New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes August 5, 2020


A public hearing and a regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council were held at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Center on August 5, 2020. Present were: Mayor Teresa Gossard, Councilmembers: Larry Graham, Tera Hockenbary, Tara Richter and Kathy Trullinger. Also present: Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Director, Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer, Dir. of Public Works Tim Hall, Jaedyn Finkbeiner Pool Manager, Sgt. Harkins, Deputy Jones, Ronnie Racicky, Marvin Rask, Roy Philipsen and Serena Rice. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gossard with the Pledge of Allegiance following.


The Council went over the proposed 2021 budget. Councilor Richter pointed out the large change in funds available for supplies and materials for the Community Center. It was a typing error so the missing funds were found to make up the difference needed. These changes will be made. The budget hearing was adjourned at 5:55 p.m., with Mayor Gossard calling the regular meeting to order at 6:00 with the Pledge of Allegiance following.


SL#20-12 for the Corner Bar at the rodeo grounds on September 5, 2020 for barrel racing.

SL #20-10 to add dates for SL #20-10 for Moe’s Bar & Grill from Sept. 4, 2020 to Sept. 4 & Sept. 6, 2020 for the Match Bronc Ride & to add the Labor Day Triathlon at the rodeo grounds on September 7, 2020. This hearing was adjourned at 6:04 p.m.


Jaedyn Finkbeiner reported that the evening swim lessons have been very well attended. As Jaedyn needs to go back to college and local sports will be starting soon the pool will be closing August 14th, 2020. Pool staff will get the pool drained and ready for winter after it is closed.


Motion by Graham second by K. Trullinger to approve the agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.


Moved by K. Trullinger second by Richter to approve the minutes for July 14, 2020. Aye: all. Motion carried.


The bill-list, savings sheet, monthly revenues and vouchers were presented. Moved by Richter second by K. Trullinger to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.

July bills payable August 5, 2020


First Data (card fees) – 66.44; Salaries – Mayor – 411.75; Finance Office – 4589.33; Public Works – 9213.92; Lifeguards – 7478.62; SDRS (retirement) – 1635.90; IRS EFTPS (SS & FWT) – 6025.11; HPSD – 2318.92; Aflac (ins.) – 114.66; SDML (handbooks) – 120.00; Rylie Shull (void check 2461 reissue payroll) – 150.30; SD State Treasurer (June sales tax correction) – 103.54; Kieffer Sanitation (July roll off) – 334.40; Sam’s Club (concessions) – 1185.95; Kiefer Aquatics (void) - <375.00>; WREA (Service) – 1901.70; Golden West (telephone) – 297.64; SD State Treasurer (July Sales Tax) – 492.79; Pennington County Courant (publishing fees) – 125.59; MasterCard (pool t-shirts, gavel, office supplies) – 768.26; Menards (3 hole punch) – 9.99; Meri Jo Anderson (consulting fees, roll of stamps) – 938.00; City of Rapid City (July dump fees) – 1289.15; Midcontinent (pool water tests) – 54.00; BJ’s (bug spray, carb. fluid) – 31.85; Coca-Cola (soda) – 155.00; Whisler (hose for bobcat) – 62.60; Blake Fastnacht (tire baling) – 660.00; Sam’s Club (pool concessions) – 249.67; Knecht Home Center (paint) – 42.76; Pool & Spa (chemical) – 161.41; MG Oil (gas/diesel) – 1719.59; Black Hills Chemical (shop paper towel dispenser) – 37.18 TOTAL - $ 42371.02


Napa Auto Parts (tug repair) – 127.63; Great Western Tires (Distributor tire) – 382.75; Simon (oil, chips) – 17371.95; J & J Asphalt (cold mix) – 2232.45; Hall’s Grinding (hauling) – 1500.00; MG Oil (gas/diesel) – 688.38; Mastercard (tug repair) – 65.35; Inland Truck Parts TOTAL: $ 22745.12


WREA (Service) – 865.44; WRT (radium removal charge) –2275.88; Omni Site (alarm) – 25.00; Hawkins (chemicals) – 1228.00; SD One Call (message fee) – 10.50; US Bank (radium fee) – 1693.16 TOTAL: $6097.98


Reva Good (refund deposit) – 50.00; Michael Anderson (refund remaining deposit) – 94.40 TOTAL: $144.40


WREA (service) – 165.51; Omni-Site, Inc. (alarm) – 25.00 TOTAL: $ 190.51


Two quotes were received for installing the sewer line by Cecilia Lane. Motion by Hockenbary seconded by Graham to accept the lower quote for $4,900.00. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The chip sealing of City roads and radiuses should be done in the next couple of weeks.
The garbage truck has been repaired in house.

Deputy Jones presented the monthly report. He was told about the stop sign that went missing over the weekend and said he would look into it. Residents in the area are encouraged to check any camera’s they may have for any evidence of this and let law enforcement know if they find some.


Elections for the SDML SDPAA and Workman’s Compensation Boards will be on October 7, 2020 if anyone is interested in being on them.
A response has been received to a letter that was sent to the owner of the Autumn Village trailer court concerning the mowing of some of the property.
Mayor Gossard has been in contact again with the owner of the property with the trailer at 203 S. C Ave. that still needs to be removed from the property.
Pennington County Equalization needs to be informed of the removal of the mobile home at 211 S. C Ave and the lot needs to be cleaned up.


Building Permit #20-21 for Chad Tussing for a 14’ x 14’ Pergola with a 4’ Variance from the North and East property lines at 212 S. Janklow Ave. The adjacent property owners were notified and had no objections. Motion by Graham seconded by Richter to approve this building permit and variance. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Building Permit #20-22 for Ellen Clifford at 315 S. Bailey for a fence panels with a concrete pad, a 20’ x 18’ enclosed car port with an 8’ variance on the west side of the property. Permission from adjacent property owner was received. Motion by K. Trullinger seconded by Graham to approve the permit and the variance. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Building Permit #20-23 for Charles Berry at 200 E. Pine St. to replace the asphalt roof with a steel roof. Building Permit #20-24 for Edwin Metz at 213 S. A Ave. for a 5’ x 7’ shed. Building Permit #20-25 for Roy Philipsen to lay asphalt and install a 10 x 16 deck at 200 E. Ash St. Note: Mr. Philipsen will consult with the Director of Public Works concerning the drainage etc. of the asphalt. Motion by Graham seconded by K. Trullinger to approve these permits. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Motion by K. Trullinger seconded by Hockenbary to approve Building Permit #20-26 for Moe’s Bar & Grill for a pergola as it meets the business district setbacks. Aye: all. Motion carried.

Motion by Richter seconded by Graham to approve SL #20-10 for Moe’s Bar & Grill from Sept. 4, 2020 to Sept. 4 & Sept. 6, 2020 for the Match Bronc Ride & to add the Labor Day Triathlon on September 7, 2020 at the rodeo grounds. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Motion by Hockenbary seconded by K. Trullinger to approve SL #20-12 for the Corner Bar at the rodeo grounds for barrel racing on September 5, 2020. Aye: all. Motion carried.

Motion by K. Trullinger seconded by Richter to grant the following requests:

The street be closed and open container be allowed on Labor Day weekend Sunday, September 6, 2020 on S. A Ave. from Elm to Oak St. from 1 p.m. to midnight, the Corner Bar is responsible for the barricade removal.
The use of the Community Center Sunday, September 6, 2020 for the Labor Day steam burger feed, electrical from Public Works Shop and cement pad for music and announcing.
Aye: all. Motion carried.

Motion by Hockenbary seconded by Richter to approve the following requests:

Pine St. closed from A Ave. to B Ave. on Monday, September 7, 2020 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with open container on City Hall property for horseshoes.
Use of the Community Center bathrooms on Monday September 7, 2020 until 12 p.m.
Aye: all. Motion carried.


The following Resolution was introduced,

City of New Underwood Resolution Number 20-04



WHEREAS, pursuant to section 5001 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, Pub. L. No. 116-136, div. A, Title V (Mar. 27, 2020) (the “CARES Act”), the State of South Dakota has received federal funds that may only be used to cover costs that: (a) are necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19); (b) were not accounted for in the budget most recently approved as of March 27, 2020, for the State of South Dakota; and (c) were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020, and ends on December 30, 2020; and

WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood acknowledges that the State of South Dakota, in its sole discretion, may retain full use of these funds for the purposes delineated in the CARES Act; and

WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood acknowledges that in order to provide financial assistance to counties and municipalities in South Dakota, the State of South Dakota, in its sole discretion, may allocate CARES Act funds Act on a statewide basis to reimburse counties and municipalities as delineated herein; and

WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood seeks funding to reimburse eligible expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19; and

WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood acknowledges that any request for reimbursement of expenditures will only be for expenditures that were not accounted for in the budget for the City of New Underwood most recently approved as of March 27, 2020; and

WHEREAS, the City of New Underwood acknowledges that it will only seek reimbursement for costs incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020, and ends on December 30, 2020;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of New Underwood that the mayor of New Underwood may execute any and all documents as required by the State in order to receive CARES Act funds.

It is further

RESOLVED that any request for reimbursement will be only for those costs authorized by the State that: (1) Are necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19; (2) Were not accounted for in the City budget most recently approved as of March 27, 2020; and (3) Were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020, and ends on December 30, 2020.

It is further

RESOLVED that the City will not request reimbursement from the State under the CARES Act for costs for which the City previously received reimbursement, or for which the City has a reimbursement request pending before another source.

Approved and adopted this 5 day of August, 2020. ________________________________ Teresa Gossard, Mayor City of New Underwood, South Dakota



Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer

City of New Underwood, South Dakota

The Council was given a list of frequently asked questions from the Black Hills Area Council of Local Governments that specified that Cities are allowed to claim these funds for reimbursement of all law enforcement fees from March 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Motion by Hockenbary seconded by Richter to approve Resolution #20-04. Roll call vote: Aye: Graham, Hockenbary, Richter and K. Trullinger. Motion carried.


After looking over the insurance estimate for the hail damage done to some City buildings it was moved by K. Trullinger seconded by Hockenbary to wait to file a claim for the damage done to buildings as the damage at this time is superficial. Aye: all. Motion carried.


The City will apply for the monies made available by the State for spraying of mosquito’s next year.
Being no further business Mayor Gossard adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m.


Kristi Pritzkau, Finance Officer