New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes March 19, 2008




A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held on March 19, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall.  Present were: Mayor Benita White, Councilmembers: Jackie Dahlquist, Michael Green, Tyler Richter, and  John Torrey.  Also present:  Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Dir. of Public Works Greg Hall, Officer McPherson, Chad Feldman, Tralice Ellis, Cris Allen, Linda Foster, Brian Johnson, and Jack Trullinger.      



Moved by Torrey second by Dahlquist to approve the amended agenda.  Aye: all. Motion carried.



Moved by Richter second by Torrey to approve the March 10, 2008 minutes as presented.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.

The Local Board of Equalization Minutes from March 17, 2008 were presented.  



The Black Hills Finance Officer’s Assn. Spring Seminar is tomorrow.  The District meeting in Hill City is April 9, 2008.  Motion by Dahlquist second by Torrey to approve mileage and the $50.00 meeting salary for the Councilmen who attend, for both these meetings.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.  The City Staff will also attend these meetings.



The Mayor reported there are grant funds available to replace the trees in the park and move the tree by the new City Hall.  This grant would be a cost share match, but the City can use in kind match (man hours and machine hours can count as matching monies).



Linda Foster and Brian Johnson spoke to the Council about the City’s proposal to allow them on the city water system dated February 6, 2008.  The Engelhart Association is accepting this offer, and will pursue getting their funding in place.  Following was much discussion on funding, fire hydrants, design, explicit agreements, and reselling water.  The attorney will be contacted for exact wording on this agreement.



The Council will discuss demolition of the old City Hall at the next meeting.  Councilman Green expressed concerns about the water sitting on the north side of the new public works shop.



  1. The Finance Officer presented the governmental funds sheets.                  
  2. Clean Up Week-end will be April 26 & 27th (alternate – May 3 & 4).  The Pet clinic is April 27, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.  
  3. Correspondence from a resident about a building permit & other subjects was presented & the Mayor’s response.
  4. Councilman Richter reported they will try to go a different way on the pick up for public works, after funding is found.
  5. Officer McPherson thanked the Fire Dept. for the pager they gave him.
  6. The Centennial Blood Drive is March 26 at the Community Center anyone interested in being a donor should contact City Hall.
  7. The rural water ordinance will be turned over the Attorney for suggestions.


Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m.



(Seal)  Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer