Minutes December 20, 2017
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center on December 20, 2017. Present were: Councilmembers: Teresa Gossard, Larry Graham, Karin Shoemaker, and Kathy Trullinger. Absent: Mayor Jack Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer, Kristi Pritzkau, Assistant Finance Officer, Clerk Ione Wolf, Dir. of Public Works Tim Hall, Sgt. Randy Harkins, Ava Clark, and Danny Hall. The meeting was called to order by Council President Gossard.
Motion by Shoemaker second by Graham to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Moved by K. Trullinger second by Graham to approve the December 6, 2017 minutes as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The finance officer presented the abatement letter concerning 513 S. “A” Ave. clean up for Council concurrence. The attorney had given input and this notice will be sent to the past owner, the owner of the tax certificate, and Pennington County. The Council agreed that the letter encompassed what they were requesting be abated. The Fire Chief’s letter was also enclosed with the notice.
Community Center van Handicapped accessible area was painted, and a mobile sign has been received that will be used during elections per Gene Fennell’s instructions, for the DOJ project to become ADA compliant.
Railing installed on mezzanine at PW shop.
Someone pushed dirt into the flood ditch at 310 Linn St., which is against Federal Law and City ordinance and the fine is $100.00 for each day of violation. The city must maintain the CFI flow that was established or landowners within the City limits will have to pay flood insurance, this has to be fixed ASAP. The Council wants to know who pushed the dirt into the flood ditch and changed the slope of the flood ditch. The staff is to try to find out who did it and the responsible party may be billed for the City’s time to put it back to original condition. The land owner will be contacted to try to get to the bottom of who trespassed and did this damage.
Ordinance Number 17-09 (unmuffled dynamic engine braking) received its second reading. Motion by Graham second by Gossard to change the nuisance ordinance to delete Jake Brakes as a nuisance (as the Mayor & citizens in attendance at the last meeting had suggested), since the context of the ordinance changed, now Ordinance Number 17-10, received its first reading and Ordinance Number 17-09 has died. Aye: all. Motion carried.
A citizen at 111 N. “C” Ave water was shut off for non-payment. A letter he had written was presented to the Council requesting his water be turned back on. The Council instructed a letter be sent informing the water customer that his water will stay shut off until the bill is paid in full. He must pay the overage that was found when the city read the meter in September. His check for the minimum water usage that says on it “paid in full” will be returned to him to correct and make for the amount due.
Council President Gossard administered the Oath of Office to Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, and Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, effective date: January 1, 2018.
- A letter was sent to a Mobile Home Park owner stating it is their responsibility to enforce their own park rules, and also explained the City will send abatement notices to abate nuisances on their property to the offender and the Park Owner if complaints are received.
- A letter was received from Ron Racicky, the Fire Chief, regarding the fire, health and safety issue at 513 S. A Ave.
- The SDML Legislative Day is February 7 & 8 in Pierre. The Councilors will let the office know who is going at the next meeting.
Being no further business Council President Gossard adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m.
Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer