New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes July 5, 2007




A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held on July 5, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center.  Present were: Mayor Benita White, Councilmembers: Jackie Dahlquist, Michael Green, Tyler Richter, and John Torrey.  Also present:  Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Dir. of Public Works Greg Hall, City Staff:  Officer Pryzmus, Tralice Ellis, and Mike Holloway;  Cris Allen, Wes Flint, Al Ackerman, Bev Taylor, Marvin Rask, & Ryan with Cleary. 



The public hearing on City Hall options was opened at 6:01 p.m.  The Mayor explained the different options the Council had to been looking at.  The Council then individually voiced their preference on the options and reasons.  One citizen in attendance voiced concerns on the adequacy of size of Kids Kastle & the cold storage; another felt the City should get out of the old decrepit building; another citizen felt we should keep the old City Hall; and no more opinions were expressed.  The hearing adjourned at 6:30 p.m. with the regular meeting immediately following.



Moved by Torrey second by Green to approve the agenda.  Aye: all. Motion carried.



Moved by Torrey second by Dahlquist to approve the June 20 & 25, 2007 minutes as presented.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.    


FINANCIAL REPORT & BILLIST                                                                                  

The Finance Officer presented the financial reports, bill-list and vouchers.  Motion by Richter second by Green to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.  

June bills payable July 5, 2007

GENERAL FUND                                                                                        

Salaries – 4103.67; Mileage – 330.00; Cris Allen (reimburse pool supplies) – 349.20; First Western Bank ( SS & FWT) – 1051.89; SD Retirement (June) – 495.93; WREA (Service) – 1023.57; Golden West ( Service) – 246.74;  SD State Treasurer ( Sales Tax) – 178.68; Rapid City Landfill ( Dump Fees) – 1594.24; Dakota Care ( Ins.) – 1341.92; McGas (propane) – 2251.15; Ron’s (Fuel) – 238.03; Janice Jensen (CC Cleaning) – 52.00; Bev Taylor (CC Cleaning) – 104.00; ELAN (CC,CH, Shop, SP)  – 588.13; Penn Co. Hwy Dept. ( Fuel Usage) – 434.90; Jenner (parts) – 82.43; Pool & Spa (chemicals & parts) – 737.02; Pete Lien & Sons (chips) – 547.31; Plumdone Co (DD) – 14.37; Law Office of Erin Osborn (legal fees) – 1093.13; Dakota Business Center (office supplies) – 127.58; Tyler Richter (reimburse SP supplies) – 407.20; NU Post (publishing) – 422.74; Dianne Trullinger (2nd qtr. Cleaning) – 203.00; NU School (library) – 1000.00. TOTAL: $19018.83.

WATER FUND                                                                                             

WREA (Service) – 614.44; Dakota Care (Ins.) –555.04; McGas (contract) – 1550.00; Racicky Plumbing (parts) – 105.18; Hawkins (chemicals) – 1661.91; Omni-site (alarms) – 56.00; Alltell (service) – 115.78.  TOTAL: $4658.35. 

SEWER FUND                                                                                             

Salaries – 2963.02; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 861.61; SD Retirement System (June) – 480.79; WREA ( Service) – 52.97; FMG (weed killer) – 54.95.  TOTAL: $4413.34.



Officer Przymus went over his written monthly report with the Council. 



Cris Allen explained that Pool & Spa had come down and put epoxy & valkem on two areas, the rest of the velkem that had been applied was holding.  The Director of Public Works wanted it noted that Cris had used the correct caulk (Velkem) when she originally filled the cracks in the pool and he had been in error in assuming she had used a different caulk.  The pool will be filled tomorrow and hopefully open next Friday.  The Council would like a general assessment of the pool condition at the end of each season and the pool readiness at the beginning of the season starting a month prior to opening day. Cris agreed these two items can be done. 



The Mayor reported someone had requested port-a-potties at the Park.  The Council still felt the cost was prohibitive.



The Mayor relayed some complaints on the Fireworks had been received.  Officer Przymus stated that the crowds were well behaved and he only had to remind a couple of groups about the midnight deadline.  Liability issues will be addressed at the next meeting. 



Ryan, with Cleary Buildings, explained the estimate and design they had prepared for the cold storage building.  The Finance Officer explained that this building would have to go to bid and bid specifications can be put together with the estimate & drawings Cleary had provided.  Cleary explained when the Council goes to bid they must look at the way each company constructs their buildings and the best construction for the money.  The Mayor questioned the Council on the best location for the cold storage – downtown or the warehouse lots on the South side of the City.  Discussion followed, but no decision was made on the location.  Motion by Torrey second by Richter to get the specifications ready to go to bid on the cold storage building.  Roll call vote.  Aye:  Dahlquist, Green, Richter, and Torrey.  Nay: none.  Motion carried.


The Council all agreed that the purchase of Kids Kastle for offices was a good idea and financially feasible.  Whereupon Resolution Number 07-06 was introduced. 




WHEREAS  it has been determined by the New Underwood City Council that there is a need for a new City Hall, and


WHEREAS  South Dakota Codified law 9-25-12, 9-25-13, & 9-21-18.1 grants municipalities the power to borrow money and sets out the proper procedure to follow, and


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the New Underwood City Council authorizes the Mayor and Finance Officer’s signatures on any and all documents necessary to acquire the property & buildings for the City of New Underwood at 423 S. “A” Avenue, New Underwood, South Dakota, and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the New Underwood City Council authorizes, if necessary, the Mayor and Finance Officer’s signatures on the loan papers to First Western bank in an amount not to exceed $58,000.00 (fifty-eight thousand dollars) at a rate not to exceed 5.5% (five & ½ per cent) interest payable in monthly payments over four years.  That this money be used to purchase the land, building, refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, etc. located at 423 S. “A” Avenue New Underwood, South Dakota, and more particularly described as follows:


Lots 8-9 Block 2 Original Town of Section 31 in Township 2 North of Range 11 East of the Black Hills Meridian in the City of New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota.



Dated this 5th day of July, 2007


(seal)                                                                                                 Benita R.White, Mayor


Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer


Motion by Richter second by Torrey to approve Resolution Number 07-06.  Aye:  Dahlquist, Green, Richter, and Torrey.  Nay: none.  Motion carried.

Councilman Green will finish up the negotiations he has been working on the Realtor.



Linda Foster contacted the Mayor to keep the lines of communication open.  The City and Engelhart Estates are awaiting the completion of the Rural Water Study the City Engineer is performing.



Dr. Ertz reported to the Mayor that the resolution the City drew up was the direction the School wanted.  Do not enter signs & a one way sign will be placed before School starts.



The Director of Public Works presented preliminary figures on the costs for the secondary main waterline into the City from the North well.  The cost is between $75,000 and $150,000 depending on the boring of interstate.  The option of hanging the waterline in the culvert under interstate will be researched.  Possible grant options will also be investigated.  The Mayor wanted it noted that the rumors on putting in streets or watermains on the Matz property were never part of the annexation agreement orally or written.



Policy & Safety Manuals – Committee meeting will be set up.    

Storage Shed set backs will be removed from the agenda. 


Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m.




(Seal)  Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer