Minutes November 2, 2011
A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:05 p.m. in the Community Center on November 2, 2011. Present were: Mayor Jack Trullinger, Council member’s: Rikka Buchtel, Laurie Holloway, John Torrey and Joe Whitney. Also present: Finance Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Dir. Of Public Works John Bale, Deputy McPherson, Captain Brubakken, Cris Allen & girls, Mike Holloway, Jim & Kathy Harbert, Dianne Trullinger, Travis Lassiter, and Wes Flint. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger.
Moved by Whitney second by Torrey to approve the amended agenda. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Motion by Holloway second by Buchtel to approve the October 19, 2011 minutes as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
The financial reports, bill-list and vouchers were presented. Motion by Torrey second by Buchtel to approve the financial reports and the following warrants as presented. Aye: all. Motion carried.
October bills payable November 2, 2011
Salaries - Council – 1032.20; Finance Officer – 2709.72; Public Works – 3914.78; First Interstate Bank (box rent) – 25.00; Merchant Bank (visa charges) – 68.13; Jack Trullinger (mileage & reimbursement supplies) – 373.17; Laurie Holloway (mileage) – 355.20; Elan (toner, parts, tools, supplies) – 599.03; SD Unemployment Ins. (3rd qtr) – 83.62; Safety Benefits (reg. fee) – 195.00; Sam’s Club (fuel) – 35.13; Wellmark – 1362.48; IRS – EFTPS (Oct) – 1915.12; SD Retirement (Oct) – 924.22; WREA (Service) –1140.62; Golden West (Service) –294.34; RC Landfill (dump fees) – 2446.44; SD State Treasurer ( Sales Tax) –208.13; Steve’s (fuel) –445.35; NU Post (publishing) –142.30; Penn. Co. Highway (fuel) – 386.40; Kristi Lemke (clean CC) –50.00; AT & T (service) – 123.68; Godfrey Brake (GT lts) – 70.60; R & R Trenching (gravel) – 375.00; BH Insurance (public officials bond) – 688.00; City of Rapid City (hauler license) – 5.00; Jenner Equip – 314.80; Sheriff Dept. (3rd qtr) – 9372.25; Pool & Spa (winterize pool) – 464.22; SDML Work Comp Fund (ins) – 2812.00; McWrench (tire repair) – 30.00; BH Chemical (CC) – 86.40; Display Sales (Christmas lts) – 108.00. TOTAL: $33156.33.
Larry Phillips trucking (hauling chips) – 659.64; Lee Phillips Trucking (hauling chips) – 326.46. TOTAL: $986.10
WREA (Service) – 597.42; Hawkins (chemical & parts) – 1853.89; Midcontinent (testing) – 256.00; SD One Call (3rd qtr) – 26.25; WRT (monthly radium removal charge) – 1912.50; Omni Site (alarm) – 23.00; HD Waterworks (Pipe) – 11218.01. TOTAL: $15887.07
Russ Tiensvold (dep. Refund) – 50.00. TOTAL: $50.00
DENR (test) – 10.00; WREA (service) – 61.14; Omni-Site, Inc. (alarm) – 23.00; Mid American Research (enzymes) – 341.55. TOTAL: $435.69
A citizen requested the Council change the ordinance that states the property owner is responsible for unpaid utility bills. The Council felt the ordinance should remain as written.
Mr. Bale reported they have been straightening signs and trimming branches around city signs, working on alleys, replacing meters.
Some concerns were expressed about the CHLORINE levels. Mr. Bale stated he has upped the chlorine levels to stay in compliance throughout the City. The minimum free chlorine residual is 0.2 mg/L with the maximum not to exceed 4.0 mg/L. Currently the levels are .9 at the well and .5 at the south edge of town.
Reminder to the public that painted and stained wood are not allowed at the DUMP any longer. Signs are posted at the dump and in City Hall to remind citizens of this.
Deputy McPherson presented his written monthly report. He was gone last week attending crisis intervention training.
Capt. Brubakken will try to attend meetings quarterly. Citizens may take a ride along with the sheriff with a signed waiver.
A letter was received from Pennington County Highway giving authorization to proceed with the six inch water main to the south.
On October 24th, Ken Klewicki, with the Cadmus Group out of Virginia, performed an audit on the SRF stimulus funds received for the radium removal plant. We received approval on meeting the criteria for American Made and the Davis Bacon Act. The auditor was very impressed when he inspected the actual plant.
Another quote was received on the concrete in front of the community center, in the amount of $14,924.00 and this company could start within 2 weeks. Tines Concrete cannot begin until spring and his quote is $7,104.00. The Mayor requested the Council go with Tines. After discussion it was moved by Buchtel second by Whitney to hold off until spring and go with Tines. Aye: all. Motion carried. For now grind high spots, use crack filler, and put gravel fines in the square that was removed.
The Mayor had discussed the needed 119.61 running feet of 20 foot easement needed with both Richter and Gimpel. The easement drawn up by the attorney for the Richter property was presented. (The fire alarm went off at Sunny Haven and Councilman Torrey left at 6:33 p.m. Voting on resolution 11-09 & trenching award was the only part of the meeting he missed.) Whereupon Resolution Number 11-09 was introduced.
WHEREAS a permanent utility easement between Alice and Tyler Richter and the City of New Underwood located on the following described real property:
Lot 5, Block 1, Gimpel Addition, Section 30, T2N, R11E, BHM, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota
was submitted for the purpose of examination and approval by the governing body, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the utility easement agreement for Alice and Tyler Richter for a 20 foot wide permanent utility easement located on Lot 5, Block 1, Gimpel Addition, Section 30, T2N, R11E, BHM, New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota be approved and the Mayor of New Underwood is hereby authorized to endorse on such easement agreement dated November 2, 2011.
Dated this 2nd day of November, 2011
Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor
Motion by Holloway second by Buchtel to approve resolution number 11-09. Roll call vote. Aye: Buchtel, Holloway, and Whitney. Nay: none. Motion carried.
Another local was contacted on the trenching, but he was not interested in giving a quote. Motion by Whitney second by Holloway to approve the quote for trenching this six inch main from R & R Trenching in the amount of $1,372.00. Aye: all. Motion carried.
Other items discussed:
- Safety Benefits conference November 16 & 17. Anderson, Bale, and one Councilmember will attend.
- The mayor has inspected the proposed drainage at the economic development house on main street and reported it looks good.
- The monthly Mayors meeting was held in Custer last week. Mayor Trullinger attended and enjoyed discussing the failures and successes of other cities.
- Correspondence sent: leaves & yard waste & metal not allowed in dumpsters and should not be put out with household garbage; double check valve needs installed; clean up property.
- Deputy McPherson complimented for his work with DARE.
Being no further business Mayor Trullinger adjourned the meeting at 6:37 p.m.
(Seal) Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer