Minutes June 17, 2015
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center on June 17, 2015. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Council member’s: Rikka Buchtel, Larry Graham, Laurie Holloway, and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Finance Officer Meri Jo Anderson, PW Supervisor Tim Hall, Deputy McPherson, and Dianne Trullinger. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jack Trullinger.
A public hearing on BP#15-09; Amber Knodell; 515 S. “B” Ave; placement of transported home
was held with no one presenting themselves to object to this permit.
Motion by K. Trullinger second by Graham to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Moved by Graham second by Buchtel to approve the June 3, 2015 as published. Aye: all.
Motion carried.
- Mowing r-o-w continue.
- Dump and lagoon area mowed and thistles will be sprayed.
- Patching with EZ street has started and hope to start chip sealing in July.
- Mosquito spraying will be done in next week. Mr. Hall called around and found some more cost effective chemicals for spraying mosquitoes. They are currently putting mosquito briquettes in the standing water.
- Mr. Hall will look at the problem with the gate at the south well and try to make it easier to open.
Resolution Number 15-06 was introduced.
BE IT RESOLVED by the New Underwood City Council that the following property be declared surplus: 1988 Buick Regal VIN#2G4D14W3.
Dated June 17, 2015
Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor
Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer
Motion by Buchtel second by Holloway to accept Resolution Number 15-06. Roll call vote. Aye: Buchtel, Graham, Holloway, and Trullinger. Nay: none. Motion carried.
The Council then sat as the appraisal board, after discussion, the Council set the appraisal price at $150.00 (the salvage price).
Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger sell this vehicle by sealed bids, with the bids to be opened and awarded at the July 15, 2015 meeting, with the City reserving the right to reject any and all bids if they do not meet the appraised value. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Ruth Ekern has ordered the trees (2 Fire Ring Maples & 3 Cottonless Cotton Wood) using the Modern Woodman Grant and has a quote from Affordable Tree service in the amount of $1,360.00 to take down the dead trees in the park and grinding 3 stumps. Moved by Graham second by Holloway to accept this quote, as long as it is the trees they have discussed, and contact them. Aye: Buchtel, Graham, and Trullinger. Nay: none. Motion carried.
BP#15-09; Amber Knodell; 515 S. “B” Ave; placement of transported home
Motion by Buchtel second by Graham to approve this permit. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The finance officer presented the governmental funds sheets and a written report on Human Resource School & Finance Officers School in Pierre last week.
After receiving a letter from the Mayor the mobile home park owner along “C” Ave called and told the city to go ahead and mow lots on her property if the land owners have not mowed by June 22 and bill her for them and she will pass it on to her renters.
All of the elected officials will attend the elected officials workshop in Pierre on July 8, 2015, so this will be considered a special meeting with no official business or action to be taken by the Council.
Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m.
(Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer