New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes May 2, 2012





A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center on May 2, 2012.  Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Council member’s: Rikka Buchtel, Laurie Holloway, Sheila White, and Joe Whitney. Also present: Finance Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Dir. Of Public Works John Bale, City Attorney Chris Beesley, Jon & Irene Madsen, Deputy McPherson, Cris Allen, Dianne Trullinger, Travis & son, Jessica Bellin, Wes Flint, and Lavonne Moffitt.  The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger.



Motion by Buchtel second by Whitney to approve the amended agenda.  Aye: all. Motion carried.



Moved by Buchtel second by Holloway to approve the April 25, 2012 minutes as presented.  Aye: all.  Motion carried. 


FINANCIAL REPORT & BILL LIST                                                                                  

The financial reports, bill-list and vouchers were presented.  Motion by White second by Whitney to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.  

April bills payable May 2, 2012

GENERAL FUND                                                                                        

Salaries – Mayor & Council – 1315.24; Finance Officer – 2834.12; Public Works – 3792.49; Mileage – 368.88; Wellmark (Ins) – 1303.71; Merchant Bank (visa charges) – 27.70; Bev Taylor (CC clean & supplies) – 87.72; Kristi Lemke (cc clean) – 100.00; SD Unemployment Ins (1st qtr) – 161.46; Elan (office, cc, shop) – 1108.39; IRS – EFTPS (Apr) – 1938.21; WREA (Service) –1239.69;  Golden West  (Service) –297.09; RC Landfill (dump fees) – 2156.45; SD State Treasurer  ( Sales Tax) – 225.60; Steve’s (fuel) – 433.92; NU Post (publishing) – 246.92; Penn. Co. Highway (fuel) – 426.10;  AT & T (service) – 114.45; SD Retirement (Apr) – 923.62;   Ace Hardware (parts) – 52.51; Jenner Equip (bobcat) – 1868.58; Johnson Machine parts & supplies) – 329.48; SD One Call (locates) – 9.45; Contractor Supply (safety equip) – 119.50; Dennis V. Johnson (geothermal repair) – 222.35; Interstate battery (batteries) – 155.00; Pro Tech Computers (networking) – 150.00; Penn. Co. Sheriff (1st qtr) – 9720.50; McWrench (DT) – 513.71; Inland Truck Parts (parts) – 57.60; MARC (chemicals) – 643.33; Titan Machinery (BH) – 226.28.  TOTAL: $33170.05

WATER FUND                                                                                             

First National Trust (SRF payment) – 1693.16; WREA (Service) – 624.10; WRT (monthly radium removal charge) – 1912.50; Omni Site (alarm) – 23.00;  Hawkins (chemicals) – 1243.60;  DSG (pipe) – 72.08; Midcontinent (tests) – 68.00; HD Waterworks (pipe) – 19693.17.  TOTAL: $25329.61


WREA (service) – 55.41; Contractor’s Supply (parts for lft. Sta.) – 54.81; Industrial Electric (inspection) 33.00; Grainger (lft. Sta. pump) – 2523.00; Omni-Site, Inc. (alarm) – 23.00; Paul’s Electric (repairs) – 94.88.  TOTAL: $2784.10



Mr. Bale reported the south waterline bored,  more totes put out, summer worker has started, concrete in front of community center will be poured next week, gutter extensions will be placed on the community center, pricing on roll up door verses regular overhead door will be obtained for ground storage building, the Mayor will price solar powered light for 1416 & 161st St.



Deputy McPherson presented his written monthly report.  The DARE class has graduated and the Freshman Impact class will be completed by May 9.



A petition of annexation was received from Watkin (Dub) Vanneman for approximately 273.54 acres and a request to establish a rural service district, whereupon resolution number 12-02 was passed.  The legal description has changed, so this resolution must be repealed.  Motion by Whitney second by White to repeal resolution number 12-02.  .  Roll call vote.  Aye: Buchtel, Holloway, White, and Whitney. Nay: none.  Motion carried.

Due to the legal description change ordinance numbers 12-05, 12-06, & 12-07 all need tabled.

Motion by Buchtel second by Holloway to table the second reading of ordinance number 12-05 – establishing a rural service district.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.

Moved by Holloway second by Buchtel to table the second reading of ordinance number 12-06 – zoning this district.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.

Motion by Buchtel second by White to table the second reading of ordinance number 12-07 – rural service district classification.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



Supplemental Budget Ordinance Number 12-04 received its second reading.





BE IT ORDAINED by the New Underwood City Council that the following amounts be appropriated to the 2012 budget to meet the obligations of the municipality:  601/433.40/426 - $31,500.00.  Means of finance: reimbursements from Matz, Pennington County Highway, and Vanneman; undesignated water monies.


                                                                                    Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor



Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer


First reading:  April 25, 2012

Second reading:  May 2, 2012

Publish Date:  May 10, 2012

Effective Date:  May 30, 2012

Motion by Buchtel second by Holloway to approve the second reading of Ordinance Number 12-08.  Roll call vote.  Aye: Buchtel, Holloway, White, and Whitney. Nay: none.  Motion carried.



Moved by Holloway second by Buchtel to go into executive session at 6:33 p.m. as allowed by SDCL 1-25-2 #3 to discuss legal action on abatements.  The Council came out of executive session at 6:45 p.m.



Motion by White second by Holloway to pursue legal action on the continually barking dog and the skirting violation and to raise the penalty clause to coincide with modern times.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



The Council discussed considering issuing business licenses, so they will have more control over what types of businesses are allowed and their location. The City attorney suggested the locations can be taken care of in the zoning ordinance. Information from other municipalities will be researched and a draft ordinance will be presented to the Council.




The Finance Officer administered the oath of office to Mayor Jack Trullinger.  Mayor Trullinger then administered the oath of office to Councilors Buchtel, Holloway, White, and Whitney.



Motion by Whitney second by White to leave the officers the same as last year with Councilor Buchtel as Council President and Joe Whitney as Council Vice President.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



The Mayor made the following recommendations for appointments & designations: Finance Officer – Meri Jo Anderson and City Attorney – Chris Beesley.  Moved by Whitney second by White to appoint Anderson and Beesley as recommended by the Mayor.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.  Mayor Trullinger administered the oaths of office to each individually.

Mayor Trullinger made the following recommendations for appointments

Dir. of Public Works – John L. Bale; City Engineer – Greg Wierenga; Aquatic Director – Cris Allen; Designate Legal Newspaper – NU Post

Moved by Holloway second by Buchtel to approve the Mayor’s recommendations for appointments and designations. Aye: all.  Motion carried. 



Jessica Bellin, 516 S. “B” Ave. reported the bees from the bee plant are becoming a nuisance on her property and requested the Council’s help in finding solutions to contain them.  Councilor Buchtel will contact Bob Pace to determine if these are his honey bees.


Other items discussed:

  1. Pet      Clinic – approximately 50 animals vaccinated and 17 tags sold.
  2. Requirements      for building permits. The city attorney explained his interpretation of      the zoning ordinance.
  3. Septic      System – get something in the ordinance that says you are required to hook      to city sewer if the main is within 200 feet of property.
  4. The      City would like to get a utility easement for the proposed 10 inch      secondary line from the north from the Matz heirs.
  5. The      Mayor will find out if there is a speed limit for the trains going through      the city.
  6. The      City Attorney explained the process when legal action is deemed necessary.     



Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m.





(Seal)  Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer