New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

MInutes December 5, 2018



A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on December 5, 2018. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Councilmembers: Teresa Gossard, Larry Graham, Karin Shoemaker and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Deputy Jones, Capt. Harrison, Sgt. Harkins, Tim Hall, Dir. of Public Works, Kim Karp, Keith Karp, Marvin Rask, Serena Rice, Rod Crosbie, Steve Swanson, Steve Satterlee, Pam Cox, Don Cox and Dianne Trullinger. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger.


Motion by K. Trullinger second by Gossard to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.


Motion by Gossard second by K. Trullinger to approve the November 21, 2018 minutes with the following corrections; Ordinance #18-09; First reading: November 7, 2018 Second reading: November 21, 2018 Publish date: November 29, 2018 Effective date: December 19, 2018. Aye: all. Motion carried.


The financial reports, bill-list, monthly revenue, savings sheets and vouchers were presented. Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.

November bills payable December 5, 2018


First Data (bank fees) – 59.88; Salaries – Mayor – 361.75; Finance Office - 3006.64; Public Works – 3895.98; Cleaners – 256.51; Swimming Pool – 331.72; IRS- EFTPS (SS & FWT) – 2644.54; SDRS (retirement plan) – 961.32; HPSD – 2200.12; Aflac (ins.) – 114.66; McGas (propane for CH) – 112.37; Sam’s Club (office supplies) – 15.35; Kieffer Sanitation (October dump fees) –160.00; WREA (service) – 1977.58; Golden West Telephone (November service) –293.75; Ramkota (election workshop, annual conference) – 785.94; Pennington County Courant (publishing) – 305.03; City of Rapid City (November dump fees) – 1595.95; SD State Treasurer (November Sales Tax) – 313.75; Mastercard (lily, faucet parts) – 48.94; Menards (desk parts) – 10.96; First Interstate Bank (safe dep. box) – 25.00; Carquest (p/s fluid, WD40) – 131.12; SDML (dues) – 849.40; SD Assoc. of Code Enforcement (dues) – 40.00; SD Gov’t Finance Officer Assoc. (dues) – 70.00; SD Municipal Maint. Assoc. (dues) – 35.00; SD Gov’t Human Resource Assoc. (dues) – 25.00; Deadwood Mayor’s Fund (BH Mayors donations) – 225.00; DSG (galvanized steel) – 648.90; Meri Jo Anderson (prof. fees) –1311.00; A-1 Mechanical (winterize pool) – 464.50 TOTAL: $23277.66


Burl Barber (overpayment) – 1894.50; WREA (Service) – 1034.01; WRT (radium removal fee) – 2199.38; Omni Site (alarm) – 25.00; Hawkins (chemical) – 1518.50; Taylor Drilling (north well repairs) – 8528.78 TOTAL: $15200.17


WREA (service) – 105.54; Omni-Site (alarms) – 25.00 TOTAL: $130.54


Carol Jensen (refund) – 10.00; Jason Schumacher (refund) – 97.40 TOTAL: $107.40


Well #2 is fixed,
Water line breaks on B Ave. and South of town have both been repaired by property owners.
The City’s Christmas decorations will be put up Monday, December 10, 2018 after the flags are taken down.
The appointment in Sioux Falls to fix the garbage truck has been rescheduled to December 11-12, 2018 Mr. Hall will go after garbage pickup on Tuesday Dec. 11, 2018.


Deputy Jones presented and discussed the written monthly report.
Captain Harrison explained that the event last Friday involving shots fired at law enforcement and a car chase that ended just south of I-90 on 161st Ave is still an open investigation so he cannot go into detail. It has been traumatic for all involved but they are pleased that the chase was shut down before it reached higher populated areas within the City.


Mayor Trullinger thanked law enforcement for all of their help, it is much appreciated.

Letters were sent to mobile home park owners informing them of possible new interpretations of the zoning ordinance holding the property owners responsible for past due water bills.


Some of the mobile home property owners were present and objected to being held responsible for past due utility bills as they are not the owners of the homes. They have paid for the curb stop replacements as needed, they collect their own rent and they don’t feel it is their responsibility to collect the money for the Municipal utilities also. Raising the amount of the water meter deposit was also brought up. As the City water is a self-billing system it is the home owner’s responsibility to read their own meters, not the land owners. It was moved by Shoemaker second by Gossard to table the decision on property owners responsibility for past due utility bills until further information can be obtained.


Motion by Gossard second by Graham to approve Spiking permit #18-03; Sara Hansen; December 29, 2018; Christmas party. Aye: all. Motion carried.


Pam Cox asked for the Council’s input on having a 24’x24’ two bedroom stick built cabin constructed by the New Underwood carpentry class built at the property located at 22798 161st. Ave. Mayor Trullinger explained that it must be attached to the existing duplex per City Ordinance as multiple single dwellings are not allowed on a single lot and it does not meet the criteria needed to get a variance.


A thank you card was received from the Turbiville family for the peace lily the City had sent them after the passing of Deadwood Mayor Chuck Turbiville.
Steve Satterlee posed the question to the Council of whether they would allow a water line to be connected to the City water system and run to the east of town 3 miles. It was stated that all expenses would be the property owner’s responsibility and it would need to be a 6 inch line in order for it to be considered.

Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 7:14 p.m.


Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer