Munites September 7, 2005
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held on September 7, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. Present were: Mayor Benita White, Councilmembers: Jackie Dahlquist, Michael Green, and LeeAnn Schumacher. Absent: Tyler Richter, Also present: The Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Asst. Fin. Officer Teresa Gossard, Dir. Public Works Greg Hall, Officers Przmus, Mary Stiefvater, Kerry Bowman, George Langendorfer, Larry Graham, and Al Ackerman.
Moved by Schumacher second by Dahlquist to approve the amended agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Motion by Dahlquist second by Schumacher to approve the August 22, 2005 minutes. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The Finance Officer presented the financial reports, bill-list and vouchers. Motion by Schumacher second by Green to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
August bills payable September 7, 2005
Salaries – 6119.86; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 1479.31; SD Retirement – 449.34; State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 148.00; WREA (service) – 1051.51; Golden West (service) – 208.59; Rapid City Landfill (dump fees) – 2010.52; DakotaCare (ins) – 792.58; Steve's (fuel) – 937.49; Elan (supplies) – 872.46; CNH Capital (BH payment) - 958.66; Penn. Co. Hwy. (fuel) – 600.09; NU Post (publishing) – 262.62; Jack Trullinger (reimburse fuel) – 49.90; Mileage – 210.00; Janice Jensen (CC) – 62.00; Bev Taylor (CC) – 62.00; Pool & Spa (chemicals) – 545.88; Coca Cola (SP) – 40.00; Dakota Business Center (office) – 88.13; SD Fed. Property (shop supplies) – 208.00; BH Agency ( bond) – 688.00; Midcontinent (SP) – 48.00; Hills Material (patch) – 5399.95; Sam’s Club (SP) – 200.29; Pete Lien (chips) – 1560.82; Ace Steel (Chip/seal) – 50.23; Great Western Tire (distributor) – 240.00; SD Human Resources Assn. (dues) – 25.00; Black Hills Agency (Bond) – 55.00; Secretary of State (Bond) – 25.00; MCGas (propane) – 3341.60. TOTAL: $28790.83.
Salaries – 2071.78; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 618.27; SD Retirement – 342.57; WREA (service) – 1045.26; Golden West (Water Alarm) – 23.50; Dakota Pump (omni-meter) – 56.00; DakotaCare (Ins.) – 673.88. TOTAL – $5831.26.
Salaries – 1550.68; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 383.66; SD Retirement – 112.73; WREA (service) – 44.81; Cellular One (service) – 44.76. TOTAL – $2136.64.
METER FUND Elizabeth Burleson (dep. Refund) – 50.00. TOTAL - $50.00
The radiological tests came back high again, so we will continue to send quarterly notices to our consumers. At last count there were 26 Cities in Western South Dakota having this same problem. Blending, treating, blocking one of the three aquifers, and another well were options discussed.
The public works staff needs someone to help with garbage on Monday and Tuesday mornings on an on-call basis. Mr. Hall requested the Council have anyone interested in filling this position to contact City Hall.
Officer Przmus presented his written monthly report. Items discussed were: the break in at the school, thefts, and nuisances. Officer Przmus will contact the property owner at the corner of Pine and "B" Ave. about securing this vacant house again, since someone has removed some boards.
Discussion about the dirt pile on the corner of Ash & Bailey followed. The Mayor had sent a letter to the landowner at the end of April requesting this nuisance be abated. Moved by Schumacher that this nuisance be abated by Sept. 14. This motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Green second by Dahlquist to give him until Sept. 19, 2005 at 6:00 a.m. to remove this pile of dirt or the penalty clause will be invoked. Aye: Dahlquist and Green. Nay: Schumacher. Motion carried.
The Council also gave Mr. Gottschalk until Oct. 1 to remove the travel trailer that is placed in his rear yard.
A signed complaint on a property owner on "B" Ave. not having proper covers on his dormant vehicles was received. The property owner had contacted the Mayor and requested he be given 60 days to comply with the ordinance. Motion by Green second by Schumacher to grant this request. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Mr. Ruff will also turn in a building permit at the next meeting for the buildings he moved on the property without a permit.
Spiking Permit -# 05-07; Mary Stiefvater; Nov. 5
Motion by Schumacher second by Green to approve this permit. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Kerry Bowman spoke to the Council about the drainage problem on west 1416. He feels the drainage problem is a problem as a whole to the City residents and should be fixed without a special assessment to the five property owners that sit right next to it. After a lengthy discussion the Council agreed they would reconsider this request at the next meeting after quotes are received. The Mayor will contact the County Highway Superintendent about getting some help with this problem. Mr. Bowman reiterated that he feels the City has been cooperative in trying to fix the problem, but he would like to see a long-term solution.
The City sent another letter to the State Bureau of Administration on the old governor’s mansion with cost projections, conceptual drawings, and funding sources. When this letter was sent the movers had said it would be around $50,000.00 - $100,000.00 to move it here. Two days after the letter was sent the movers called back and changed their quote to over $200,000.00. This new price does not make it cost effective for us to move the old residence here so we must rethink our position. The advancement to economic development in the downtown area by adding a museum and clinic versus the cost projections are factors that must be considered.
John Torrey had approached the Council June 1st about cost sharing his bill to repair his service line. He stated the contractor billed him for the two to three hours it took to find the shut off and the Council had requested an itemized statement proving this. In a letter he asked the Council to pay $100.00 of the $325.00 he paid, since he cannot get an itemized statement from the contractor. Motion by Schumacher second by Green to deny this request. Aye: all. Motion carried. If an itemized bill is received the Council will reconsider this request.
The 2006 Budget Ordinance received its first reading. Motion by Schumacher second by Dahlquist to approve the first reading of Ordinance Number 05-07. Aye: all. Motion carried.
BP#05-22; Frank Joy; 105 S. "C" Ave.; cover patio
Moved by Dahlquist second by Green to approve this permit. Aye: all. Motion carried.
- Mr. Hall reported that the public works staff would be painting a crosswalk from the School to the tennis courts.
Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
(Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer