Minutes March 15, 2017
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on March 15, 2017. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Councilmembers: Teresa Gossard, Larry Graham, Karin Shoemaker, and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer, Dir. of Public Works Tim Hall, Deputy Jones, Clerk Ione Wolf, Steve Swanson, and Dianne Trullinger. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger.
Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Moved by K. Trullinger second by Shoemaker to approve the March 1, 2017 minutes as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Mr. Hall requested getting the lot surveyed and putting a fence around the Bulk Plant Land, since gravel and chips continue to be taken. The Council agreed that a site survey be done by a certified land surveyor to establish lot lines and quotes be obtained on the fence.
April 22 & 23, 2017 is the date for the annual clean up week-end. The dump will be manned from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days, with citizens taking their own items to the dump. Notices will be posted. Motion by Gossard second by Shoemaker to allow each household to dispose of 4 tires at no cost on this week-end only. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The Annual Pet Clinic is April 22, 2017 at the Public Works Shop from 10 a.m. to noon.
Discussion on the amendments to the mobile home parks ordinance followed. The Council went over the check list Councilors Shoemaker and Graham had created, and made some changes. The first reading of the ordinance amendments and checklist will be ready for the April 4 meeting.
The following was added to the Nuisance Ordinance: Note: Within Mobile Home Parks, the mobile home park owner (Owner of the Mobile Home Court) will also receive the abatement notice and any violations and fines that the tenant receives will also apply to the mobile home park owner, who will pay the fines plus any costs and attorney’s fees against the property, if they do not pay the accumulated costs, it will be added to their property taxes by special assessment. Some concerns by the audience were expressed but the Council explained that the current ordinance allows for an appeals process, so Court owners will be able to explain their circumstances to the Council. Motion by Gossard second by Trullinger to approve the first reading of Ordinance 17-01, amending the nuisance ordinance. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The Council discussed the properties (Vanneman & Madsen) that lay within rural service districts to evaluate if they still meet the criteria of a rural service district. The Council decided that part of Travis Madsen’s land no longer belongs in the rural service district. Mr. Madsen is in the process of replatting this land so only the section that does not meet the ordinance can be removed. Motion by Gossard second by Graham to give Mr. Madsen up to 180 days to bring the new plat before the Council, and at that time it will be taken out of the rural service district. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Mr. Hall presented the items for surplus to the Council whereupon Resolution Number 17-05 was introduced.
BE IT RESOLVED by the New Underwood City Council that the following property be declared surplus to be sold:
1. 1988 Green Two wheel drive Chevy pick up
2. 1968 Ford F600
3. 2 each Blazer 60 zero turn riding lawn mowers
4. Husqvarna push mower
5. Truck 5th wheel plate
6. Set of quarter fenders for a truck
7. 2 each 8.75 R 16.5 Radial Tires
8. Old fuel tank with big dent in the side (approximately 1,000 gallons)
9. 4” width pipe filled with concrete 11’6” length
10. 170 each cinder cement blocks
11. Cabie Nelson Upright Piano
12. Wurlitzer Organ
13. Sony TV
14. 3 Chairs with arms
15. 2 each office chairs
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any items that are appraised over $500.00 will be advertised in the NU Post for two consecutive weeks on a sealed bid basis with Bids to be opened pursuant to SDCL 6-13-2. The other items will also be sealed bid to be opened, but do not need to be advertised, if no one bids on they will be sold for scrap or discarded.
Dated March 15, 2017
Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor
Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer
Motion by Gossard second by Trullinger to adopt Resolution Number 17-05. Roll call vote: Gossard, Graham, Shoemaker, and K. Trullinger. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Moved by Graham second by Gossard to appoint the City Council as the appraisal board. Aye: all. Motion carried. The Council sat as the appraisal board and appraised the surplus property as follows: 1988 Green Two wheel drive Chevy pick up1968 Ford F600 - $450.00; 1968 Ford F600 – $475.00; 2 each Blazer 60 zero turn riding lawn mowers - $75.00 for the pair; Husqvarna push mower - $10.00; Truck 5th wheel plate - $300.00; Set of quarter fenders for a truck - $75.00; 2 each 8.75 R 16.5 Radial Tires - $25.00 each; Old fuel tank with big dent in the side (approximately 1,000 gallons) - $10.00; 4” width pipe filled with concrete 11’6” length - $10.00; 170 each cinder cement blocks - $80.00; Cabie Nelson Upright Piano - $20.00; Wurlitzer Organ - $20.00; Sony TV - $15.00; 3 Chairs with arms - $1.00 each; 2 each office chairs - $2.00 each.
- Governmental Funds Sheet presented.
- The Finance Officer had Council President Gossard draw the name that would be entered first on the ballot. The order will be Larry Graham, then Amanda Trople for the Ward 1 April 11, 2017 Municipal Election.
- Notice for Assistant Finance Officer position has been advertised in the NU Post, the Profit, and on the Indeed website, with closing April 3. The City Staff will narrow it down to four applicants for a second interview with the Council.
- Local Board of Equalization starts Monday March 20th with appointments starting at 3:00 p.m.
- The District Meeting is April 5, 2017 in Hot Springs at the Red Rock Resort starting at 6:00 p.m.
- Deputy Jones will follow up on the dog citation that was issued on Bailey.
- Next city council meeting will be Tuesday April 4, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
- Another attorney other than the City attorney has been contacted about obtaining the property at 513 S. “A” Ave.
Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 7:45 P.M.
(Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer