New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Article 4 - Planning & Zoning Comprehensive Development









    In order to insure that future development in New Underwood occurs in an orderly fashion and in a

manner which is desirable to the citizens of New Underwood, a flexible long range plan has been


     This comprehensive plan has been prepared so that a basic framework for New Underwood’s

future growth can be presented. It is essential that this plan be updated so that changing trends and future

occurrences can be reflected in its content. As a result, the plan will aid in the establishment of a process

which will assist residents in attaining community goals.


The Planning Process

     The approach used by the New Underwood Planning and Zoning commission in developing the

comprehensive plan was based upon the following methods:

     1. development of community goals and objectives;

     2. analysis of past trends and data which is pertinent to the formulation of future growth policies; and

     3. development of specific recommendations and policies which can be utilized in achieving the community’s goals.


Community Background


    New Underwood is located in Pennington County in western South Dakota. The City has a 2000 population

of 616 persons, with the 2005 population estimate being 739 persons. The community has experienced

steady population growth in recent years. Approximately 50% of New Underwood residents commute to

nearby Rapid City for employment, while the other 50% work locally.

     New Underwood is located on Interstate 90 and therefore has direct access to the larger urban

center of Rapid City. As a result, the community depends upon Rapid City for many commercial and

professional services and does not have a large commercial sector. However, the City does function as a

service center for the surrounding farm and ranching community.



     The following goals and objectives have been adopted by the City of New Underwood in order to serve as guides for future development of the community. These goals and objectives are designed to accommodate the City’s physical, social, and economic growth.

Economic Goal

     To provide a diversified economy which will expand employment opportunities and provide stability to the community.


     - Encourage a range of employment so all residents have potential for job opportunities

     - Reserve land within the City for potential commercial and industrial locations

     - Promote a balanced level of commercial services

     - Encourage an economic base which will provide sufficient job opportunities for New Underwood residents

Public Facilities Goal 

     To provide a system of public facilities which will provide citizens with adequate social, economic and physical services.


     - Ensure that public facilities are constructed as the City grows and develops

     - Require developers to contribute towards projected facility needs

     - Develop a capital improvements program which will prioritize construction of new public facilities

     - Reserve land for future public facility requirements

     - Regulate land uses so that development can be served by existing facilities


Housing Goal 

     To encourage development of housing capable of accommodating all persons equitably.



     - Provide housing units in accordance with community needs

     - Undertake programs to maintain existing housing conditions

     - Encourage community renovation and redevelopment

     - Regulate land uses so that residential land is compatible with surrounding land uses

     - Encourage development of housing which is affordable to low and moderate income and elderly households


Environmental Goal 

     To develop within a framework of the City’s development, a concern for natural resources and to base planning on sound environmental policy.



     - Protect flood plains and drainage ways

     - Protect areas of excessive slope

     - Protect environmentally sensitive areas

     - Support reasonable air, water and land quality management programs


Recreation Goal 

     Provide facilities so that all people of the City will have recreational opportunities.


     - Identify deficiencies in the existing parks and recreation system

     - Develop recreation facilities which are commensurate with the demands of the future population

     - Provide passive as well as active recreation opportunities

     - Provide recreation opportunities which are accessible to all residents of the community

     - Provide recreation opportunities suitable for residents of all ages


Land Use Goal 

     To establish through planning , a land use pattern which enhances the value of residential living while promoting the expansion of a well balanced community.



     - Promote clustering of activities

     - Provide intensified land uses adjacent to transportation facilities

     - Regulate land uses to be compatible with existing or projected uses

     - Encourage development on land and soils which are suitable for the proposed land uses


Transportation Goal 

     To provide a balanced system which provides adequate transportation facilities to New Underwood residents.



     - Provide major and minor streets as required

     - Insure that transpiration systems are provided at a pace in accordance with development

     -Encourage development in areas with existing transportation routes so that construction of new streets and highways is minimized



Past Demographic Patterns

     The community of New Underwood has experienced significant population growth during the past 25 years. Table I indicates US Census counts for 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000. These figures reveal that New Underwood grew in size by 130 percent from 1950 to 2000. Population growth, such as New Underwood has experienced, results in many additional requirements for a community. The school system and public facilities must be expanded and new recreational facilities provided in order to meet the demands of an expanding population. 


2000 Population Characteristics

     Detailed census data indicates that New Underwood had a medium age population in 2000. The median age was 33.9 years which is younger than median ages of all communities in Pennington County, which is 35 years.

     Figure I indicates the age structure of the male and female population of New Underwood in 2000. Thirty-three and four tenths (33.4) percent of all males and 35.2 percent of all females were between 5-34 years of age in 2000. Only 6.5 percent of males and 7.5 percent of females were over 65 years old in 2000. This data further demonstrates that New Underwood had a relatively young population in 2000.

Population Projections

     New Underwood is projected to continue steady growth throughout the year 2030 with a projected increase of 659 persons or 107 percent from 2000 to 2030. Table II indicates population projections for a population of 739 in 2005, 886 in 2010, and 1275 persons in 2030.

     These projections are based on an average percentage rate of growth during past years. It must be emphasized that these projections do not reflect phenomena which may occur within the next 20 years. In particular, the future importance of Ellsworth Air Force base will have a significant impact on New Underwood’s population. Some of the community’s current residents are Air Force Base Military and civilian personnel. As a result, a significant change in size at Ellsworth will have an immediate effect upon New Underwood’s population. Therefore, it is essential that projections be monitored and updated as the needs arise. However, projections are valuable planning tools and will help to determine the land use and community development needs of the future.



(using federal census figures)



        1915     1930      1940     1950      1960         1970            1980             1990            2000          2010


        119         311       214      268          462           416             517               553               616            660


                                                             73%-I      10%-D     25%-I         7%-I          12%-I          8%-I


SOURCE: US CENSUS                                      OVER 60 YEAR 135% INCREASE


                                                                             TABLE II 


 ESTIMATE                    2020          2030          2040

                                     790           870             957




     New Underwood has had a relatively small but stable economy in past years. The size of New Underwood’s economy has been greatly influenced by the close proximity of Rapid City which provides many basic services to the City’s citizens. As a result, New Underwood has not developed a commercially oriented economy.

Gross Sales

     Table III indicates total gross sales in New Underwood during the years 1998 and 1999. These statistics show that gross sales increased slightly during this time period. However, this increase can be mainly attributed to inflation. It is projected that gross sales will continue to slowly increase in the future.

Major Employers

     Table IV lists the major employers within the City of New Underwood.

     The Good Samaritan Nursing Home is the largest employer with sixty (60) employees while the New Underwood School employs forty two (42) persons. Steve’s General store has 14-22 employees depending on the season. The remaining employers each employ less than ten (10) persons.

     Ellsworth Air Force Base is no longer the major employer of New Underwood residents. It is estimated that 11 City residents work at the Air Force Base, plus 25 retired military live here. In addition, it is estimated that one hundred thirty two (132) persons commute from New Underwood to Rapid City for employment, making Rapid City businesses one of the major employers. The balance of workers, 159, work in the City or surrounding communities.








 YEAR                           GROSS SALES
1998                             4,494,839.43


                                                          1999                             4,651,218.89


SOURCE: South Dakota Business Research Bureau 






EMPLOYER                                                                                              NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES*

Good Samaritan Home                                                                                           60
New Underwood School                                                                                          42 
Unit Step - Crosbie Ditching                                                                                     6 
First Western Bank                                                                                                  5
Pennington County Shop                                                                                          3
New Underwood Grain Exchange                                                                               4
Ron’s Propane                                                                                                         6
Steve’s                                                                                                                 14
Kids Kastle                                                                                                             6 
T & T Bar                                                                                                               3
RK’s Saloon                                                                                                            3
Post Office                                                                                                              5
Slim’s Custom Leather                                                                                             2

*Estimated Employees, October, 2001


Source: New Underwood City Office


Farm Economy

     The City provides many services to the agricultural community located within a 20 mile radius of the City limits. The New Underwood Grain Exchange is of great importance to the area farmers and ranchers and also serves farmers as distant as 100 miles to the north. As a result, the community depends upon agriculture to provide economic stability. In addition, Steve’s General Store provides necessary fuel & food to the majority of the agricultural community.

Economic Outlook

     New Underwood’s economy should continue to expand as the City’s population gradually increases. However, significant economic expansion is dependent upon several factors, including:

     * the ability of the City to attract commercial development to the downtown area;                                              

 * the development of a solid industrial/commercial base which will employ local residents in contrast to the present situation where a majority of the residents commute to other areas for employment                                                  * the influence of Rapid City expanding to the East in terms of people moving to the community & creating additional demand for localized business & professional services.



     An examination of existing land uses is necessary to provide insight towards potential future land uses and the entire pattern of development within a community.

     This analysis will inventory the existing major uses of land within the City of New Underwood and provide a discussion of significant factors relating to the land uses.

     As Table V points out, New Underwood contains approximately 290.42 acres of land within its corporate limits. Utilizing the 2000 U.S. Census estimate which indicates 616 persons are residing in New Underwood, the population density of the City is 2.13 persons per acre.

     New Underwood is characterized by the familiar grid street pattern which is uniform throughout the community. Other notable physical features include the Dakota, Minnesota, Eastern Railroad which crosses the City to the south and Box Elder Creek which winds through the south portion of New Underwood.

Major Land Uses

     Table V identifies six major land use categories within New Underwood and Map A graphically outlines existing land use in the community. Each of these land uses will be briefly discussed.

Cultivated, Range, and Vacant Land

     This land use category contains the largest amount of land in New Underwood, with a total of 96.39 acres being classified as vacant, cultivated, or range land. This category comprises 34 percent of all land in the City. As Map A shows, the major amount of open land is located in the south end of New Underwood. It is important to note that at this time this area is in the flood plain which limits its development.

Residential Land Use

     New Underwood records a total of 94.34 acres of land area which is used for residential purposes. This acreage results in a density of 6.5 persons per residential acre.                                                                                       

     While residential land use is dispersed throughout much of the City, the greatest concentration of housing is located in the central portion of the community, generally between Box Elder Street to the north and Elm Street to the south.

     Single family units comprise the largest number of residential structures. However, in recent years, a significant amount of land, 18% has become devoted to mobile home parks. In addition, there is a small amount of land which is utilized for multi-family residential dwellings.

Commercial Land Use

     Commercial land use, including retail business, warehousing and wholesale business, consumes 20.35 acres of land. This represents only 7 percent of New Underwood’s total land area. The largest commercial user of land is retail sales, with 12.18 acres, followed by service, manufacturing, and financial, which combined equal 6.57 acres of land. There is no significant concentration of commercial land use in the City, with the exception of A Avenue, between Elm Street and Oak Street, (the central business district), which contains approximately eight commercial sites. The remaining commercial activities in New Underwood are scattered throughout the northern part of the City.

     The small amount of commercial land indicates that New Underwood does not have a large commercial sector, but the commercial sector has grown 300% in the last 20 years. Commercial activity has become an economic factor in New Underwood.

Projected Land Use Needs

     The increasing number of New Underwood residents will require additional land for residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and public facilities. Although it is difficult to predict the precise amount of land which will be needed, it is valuable to project the approximate amount and also the type of land an expanding community will require in future years.

     Table VI outlines the projected land use requirements for the years 2000 to 2010, 2010 to 2020 and 2020 to 2030. These projections are based upon the size of the anticipated population increase of New Underwood and the amount of land needed for that population expansion. Existing deficiencies are not considered in this projection. The criteria used to determine the land use needs are listed as follows:

1. Residential: 8 acres per 100 persons population increase;
2. Commercial: 2 acres per 100 persons population increase;
3. Industrial: 1 acre per 100 persons population increase;
4. Recreational: 2 acre per 100 persons population increase
                              5. Public and Quasi Public Uses: 2 acres per 100 persons population increase: and
 6. Transportation: 1 acre per 100 persons population increase.

     The preceding figures used to determine land use needs were developed by calculating current amounts of land use per 100 persons and by examining data which is generally accepted as standard for communities of similar size to New Underwood. 

     As Table VI indicates, New Underwood will require and additional 107.44 acres of land by the year 2030 in order to accommodate the needs of the increasing population. During this period, 45.2 acres will be needed by 2010, 28.32 acres by 2020, and an additional 33.92 acres will be required between 2020 and 2030.  

     Within the various major land use categories, residential development will consume the greatest amount of area, 52.72 acres, while commercial, recreation, and public/private (including schools and churches) oriented land uses are projected to require and additional 13.18 acres each. Industrial and transportation land uses will need an additional 7.59 acres each by the year 200.

     As previously discussed, land use calculations are based upon the future population of New Underwood. Therefore, any changing trends or occurrences affecting population growth in New Underwood will substantially impact upon land use requirements for the City.








Land Use Category                                                       Acres                                                   Percent of Total

Residential                                                                  94.34                                                             33%

Commercial                                                                 20.35                                                               7%

Industrial                                                                       0                                                                   0

Public & Semi-Public                                                     18.80                                                               6%

Recreation                                                                   19.20                                                               6%

Transportation                                                             41.34                                                              15%

Cultivated, Range                                                         96.39                                                              33%

TOTAL                                                                        290.42                                                            100%


SOURCE: Land use survey conducted by New Underwood City Staff, 2001.







TYPE OF LAND USE 2000-2010                   2010-2020                   2020-2030                TOTAL


Residential                                  21.6 acres                   14.16 acres                     16.96 acres          52.72 acres

Commercial                                  5.4 acres                     3.54 acres                       4.24 acres           13.18 acres

Industrial                                     3.7 acres                     1.77 acres                        2.12 acres            7.59 acres

Recreation                                   5.4 acres                      3.54 acres                       4.24 acres            13.18 acres

Public/Quasi Public                       5.4 acres                      3.54 acres                       4.24 acres             13.18 acres

Transportation                             3.7 acres                      1.77 acres                       2.12 acres               7.59 acres

TOTAL                                      45.2 ACRES                   28.32 ACRES                 33.92 ACRES       107.44 ACRES


 SOURCE: Calculations by the New Underwood City Staff




     The General Land Use Plan is designed to designate areas where various types of future development
should occur. The Plan outlines the best areas for the City’s general growth and also designates the optimal
locations for residential, commercial, industrial, and public facility development. This Plan considers land
which is located within the corporate limits of New Underwood and also land which is adjacent to the
existing City limits.


     Much of the land within the City limits of New Underwood has already been developed. There are three major undeveloped land areas in the City. These areas include:

     1.      South New Underwood: Most of this area is located south of Box Elder Creek. This area is proposed to have industrial development, with the exception of an area within the flood plain of Box Elder Creek which should remain undeveloped. Currently there are industrial uses in the area, primarily the New Underwood Grain Exchange. 

     2.      Southeast New Underwood: A second large undeveloped area is located in the southeast part of the City . Residential land use is proposed for this tract of land. Developed land adjacent to this area is primarily residential and there are no conflicting land uses which would be detrimental to continued residential development in southeast New Underwood.
     3.      North New Underwood: A smaller piece of largely undeveloped land is located in the north part of the City. The area has been projected for residential growth, with the exception of an area within the flood prone area which should not be developed. This area is a good site for industrial development because of its proximity to the interstate
access road which provides transportation opportunities for developers considering locating in New Underwood


     The remainder of land within the City has essentially been developed. Map B outlines the developed portion of the City and basically reflects the land uses as they exist in 2000.



     The City of New Underwood proposes general areas for residential, commercial, industrial, and
public facility development of land surrounding its corporate limits. (See Map B) While the City presently
has no jurisdictional power outside the City limits, the Planning Commission believes it is important to
designate optimal areas for development since much of this land will eventually be incorporated into the
City. Proposed locations for the major types of development are discussed as follows:

Residential Development

New Underwood is primarily a residential community. Therefore, much of the land surrounding
the City is projected to accommodate residential growth. Residential land use is proposed to the east of
New Underwood and to the west and north of City. All of these areas are adjacent to existing residential
areas and housing development is continuing in these areas. Therefore, it has been determined that
residential development is both desirable and feasible in these locations.

Commercial/Industrial Development

     New Underwood has projected that commercial and light industrial growth should be concentrated in the northeast part of New Underwood for the following reasons:

     1.      a mixture of commercial and light industrial uses already exist in the area;

     2.      the area is adjacent to the New Underwood interchange of I-90 and commercial establishments will be able to attract traffic form the interstate;

     3.      the proximity of highways will provide good transportation opportunities for light industrial uses locating in the area; and

     4. there is little residential development in the area and therefore the potential for land use conflicts is minimal.


Public Facility Development

     An area east of New Underwood has been delineated for public facility development. (See Map) This land will be used for expansion of the City’s sewage lagoon system. Currently there is one lagoon located at the site, but increased population has created the need for additional sewage treatment facilities in New Underwood, and therefore land should be reserved for expansion of the lagoon site.




     Transportation related issues are a continuing concern to the City of New Underwood. A long range planning program should be developed in order to effectively deal with New Underwood’s present and future transportation requirements. This plan will analyze the existing transportation system, project future requirements and propose locations for future development of major streets.




     The City of New Underwood is served by several transportation routes including Interstate 90, Old High 14-16, and the DM & E Railroad.

     New Underwood’s internal street system is characterized by the familiar grid pattern, with a majority of the streets being chip sealed and lacking curb and gutter.


Major Traffic Generators

     The existing transportation system can be analyzed by identifying areas within the City which produce large amounts of traffic, as traffic flow is directly related to the location of major traffic generators. New Underwood’s major traffic generators are listed as follows:

1. The New Underwood School

2. Downtown Business Area

3. Interchange 78 on I-90

4. New Underwood Grain Exchange

     These traffic generators should be serviced with streets which will adequately move traffic to and from these areas.


Functional Classification of Streets

     Functional classification is the process by which streets and highways are grouped into systems according to the character of their service. It is essential that vehicular traffic be channeled within the transportation network in an efficient and logical manner. Functional classification helps to define this channelization by defining the role each street plays in moving traffic throughout New Underwood.

     The street system of New Underwood is grouped into three (3) major classifications. Map C outlines the classification of the existing street system of the City. These classifications are defined as follows:

Arterial: A road intended to move through traffic to and from such major attractors as central business districts, regional shopping centers, schools, major industrial areas, major recreation areas, churches, and similar traffic generators.

Collector Road: A road intended to move traffic from local roads to arterioles. A collector road serves a neighborhood or large subdivision and should be designed so that no residential properties face onto it.

Local Road: A road intended to provide access to other roads from individual properties and to provide right-of-way beneath it for sewer, water, and storm drainage pipes.


     New Underwood is projected to experience a population increase during the next 20 years. As a result, increasing traffic volume will place a greater burden upon the existing transportation system and create a need for expansion of the system. 

     This expansion should be compatible with existing and future land uses and be designed to serve the future traffic generators. Projected future traffic producing areas include:

     1. residential developments to the east of City;

     2. residential development to the north and west of New Underwood; and

     3. commercial and light industrial development to the north of New Underwood.


     Both areas of residential development should be serviced by major roads premarked collector streets, which will transport traffic to the major arterioles. In particular, major streets should provide direct access to Interstate 90 and Old Highway 14 and 16 as these highways are used extensively by New Underwood residents who commute to Rapid City.

     The designated commercial/light area in north New Underwood will also require additional roads. These streets should be in the form of service roads which will provide easy access for commercial customers and good transportation opportunities for industrial sites.

Major Street Extensions

     Additional traffic volume and increasing residential, commercial, and industrial development will require expansion of New Underwood’s transportation network.

     Map C outlines proposed extensions of major street (arterial and collector) in New Underwood and surrounding area.

     All of these streets are designed to service future residential developments and to channel traffic into existing collector and arterial streets.

     In eastern New Underwood, two major east-west and one north-south thoroughfares are proposed. Pine street and South Ash Street should be extended to the east in order to serve future residential neighborhoods. A north-south street should also be constructed in this area so that traffic from the area can easily be channeled to Interstate 90 and therefore will not have to travel towards the downtown area for access to major transportation routes.

     In the western part of New Underwood, two east-west roads and one north-south street are proposed. Residential growth is also projected for this area and westward extensions of South Ash Street and Oak Street, in conjunction with a major north-south street, will provide residents of the area with access to Old Highway 14 and 16 and Interstate 90.








Year                                                                            City Budget                                   Park & Recreation Budget

2000                                                                          $265,409.00                                           $4,462.00

2001                                                                          $576,807.00                                          $17,020.00

2002                                                                          $607,031.01                                          $25,270.00

SOURCE: New Underwood Finance Officer 






PARK                                                             MUNICIPAL                                         FACILITIES

NU Community Center                                    .50 acres                     meeting room, dance hall, bathrooms, kitchen

Municipal Park                                              1.02 acres                      8 picnic tables, slide, 6 cookers, swings,

                                                                                                        swings, merry-go-round, outdoor restrooms

(PRIVATE) Rodeo Grounds                       12 acres                          grandstand, concessions, restrooms, showers,

                                                                                                        2 arenas, barn, holding pens, chutes



New Underwood School District 51-3          2 acres                           tennis court, basketball court, swings, slides,


Harmony Allendance Center                      4 acres                                    swings, slide, baseball diamond

New Underwood School District 51-3                                                            football field, baseball field



New Underwood Dam                                                                            fishing, target range, outdoor toilets

Remote Control Airplanes Airport                                                        landing strip, picnic tables, outdoor toilets






     Land use needs projections indicate that new Underwood’s growing population will need an additional 13.18 acres of recreation land by the year 2030. This plan will inventory the existing outdoor recreation system, identify deficiencies and include a five year plan for recreation facility development.

Park and Recreation Budget

     Table VII lists New Underwood’s City, and Park and Recreation budgets for the years 2000, 2001, and 2002. This shows a steady increase of the budget with steady increases in parks and recreation as well. 

Active Community Organizations

     The American Legion Club and the Lions Club (helps school with sports and scholarships, honor society, and Light House for the Blind). In addition, Girl Scout and Boy Scout programs are offered in the community. The New Underwood Youth Recreation Inc. organizes the summer ball program. The New Underwood Economic Development Corporation promotes existing business & encourages the development of new business, industry, and housing.


     New Underwood has nearly 3 acres of municipal park and playground. The New Underwood Roping Club owns the Rodeo Grounds which is 12 acres in size. This is an excellent rodeo facility, including a covered grandstand.

     The New Underwood School District has approximately 12 acres of outdoor recreation land. Many of the school facilities are utilized by the entire community, such as the baseball field which is used by youth baseball programs and the tennis courts and basketball courts which are used by the general public. The volleyball court, located to the east and north of the bank, created & sponsored by the Community Development Corporation, the First Western Bank, and the City is used by the general public.

     Located within a 2 mile radius of New Underwood, the nearby New Underwood Dam is used by community residents for fishing and picnicking. A target range is also located in this area.

     Table VIII provides a listing of outdoor recreation facilities in New Underwood and the surrounding area.


     The City Park in New Underwood was built in 1985-1986 using local LWCF funds, It is a small park, but very functional. It is used on a daily basis by residents. The City Council has purchased more land to increase the size of the recreational facility.

     The New Underwood Community Center was built in 1988 and is a very practical facility in the community. This building is used weekly for meetings, showers, reunions, funerals, etc.


     Outdoor recreation deficiencies in New Underwood have been identified by three methods, including: 

     1. comparison of New Underwood facilities with minimum recreation standards; and

     2. evaluation of the condition of existing facilities

     Table IX compares New Underwood’s outdoor recreation facilities with community recreation standards provided by the South Dakota Division of Parks and Recreation. This comparison shows that New Underwood does not have a deficiency of general municipal recreation land. This comparison does indicate that New Underwood does have a shortage of one swimming pool and one ice skating rink. The remainder of categories which were compared, indicate that New Underwood has adequate outdoor recreation facilities.                                                                                

     The City has plans to have a swimming pool by 2002









FACILITY                                     STANDARD                               NEW UNDERWOOD                        +OR-

Municipal Park                               10 acres                                         2 acres                                -8 acres

NU Rodeo Grounds                                                                            12 acres                             +12 acres

Baseball field                                  1                                                   2                                      +1

Softball field                                   1                                                   1                                        ----

Swimming Pool                               1                                                   0                                        -1

Tennis Courts                                  1                                                   1                                        ----

Golf Course                                     0                                                   0                                        ----

Ice Skating Rink                              1                                                   0                                        -1



SOURCE: Community Survey


     The City of New Underwood has purchased additional land designed to improve the community’s park and recreation system during the next 5 years. The swimming pool and pool house is to be constructed in 2002.

     The City has determined that the completion of these projects will fulfill the most urgent recreation needs of the City and they are within the financial capabilities of New Underwood.

     Table X outlines the City’s plans for outdoor recreation development during the years 2001-2007.







Swimming Pool    2002                    $75,000.00          local resources, sales tax monies         40x40 pool, pool-house,


Arcade                2005                    $20,000.00              local resources               room with consigned arcade games

Ice Skating Rink   2007                      $1,000.00             local resources                            construction of ice rink

Upgrade & Add

Additional Play-

Ground equipment 2002-2005        $3,000.00              LWCF & Local Resources                addition of new playground


Golf Course        2001                  $600,000.00             LWCF & Local Resources                          golf course





     New Underwood’s continued growth will result in increased demand for public facilities and services. These increasing needs will place a burden upon the City’s existing water and sewer services, the New Underwood School System, the community’s medical services and police and fire protection services.

     This analysis will examine projections of future public service requirements created by an increasing population in the City of New Underwood. The City will outline the public service requirements which are projected to the year 2020. It must be noted that these projections do not take existing deficiencies or surpluses into account but only analyze the needs created by the additional population in the community.

     The following is a discussion of the projections in relationship to the level of existing public facilities and services in New Underwood.

Sewage System

     Presently, New Underwood has one sewage lagoon with 2 cells, which is located southeast of the City limits. The two cells we currently have should be able to handle the projected population figures through 2020. The City will need to add another cell in 2030 in order to serve its projected sewage disposal needs. This lagoon should be constructed adjacent to the existing lagoon site. Thus, land should be reserved at the present site in order to allow for further expansion of the lagoon system.

     New areas of residential development will require expansion of major sewer lines in the future. As Map B indicates, residential land use is projected for areas east of the existing City limits and for areas west and north of New Underwood. While this study cannot outline exact locations of these lines, the City must be prepared to service these areas with water and sewer mains.

Water Supply System

     New Underwood has two deep wells which has a pumping capacity of 160 gallons per minute on well 1, and 200 gpm on well 2.

     These 2 wells should be able to handle the projected population increase through 2020.

     As discussed previously, residential development projected for areas east, west, and north of New Underwood will require major extensions of water mains. Detailed studies of feasible and optimal locations of these lines should be conducted prior to development in these areas.

School System

     Elementary and secondary education facilities are currently located on a 4 acre site at one location in New Underwood.

     By the year 2020, an additional 1.68 acres of land, 9 new classrooms and 2 teachers will be required to provide educational facilities and service to the increased number of New Underwood residents.

     Current estimates indicate that the school is presently crowded and also is deficient in the amount of land at the school site. In addition, part of the existing school facilities, the original school building which has classrooms, is in need of immediate replacement.

     In summary, the New Underwood School District must expand its facilities in order to correct existing deficiencies and also be prepared to expand its facilities in order to resolve the needs of the City’s growing population.

Police Protection

     New Underwood currently contracts with Pennington County Sheriff’s Department. When population increase demands it, another officer will be contracted.

Fire Protection

New Underwood has a fire department with 24 volunteer firemen. This Fire District is a taxing entity on its own. Present building facilities are adequate and the department has two pumper tanker trucks, a tanker truck, a pumper truck, two brush trucks, two tankers, one pickup, and one rescue rig. It is projected that the present building and equipment will meet the projected requirements. Routine equipment replacement will be necessary but on major capital expenditures are anticipated.

Medical Services

     Due to New Underwood’s proximity to medical facilities at Ellsworth Air Force Base and Rapid City, there are no medical facilities located within the community. However, a 8 member volunteer ambulance service does provide access to medical facilities in emergency situations. Indications are that New Underwood will need .5 medical doctors, and 224 hospital beds by the year 2020. These requirements are not significant and should be resolved by medical facilities located in Rapid City.




December 10, 2001






Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer Benita R. White, Mayor


First Reading: November 7, 2001

Second reading: November 14, 2001

Published: November 20, 2001

Effective Date: December 10, 2001