New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes June 16, 2011




A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center on June 15, 2011.  Present were: Mayor Trullinger, Council member’s: Rikka Buchtel, Russ Tiensvold, John Torrey, and Joe Whitney.  Also present: Finance Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Public Works Supervisor John Bale, Deputy McPherson, Cris Allen, John Jensen, Rory Pischer, Chad, Ethan, Elisa Tussing,  John & Irene Madsen, and Ralph Matz. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Trullinger.



Moved by Buchtel second by Torrey to approve the amended agenda.  Aye: all. Motion




Moved by Tiensvold second by Buchtel to approve the June 1, 2011 minutes. Aye: all.  Motion carried.



Chad Tussing requested closing off Janklow Ave. between Hwy 1416 & Ash St. to hold a block party on July 16 from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. After discussion it was moved by Tiensvold second by Whitney to approve this request barring any voiced objection.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.  These objections may be filed at City Hall prior to July 6.



Mr. Bale reported the gypsy moth traps are out, they sprayed for mosquitos today and put out briquettes, new flags are up at the Community Center, two blocks patched this week, lead & copper tests taken to lab this week. Next week, David Flint, with the Rapid Valley Water Dept. will be coming down to scope the broken hydrant at the corner of Ash & “C” to evaluate how best to repair it.



Mr. Bale received a quote from Liquid Engineering to inspect, report, & clean the water storage tank in the amount of $2,780.00. Motion by Buchtel second by Torrey to contract with Liquid Engineering to clean the storage tank for $2,780.00.  Roll call vote.  Aye: Buchtel, Tiensvold, Torrey, and Whitney.  Nay: none.  Motion carried.



Deputy McPherson reported that the bike rally safety course was a success and all 20 the participants received helmets.



Landfill inspection report from DENR was presented to the Council.  Mayor Trullinger stated the public works staff is taking care of the recommendations.  DENR will be back to inspect again in two weeks.






Mayor Trullinger reported that the public works staff will hand out letters to citizens whose residence do not have house numbers displayed.  If they need help putting up these numbers they are to contact City Hall.  The Fire Dept. and Ambulance Dept. have offered to help.



Ralph Matz, legal representative, spoke to the Council about extending the 6 inch water main to 16010 Hwy 1416 (Esther Matz House), since currently it is a two inch service line.  He spoke about cost sharing, with the City providing man and machine, and they (Matz) paying for the materials. Mayor Trullinger explained that when we put in the line on Janklow,  the city provided man and machine using $90.00 an hour as a measure of what the actual dollar amount the city was providing (since no actual dollars are spent above the normal salary of city staff).  In taxes alone, no user fees included, the city  recouped double the amount invested the first year. 8% of the total tax dollars of the City comes from these two blocks which the city helped develop.  Discussion followed on boring across 1416 using the main that Jon & Irene Madsen cost shared for; how much the city wants to be involved in development of land, even though all the land is currently in the city limits except for three acres around the house, and annexing this land; being prudent with city monies. Motion by Buchtel to table this request, seconded by Torrey. Mayor Trullinger reminded the Council that Mr. Matz lives in Brookings.  The question was called.  Aye:  Torrey.  Nay: Buchtel, Tiensvold, and Whitney.  Motion not carried.  More discussion followed.  Motion by Tiensvold second by Buchtel to cost share the 6 inch line on the north side of 1416 from 16034 Hwy 1416 (Alice Richter) to 16010 Hwy 1416 (Esther Matz), with the city providing man and machine, Matz paying and providing materials, Matz will give the city a 20 foot utility easement across this land, and Matz will annex the three acres which contains the house.  Aye:  Buchtel, Tiensvold, and Whitney.  Nay: Torrey.  Motion carried.  Torrey voted nay because he stated the city had a cheaper alternative to get Matz water and that the city should not bear the cost of future development of infrastructure.

Matz also requested taking about the ten inch secondary line and extending “C” Ave. to the north.  Mayor Trullinger stated these requests would be between the city and the developer of the land. The Council stated they were not prepared to discuss either of these subjects.



Ordinance Number 11-04 received its 1st reading. This amends the water ordinance to add:

If account is two months past due, a late notice will be sent on the 15th.  If account is not brought current by the 25th of the month the water will be shut off on the last day of the month, unless it is the week-end, then it will be shut off the following Monday.  Accounts that are past due currently will have to sign an agreement to pay a set dollar amount on the old balances plus keep their monthly bill current.

Moved by Buchtel second by Whitney to accept the first reading of ordinance number 11-04.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.






Ordinance Number 11-05 received its 1st reading.  This amends the general commercial districts ordinance to add: That caretakerships must meet most of the requirements of transported homes on single lots.

Motion by Torrey second by Tiensvold to approve the 1st reading.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.







BE IT RESOLVED by the New Underwood City Council that the City of New Underwood accepts the construction of the Radium Removal Treatment Plant for Well #2, CDBG Number 0909AR4, as satisfactorily completed.


Dated June 15, 2011


(Seal)                                                                    Jack W. Trullinger, Mayor


Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer


Motion by Torrey second by Buchtel to accept Resolution Number 11-03.  Roll call vote.  Aye:  Buchtel, Tiensvold, Torrey and Whitney.  Nay: none.  Motion carried.



BP#11-14; Casey White; 118 Monroe; tear down shed, garage, fence

BP#11-15; Jeromy Amiotte; 502 S. Bailey; fence

BP#11-16; Tony Ascrizzi; 16070 Hwy 1416; shed

BP#11-17; David Flint; 103 S. “C” Ave; home addition and variance off alley set backs

11-14 & 11-15 were tabled.

Moved by Torrey second by Buchtel to approve 11-16 & 11-17 and the variance on 11-17.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.


Other items discussed:

  1. Governmental Funds Sheets were presented & questions answered.
  2. Two dogs running at large warnings sent.  Also one letter on a possible wolf hybrid, which are against ordinance.


Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.





(Seal)  Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer