New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Equalization Minutes March 17, 2014





A meeting of the New Underwood Board of Equalization was called to order on Monday, March 17, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. as required by SDCL 10-11-13 with the following members present: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Councilmembers Rikka Buchtel, Laurie Holloway, Larry Graham. Finance Officer Meri Jo Anderson acted as Clerk. The following appeals were heard and acted upon.


The local board ascertained that all taxable property in the City had been properly placed upon the assessment roll. (This was done by staff the preceding week, with notes gone over by board.)


March 17, 2014 Appointments


Marvin Rask; 205 S. “A” Ave; Blk 13 Lots 11&12 Original Townsite; Section 31; T2N R11E BHM; New Underwood; Pennington County (Land value)

Mr. Rask withdrew this objection, since the land value is set by county and firm.


Marvin Rask - 1981 Redman Mobile home (Value went up and should not, mobile homes depreciate.) Comparables: Karen Julius, Shyler Karp, John Szymonski, Tom Libertin, Tina Rodriguez

The board looked at the comparables and it was moved by Buchtel second by Holloway to leave this property value as is. Aye: all. Motion carried.


Dean & Mary Boydston; 601 E. Pine St; Boydston 1 Subdivision Lot 1; Section 32; T2N R11E BHM; New Underwood; Section 32; T2N R11E BHM; New Underwood; (Home value too high.) Comparables: James McKee, Wendy Stecher, Hal Oberlander, Doug Gimpel.

Since by square footage price this house is comparable to others it was moved by Holloway second by Buchtel to leave as is, but request equalization look at the value they have on the attached garage. Aye: all. Motion carried.


Berniece Arney; PO Box 35; Property north of 1416; Blk. A; Lots 5 of Matz Subdivision Section 30; T2N R11E BHM; New Underwood; Pennington County (Not developed lots, no water & sewer, currently used as pasture.) Comparable pasture or cropland: Swanson to east – 653.00 an acre; Bruns to South – 651.00 an acre; L & S Farms to west – 644.00 an acre; Boomsma 2500.00 an acre)

The board agreed Boomsma was best comparable so it was moved by Graham second by Buchtel to assess the land at the $2500.00 an acre, and to spread this price out over all of this subdivion, not just this lot. Aye: all. Motion carried.


Gene Matz; 7615 Reindeer Road; Tampa, Florida; Property north of 1416; W. 516.81 feet of GL3 Less Matz Subdivision Lot H2; Section 30; T2N R11E BHM; New Underwood; Pennington County (Not developed lots, no water & sewer, currently used as pasture.) Comparable pasture or cropland: Swanson to east – 653.00 an acre; Bruns to South – 651.00 an acre; L & S Farms to west – 644.00 an acre; Boomsma 2500.00 an acre)

Motion by Holloway second by Buchtel to assess the land at $2500.00 an acre, since the same rule applies for this lot as the one above. Aye: all. Motion carried.


Tim Hall; , 206 E Ash; S. 180’ Lot 7 of Outlot D of NW ¼, NE ¼.; Original Twn; Sec. 31; T2N R11E; BHM; New Underwood; Pennington County (Value too high, since uninhabitable, and main house over appraised also)

Comparables for west house: east house, Anthony Ascrizzi, Jerome Johnson

The Board agreed that the rear houses were just gutted and used for storage, since the water has been off to them for over a year. The main house is a little high compared to comparables. Motion by Graham second by Buchtel to lower the main house to match the one on the east to $10,000.00 each and lower the rear buildings to $5,000.00 each building. Aye: all. Motion carried.


Since all objectors have been heard, it was moved by Holloway second by Buchtel that the 2014 Local Board of Equalization adjourn & close at 7:00 p.m. Aye: all. Motion carried.




Meri Jo Anderson, Clerk of Local Equalization Board