Minutes February 4, 2009
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center on February 4, 2009. Present were: Mayor Benita R. White, Councilmember’s: Michael Green, Tyler Richter, John Torrey, and Jack Trullinger; Also present: Fin. Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Dir. Public Works Greg Hall, Lt. Weber, Deputy McPherson, Cris, Keira, & Sydnie Allen, Diane Trullinger, Jennifer & Hadley Printz, and Tony Ascrizzi.
Moved by Green second by Richter to approve the amended agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Moved by Richter second by Torrey to approve the January 21, 2009 minutes as presented with the following correction: Richter abstained on the vote for FMG’s building permit. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The financial reports, bill-list and vouchers were presented. Motion by Richter second by Trullinger to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
January bills payable February 4, 2009
Salaries – 4617.58; FWB (visa charges) – 75.90; First Western Bank ( SS, FWT) – 1161.36; SD Retirement (Jan) – 440.86; WREA (Service) – 1510.85; Golden West Service) – 225.90; SD State Treasurer ( Sales Tax) – 196.02; RC Landfill (Dump Fees) – 1551.84; Dakota Care ( Insurance) – 605.54; ELAN (CC paint & supplies) – 431.00; NU Post (publishing) – 354.46; Steve’s (fuel) – 274.50; Penn. Co. Hwy. (fuel) 284.75; Kristi Lemke (clean CC) – 150.00; Pennington County Sheriff (1st qtr) – 9443.50; Pro-Tech Computer (replace power supply) – 148.00; Dakota Business Center (copier repair) – 142.50; McGas (propane-shop) – 127.80. TOTAL: $21742.36.
FWB (loan payment PWB) – 1878.44. TOTAL: $1878.44
Salaries – 3194.05; FWB (SS & FWT) – 890.89; SD Retirement (Jan) – 456.04; WREA (water storage loan) – 26,400.00; WREA (Service) – 653.40; Energy Laboratories (tests) – 749.00; Midcontinent Testing (4th qtr) – 202.00. TOTAL: $32545.38.
Salaries – 3372.11; First Western Bank ( SS, FWT) – 953.99; SD Retirement (Jan) – 436.28; WREA (Service) – 65.62; DakotaCare (ins) – 1512.06; City of
Justin Lent (refund) – 50.00. TOTAL: $50.00
The Finance Officer explained that she had inadvertently left some of the wording off the commercial sewer price in the minutes. Moved by Trullinger second by Richter to amend Resolution Number 09-01 to state Commercial sewer: $1.50 per 1,000 gallons of water (minimum $14.60). Roll call vote. Aye: Green, Richter, and Trullinger. Nay: Torrey. Motion carried. Torrey felt the increase too high.
The Council requested that when the letter is sent to inform the customers of the increases, it will include the memo explaining why the increases were necessary.
Increasing user fees & trying to cut cost at the swimming pool were discussed. After much discussion the Council agreed that increasing the user fees would only gain about $400.00 a year and may take the attendance down. Councilman Torrey concurred with the rest of the Council that you can’t really cut anything out of way the pool is run. The Aquatic Dir., Cris Allen, suggested a better solution would be to go to individuals and businesses to raise the entrance money by donation, and people could swim for free. The swimming pool committee is completely behind this idea and would help to raise the money. The Council all agreed this was a good idea and would like to see them raise $2500.00 to cover pool passes and daily tickets. Mayor White suggested the swimming pool committee could expand on the donation drive by getting enough money to install geothermal at the pool. Councilman Torrey stated he had received complaints about the Finance Officer teaching swimming lessons. The rest of the Council stated they had never had any complaints on this. The Mayor stated that when these kind of complaints come from a handful of people you must always think of the best interest of the City as a whole, and that the Finance Officer does not charge the City for overtime during the three sessions of swim lessons.
Councilman Torrey would still like to raise the rates at the water salesman and purchase a new coin box. Mr. Hall estimated the new coin box would cost between $3,500.00 and $4,000.00. Currently we charge 50 cents per 100 gallons. Motion by Torrey to purchase a new coin box and increase the water price to $1.00 per 100 gallons. No one seconded this motion, whereupon Torrey withdrew his motion until figures from other Communities on their prices can be obtained.
The Dir. of Public Works presented the bid package for the electrical phase 2 & 3 at the new building. Discussion followed. Motion by Richter second by Torrey to authorize the bid notices be published waiving the bonding requirements as allowed by SDCL 5-18-6.1. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Councilman Torrey suggested increasing the Mayor’s salary, but taking the health insurance away. The Mayor explained the Mayor’s compensation is set by ordinance, so a motion for a first reading of an ordinance must be passed. Discussion between the Council followed. Motion by Torrey second by Green to reduce Council salary from $50.00 a meeting to $25.00 a meeting. Councilman Torrey withdrew his motion, so that the Mayor and Council salaries can be dealt with after he obtains more information to the next meeting.
Motion by Trullinger second by Richter to approve the first reading of Ordinance 09-01 that would raise the basic building permit fee to $25.00 plus $2.00 per $1,000.00. Aye: Green, Richter, and Trullinger. Nay: Torrey. Motion carried. Councilman Torrey felt this was too large of an increase.
- The Finance Officer presented a report on the bills in the legislature this session that affect municipalities and the committee meetings she attended Tuesday & Wednesday.
- Law enforcement presented their written monthly report. The Council agreed they would watch the drinking & driving program at the February 18 meeting.
- The notice of vacancy was in the Council packets – Councilmen Richter & Greens terms are up.
- Gimpel permit tabled until the certified letter is picked up.
- City failed the radiological the 4th quarter again, so notices will be sent to customers. The rads are up and down and are not consistant.
Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
(Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer