New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes August 2, 2006




A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held on August 2, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.  Present were: Mayor Benita White, Councilmembers: Jackie Dahlquist, Michael Green, and John Torrey.  Absent: Tyler Richter.   Also present: The Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Jack Trullinger, Public Works staff: Rob Goodman and Mike Holloway, Officer Pryzmus, Al Ackerman, Marvin Rask and Ron Racicky.    



Moved by Green second by Dahlquist to approve the agenda.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



Motion by Dahlquist second by Green to approve the July 19, 2006 minutes.  Aye: all.  Motion carried. 


FINANCIAL REPORT & BILLIST                                                                                  

The Finance Officer presented the financial reports, bill-list and vouchers.  Motion by Dahlquist second by Green to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.  

July bills payable August 2, 2006                                                                              

GENERAL FUND                                                                                        

Salaries – 6237.05; McGas (SP& Contract Propane) – 4799.00; Albert & Delores Crosbie (earnest money) – 5000.00; Spearfish Senior Center (Stage CC) – 500.00; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 1451.77; SD Retirement – 537.57; State Treasurer (Sales Tax) – 259.12; WREA (service) – 1126.08;  Golden West (service) – 229.22; Rapid City Landfill (dump fees) – 2091.93; Dakota Care (ins) – 1752.30; NU Post (Publishing) – 282.12; Steve's (fuel) – 748.85; Elan (shop, CC, SP)  – 455.50; Penn. Co. Hwy. (fuel) – 1062.72; Janice Jensen (CC) – 72.00; Bev Taylor (CC) – 88.00; Pool & Spa (SP) – 371.84; Gillette Diary (SP) – 111.78; Mid Continent (SP) – 80.00; Jenner Equipment Company (backhoe) – 75.78; Pennington County Sheriff (3rd qtr) – 8538.75; Rons (oxygen) – 27.55; Dakota Business Center (printer ink) – 137.94; Al Cornella Refrig (CC) – 273.96 ; Coca Cola (SP) – 253.00; NU Grain (weed killer) – 83.20; A & H Truck Salvage (Distributor) – 150.00; Pete Lien (Chips) – 1367.90; Hills Material Co. (oil) – 3891.52; Am. Red Cross (SP) – 60.00. TOTAL: $42116.45.      

WATER FUND                                                                                             

Salaries – 1759.59; McGas (well house propane) – 1550.00; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 561.81; SD Retirement – 291.89; WREA (service) – 686.08; Elan (parts) – 11.64;  Hawkins Water Treatment (water) – 651.25; Mid Continent (tests) – 48.00; Omni-site (alarms) – 56.00.  TOTAL – $5616.26. 

SEWER FUND                                                                                             

Salaries – 1677.85; First Western Bank (SS & FWT) – 440.68; SD Retirement – 278.39; WREA (service) – 40.17; Alltel Wireless (service) – 114.42; South Dakota One Call (locate tickets) – 11.00. TOTAL –  $2562.51.


Jerry Stanton (refund) – 18.02.  TOTAL:  $18.02


The public works staff reported the east side of the City is done and the excess chips have been swept up for use on the west side of the City.  Councilman Torrey questions why the chips were only left down for one week.  The public works staff explained that the due to heavy traffic the chips are all imbedded in the oil and the remaining chips just get pushed off to the side and are irretrievable.



Officer Przymus presented and discussed his written monthly report.

Officer Przymus will be teaching the DARE classes this year.



Ordinance Number 06-07 received its second reading.






BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council for the City of New Underwood that Article IV Planning & Zoning; A.; Section VII – General Residential District G. Fence add the following paragraph to this section:  (The underlined paragraph is the addition, the first paragraph is the current ordinance and remains on the books.)


  1. Fence

A building permit is required for all fences.  The fence must be six (6) inches in from the property line on sides abutting City right of way. 

If a utility easement exists on the property, any construction within this easement area is done at the property owners own risk, and replacement or repair cost will be entirely at the property owner’s expense. (This statement is to be inserted on the building permit form.)



                                                                                                    Benita R. White, Mayor

Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer


First reading: July 19, 2006

Second reading: August 2, 2006

Publish Date: August 10, 2006

Effective Date: August 30, 2006


Motion by Green second by Dahlquist to approve the second reading of Ordinance Number 06-07.  Roll call vote.  Aye:  Dahlquist, Green, and Torrey.  Nay: none.  Motion carried.




A citizen called and felt the City sewer main was plugged.  The City exposed the main in the alley in the North Underwood addition area.  After the main was exposed it was discovered there was a crack in the service line that allowed roots to grow into the service line and these roots were starting to enter the main. Mr. Racicky stated that is the service line not the main that was plugged, if the City is fixing those kinds of plugs then he has one on the west side of the City right now to fix.



     #06-27; Pat Mechaley; 119 S. Monroe; tear down shed.

     #06-28; Pat Mechaley; 119 S. Monroe; concrete slab

     #06-29; Pat Mechaley; 119 S. Monroe; shed

     #06-30; Katrina Wolken; Pine Str.; sidewalk & cement slab

     #06-31; Robert Row; 502 E. Pine; deck

Motion by Torrey second by Dahlquist to approve Building Permits 06-27 and 06-31 with the stipulation that permit 06-30 meets all set backs.  Aye:  All.  Motion carried.



The Labor Day Committee requested free use of the Community Center on Sept. 4 and blocking off Main Street from Oak to Elm with open container in the central business district and at the horseshoe pits.  Moved by Torrey second by Green to grant these requests.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



The City is getting quotes on putting air conditioning in the Community Center.  When more definitive information is obtained it will be presented to the Council.



Officer Pryzmus recommended the surveillance camera be installed at the pool to discourage night visitors.  At times the chemical levels are very high after the pool closes and anyone breaking into the pool at night to swim could get sever burns.

Councilman Green questioned why the pool closed when the hot weather was here.  When it is over 110 degrees we close the pool, sever sun burns, heat exhaustion and heat stroke of the patrons and staff are a consideration for this rule, in addition we do not have enough guards to rotate every two hours, and after two hours in that high heat the guards are not alert enough to keep the patrons safe.  The other times the pool was closed was due to fecal contamination, high bacteria levels, and mechanical problems.

Councilman Torrey questioned the revenue break down reports.  It was explained that the governmental funds statements the Council receives at the middle of the month have both the expenditures and revenues of the pool and that this report is just a more definitive break down for the Council.



  1. Interviews for the bookkeeper position will be on Monday.     
  2. Both Booster Pumps are now installed.
  3. The 2007 budget hearing will be on August 16, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall.  

 Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m.



(Seal)  Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer