Minutes March 10, 2008
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held on March 10, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall. Present were: Mayor Benita White, Councilmembers: Jackie Dahlquist, Michael Green, Tyler Richter, and John Torrey. Also present: Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Dir. of Public Works Greg Hall, Lt. Brubbenken, Officer McPherson, Chad Feldman, Mike Holloway, Tralice Ellis, Sheila White, Wes Flint, Marvin Rask, Cris Allen, Linda Foster, Brian Johnson, and Jack Trullinger.
Moved by Dahlquist second by Richter to approve the amended agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Moved by Dahlquist second by Richter to approve the February 20, 2008 minutes as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The Finance Officer presented the financial reports, bill-list and vouchers. Motion by Richter second by Dahlquist to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
February bills payable March 10, 2008
Salaries – 4605.24; First Western Bank ( Checks) – 66.35; First Western Bank ( Safety Dep. Box Rent) – 23.00; WREA (Service) – 1300.23; Golden West ( Service) – 225.45; First Western Bank (SS, FWT) – 1190.96; SD Retirement (February) – 607.22; SD State Treasurer ( Sales Tax) – 228.00; Kristi Lemke (Cleaning for CC) – 80.00; Rapid City Landfill ( Dump Fees) – 1531.53; Dakota Care ( Ins.) – 556.22; ELAN (Parts, Supplies, rooms) – 418.38; Penn Co. Hwy Dept. (Fuel Usage) – 464.41; NU Post (Publishing) – 283.32; SD Municipal League (Gov. Day) – 60.00; Dakota Business Center (Office Supplies) – 129.69; American Red Cross (Provider Fee) – 15.00; Clark Printing (Envelopes) – 281.65; McGas (Shop Propane) – 50.00: Lee Ann Schmacher (CH Cleaning) – 140.00: Ron’s (fuel) – 460.03;
TOTAL: $12716.68.
WREA (Service) – 861.45; Dakota Care (Insurance) – 1424.40; Northwest Pipe (Water) – 235.20; DSG (Curb Stops) – 614.88; Cetec (Water Feasibility Study)– 1828.00. TOTAL: $4963.93.
Salaries – 3979.42; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 1095.00; SD Retirement System (February) – 630.45; WREA ( Service) – 47.27; Ron’s (Fuel) – 66.65; One Call –7.00; Alltel (service) –115.17; Omni-site.net) –40.00. TOTAL: $5980.96.
The Public Works staff is repairing the walk bridge on Ash. DME donated the stringers saving the taxpayers nearly $4,000.00. A thank you letter will be sent to DME.
Officer McPherson presented his written monthly report and answered questions from the Council.
Councilman Richter reported that the old green pick up is worn out. He wanted the Council to look at a 1999 white dodge pick up from Federal Surplus for $9,250.00. Mayor White felt a mechanic should take a look at the 1988 green pick up, since we do not have the money for a different pick up in the budget. Motion by Richter to purchase this pick up. This motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Torrey agreed a pick up should be purchased, but not this particular one.
Resolution Number 08-04 was reintroduced.
WHEREAS it has been determined by the New Underwood City Council that there is a need for a new public works shop, and
WHERAS South Dakota Codified law 9-25-12, 9-25-13, & 9-21-18.1 grants municipalities the power to borrow money and sets out the proper procedure to follow, and
WHEREAS the length of the note may not be over five years according to SDCL, so this resolution rescinds resolution number 08-03, and
WHEREAS the City did not borrow the money allowed for in Resolution Number 07-06 for the new City Hall (Kids Kastle), since they paid cash instead, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the New Underwood City Council authorizes the Mayor and Finance Officer’s signatures on the loan papers to First Western bank in an amount not to exceed $99,000.00 (ninety-nine thousand dollars) at a rate not to exceed 5.25% interest payable in monthly payments over five years. That this money be used to pay for the new public works building located at 505 S. “A” Avenue New Underwood,
Lots 3,4,5,6 Block 5
Dated this 10th day of March, 2008
(seal) Benita R.White, Mayor
Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer
Moved by Richter second by Green to approve Resolution Number 08-04. Roll call vote. Aye: Dahlquist, Green and Richter. Nay: Torrey. Motion carried.
The Finance Officer presented the annual report for 2007. Motion by Dahlquist second by Richter to accept the 2007 annual report and file it with State Legislative Audit. Aye: all. Motion carried.
An amendment to the water ordinance added a section on adding non-municipal (rural) users to the Municipal Water System was introduced. The Council suggested some other things they would like added to the ordinance. These changes will be made and the ordinance will be sent to the City Attorney to look over.
Brian Johnston & Linda Foster, representing the Engelhart Homeowners Association, questioned the Council on the alternate proposal they had presented at the last meeting. Councilman Green stated the City had voted on a proposal at the February 6, 2008 meeting and that is the only proposal on the table, this is not a negotiation process. No motions were made.
Tom Watson requested the City contact Gossard and get a quote on what it would cost to get
The meeting recessed at 7:10 p.m. and reconvened at 7:15 p.m.
Sheila White spoke to the Council about a YMCA youth outreach program starting in New Underwood. This would be an extension branch center of the YMCA. It would be staffed with workers who are from here and a local YMCA board would decide what games and activities would fit into our Community. It would fill a gap between the elderly and youth in our Community because the elderly would be the ones teaching the youth. It would be a self supported program through donations and the money earned from activities. She requested the Council consider letting them use the old city hall building for the YMCA location. The Council will think about this and other location alternatives.
The Dir. of Public Works presented the bid package for the electrical at the new building. Discussion followed. Motion by Richter second by Torrey to authorize the bid notices be published waiving the bonding requirements as allowed by SDCL 5-18-6.1. Aye: all. Motion carried.
#08-01; Andy Borah; 204 S. “C” Ave; move on mobile home
#08-02; John Szymonski; 216 S. Bailey; enclose porch
#08-03; Tyler Richter; 16034 Hwy 1416; shop addition
#08-04; 411 S. “A” Ave.; storage shed
Motion by Torrey second by Dahlquist to approve building permits 1-4. Aye: Dahlquist, Green, and Torrey. Abstain: Richter. Motion carried.
- The Dump will open on the first and third Saturdays starting March 15, 2008.
- Clean Up Week-end will be April 26 & 27th (alternate – May 3 & 4). The Pet clinic is April 27, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
- Councilman Torrey expressed his disapproval of the meeting on Wednesday being postponed on short notice. The Mayor said this would be duly noted.
- Equalization is scheduled for Monday evening. Objection forms must be filed no later than the 13th according to State law.
Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:48 p.m.
(Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer