New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes February 17, 2010

                              MINUTES OF THE



A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center on February 17, 2010.  Present were: Mayor Benita R. White, Councilmember’s: Jackie Dahlquist, Michael Green, John Torrey, and Jack Trullinger.   Also present: Dir. Public Works Greg Hall, Finance Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Cris & Summer Allen, Dianne Trullinger, Larry Gossard, and Paul Gnirk. 



Moved by Green second by Dahlquist to approve the agenda.  Aye: all. Motion




Moved by Trullinger second by Green to approve the February 3, 2010 minutes as presented.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



Motion by Trullinger second by Dahlquist to approve the $28,695.00 WRT draw down and submit to the State.  Roll call vote.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.  Since this is design work it will be SRT instead of CDBG.



The Dir. of Public Works presented his written report.  The staff has been working on material bid package with CETEC, moving snow, located manhole, front tire on backhoe fell off and has been repaired, working in shop repairing minor breaks on all equipment, fixed the broken disconnect on the Bobcat, completed the chemical storage annual tier II report and submitted to the appropriate local, county and State agencies. Councilman Green reiterated that the City needs to keep in mind that the next Bobcat we purchase should be larger, since we use it to move a lot of snow. 



The bid packages for the materials was presented.  Motion by Green second by Trullinger to go to bid on the materials and waive the performance and payment bonds.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.

Change order #1 was presented, increasing SECO contract $2,555.16 to cover Use & Excise tax on WRT equipment.  Moved by Trullinger second by Torrey to approve this change order.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.



Larry Gossard and Paul Gnirk, representing the Viewfield Water Association, reported they had fine tuned the cost of the extension to place an interconnect between both water systems for emergency purposes. Councilman Trullinger explained and the rest of the Council concurred that according to our engineer estimate from 2001 it would cost $81,500.00 and at this time our focus is to get the secondary line from well number 2 to New Underwood, and all our monies and concentration must go to this secondary line.  

The Council thanked them for coming.



The Finance Officer reported we have $12,670.63 in the self insurance account for the health insurance and requested we raise the deductible to $2,000.00 working toward the $5,000.00 goal, with this increase we will be able to add $800.00 a month to this fund.  The monthly cost will go from $2,033.00 to $1,952.72.  The self insurance fund will continue to pay the employee deductible.  Moved by Trullinger second by Green to approve the 2010 Health Insurance plan raising the deductible to $2,000.00 and adding to the fund the $800.00 a month, and adding the memo to the personnel policy.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



BP#10-01; Kent Ickler; 106 S. “C” Ave; move off permit.

Motion by Green second by Torrey to approve this permit.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



Moved by Torrey second by Dahlquist to authorize the Finance Officer’s signature on an agreement with Penn. Co. to use the Community Center for the Primary Election June 8 and the General Election Nov. 2, 2010 for $25.00 a day.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.


Other items discussed:

1.      The monthly governmental funds sheets were presented to the Council.

2.      The County will hold a special meeting on March 16 at the Community Center on the proposed septic tank ordinance.  The meeting will be from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.


Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m.





(Seal)  Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer