New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes February 4, 2004



A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held on Feb. 4, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. Present were: Mayor Benita White, Councilmembers: Jackie Dahlquist, Tyler Richter, and John Torrey. Absent: Michael Green. Also present: The Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Dir. of Pub. Works Greg Hall, Asst. Finance Officer Teresa Gossard, Asst. Dir. of Pub. Works Jack Trullinger, Al Ackerman, Wes Flint, and Galen & Donna Niederwerder. Arriving later: Officer Adrian.


Motion by Dahlquist second by Richter, to approve the amended agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.


Motion by Dahlquist second by Torrey to approve the Jan. 21 minutes after inserting that the Council was contacted on Jan. 14 about cleaning the Community Center kitchen. Aye: all. Motion carried.


The Finance Officer presented the financial reports, bill-list and vouchers. Motion by Dahlquist second by Richter to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.

January bills payable Feb. 4, 2004


Salaries – 2813.09; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 805.05; SD Retirement (Jan) – 520.42; State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 144.93; WREA (service) – 921.20; Golden West (service) – 142.35; Rapid City Landfill (dump fees) – 1224.00; Rapid City Journal (publishing) – 104.40; DakotaCare (ins) – 300.60; Aflac (ins) – 23.90; Steve's (fuel) – 108.00; Elan (supplies) – 663.88; Case Credit (payment) - 958.66; Penn. Co. Hwy. (fuel) – 84.34; Karen Julius CC cleaning) – 105.00; Jennie Printz (CC cleaning) 65.00; Bev Taylor (CC cleaning) – 105.00; Avenet (website) – 600.00; Penn Co. Sheriff (1st qtr) – 7325.00; Great Western Tire (GT tire) – 199.00; Cellular One (service) – 43.86; Black Hills Agency (ins.) – 30.00; Dept. of Legislative Audit (audit) – 963.50. TOTAL: 18251.18.


Salaries – 1845.34; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 591.06; SD Retirement (Jan) – 454.56; WREA (service) – 578.29; Golden West (Water Alarm) – 23.50; Greg Hall (mileage) – 108.00; WREA (loan payment on water storage) – 26400.00; Dakotacare (ins) – 813.52; Elan (room for meeting) – 72.16; Dakota Pump (omni site) – 56.00; Midcontinent (water tests) – 60.00; SD Dept of Health (alpha test) – 280.00. TOTAL – 31282.43.


Salaries – 623.11; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 170.38; SD Retirement (Jan) – 100.71; WREA (service) – 64.93. TOTAL – 959.13.



The Black Hills Regional Finance Officer’s Group is sponsoring a presentation by V.J. Smith on March 4. All elected officials and employees are encouraged to attend. Motion by Dahlquist second by Torrey to pay the requested $50.00 fee to help defray the cost. Aye: all. Motion carried.


The State will donate two hazmat suits to the City, but then the City must order another suit in order to purchase a mask. After much discussion the Council felt more information is needed. This will be discussed at the next meeting after some direction is received from others.


The Council was called on January 27 about hiring Joe Simmons to repair the cracks on the inside walls of the Community Center. He started repairs today.

The Mayor will call and check on the progress of the roofing.

Councilman Richter would like quotes obtained on the electrical. He would like to see each plug in on its own dedicated circuit. Paul’s Electric will be contacted.

Quotes on the rest of the deep cleaning of the Community Center were received. Councilwoman Dahlquist explained that she felt it would be easier to hire the same cleaners, since they wanted to clean all of the Center not just the main room, but they wanted to be respectful to Councilman Torrey, since the other interested cleaner was a friend of his. Councilman Torrey stated he saw the advantage of using the same cleaners who had cleaned the kitchen. Motion by Richter second by Torrey to hire Bev Taylor, Jennie Printz, and Karen Julius to deep clean. Aye: all. Motion carried.


Moved by Torrey second by Dahlquist to appoint Ruth Ekern, Margaret Olic, and Norma Pelligrin with Tom Libertin as alternate to the 2004 election board. Aye: all. Motion carried.


Copies of letters sent to landowners along Wood Ave. were presented. This letter requested the dedicated right of way called Wood Ave. be brought up to code so it can be placed on the City street system.


Motion by Torrey second by Richter to accept the first reading of Ordinance Number 04-01 covering the $100.00 capitalization of City assets. Aye: all. Motion carried.



Officer Adrian presented his written monthly report.





Galen Niederwerder requested water availability for another hook up at his property, he currently has a pasture tap he would hook on. This hook up would be for another residence. Discussion on what to do about all the hook ups on this service line, liability issues, controlled growth, and annexation followed. Moved by Torrey not to approve water availability to Mr. Niederwerder. This motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Dahlquist second by Richter to table this request until the next meeting after more information is obtained and legal advice is obtained.

Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m.




(Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer