 months of water used at the Community Center for the raised garden beds. Mayor Hall has received many positive comments from different residents that are using the raised beds.
Condolences from Mayor Hall and the Council to the family of the City’s former attorney Terry Westergaard.
Randy Miller showed the Mayor and Council a very rough draft of his plans for the property he has purchased on the NW side of the City. He would like to split the property into 77 lots ranging in size from one-half acre to three quarters of an acre. The size of the lots will depend on the results of the perc test he plans to get scheduled for septic systems. A few things were mentioned that will need to be on the preliminary plat.
The streets must be 70 foot wide.
A 20-foot dedicated ROW is required between lots that abut each other.
There must be additional access to the properties on the north and east sides of the proposed lots in case of an emergency.
According to the Ordinance a sewage collection system may be required for developments larger than 10 lots if not hooking to the city sewer system.
The property must have 6-inch water lines.
A resident had proposed having a public book box (take a book/leave a book) at the City Park. It was decided to remove this item from the agenda until more information could be attained.
Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #21-14 for Arnold Antone to place a mobile home onto the lot at 203 S. C Ave. as the mobile home also owned by him at 211 S. C Ave. has been skirted. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Hockenbary seconded by K. Trullinger to table the discussion of credit card fees until more information is gathered.
Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the following requests. Street closure from 10 a.m. to midnight & open container Sunday September 5, 2021 (Corner Bar requesting street closed until midnight, they will remove the barricades) from Oak St. to Elm St. Electrical from Public Works Shop & cement pad for music, events and announcing. Pine St. closed from A Ave. to B Ave. and if necessary to the alley just to the east of A Ave. for showing cars and the use of the Community Center for the Labor Day steam burger feed. Also, Monday September 6, 2021 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. open container and the back yard of City Hall for horseshoes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. There are multiple different activities being planned for this year’s celebration. The committee will stay in contact with the Mayor, Council, and Deputy Jones on the different plans to ensure there won’t be any problems. Sara Hansen stated any funds raised by the Labor Day Committee will be donated to Alicia Madsen-Albers to help with medical bills.
Motion by Trullinger second by Hockenbary to approve SL #21-15 for Moe’s Bar and Grill at the Rodeo Grounds/A. Ave./Community Center for Labor Day celebration events September 4-6, 2021. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by second by to approve SL #21-16 for The Corner Bar at the Rodeo Grounds on September 4, 2021. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Hockenbary seconded by K. Trullinger to move the first meeting date in October from the 5th to the 12th so it doesn’t conflict with the SDML Annual Conference in Spearfish, October 5th through October 8th, 2021. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Mr. Racicky has noticed there are a few yards in town that have junk accumulating in them. He will come to City Hall to sign a complaint to identify each residence so a letter can be sent informing the residents that it is against City Ordinance for this to happen.
Mrs. Weishaar stated there is a dead tree in the alley behind her property. Public Works Director Tim Hall will check on that and if it is, he will get it taken care of it.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m.
(Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer
A meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Center on August 3, 2021 to go over the 2022 Budget. Present were: Mayor Teresa Hall, Council members: Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter, and Kathy Trullinger. Absent: Larry Graham. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Director of Public Works Tim Hall, Sgt. Harkins, Sara Hansen, Ronnie Racicky, Randy Miller and Jessica Weishaar.
The Council went over the proposed 2022 budget. A mistake was found that will be corrected before the next Council meeting. The budget hearing adjourned at 6:03 p.m.
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance following.
A public hearing was held for Special License #21-15 for Moe’s Bar and Grill at the Rodeo Grounds/A. Ave./Community Center for Labor Day celebration events September 4-6, 2021 and for SL #21-16 for The Corner Bar at the Rodeo Grounds on September 4, 2021. With no comment from the audience the hearing was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.
Motion by Hockenbary second by Richter to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Moved by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve the minutes for July 20, 2021. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
The vouchers, bill-list, savings sheet, and monthly revenues were presented. Motion by Hockenbary seconded by K. Trullinger to approve the financial reports and the following warrants. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
July bills payable August 3, 2021
First Data (card fees) – 88.52; Salaries: Mayor – 411.75; Finance Office – 4730.33; Public Works – 9165.88; Cleaners – 218.09; Pool – 7771.48; SDRS (retirement) – 1685.04; Aflac (insurance) - 114.66; HPSD (health ins.) – 2395.44; IRS-EFTPS (SS-FWT) – 6543.87; City of Rapid City (July dump fees) – 1627.22; Pennington County Sheriff (3rd qtr.) – 12987.00; WREA (July Service) – 2013.38; Golden West (phone/internet) – 303.12; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 434.76; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 243.76; SD Dept. of Revenue (reemployment) – 66.71; Butler Cat (battery) – 201.08; Central Square (annual fee) – 745.85; SD Federal Prop. (tools) – 9.00; Meri Jo Anderon (consulting fee) – 920.00; Mastercard (stamps, shop supplies) – 207.09; Pool & Spa Center (pool chemicals) – 880.48; Kieffer (July roll off) – 320.00; Sam’s Club (June concessions) – 657.30; Sam’s Club (July concessions) - 760.46; Menards (misc. shop tools) – 51.94; Whisler Bearing (hose assy.) – 68.84; NAPA (ac repair) – 132.32; Ace Hardware (tools) – 52.95; City of Rapid City (June fees) – 2472.69; SDML (handbook update) – 30.00; Ramkota (elected officials) – 200.46; Coca-Cola (pool) – 40.00; BJ’s (pool) – 3.99; Midcontinent (pool water tests) – 72.00; Tera Hockenbary (mileage) – 190.40; Tara Richter (mileage) – 190.40 TOTAL: $59008.26
Simon Materials (chips and oil) – 5948.80 TOTAL: 5948.80
Trevor Anderson (meter deposit balance) – 10.00; Brittany Wainwright (meter deposit balance) – 149.00; Nick Eslick (meter deposit balance) – 24.30 TOTAL: $183.30
SD One Call (locate fees) – 54.60; WREA (July Service) – 1284.95; WRT (Base treatment) – 2314.13; Omni Site (alarm) – 25.00; Hawkins, Inc. (chemicals) – 1413.54; AE2S (study/report) – 1683.00; DANR (fees) – 220.00 TOTAL: $6995.22
WREA (July service) – 117.50; Omni-Site, Inc. (alarm) – 25.00; AE2S (study/report) – 1683.00; Continental Research Co. (Bacto dose) – 538.45 TOTAL: $2363.95
Volunteers are needed to help distribute the food from Feeding South Dakota on the second Monday of every month. Please contact Feeding South Dakota for more information.
They have been doing chip sealing on north and south roads in city limits.
More large garbage totes have been ordered.
Mr. Hall contacted the person in charge of selling the aerator he is wanting to buy for the city lagoon and was told it would be possible to purchase it for $28,000, the amount that is proposed in the 2022 budget.
The garbage in the garbage truck was smoldering when the guys got to work last Thursday, July 29th so it was dumped. The fire department was called and the flames were extinguished and the garbage was reloaded into the truck.
Mr. Hall reiterated that it is not acceptable to dispose of yard waste in the garbage totes. There is a spot dedicated for that at the restricted use dump site. A key is available from City Hall and the dump is open the first and third Saturday (weather permitting) for the citizens convenience.
Sgt. Harkins reviewed the monthly report for the Mayor and Council.
Councilor Graham donated the money he would have received for mileage for inspecting the last two mobile homes to pay for 2 months of water used at the Community Center for the raised garden beds. Mayor Hall has received many positive comments from different residents that are using the raised beds.
Condolences from Mayor Hall and the Council to the family of the City’s former attorney Terry Westergaard.
Randy Miller showed the Mayor and Council a very rough draft of his plans for the property he has purchased on the NW side of the City. He would like to split the property into 77 lots ranging in size from one-half acre to three quarters of an acre. The size of the lots will depend on the results of the perc test he plans to get scheduled for septic systems. A few things were mentioned that will need to be on the preliminary plat.
The streets must be 70 foot wide.
A 20-foot dedicated ROW is required between lots that abut each other.
There must be additional access to the properties on the north and east sides of the proposed lots in case of an emergency.
According to the Ordinance a sewage collection system may be required for developments larger than 10 lots if not hooking to the city sewer system.
The property must have 6-inch water lines.
A resident had proposed having a public book box (take a book/leave a book) at the City Park. It was decided to remove this item from the agenda until more information could be attained.
Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #21-14 for Arnold Antone to place a mobile home onto the lot at 203 S. C Ave. as the mobile home also owned by him at 211 S. C Ave. has been skirted. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Hockenbary seconded by K. Trullinger to table the discussion of credit card fees until more information is gathered.
Motion by Richter second by Hockenbary to approve the following requests. Street closure from 10 a.m. to midnight & open container Sunday September 5, 2021 (Corner Bar requesting street closed until midnight, they will remove the barricades) from Oak St. to Elm St. Electrical from Public Works Shop & cement pad for music, events and announcing. Pine St. closed from A Ave. to B Ave. and if necessary to the alley just to the east of A Ave. for showing cars and the use of the Community Center for the Labor Day steam burger feed. Also, Monday September 6, 2021 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. open container and the back yard of City Hall for horseshoes. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried. There are multiple different activities being planned for this year’s celebration. The committee will stay in contact with the Mayor, Council, and Deputy Jones on the different plans to ensure there won’t be any problems. Sara Hansen stated any funds raised by the Labor Day Committee will be donated to Alicia Madsen-Albers to help with medical bills.
Motion by Trullinger second by Hockenbary to approve SL #21-15 for Moe’s Bar and Grill at the Rodeo Grounds/A. Ave./Community Center for Labor Day celebration events September 4-6, 2021. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by second by to approve SL #21-16 for The Corner Bar at the Rodeo Grounds on September 4, 2021. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Motion by Hockenbary seconded by K. Trullinger to move the first meeting date in October from the 5th to the 12th so it doesn’t conflict with the SDML Annual Conference in Spearfish, October 5th through October 8th, 2021. Aye: all. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Mr. Racicky has noticed there are a few yards in town that have junk accumulating in them. He will come to City Hall to sign a complaint to identify each residence so a letter can be sent informing the residents that it is against City Ordinance for this to happen.
Mrs. Weishaar stated there is a dead tree in the alley behind her property. Public Works Director Tim Hall will check on that and if it is, he will get it taken care of it.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m.
(Seal) Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer