New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes February 20, 2008




A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held on February 20, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center.  Present were: Mayor Benita White, Councilmembers: Jackie Dahlquist, Michael Green, and John Torrey.  Absent:  Tyler Richter.  Also present:  Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Dir. of Public Works Greg Hall, Cris Allen, Linda Foster, Brian Johnson, and Jack Trullinger.       



Moved by Green second by Dahlquist to approve the amended agenda.  Aye: all. Motion carried.



Moved by Dahlquist second by Richter to approve the February 6, 2008 minutes as presented.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.   



Cris Allen, Aquatic Dir., spoke to the Council about purchasing CPR mannequins from Belle Fourche for $50.00.  Motion by Green second by Torrey to purchase these mannequins.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.  

She also reported they had portable handicap steps for easier entry into the pool.  These steps cost $2600.00 new and they would sell them to the City for $300.00.  Motion by Torrey second by Dahlquist that the City purchase these steps, if they are in good condition.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



The Finance Officer reported that Pennington & Meade Counties would like to use the Community Center for the primary election June 3 and the general election November 4.

Motion by Green second by Dahlquist to approve the Finance Officer’s signature on this agreement.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.   New this year is that Meade County residents will be able to vote in New Underwood instead of driving to Sturgis.



Councilman Torrey requested that the City contact the phone company or smooth out the area where the phone company dug in fiberoptics.

Marvin Rask requested that the ditches be pulled on Linn Street and drainage be repaired on “A” Ave.  The Dir of Public Works & Mr. Rask discussed how to accomplish this and will start this project this year.  Also Mrs. Elliott’s culvert will be replaced at this time, with her paying the cost for the culvert.

The Public Works staff will be unplugging culverts when the weather allows.   



Copies of letters to from January 2004 were presented to the Council.  These letters were sent to the original landowners and the new residents explaining that the street needs to be brought up to code to get on the system and everyone of the purchasers knew this when they purchased the property.  Councilman Green explained that a possible solution for these residents is special assessment.



The corrections from the last meeting on the Employee Handbook were presented.  Moved by Dahlquist second by Torrey to approve the Employee Handbook as corrected.  Aye:  Dahlquist, Green, and Torrey.  Nay: none.  Motion carried.



Resolution Number 08-04 was introduced.




WHEREAS  it has been determined by the New Underwood City Council that there is a need for a new public works shop, and


WHERAS  South Dakota Codified law 9-25-12, 9-25-13, & 9-21-18.1 grants municipalities the power to borrow money and sets out the proper procedure to follow, and


WHEREAS the length of the note may not be over five years according to SDCL, so this resolution rescinds resolution number 08-03, and


WHEREAS the City did not borrow the money allowed for in Resolution Number 07-06 for the new City Hall (Kids Kastle), since they paid cash instead, and


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the New Underwood City Council authorizes the Mayor and Finance Officer’s signatures on the loan papers to First Western bank in an amount not to exceed $99,000.00 (ninety-nine thousand dollars) at a rate not to exceed 5.25%  interest payable in monthly payments over five years.  That this money be used to pay for the new public works building located at 505 S. “A” Avenue New Underwood, South Dakota, and more particularly described as follows:


Lots 3,4,5,6 Block 5 Original Town of Section 31 in Township 2 North of Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian in the City of New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota.



Dated this 20th day of February, 2008


(seal)                                                                                                 Benita R.White, Mayor


Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer


Moved by Green second by Dahlquist to approve Resolution Number 08-04. Roll call vote. Aye:  Dahlquist, and Green.   Nay:  Torrey.  This motion needs a majority of the Council to pass and two is not a majority of the entire council, so motion did not pass.   

Councilor Torrey felt the monies are needed for other projects.  The rest of the Council felt that since cost continue to spiral they wanted a completed building not a half done one sitting there. 



Councilman Green suggested a time frame be put on the proposal offered to the Engelhart Homeowners Association. 

Linda Foster & Brian Johnson presented a counteroffer for hooking onto the Muncipal Water System.  Mayor White requested the Council not act on anything with this water hook up request without a full Council present.  This subject was tabled and the Council moved on to other business.



A letter from Shadrach Howie requesting Community support for a housing project on the east side of the City limits that includes up to 40 lots for lower income houses (similar to the Economic Development project).  Motion by Green second by Dahlquist that the Mayor and Council send a letter of support to Mr. Howie agreeing with the need for this type of project, and noting in the letter that  the land would need to be platted, annexed, letter of map amendment for floodway, and all the planning & zoning ordinances would have to be complied with.



  1. The Dir. of Public Works explained that the heater in the hallway by the bathrooms in the community center needs to be set two degrees lower than the two main heaters.              
  2. The bid specifications for the rest of the work on the Public Works building are being prepared. 
  3. Main break at Steve’s, valve blew apart.
  4. Sewer main plug, and property damage to one basement.  These mains were flushed in October, may have to do more often.  The Council felt that putting grease desolver in the main may help.
  5. The council requests law enforcement attend the meetings.
  6. Calling Pennington County about the assessment cards.
  7. Voter registration deadline is March 24, 2008.


Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9:18 p.m.



(Seal)  Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer