New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes October 14, 2015



A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on October 14, 2015. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Laurie Holloway and Kathy Trullinger Absent: Rikka Buchtel. Also present: Finance Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Public Works Supervisor Tim Hall, Sgt. Harkins, Marvin Rask, Randy Madsen, and Dianne Trullinger.



Motion by K. Trullinger second by Graham to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.



Moved by Graham second by Holloway to approve the September 16, 2015 as published.  Aye: all. Motion carried. 


FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST                                                                                  

The governmental funds sheets, financial reports, bill-list and vouchers were presented. Motion by Holloway second by Graham to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.

September bills payable October 14, 2015

GENERAL FUND                                                                                                                

Salaries – Cleaners – 493.54; Mayor & Council – 361.75; Merchant Bank (visa charges) – 22.68; Kristi Lemke (reimburse CC Supplies) – 32.35; IRS (SS & FWT) – 254.71; SD Unemployment Ins. (3rd qtr) – 78.99; WREA (Service) – 1473.41; Golden West  (Service) – 289.48; RC Landfill (dump fees) – 1807.17; SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 357.59; NU Post (publishing) – 240.94; ATT (phone) – 120.00; Keiffer (roll off) – 320.00; BJ’s (fuel & CC supplies) – 257.11; McGas (fuel)- 111.76; Water Tree (SP supplies & winterize) – 946.94; MidContinent (SP testing) – 34.00; Mastercard (office, shop) – 74.82. TOTAL: $7277.24

WATER FUND                                                                                                                     

WREA (Service) – 1056.02; WRT (radium removal chg) – 2065.50; Omni Site (alarm) – 25.00; Hawkins (chemicals) – 765.78. TOTAL: $3912.30


Salaries – Finance – 3149.02; Public Works – 3638.80; IRS (SS & FWT) – 2258.52; Retirement (Sept) – 939.84; Wellmark (health ins) – 1228.74; WREA (service) – 86.39; Omni-Site, Inc. (alarm) – 25.00; BJ’s (fuel) – 24.80; Mastercard (lagoon fabric) – 327.31.  TOTAL: $11678.42


Mark Gruetzmacher (refund) – 122.95



  • Mr. Hall reported all the meters have had their annual reading except 4-5.
  • Pool House is winterized.
  • Fuel Tanks by the public works shops will have electrical installed by end of the week.
  • The dump will be closed on Saturdays until Spring.




Sgt. Harkins presented the written monthly report from the Pennington County Sheriff’s Dept.




Rural Water will GPS the curb stops in the city limits for a price of $750.00. Mr. Hall recommended that for an additional $700.00 (approximately) they will GPS the water mains & gate valves & sewer mains.  The Council agreed with Mr. Hall that all of the lines should be GPS & charted. Rural water will also help located the curb stops we cannot find.  The Mayor recommended that this be put on next weeks agenda for formal motions.



Proclamation 15-01 was introduced.



WHEREAS, Walter Dale Miller was born on October 5, 1925 in a ranch house at Viewfield in Meade County, South Dakota and died on September 28, 2015 at the age of 89; and


WHEREAS, Walter Dale Miller was a man of the land but also understood the need to give back to one’s community. He served many years in the state legislature and became the only person in the history of the state to serve as Majority Leader, Assistant Majority Leader, Majority Whip, Speaker of the House, Speaker Pro Tempore, and President of the Senate; and


WHEREAS, Walter Dale Miller was known as someone who remained loyal to his principles, but also was willing to compromise when it was the right thing to do. He was known as being able to work well with lawmakers from both parties; and


WHEREAS, In 1986, Republican gubernatorial candidate George S. Mickelson selected Walt Miller to be his running mate. After the Mickelson-Miller team was elected that November, Walt Miller made history when he became the state’s first full-time lieutenant governor.  The duo was re-elected to a second term in 1990; and


WHEREAS, Walter Dale Miller will be forever known as the Governor who guided South Dakota through one of its darkest hours. He became Governor on April 19, 1993, when Governor Mickelson died with seven others in a crash of the state airplane.  Governor Miller was the first lieutenant governor in South Dakota’s history to succeed to the governorship upon the death of his predecessor.  At the age of 67 he was also the oldest governor in state history.


THEREFORE, I, Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor of the City of New Underwood, South Dakota, hereby call upon all my fellow citizens of the City of New Underwood to take a few minutes to remember WALTER DALE MILLER and the many contributions he made to our great state.


Dated October 14, 2015


                                                                        Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor


Meri Jo Anderson

Municipal Finance Officer


Motion by Holloway second by Graham to approve this proclamation. Aye: all.  Motion carried.



  • Mayor Trullinger reported on the classes he took at SDML conference, that Meri Jo Anderson had been elected President of SDML, and that he is looking at remote readers.
  • The Mayor read the ordinance on late fees and explained how the office applies them. The late fee is 1.00 a month, but if you are 60 days late then the $20.00 penalty is applied for both months and your water is shut off.



Discussion on handicap parking spots and the no parking on the sidewalk signs being placed at the community center. The Council agreed that two spots for handicap parking and the no parking or driving on the sidewalk allowed shall be placed on the north side and one handicap spot will be placed on the west side.

The Mayor reported that the lighting at the Community Center is needed upgraded. Mr. Hall is getting pricing on recessed lights. 

The staff is also looking at tile removal and pricing and reliability of painting and sealing the floor.



The liability release from Gary Gilbert has been received and we await the mover.



The engineers report was presented to the Council. Councilor Graham felt we should get the paperwork to Gossard Dirtwork and get a quote on this road improvement project. The Mayor appointed Councilor Graham to pursue this quote.



BP#15-21; Lane & Paige Meinen; 305 Janklow; move on mobile home

Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve this permit. Aye: all.  Motion carried.

BP#15-22; Randy Madsen/Boondocks; 22790 161st Ave; shower house

Moved by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve this permit. Aye: all.  Motion carried.

BP#15-23; Berniece Arney; 502 W. Pine; enlarge step

Motion by Holloway second by K. Trullinger to approve this permit. Aye: all.  Motion carried.



  1. The Zombie Walk map was tabled until the next meeting.

  2. Amend Garbage ordinance to include commercial when a property is on vacation at the next meeting.

  3. A housing needs study will be on the agenda for next week.


    Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m.


    (Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer