New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes October 9, 2007




A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held on October 9, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center.  Present were: Mayor Benita White, Councilmembers: Jackie Dahlquist, Michael Green, Tyler Richter, and John Torrey.  Also present:  Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Dir. of Public Works Greg Hall, Officer Johnston, Lt. Mueller, Tralice Ellis, Mike Holloway, Chad Feldman, Greg Wierenga, Cris Allen, Tony Ascrizzi, Rachel Ellis, Justin Speer, Brian Johnson, Linda Foster, Dean Hackens, and Sheila White. 



Moved by Richter second by Green to approve the amended agenda.  Aye: all. Motion carried.



The Sealed bids on the cold storage building were opened and read at 6:00 p.m. Two bids were received as follows:  Western Dakota Builders - $54,650.00; Cleary - $56,559.00.  Some discussion on the specifications followed.



Moved by Dahlquist second by Richter to approve the September 19 & September 25,  2007 minutes as presented.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.    


FINANCIAL REPORT & BILLIST                                                                                  

The Finance Officer presented the financial reports, bill-list and vouchers.  Motion by Torrey second by Richter to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.  

September bills payable October 9, 2007

GENERAL FUND                                                                                        

Salaries – 3243.61; Meri Jo Anderson (mileage 3rd qtr) – 242.00;  A & A Engraving (centennial gun) – 2598.70; SDML (Conference dues) – 150.00; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 894.90; SD Retirement (Sept.) – 463.43; WREA (Service) – 705.33; Golden West (Service) – 233.61;  SD State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 237.90; Rapid City Landfill (Dump Fees) – 1624.79; Dakota Care ( Ins.) – 1901.68; McGas (propane) – 149.00; Steve’s (fuel) – 484.20; Janice Jensen (CC Cleaning) – 68.00; Bev Taylor (CC Cleaning) – 88.00; ELAN (Parts, Postage, Office Supplies)  – 291.81; Penn Co. Hwy Dept. ( Fuel Usage) – 229.56; NU Post (publishing) –268.48; Dianne Trullinger (3rd qtr. cleaning) – 283.50;  RC Journal (Ad) – 38.86; Mid Continent (Pool tests) – 64.00; Dakota Business Center (supplies – 157.55; Penn Co. Sheriff (4th Qtr) – 8689.75; Pool & Spa (winterizing pool) – 228.61; Cetec Engineering (bid documents) – 67.00.  TOTAL: $23404.27.

WATER FUND                                                                                             

Salaries – 3603.14; WREA (Service) – 921.87; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 1027.26; SD Retirement (Sept.) – 575.56; Hawkins (chemicals) – 2105.16; Little Print Shop (water Books) – 216.23; HD Supply Waterworks (plugs) – 54.87.  TOTAL: $8504.09. 

SEWER FUND                                                                                             

WREA ( Service) – 50.90;  Altell ( Service) – 115.64; One Call Systems (Service) – 22.00  TOTAL: $188.54.



The application for Bureau of Reclamation monies for a new well were presented to the Council.  The Mayor, the Finance Officer, and the City Engineer are in contact with the Bureau on this application for assistance. 



The Dir. of Public Works reported the garbage truck broke down and a new piston is being installed for $3200.00.  The City of Spearfish generously loaned us a truck.  Mr. Hall is also working on obtaining totes through the Federal government to replace some of the dumpsters.



Officer Bruce Johnston gave his written monthly report and explained it.



The bids on the cold storage building were discussed.  Motion by Richter second by Green to award the bid to the lowest bidder Western Dakota Builders in the amount of $54,650.00.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



Two quotes were received on putting in the Sheriff’s Office & two windows to the east in the new City Hall.  Motion by Richter second by Dahlquist to hire the firm with the lowest quote – Dakota Builders in the amount of $1780.00.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



Sealed Bids were opened and read on the surplus property that was advertised September 27, 2007.  Motion by Torrey second by Green to award the surplus property to the highest bidders.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.  A list of the bids and bidders is available at City Hall.



City Engineer Greg Wierenga presented the first draft of the Rural Water feasibility study.  He went over the report and requested Council input on other items they wanted included in the study.  Top priorities are the secondary water main into the City, treating for the radiological problem, and drilling a new well.  Funding issues were a concern.  The Council thanked Mr. Wierenga and will contact him with input to help finalize this study.   



Councilman Green reported on the results of the appeal the City filed with the Pennington County Commissioners on Conditional Use Permit for the Verizon Tower at the Boydston location.  The City appealed due to the coverage loss for the City and people along the I-90corridor.  According to the maps we have on file from the engineers and the letters from engineers, coverage will be less than if the tower were to be placed in the original search area.  The Pennington County Commission heard the appeal on October 9, 2007 and upheld the Planning Commissions approval of this conditional use permit for Boydston. 






BP#07-25; Gene Matz; 502 S. “C” Ave; Move on Mobile Home

     #07-26; John Burke; 512 S. “C” Ave; Move Off Mobile Home

     #07-27; Robert Row; 502 E. Pine; deck

     #07-28; Justin Speers; 310 S. Bailey; Ramp

Motion by Richter second by Green to approve these permits if they meet set backs.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



Sheila White, representing the Community Center Committee, spoke to the Council about retaining the Old City Hall at this time instead of tearing it down.  They have been in contact with the YMCA about an outreach program they run.  This program would provide family activities and children activities that could offer a positive curriculum in our Community if implemented.



  1. A letter from a citizen about the dumpsters was received.  The Council clarified that only certain affected property owners received letters on the dumpster, not all property owners.  If you did not receive a letter than you were not on one of the streets that were in the plan for a change.  The letters reversing the change were sent to affected property owners.      
  2. Hydrants are being flushed right now, so water may be higher in rust residue. 
  3. The City will start trapping dogs again, since there are a lot of dogs running at large.  If your dog is missing check with the Rapid City Animal Shelter. 
  4. The proposed site for the Public Works shop is cleared.    
  5. Next City Council meeting will be Oct. 17, 2007.
  6. The Mayor reported that Kristi Lemke and Sabrina Schmidt have taken over the cleaning duties at the Community Center. 


Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.




(Seal)  Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer