This ordinance repeals all previous Water Ordinances BE IT ORDAINED: By the City of New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota, that Ordinance Number 06-03 read as follows: Rates updated by Resolutions 22-02, 22-05
SECTION 1. (a) The City of New Underwood does hereby establish and shall construct, equip, maintain and operate a system of waterworks for supplying water for municipal, industrial, and domestic use in accordance with and as authorized by Chapter 208, Session Laws of South Dakota 1945 as amended by Chapters 193 and 194, Sessions Laws of South Dakota 1949. (b) Forthwith upon the completion of the municipal waterworks system heretofore ordered to be established and constructed said system shall be operated as a public utility of the municipality, and the rates, charges, rentals, regulations, and provisions of this ordinance shall be and remain applicable thereto until duly amended. The municipality reserves the right and power to amend this ordinance as the need or propriety thereof arises, and the rates and charges herein specified may be increased or decreased, provided that as so amended, the gross receipts of said system shall be sufficient each year to pay all costs of operation and maintenance, depreciation, principal of and interest on obligations payable out of the revenues of said system and to establish such reserves as may be required. The monthly rates may be changed by resolution of the governing body. (Within City: Minimum rate - $20.00 1st 3,000 gallons and $5.50 per 1,000 gallons thereafter; Outside City limits: Minimum rate - $44.00 1st 3,000 gallons and $6.50 per 1000 gallons thereafter. Radium Removal fee of $2.00 per 1,000 gallons (Resolution 20-02). (c) Water bills become delinquent after the 11th of each month.
SECTION 2. The cost of original installation of all plumbing between the main and any service devices maintained by the consumer and all extensions made to such plumbing as well as all repairs, shall be borne entirely by the customer, although such plumbing and services as well as the meters shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection by duly authorized representatives of the municipality. In event any repairs found to be necessary by such representative shall not be made promptly the municipality shall be authorized to discontinue service.
SECTION 3. Every customer shall provide a suitable place where a meter can be installed and the municipality shall install and maintain the same. All customers are responsible for meters freezing and will pay for a new meter. Rural customers will install a meter pit, at their expense as close to the property line or as close to the water main as possible. Where service lines with unmetered water cannot be avoided the Council will make the determination on placement of the meter pit.
SECTION 4. All receipts from the operation of the water system shall be deposited in a separate bank account and shall be credited to a water fund. There shall be maintained within said fund the following sub-accounts: (a) An Operation and Maintenance Account to which shall be credited all receipts from the current operations of the system and out of which shall be paid necessary costs of current operation and maintenance. A sufficient balance shall be kept in said account for working capital to cover the cost of one month's current operations. The remainder in such account shall be transferred to the other sub-account as hereinafter provided. (b) A Depreciation Account to which shall be credited 2% of the total water sales monthly, to increase to 10% of the total water sales monthly on January 1, 2007 and which shall be used solely to pay for capital improvements necessary to offset current depreciation or to retire bonds issued for capital expenditures. This percentage amount may be changed by the Common Council by resolution as the need arises. (c) A Revenue Bond Account to be used solely for the payment of principal of interest on revenue bonds authorized hereunder. From the net revenues there shall be credited to such account each month one-twelfth of the amount required to meet principal and interest payments due during the ensuing twelve months, which amount shall be a first charge upon the said net revenues. There shall be credited to said account from the proceeds from the sale of bonds issued hereunder a sufficient amount to pay interest on such bonds during the construction period.
SECTION 5. It shall be unlawful for any person to use water from any premises without the consent of the owner, or to use water from the municipal water system except to be drawn through a meter installed by the municipality. No person except an authorized representative of the Director of Public Works shall turn on or off or tamper with any water service connection.
SECTION 6. Every person applying for water service from municipal system, and every owner of property for which such application is made, shall be deemed by such application to consent to all the rules, regulations, and rates contained in the resolution or ordinances of the municipality and to any modification thereof, and to all new rules, regulations, or rates duly adopted.
SECTION 7. Any customer, prior to receiving any municipal utility service, shall deposit with the Finance Officer a utility deposit. The amount of the deposit will be $250.00. The dollar amount of this deposit can be changed by the Common Council by resolution after this amendment.
SECTION 8. The municipality reserves the right to discontinue service to any or all customers of the water system, without notice, when necessary for repairs or for nonpayment of bills or for disregard of rules and regulations affecting the service. When service has been discontinued for nonpayment of bills or for disregard of regulations, it shall not be resumed except upon payment of the bills and full compliance with the regulations, amount to be determined by the Mayor, together with penalty fee of $20.00 or 20% of amount due, whichever is greater, and the payment to the City of a fee of $25.00 for re-establishing service. If account is two months past due, a late notice will be sent on the 15th. If account is not brought current by the last Wednesday of the month, the water will be shut off at noon that day. If a payment hasn’t been received within 90 days of the first past due bill, a payment of another deposit which is in addition to the current deposit, must equal the amount of the delinquent bill as well as payment in full of the amount due and all related fees, will be required to be reconnected to the service. The additional deposit can be reimbursed after two years of good standing if requested by the customer. This Ordinance shall apply to all current and future delinquent bills.
SECTION 9. There shall be a meter in every service line attached to the water mains. A double banded saddle, corporation, curb stop (all curb stop risers must be metal when replaced) & curb stop box on property line, and a dual check valve on the house side of the meter will be installed on the service line, at the sole expense of the customer. If a curb stop is inaccessible, the City will notify the property owner to correct the problem within 7 days, at the property owner’s expense. If not repaired within this time frame the City will repair and bill the property owner at the current City rate. All service pipes connected with the water system from the water mains to the water meters shall be approved by the Director of Public Works at the customer’s expense. All single family units with a service line to the City mains will have a meter and pay monthly charges. Any abandoned buildings and all other buildings on private property such as car garages, storage buildings, etc. on private property with a service line connection to City mains will have a meter and pay monthly charges if asked to be turned on. All apartments, duplexes, Mobile Home Courts, campsites, etc., i.e. those being of more than one family unit, will have at least one service line and meter and will pay a minimum charge set by Resolution of the City Council to be consistent with other users within the Municipality.
SECTION 10. Any owner of a residence or commercial building in the City of New Underwood who is renting or allowing it to be used without financial gains will hereafter, and henceforth, be responsible for utility deposit and for any utility fees which have not been paid by the person(s) residing in it i.e. Water, Sewer, Garbage (a) It shall be the responsibility of the owner of the residence or commercial building on the City of New Underwood water system to inform the Finance Officer when it becomes vacated, to make arrangements for the water to be either left on or turned off. If notice is not given and the City determines that the residence or commercial building is vacant, the City will discontinue service and not be held responsible for any damage to the water heater or other property resulting from this action. If the owner wishes the water to be left on between renters, or when they are gone for extended periods of time, a meter deposit in the name of the owner must be on account with the City and can be classified as on vacation with no minimum water and sewer rate for that time being due. The renter shall be made aware that they must come to City Hall to establish an account.
SECTION 11. If the Mayor or Council decrees an emergency then it is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person in this municipality, or any person owning or occupying premises connected to the municipal water system, to use or allow to be used during a fire, any water from said system except for the purpose of extinguishing said fire, and, upon sounding of a fire alarm, it shall be the duty of every such person to see that all water services are tightly closed and that no water is used, except for avoiding extreme health or safety emergency, during said fire.
SECTION 12. Unless otherwise provided by ordinance amendatory hereof of supplemental hereto, the rates, charges, and rentals for service and benefits furnished by the water system shall be as follows: (a) Owners or occupants of premises connected with the water system shall pay for water at a rate to be determined by the Common Council by Resolution and that rate shall not be adjusted more than once within any calendar year. (b) Any senior citizen who is 59 1/2 years of age or older may apply to the Finance Officer for a special minimum rate charge which is made available to Senior Citizens, providing the utility deposit is in that person's name and that person is, in fact, residing at the residence, for which the special minimum rate is being requested, and further providing that the Common Council has approved a specific minimum rate for Senior Citizens by resolution. (Reference- Resolution #22-02, 22-05 0-1000 gallons $6.70; 1,001-2000 gallons $13.40; 2,001 gallons & over the standard rate schedule will apply.) (c) The Common Council reserves the right to make water available to non-municipal users as may be requested and approved. The City of New Underwood reserves the right to refuse water service to any property outside the City limits. (d) The Mayor shall have the power to discontinue water service to non-municipal users whenever necessary if, in their opinion, water availability is too low to meet municipal needs. (*Note: Refer to Boydston & Bills addendums to 1988 contracts.) (e) The Mayor will have the power to invoke all necessary water restrictions within or without the corporate limits if they feel that the potential for an emergency exists. These restrictions may remain in force until the next meeting of the Common Council. (f) Water Service can be put on vacation status upon written request and approved by the Mayor/finance staff.
SECTION 13. (a) All new or additional hook-ups to the municipal water system shall first be approved by the Common Council prior to ANY excavation. (b) All new or additional hook-ups to the municipal water system shall be approved and inspected by the Director of Public Works at the time such hook-ups are made. (c) A minimum of $250.00 within the City Limits and $750.00 out of the City Limits will be paid to the Finance Officer for a new or additional availability fee to the municipal water system prior to approval by the Common Council. However, the person requesting the service must reimburse the City for any cost over and above this specified amount prior to service being turned on. Such application shall give an exact description or location of the premises to be served. (d) An impact fee for customers outside the City limits of $1,000.00 will be due and payable prior to service being turned on.
SECTION 14. Each of the sections, subsections, and provisions of this ordinance and each application thereof to any person or circumstances is hereby found, determined and declared to be independent and severable, and in the event any thereof be found or held to be invalid, such finding or holding shall not affect the validity of any other section, subsection, provision, or application of said ordinance.
Section 15. NON MUNICIPAL USERS (outside city limits) Non Municipal users will comply with all of this ordinance including the more restrictive conditions set forth as follows (when there is a conflict in the wording the more restrictive requirement will apply): 1. All costs associated with joining the City of New Underwood water system will be borne entirely by the customers. The original installation of mains or extending mains will be borne entirely by the customers, unless the customer requesting municipal water service is another taxing entity, and then the City Council may, on an individual basis, cost share the project with the other taxing entity, and all mains will become property of the City of New Underwood. Mains will be a minimum of six inches, the exact size will be determined by the City Council. Mains will be placed in dedicated right of way whenever possible. (Refer to section 2 on service lines). The New Underwood City Council will have total control over the exact location of water mains. 2. The rural impact fee and availability fee are per household and per pasture tap, one fee does not give permission to take the water to other areas without applying and paying appropriate fees. 3. In case of water shortages, the non municipal users could have water service discontinued (refer to section 12). 4. Pay the minimum rate per home plus the rate per thousand over the minimum at the rural rate, as set by resolution (refer to section 1). 5. Water cannot be resold to others. 6. If the property is contiguous to the City limits at the time service is requested it must be annexed prior to approval of water service. If the property is not contiguous to the city limits at the time service is requested, the owners of all property served shall, pursuant to SDCL 9-4-4.1, enter into an irrevocable agreement and covenant running with the property. The covenant agreement is that the property owner will agree to the voluntary annexation of the property at such time as the property becomes contiguous to the City limits. This ordinance does not imply that below standard streets, water & sewer lines will be accepted on the system and improvements paid by the City. 7. It is understood that each request for water service will have its own unique circumstances and will be handled on an individual basis with the Council staying within the above mentioned guidelines.
Exhibit A. Availability Form
Exhibit B. Shut off Form
I, _________________________________, hereby request and direct the City of New Underwood’s permission to hook up to the Municipal _______________________________ at the following location______________________________________________ on ________________(date). Residential Tap Pasture Tap I state that I will abide by all ordinances, resolutions, and regulations dealing with the water or sewer systems, whichever is applicable. I also state that prior to extending water or sewer to another location off this service line I will apply to the City Council, in advance, for permission to make any alterations and pay the appropriate fees. Signature of Owner _____________________________________
Signature of City Official _________________________________ Date____________________ NOTE: The availability fee is $250.00 (inside City limits) $750.00 (outside City Limits) for water and $250.00 for sewer within City Limits. (A detailed drawing showing the exact location of connection/connections on the property, i.e. service lines, is attached. If alterations are made without prior Council approval you can be fined up to one hundred dollars a day. The Director of Public Works can inspect any changes.)
I, _________________________________, hereby request and direct the City of New Underwood to discontinue Municipal water service to (name)_______________________________ at the following location (address)____________________________ on ________________(date).
I, ________________________________, hereby request and direct the City of New Underwood to put our City services on vacation at the following location (address) __________________ on (date)____________________. I further state I will hold the City harmless for any water damage done by requesting the water not be shut off, but just put on vacation. I state that I will abide by all ordinances, resolutions, and regulations dealing with the water system.
Signature of Owner________________________________________________
Signature of City Official_______________________________________________
This ordinance repeals all previous Sewer Ordinances
BE IT ORDAINED: By the City of New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota, as follows:
Rates adjusted by Resolutions 22-02, 22-05
SECTION 1. Forthwith upon the completion of the Municipal Sewer System heretofore ordered to be established and constructed said sewer system shall be operated as a public utility of the municipality, and the rates, charges, rentals, regulations and provisions of this ordinance shall be and remain applicable thereto until duly amended. The Municipality reserves the right and power to amend this ordinance as the need or propriety thereof arises, and the rates, penalties and charges may be increased by Resolution, but not more than once in any calendar year. (Refer to Resolution #22-02 Sewer rate: Residential - $27.00 a month; Commercial - $3.00 per 1,000 gallons, minimum charge is $27.00). The gross receipts of said system shall be sufficient each year to pay all costs of operation and maintenance, depreciation, principal of and interest on obligations payable out of the revenues of said sewer system and to establish such reserves as may be required.
SECTION 2. Any person desiring sewer service from the sewer system of the municipality for premises not theretofore connected with the system shall apply for connection on a form provided by the municipality (Exhibit A attached). Such application shall give an exact description or location of the premises to be served, and a minimum of $250.00 availability fee shall be filed with the Finance Officer, and then the application shall be considered by the Common Council. However, the person requesting the service must reimburse the City for any cost over and above this specified amount prior to any service being turned on. Such availability application, payment of availability fee, and City Council approval shall entitle the applicant to connection with the sewer system. A saddle will be installed to meet the Director of Public Works' specifications. Such hook up charge shall be applicable only to premises fronting or abutting streets or alleys wherein Municipal sewer mains are laid. In the event that application is received for service to other premises, the charge shall be determined by the governing body at the time such application is granted, but in no event shall be less than the actual cost thereof to the municipality.
SECTION 3. Each premise shall have a separate and distinct service connection.
SECTION 4. The cost of original installation of all plumbing between the main and any service devices maintained by the consumer and all extensions approved by the Common Council made to such plumbing, as well as all repairs, shall be borne entirely by the customer.
SECTION 5. Every person applying for sewer service from the Municipal system, and every owner of property for which such application is made, shall be deemed by such application to consent to all the rules, regulations and rates contained in the resolutions or ordinances of the Municipality and to any modification thereof and to all new rules regulations, or rates duly adopted.
SECTION 6. Specific requirements:
(a) Rain water leaders, roof leaders, surface drains, shop or garage floor drains, or ground water drains shall not be connected to the Municipal Sewer System.
(b) Independent System: each house sewer and drainage system shall be independent of any other building, without approval of the Common Council.
(c) Material: All house sewers shall be constructed of 3034 P.V.C. minimum required. All bells glued and materials used must meet the Director of Public Works specifications.
(d) Size of house sewer: no building or house sewer for a commercial building or a multiple dwelling shall be less than State Code requires.
(e) Grades for house sewers: Unless otherwise authorized, all house sewers shall have a grade of not less than one-eighth (1/8) inch per foot. A grade of one-fourth (1/4) inch per foot shall be used whenever practical.
(f) Use of old house sewers: Old house sewers or portion thereof may be approved for use by the Common Council. Whereas, no old cesspool or septic tank shall be connected to any portion of a house sewer that is also connected to the public sewer.
SECTION 7. Unless otherwise provided, the rates, charge, and rentals for service and benefits furnished by the Municipal Sewer System shall be determined by a duly approved Resolution of record. (Refer to Resolution #22-02 Sewer rate: Residential - $27.00 a month; Commercial - $3.00 per 1,000 gallons, minimum charge is $27.00).
Any owner of a residence or commercial building in the City of New Underwood who is renting or allowing it to be used without financial gains will hereafter, and henceforth, be responsible for utility deposit and for any utility fees which have not been paid by the person(s) residing in it i.e. Water, Sewer, Garbage
(a) It shall be the responsibility of the owner of the residence or commercial building on the City of New Underwood water system to inform the Finance Officer when it becomes vacated, to make arrangements for the water to be either left on or turned off. If notice is not given and the City determines that the residence or commercial building is vacant, the City will discontinue service and not be held responsible for any damage to the water heater or other property resulting from this action. If the owner wishes the water to be left on between renters, or when they are gone for extended periods of time, a meter deposit in the name of the owner must be on account with the City and can be classified as on vacation with no minimum water and sewer rate for that time being due. The renter shall be made aware that they must come to City Hall to establish an account.
SECTION 9. PENALTY CLAUSE. Any person failing or refusing to follow the rules and regulations relating to this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined $100.00.
SECTION 10. STANDARD DISCLAIMER. Each of the sections, subsections, and provisions of the ordinance and each application thereof to any person or circumstances is hereby found, determined and declared to be independent and severable, and in the event any thereof be found or held to be invalid, such findings or holdings shall not affect the validity of any other section, subsection, provision, or application of said ordinance.
SECTION 11. No privately owned property outside the City of New Underwood may be connected to the City Sewer System.
SECTION 12. The City of New Underwood reserves the right to refuse sewer service to any property outside the City limits.
Exhibit A. Availability Form
Exhibit A
I, _________________________________, hereby request and direct the City of New Underwood’s permission to hook up to the Municipal _______________________________ at the following location______________________________________________ on ________________(date).
______ Residential Tap
______ Pasture Tap
I state that I will abide by all ordinances, resolutions, and regulations dealing with the water or sewer systems, whichever is applicable.
I also state that prior to extending water or sewer to another location off this service line I will apply to the City Council, in advance, for permission to make any alterations and pay the appropriate fees.
Signature of Owner _____________________________________
Signature of City Official _________________________________
NOTE: The availability fee is $250.00 (inside City limits) $750.00 (outside City Limits) for water and $250.00 for sewer within City Limits. (A detailed drawing showing the exact location of connection/connections on the property, i.e. service lines, is attached. If alterations are made without prior Council approval you can be fined up to one hundred dollars a day. The Director of Public Works can inspect any changes.)
Rates adjusted by Resolutions 22-02, 22-05 22-09
Section 1: Definitions.
(a) The word "household garbage" as used in this ordinance, shall mean kitchen refuse (animal & vegetable matter), cans, bottles, paper, ashes (no hot ashes shall be placed in any garbage container), cardboard no bigger than 2ft by 2ft pieces, and other waste materials ordinarily originating on family domestic or commercial premises, and items which can be, and are, placed in regulation garbage containers as provided for in this ordinance. The word "household garbage" shall not include flammable materials as described in Section 5.
(b) A "family domestic unit" for the purpose of this ordinance shall be deemed to be and mean any single independent family unit, irrespective of the number of persons constituting such family. Each independent family unit living in multiple dwelling residences, apartment houses, or any types or residences, including mobile homes, shall each be deemed a family domestic unit for the purposes of this ordinance.
A family domestic unit will also include home occupations (reference Article IV - Planning and Zoning - Section V) and will apply to any single family residence which operates a business from that structure.
(c) A "commercial customer" for the purpose of this ordinance shall be deemed to be and mean: anyone who does not fall under the definition of family domestic unit. Each commercial venture is separate and distinct for the purpose of this Ordinance whether they sit on the same property legal description or not. Commercial Ventures contained within one building and serviced by one water meter are considered one commercial customer. If more than one dumpster is required for a commercial customer, this determination is to be made by the Director of Public Works, based on the amount of garbage, by volume, they produce. If a commercial customer does not generate the volume of garbage necessary to warrant a dumpster they must petition the City Council for the special commercial garbage rate.
(d) A “rural customer” for the purpose of this ordinance shall be deemed to be and mean anyone who does not live within the City of New Underwood City limits.
(e) When a question arises on which classification you are, the determination will be made by the Common Council by simple motion. (Exemptions may be considered for Churches and non-profit organizations.)
Section 2: Littering.
(a) Any person who willfully causes or allows any litter to be deposited on public property shall be cited for littering.
(b) It is unlawful to place your residential or commercial garbage or rubbish in someone else's business dumpster (State Law No. 34A-7) will be enforced.
Section 3: Garbage truck pickup
Regular household garbage, paper of all kinds: newspaper, magazines, and office paper.
Section 4: Disposition of heavy accumulations at the New Underwood Landfill
Unauthorized use of the landfill or trespassing are not allowed. As a result of illegal dumping any fine imposed on the City by the EPA will be passed onto the perpetrator.
The dump is open the first and third Saturdays of the month from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, at the discretion of the Director of Public Works concerning road or weather conditions.
All materials must be separated as follows:
(a) Mulch: grass clippings or leaves that have been removed from carrying container.
(b) Burn pit: trees, clean lumber, clean wooden building material
(c) Freon containing units: refrigerators, air conditioners, and freezers. There is a $15.00 disposal fee for City Residents, $20.00 disposal fee for Rural Residents for these items to be accepted at the dump.
(d) Wire: barbed, woven, and electrical
(e) Metal: white goods, car bodies, water heaters, etc.
(f) Concrete, bricks, cinderblocks, rocks
Section 5: Special attention material (Responsibility of Customers)
(a) Motor oil may be taken to Public Works Shop.
(b) Asphalt Shingles and tires - must go to Rapid City Landfill.
(c) Vehicle batteries may be turned in at Public Works Shop.
(d) Chemicals, insecticides must be used for the purpose intended and disposed of according to the label. Advice on hazardous materials is available by phoning (605) 394-4180.
(e) Highly flammable or explosive materials shall be disposed of as directed by the Director or Public Works at the expense of the owner of possessor thereof.
(f) Paint cans may be taken to Public Works Shop, do not put at the NU city landfill.
(g) All household garbage must go in the garbage truck it is not allowed at the NU city landfill, note collections below.
Section 1: Frequency of collection.
(a) The collection of family domestic & commercial garbage shall be made once per week, provided that the garbage material is properly stored for collection in containers complying with the provisions of this Article. Containers will be put out by 6 A.M. on the collection day.
Section 2: Garbage containers required.
(a) All family domestic units or commercial establishments where kitchen garbage accumulates will be provided one or more plastic garbage cans, with hinged lids, capacity is to be 65 to 95 gallons (if necessary holes must be drilled into the containers to allow liquid to seep out). No barrels or lead-lined cans will be allowed.
(b) Garbage cans shall be kept closed except during the deposit of garbage.
Section 3: Maintenance and replacement of garbage containers.
(a) Every garbage can or container required by this Article shall be the responsibility of the user and maintained by the owner or user in as sanitary condition as possible and shall be thoroughly cleansed as needed by washing, scalding, or otherwise.
Section 4: Location of garbage containers.
For Family Domestic Units: On the days of the garbage collection, the garbage shall be put within four (4) feet of the edge of the City Street and not impede traffic. The container is to be four (4) feet from trees, cars, mailboxes, and any other objects and if more than one (1) container they have to be at least four (4) feet apart. Special consideration will be given to handicapped and elderly individuals. If requested, plastic dumpsters that service more than one customer shall be placed at a location determined by the Director of Public Works.
For Rural Customers: City personnel will designate where their garbage will be placed.
Section 5: Billing and Collecting Procedures.
(a) Such charge for collection and disposal of garbage shall be payable by and chargeable to, either the owner or occupants of the property. Such charges shall be noted on the monthly water or sewer billing and shall be immediately due and payable upon such billing date and shall be payable with and in addition to such water or sewer bill; and, in the event of non-payment of said garbage collection and disposal charge, water service may be discontinued by the City at such premises.
(b) When a family domestic unit or a commercial customer is unoccupied and not generating garbage, the garbage fee may be waived, upon notice to City Hall. The family domestic unit or a commercial customer must be empty for at least thirty (30) days.
(c) Whenever the collection of garbage, trash, and refuse from any premises in the City shall exceed the normal amount as compared to similar circumstances for such premises so that the fee prescribed for such collection is not fair and reasonable as applied to that particular premises, the Common Council may establish a special rate therefore.
(d) The City requires monthly garbage fees from every family domestic unit and commercial customer within the City limits of New Underwood.
(e) The City of New Underwood provides its own collection service.
(f) Garbage fees are as follows and may be changed by Resolution $24.00 per month for Family Domestic Unit; $48.00 per month for Commercial Customer or $48.00 per dumpster whichever is greater; $28.00 per month for Special Commercial Rate; $31.00 per month for Rural Customers; $10.00 per extra dump of dumpsters. (These prices include State Sales Tax).
Reference Resolution Numbers 22-02, 22-05, 22-09
Any person failing or refusing to follow the rules and regulations relating to this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined $100.00.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of New Underwood, Pennington County, South Dakota that the following specified sections of Article III Section C are hereby amended as follows: (*Note: underlines are additions, strikethroughs are deletions)
250 watt street lights shall be placed on “A” Ave; 14/16 from “D” Ave to Janklow Ave and on 161st Street from 1416 to 22790 161st Street (Boondocks); at approximately 300 feet intervals except within the downtown area (“A” Ave.) between Elm Street and Linn street they shall be placed approximately 160 feet intervals. For the purpose of this Ordinance “A” Ave. shall be considered to end at the railroad track.
CATV FRANCHISE Section 1. Grant of Franchise Section 2. Term and Service to City and School Section 3. Forfeiture Section 4. Ordinance Revocation Section 5. Compliance With Law Section 6. Conflict With Laws Section 7. Preferential or Discriminatory Practices Section 8. Removal on Subscriber's Request Section 9. Operation and Maintenance Section 10. Program Presentation Section 11. Sale or Lease of Franchise Section 12. Grantee Without Recourse Section 13. Grantee's Rates and Regulations Section 14. Grant or Right of Way Section 15. Right to Excavate Section16. General Provisions Section
1. Grant of Franchise
An Ordinance granting to Golden West Cablevision, Inc., of the City of Wall, County of Pennington, State of South Dakota, hereinafter referred to as Grantee, a franchise to install, provide, and operate a Community Antenna Television System as defined by SDCL 9-35-16 within the corporate limits of the City of New Underwood, South Dakota, and providing the regulation thereof.
Be it Ordained by the City of New Underwood, County of Pennington, State of South Dakota: The City of New Underwood, in the County of Pennington, State of South Dakota, herein referred to as Granter, hereby grants to grantee a franchise of scope and description as follows:
Grantee has the right and authority to conduct a Community Antenna Television System within the corporate limits of the Grantor. Grantee may build, construct, equip, own, maintain, and operate along, under, or over present and future streets, alleys and other public places within the corporate limits of Granter such wires, lines, poles, cables, appurtenances, fixtures, and other apparatus as are reasonably necessary for operating the system. Grantee also has the right and authority to lease, rent, or in any other manner, obtain the use of, and use within the corporate limits of Grantor, wires, lines, poles, cross-arms, cables, appurtenances, fixtures, and other apparatus of any and all holders of public permits, public licenses, or franchises granted by the Grantor or any other public entity. Any such use shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the franchise granted by this Ordinance and also subject to all existing and further Ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of Grantor.
Grantee also has the right to buy, purchase, lease, erect, equip, maintain, own, and operate plants, machinery, equipment, and buildings that are necessary to maintain and operate the community antenna system and the right to buy, hold, own, and lease, any real estate necessa1y to conduct such business.
The terms and conditions of the franchise shall also be applicable to any facilities installed or operated by Grantee before the effective date of the franchise. In the event Grantor grants a franchise for CATV to another person or entity with terms and conditions that are more favorable than those contained within this franchise, the new terms and conditions shall be applicable to Grantee's franchise. "Community Antenna Television System (CATV)", as used herein, means antennas, coaxial cables, amplifiers, drop lines, other conductors, and other equipment of facilities not limited to the foregoing, including any of the same, and any of the services performed by the use of the same furnished by any public utility or other person or entity, whether pursuant to tariffs or any other arrangement, necessary for or incidental to the receiving of television signals or the transmission thereof to customers at the selection of the Grantee for a consideration, or as a public service.
Subsection 1. Quality of Service. So far as it is within the control of Grantee, the Community Antenna Television System (CATV) shall be operated and maintained so that all customers shall receive signals of good technical quality and the full range of available services. Any complains as to the quality of the signals or services shall be promptly and satisfactorily investigated by Grantee, and adjustments required to correct situations disclosed by such investigations shall be made forthwith. Any inability to make such corrections withi1) five working days after receipt of complaint shall be reported in writing by the Grantee to the Grantor, who shall make, and Grantee shall comply with, any orders pertinent to such corrections.
Subsection 2. Quality of installations and Facilities. All installations shall be of a permanent and durable nature and installed in accordance with good engineering practices and comply with all existing and future Ordinances, resolutions, regulations, and orders of Grantor so as to not interfere in any manner with the right of the public or individual prope1ty owners. The system shall not interfere with the travel and use of public places or facilities by the public, and during the construction, repair, or removal thereof, shall not obstruct or impede traffic. Any transmission facilities of the community antenna system or utilized in connection with a system anywhere withi11 the corporate limits of Grantor, either on public or private property, shall consist of coaxial cables of low radiation characteristics, satisfactory to and approved by Rural Utilities Services (RUS). The Community Antenna Television System and any facilities utilized in connection therewith, either on public or private property, shall be installed and operated in such a manner as not to cause interference with the operation of any public safety radio stations or systems or other radio stations or systems operated by Grantor. Should any such interference develop, Grantor may require that any and all operations of Grantee under the franchise be immediately suspended and not be resumed until the cause of interference has been corrected to the satisfaction of Grantor. Following reasonable notice to Grantee, Representatives of the Grantor shall have the right to enter any and all premises and make any suitable test in enforcement of this provision.
Subsection 3. Emergency Use of Facilities. Any and all Community Antenna Television Systems facilities shall, in areas serviced, be made available without charge as a public service for use by the Communications Division of the Civil Defense and Disaster Corps of Grantor or any other public agency performing civil defense or disaster services.
Subsection 4 . FCC Regulations. Grantee may only deliver to any customer the signal of a television station that is permitted or authorized to be delivered by any Community Antenna Television System operating in the City of New Underwood, State of South Dakota, under the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission or any successor thereof, as established by such commission from time to time. Any modification of the provisions of the federal franchise standards resulting from amendment of the standards by the Federal Communications Commission must be incorporated into this franchise or within one year of adoption of the modification, or at the time this franchise renewal, whichever occurs first.
Subsection 5. Limitation of Franchise Authorization. The franchise granted by the Ordinance confers authorization on Grantee to conduct operations and erect, maintain, use, and receive services from facilities designed and intended to receive and distribute only those television signals telecast from properly authorized television stations operating pursuant to this permission obtained from the Federal Communications Commission, or any successor thereof, and also to receive and deliver FM and multiplex radio signals from those FM and multiplex radio stations that are located in the general area; provided however, that Grantee may originate and/or provide to its customers informational and other program material on one or more channels of its system.
This franchise does and shall permit the Grantee to transmit to any customer any program or programs for which a separate charge is made to such customer for receipt thereof; provided that one or more separate channels be set for such programming; and provided that no customer shall be required to accept such special programming to receive service under this franchise.
Section 2. Term and Service to City and School The franchise herein granted shall be for a term of ten (10) years, renewable thereafter for terms of up to ten (10) years on such terms and conditions as may be mutually acceptable to Granter and Grantee; unless the same shall sooner expire by reason of other provisions hereof.
The term of this franchise shall commence on the first day of the first month next following the date of adoption, and Grantee hereunder accepts and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of this franchise. Grantee shall provide installation of one (1) cable Drop, one (1) cable outlet, and monthly Basic Cable Service without charge to City-owned buildings (defined as any building or part of a building, whether owned or leased by City, that is operated and occupied by City personnel), as well as the public school(s) within the city.
No redistribution of the free Basic Cable Service provided pursuant to this Section shall be allowed. Additional Drops and/or outlets in any of the above locations will be provided by Grantee at the cost of Grantee's time and material. Alternatively, at the Granters request, said Granter may add outlets at its own expense, as long as such installation meets Grantee's standards and provided that any fees for Cable Communications Services are paid. Nothing herein shall be construed as requiring Grantee to extend the system to serve additional institutions as may be designated by City.
Section 3. Forfeiture In addition to all other rights and powers reserved or pertaining to the Granter; and Granter reserves as an additional and as a separate and distinct remedy the right to revoke this franchise and all rights and privileges of the Grantee hereunder in any of the following events or for any of the following reasons: Grantee fails to comply after (30) days prior written notice with any of the provisions of the Ordinance granting this franchise, or has, by act or omission, violated any term or condition thereof; or Any provision of such Ordinance shall be finally adjudged by a court of law invalid or unenforceable and the City Board further finds that such provision constitutes at that time a consideration material to the continuance of the franchise granted herein: or The Grantee becomes insolvent, unable or unwilling to pay its debts or is adjudged a bankrupt; or All or part of Grantee's facilities should be sold under any instrument to secure a debt and are not redeemed by Grantee; or Grantee attempts to or does practice any fraud or deceit in its conduct or relations with the Grantor under this franchise; or City condemns all of the property of Grantee within the City by lawful exercise of eminent domain
Section 4. Ordinance Revocation No revocation provided for in Section 3 except for reason of condemnation as provided in (f) thereof, shall be effective unless or until the City Board shall have adopted an Ordinance setting forth the cause and reason for the revocation and the effective date thereof, which Ordinance shall not be adopted without thirty (30) days prior notice thereof to Grantee and an opportunity to Grantee to be beard on the proposed adoption of such proposed Ordinance. If the revocation as proposed in such Ordinance depends on a finding of fact, such finding of fact as made by the City Board after the hearing provided for, if requested by the Grantee, shall be conclusive.
Section 5. Compliance With Law Grantee shall, at all times, during the term of this franchise, be subject to all lawful exercises of the police power of the City and to such reasonable regulations as the City shall prescribe for the general conduct of persons providing CA TV service within the City.
Section 6. Conflict With Laws Whenever any law of the State of South Dakota or the federal government or regulation of any agency of either shall be in conflict with and supersede any provision of this franchise, then for so long as such federal or state law or regulation shall be in force and effect, such franchise provisions shall stand suspended and be of no force and effect and Grantee herein shall not be required to comply with such franchise provisions.
Grantee shall notify the City of the existence and effective date of any such federal or state law or regulation as soon as it shall come to the knowledge of Grantee.
Section 7. Preferential or Discriminatory Practices Grantee shall not, as to rates, charges, service, service facilities, rules, regulations or any other respect, make or grant any undue preference or advantage to any person, or subject any person to any undue prejudice or disadvantages, provided however, connection charges may be waived or modified during promotional campaigns of Grantee.
Section 8. Removal on Subscriber's Request On termination of service to any subscriber the Grantee shall promptly disconnect service to said subscriber at the pedestal.
Section 9. Operation and Maintenance Grantee shall render efficient service, make repairs promptly and interrupt service only for good cause and for the shortest time possible. Interruptions for systems maintenance in so far as possible shall be preceded by notice and shall occur during periods of minimum use of the system. In order to limit failure and malfunctions of the CA TV system to a minimum and that the same might be promptly corrected and at all times after notice of malfunction or failure, Grantee shall consistently maintain an office which shall be open during normal business hours of every day, Monday through Friday, inclusive, which shall have a listed telephone number. Failures and malfunctions of the system shall be corrected by the Grantee within seventy-two (72) hours after notice of such failure or malfunctions except or unless such failure or malfunction shall be over a substantial portion of Grantee's system and shall have been caused by stom1, fire, lighting, explosion, civil commotion or other similar catastrophe.
Section 10. Program Presentation All programs of broadcasting stations carried by Grantee shall be distributed or transmitted to the subscriber in their entirety without delay from the time originally broadcast, and without additional announcements, advertisements or other deletions, additions, or changes to the programs, except nothing shall prohibit such changes or delays as may be required by law. All programs of all broadcasting stations carried by Grantee shall be transmitted or distributed by Grantee without significant variation between the quality of the picture or sound transmitted or distributed by Grantee to the subscribers between the programs of one broadcasting station and another, so far as the same may be within the control of the Grantee. Whenever any broadcasting system carried by Grantee shall transmit or broadcast any television or part thereof in color, it shall be the duty of Grantee to distribute or transmit said program in color to its subscribers.
Section 11. Sale or Lease of Franchise This franchise shall be deemed a privilege to be held in personal trust by Grantee. It may not be sold, transferred, leased assigned or disposed of in whole or in part either by forced or voluntary sale, merger, consolidation, or otherwise without the prior consent of the City Board, expressed by resolution, and then only under such conditions as may therein be prescribed. Grantee shall not have such property rights in this franchise that the same may be affected, transferred or disposed of voluntarily or involuntarily without the consent of the City Board. Any transfer or assignment or other distribution of any of the rights under this franchise shall be made only by an instrument in writing, a duly executed copy of which shall be filed in the office of the City Finance Officer at least thirty (30) days after such transfer or assignment shall have been executed or effected and shall reflect therein the consent of the City Board thereto. Grantee, however, shall have the right at any time, to mortgage the whole of its system or any part thereof provided that any such mortgage shall be on the express condition that the rights of the mortgage holder shall be secondary to the rights of City under the terms of this franchise.
Section 12. Grantee Without Recourse Grantee shall have no recourse whatsoever against the City for any loss, cost, or expense or damage arising out of any of the provisions or requirements of this franchise or because of the enforcement thereof by City, nor for the failure of City to have the authority to grant all or any part of this franchise.
Grantee expressly acknowledges the power and authority of the City to grant this franchise.
Grantee acknowledges that it has not been induced to enter into this franchise by any understanding or promise or other statement whether verbal or written, by or on behalf of City or by any other third person concerning any term or condition of this franchise not expressed herein. Grantee further acknowledges that it has read the terms and conditions of this franchise and is willing to abide by said terms and conditions.
Section 13. Grantee's Rates And Regulations The rates and charges of Grantee for its services to any subscriber shall be fair and reasonable and no higher than necessary to meet all costs of service, assuming efficient and economical management, including a fair return on the fair value of the properties devoted to such service, and such rates and charges shall not be unreasonable discriminatory.
Section 14. Grant Or Right of Way Grantee is granted a right of way for the erection and maintenance of utility poles and the suspension of lines or cables; or the burial and maintenance of underground cables or ducts with all the appurtenances thereto over and under the highways, streets, alleys, and public grounds of the grantor under such reasonable regulations as may be provided by ordinance. In the event the Grantee deems it necessary to vacate highways, streets or alleys, Grantee may request Dedicated Easements for the vacated areas, which requests Granter shall consider on a case by case basis. A "Dedicated Easement" must be recorded and must dedicate specific, ascertainable corridors of land for use by one or more utilities. Property owner entirely relinquishes his or her right of exclusion.
Section 15. Right to Excavate For the purpose of carrying into effect the privileges granted hereunder, Grantee is authorized to make all necessary excavations in the streets, alleys, sidewalks, public and private grounds within the corporate limits of Grantor, but such excavations shall be carried out with reasonable dispatch and with as little interference and inconvenience to the rights of the public as may be feasible. Grantee shall restore all streets, alleys, sidewalks, public and private grounds to their original condition of safety and utility after excavation. 1n case of obstruction caused by Grantee shall remain longer than five (5) days after notice to remove it, or in case of neglect by Grantee to safeguard any dangerous places, Grantor may remove such obstruction or safe guard such dangerous places at the expense of Grantee.
Section 16. General Provisions
Subsection 1. Failure of City to Enforce Franchise. Grantee shall not be excused from complying with any of the terms or conditions of this franchise by any failure of City on one or more occasions to insist on or to seek compliance with any such terms or conditions.
Subsection 2. Time of the Essence. Whenever this franchise shall set forth any time for any action to be performed by or on behalf of Grantee, said time shall be deemed of the essence and any failure of Grantee to perform within the time allotted shall always be sufficient grounds for the City to revoke this franchise.
Subsection 3. Contest of Validity. Grantee acknowledges that the City has the power and authority to set the terms and conditions of this franchise and that said terms and conditions are valid.
Section 1. Purpose
The provisions of this Chapter shall be known as the Small Cell Facilities Regulations. It is the purpose of these provisions to develop standards and siting criteria, and to establish removal procedures. It is further the purpose of these provisions:
(A) To establish regulations and siting standards for small cell wireless communication facilities (SCFs), whether in the public right-of-way or on other public or private property, in a manner that will protect the public’s health, safety, and welfare and maintain the aesthetic integrity of the community;
(B) To facilitate the provision of wireless communication services;
(C) To provide regulations which are specifically not intended to, and shall not be interpreted or applied to: (1) prohibit or effectively prohibit the provision of wireless services; (2) unreasonably discriminate among functionally equivalent service providers; or (3) regulate wireless communication facilities and wireless transmission equipment on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such emissions comply with the standards established by the Federal Communications Commission.
Section 2. Definitions
As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:
Antenna. Any communications equipment that transmits or receives electromagnetic radio frequency signals used in the provision of wireless services. This definition does not include broadcast radio or television antennas, antennas designed for amateur radio use, or satellite dishes for residential or household purposes.
Applicant. Any person who submits an application as or on behalf of a Wireless Provider.
City. The City of New Underwood, South Dakota.
Collocation. The mounting or installation of an antenna or a small cell facility on a pre-existing Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure and/or modifying a Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure for the purpose of mounting or installing an antenna or SCF on that Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure in order to transmit and/or receive radio frequency signals for communications purposes.
Department. The Department of Public Works of the City.
Director. The director of the Department.
FCC. The Federal Communications Commission.
Height. The vertical distance measured from the base of the structure at grade to the highest point of the structure, including the antenna.
Network Interface Device. The telecommunications demarcation and test point separating the wireless facility and the wireline backhaul facility.
Person. An individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association, trust, or other entity or organization, including the City.
Public Right-of-Way or Right-of-Way or ROW. The surface and space above and below any street, sidewalk, avenue, boulevard, alley, lane, easement, right-of-way, highway or thoroughfare open for public use in which the city has an interest in law or equity, whether held in fee, or other estate or interest, or as a trustee for the public.
Small Cell Facility or SCF. A Wireless Facility that either meets both of the following qualifications or is within a Stealth Design that is consistent with the design guidelines:
1. Each antenna is located inside an enclosure of no more than three cubic feet in volume or, in the case of an antenna that has exposed elements, the antenna and all of its exposed elements could fit within an enclosure of no more than three cubic feet; and
2. Each provider's equipment shall be no larger than 28 cubic feet in volume. The following associated equipment may be located outside of the primary equipment enclosure and, if so located, is not included in the calculation of equipment volume: electric meters, concealment measures, Network Interface Device, underground enclosures, back-up power systems, grounding equipment, power transfer switch, cut-off switches, cable, conduit, and vertical cable runs for the connection of power and other services, and any equipment concealed from public view within or behind an existing structure or concealment.
3. The facility is mounted (i) on a Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure 50 feet or less in height including antennas; (ii) on a Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure no more than 10 percent taller than other adjacent structures of substantially similar design; or (iii) on an existing Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure where the facility does not extend the height of the Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure on which it is to be located to a height of more than the greater of either 50 feet or the height of such Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure plus 10 percent.
Small Cell Facility Permit. A permit authorizing the installation, construction, and maintenance of a Small Cell Facility.
Small Cell Facility Support Structure or SCF Support Structure. A structure, such as a monopole; tower, either guyed or self-supporting; billboard; building; or other existing or proposed structure designed to support or capable of supporting SCFs. Such term does not include a Utility Pole.
Stealth Design. Any SCF that is integrated as an architectural feature of a Utility Pole or changes a support structure design so that the purpose of the Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure for providing wireless services is not as readily apparent. This includes the ability of SCFs to blend into the neighborhood environment at a given location and camouflage or conceal the SCF subject to applicable law.
Utility Pole. A pole or similar structure that is or may be used in whole or in part to facilitate telecommunications, electric distribution, lighting, traffic control, signage, or to carry lines, cables, or other similar function, or for location or collocation of Small Cell Facilities. Such term does not include a SCF Support Structure.
Wireless Facility. Equipment at a fixed location that enables Wireless Services between user equipment and a communications network, including (i) equipment associated with wireless communications; (ii) radio transceivers; (iii) antennas; (iv) coaxial or fiber optic cable located on a Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure or immediately adjacent to the Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure or directly associated with equipment located on the Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure; (v) regular and backup power supplies and rectifiers; and comparable equipment, regardless of technological configuration. The term includes SCFs but does not include (i) the structure or improvements on, under, or within which the equipment is collocated; or (ii) wireline backhaul facilities.
Wireline Backhaul Facility. An above-ground or underground wireline facility used to transport communications data from a wireless facility network interface device to a network.
Wireless Infrastructure Provider. A person that builds or install wireless facilities or Utility Poles or SCF Support Structures, but not a Wireless Provider.
Wireless Provider. A Wireless Infrastructure Provider or a Wireless Services Provider.
Wireless Services. Any services, using licensed or unlicensed spectrum, including the use of WiFi, whether at a fixed location or mobile, provided to the public.
Wireless Services Provider. A person who provides wireless services.
Section 3. Applicability
A. Permit Processing: For all SCF installation types, including new and replacement Utility Poles and SCF Collocations to existing SCF Support Structures or existing Utility Poles, the Department shall issue permits in accordance with the terms and procedures set forth in this Chapter.
B. Zoning Exemption: All SCF installations shall be exempt from general zoning restrictions unless a provision of such zoning code is explicitly cited by a Section of this Chapter.
C. Exempt Activities: An application shall not be required for (i) routine maintenance; or (ii) the replacement of an SCF, Utility Pole, or SCF Support Structure which was previously approved pursuant to this Chapter with another SCF, Utility Pole, or SCF Support Structure that is the same or substantially similar.
Section 4. Siting and Collocation Criteria
A. SCFs shall:
(i) be located on existing structures, such as Utility Poles or SCF Support Structures; or
(ii) be located on public property and structures if the controlling public entity agrees to the placement.
B. Application to collocate SCFs at locations other than those listed in Section 4(A) may not be approved administratively. However, if an Applicant certifies that it is not technically feasible, economically feasible, or places an undue burden to collocate an SCF at a location designated in section 4(A), the Applicant may request a Special Review of the application as provided under Section 5(C). Such Certification shall include a written statement indicating the reasons why said location is not feasible.
Section 5. Small Cell Facility Permits
A. Permit Required. An SCF Permit shall be required to install any SCF, Utility Pole, or SCF Support Structure. Applications for an SCF Permit shall be considered and approved pursuant to the provisions of this Section. An SCF Permit shall be deemed to include all other municipal permits which may be necessary to place and construct an SCF, Utility Pole, or SCF Support Structure as represented in an approved application. The granting of an SCF Permit pursuant to this Chapter is not a grant of any franchise. All applications shall first be reviewed administratively and then, if not eligible for administrative approval, may be considered via the Special Review process.
B. General Review Provisions
1. Review Period: The Department must approve or deny all SCF Permit applications pursuant to this Chapter (i) within ninety (90) days after the date an application is filed for an SCF Permit Application to place a new Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure, or (ii) within sixty (60) days after the date an application is filed for collocation of an SCF. If approved, the permit shall be issued on or before day ninety (90) or sixty (60).
2. Tolling of Review Period: An Applicant and the Department may mutually agree in writing to toll the applicable review period at any time.
3. Final Decision. By the end of the applicable review period, the City must advise the applicant in writing of its final decision. If the final decision is to deny the application, the final decision shall state the basis for denial, including specific code provisions on which the denial is based.
4.Nondiscrimination: The Department shall process all applications under this Chapter in a nondiscriminatory manner. Aesthetic requirements shall be (i) reasonable, (ii) no more burdensome than for other types of infrastructure deployments, and (iii) objective and published in advance.
C. Small Cell Facility Permit Process
1. Administrative Review Process: An application submitted pursuant to this subsection shall be reviewed as follows:
a. Submission of Application: Applicant shall submit a complete SCF Application accompanied by any corresponding application fee to the Department.
b. Review for Completeness: The Department shall review the application for completeness following submittal. The Department must provide a written notice of incompleteness to the Applicant within ten (10) days of receipt of the SCF Permit Application, clearly and specifically delineating all missing information. Information specified in a notice of incompleteness shall be limited to that which is relevant to the approval or denial of an Application under this Chapter. Applicant shall then submit all information specified in the notice of incompleteness. The applicable review period shall restart at zero on the date the Applicant provides the missing information to complete the application. For subsequent determinations of incompleteness, the applicable review period shall be tolled if the Department provides written notice within ten (10) days that the supplemental submission did not provide the information identified in the original notice delineating missing information. The applicable review period will continue, and shall not restart at zero, on the date the Applicant provides the missing information identified in a subsequent incompleteness review.
c. An application may not be approved via the Administrative Review Process unless the proposed SCF, Utility Pole, or SCF Support Structure meets all applicable location and design requirements of this Chapter. An application shall be approved via the Administrative Review Process if the proposed SCF, Utility Pole, or SCF Support Structure meets all applicable location and design requirements of this Chapter.
2. Special Review Process:
a. An Applicant may request a Special Review of an application which is not eligible for administrative approval due to not meeting the applicable location or design requirements of this Chapter and where compliance with said requirements is not technically feasible, economically feasible, or poses an undue burden.
b. Special Reviews shall be conducted by the Planning and Zoning Commission in a public meeting. Notice of such meeting shall comply with SDCL 1-25-1.1. The review hearing and final decision shall take place within the applicable sixty (60) or (90) day review period which shall begin on the date a complete application is submitted to the Department.
c. The Planning and Zoning Commission must approve, by majority vote of all members, an SCF application upon finding that the proposed installation has no reasonable alternative which better fits the location and design requirements of this Chapter. The Commission shall deny an application which does have a reasonable alternative which better fits the location and design requirements of this Chapter. For an alternative to be reasonable, the alternative must be technically feasible, economically feasible, and must not impose an undue burden.
d. After the Planning and Zoning Commission has made a determination on an SCF application, the Department shall issue an SCF permit if the application was approved. If denied, the Department shall provide a notice of final decision including the grounds upon which the Planning and Zoning Commission denied the application.
D. Small Cell Facility Permit Applications
1. Application Form: The Director shall designate or develop an Application Form for an SCF Permit. An Applicant may include requests for new or replacement Utility Poles or SCF Support Structures. The Director shall allow for Applications to be consolidated pursuant to this Section. Each Applicant must submit a complete Application for each permit desired.
2. Consolidated Applications: Each SCF Permit request in a Consolidated Application shall be considered individually.
3.All Applications for the placement of an SCF, including modification or construction of a Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure submitted under this Chapter shall include the following:
a. Photo Simulations. A photo simulation of a reasonably representative installation type that includes to-scale visual simulations that show unobstructed before-and-after construction daytime views from at least two angles, together with a map that shows the location of the proposed installation, including all equipment. A separate set of such materials shall be required for any design which is materially different.
b. Noise Study. A noise study for the SCF (i) requested by the city, (ii) the proposed site is within twenty (20) feet of a residential structure, and (iii) the application proposes to utilize equipment which may produce a persistent or chronic audible tone at such distance.
c. Radio Frequency (RF) Emissions Compliance. Whereas the FCC has exclusive jurisdiction to establish radio frequency emission safety standards, the City may only require a written report or statement, signed and sealed by a South Dakota licensed engineer or signed by a competent employee of the applicant, which explains compliance with the RF emissions limits established by the FCC.
d. Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure Inspection: For Collocations or modifications to existing Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure, Applicant shall inspect the structure to which a proposed SCF would be attached and determine, based on a structural engineering analysis by a South Dakota registered professional engineer, the suitability of the Pole or structure for the Applicant’s purposes. The structural engineering analysis shall be submitted to the Department and shall certify that the Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure can reasonably support the proposed SCF.
e. New and Replacement Utility Poles and SCF Support Structures. For new and replaced Utility Poles and SCF Support Structures, Applicant shall submit foundation drawings demonstrating the foundation and new or replacement Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure can reasonably support the SCF.
f. Design Justification. A clear and complete written analysis that explains how the proposed design complies with the applicable design standards under this Section. A complete design justification must identify all applicable design standards under this Chapter and provide a factually detailed reason why the proposed design either complies or cannot feasibly comply.
g. Site Plan. A site plan clearly indicating the location, type, height and width of the proposed pole, on-site land uses and zoning, adjacent land uses and zoning, distances to nearby objects, structures, and property lines, adjacent roadways, proposed means of access, utility runs, and other information which may uniquely impact the SCF’s fitness for a particular site.
h. Aesthetic Compliance Summary. An explanatory statement of aesthetic considerations and requirements factored into Applicant’s design such as stealthing, finishing, fencing, landscaping, or other elements which may impact the visual appeal of the SCF.
i. A clear and complete written statement of purpose which shall minimally include: (i) a description of the technical objective to be achieved; (ii) a to-scale map that identifies the proposed site location and the targeted service area to be benefited by the proposed project; and (iii) full-color signal propagation maps.
E. General Standards
1. Utility Pole Design: An existing Utility Pole may be replaced or extended to accommodate Small Cell Facilities subject to the following requirements:
a. Replacement and New Utility Poles: Replacement Utility Poles shall be substantially similar to the width, color, and material of the original or adjacent Utility Poles. The City may approve minor deviations up to the minimum additional height needed to allow for the required clearance from electrical wires to accommodate an antenna or antennas and may also approve minor deviations up to fifty percent (50%) of the pole width at its base, not to exceed thirty inches (30”), when housing equipment is placed within the pole base. Replacement Utility Poles shall be located as close as possible to the existing Utility Pole, and the replaced Utility Pole shall be removed. Replacement street lights and poles shall conform to the adopted streetscape design standard for the zoning district. New Utility Poles shall mimic the design of a Replacement Utility Pole that is most suitable for the proposed location.
b. Replacement and Existing Utility Pole Height: The height of any antennas at the top of a replacement or existing Utility Pole or any pole extender, shall be no higher than the greater of either 50 feet or the height of such Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure plus 10 percent.
c. Equipment Concealed: Whenever technically feasible, antennas, cabling, and equipment shall be fully concealed within a Pole, or otherwise camouflaged to appear to be an integrated part of a Pole.
d. Flush-Mounting and Pole-top Antennas: When technically feasible, antennas will be flush-mounted on a Pole, which means either: (i) mounted directly to the pole with no gap other than that which may be required for screws, bolts, or similar hardware; (ii) located at the top of the Pole; or side mounted by mounted arm as needed for required clearance . Canisters attached to the top of a Pole shall not exceed the diameter of the Pole, unless technically required, and then shall not be more than fifty percent (50%) greater than the diameter of the Pole at the point of attachment or up to 16” in diameter, whichever is greater.
e. Antenna Design: Each antenna shall be located in an enclosure of no more than three (3) cubic feet in volume, or in case of an antenna that has exposed elements, the antenna and all of its exposed elements could fit within an enclosure of no more than three (3) cubic feet.
f. No Illumination: Small Cell Facilities shall not be illuminated except for small status LEDs installed by the manufacturer. Such LEDs may not be of a nature which is likely to distract a vehicle or pedestrian due to brightness, size, blinking, other similar condition, or any combination thereof.
g. Generators and Battery Backup: Generators are not permitted for Small Cell Facilities. A battery backup may be permitted if it is concealed consistent with the provisions of this Chapter.
h. Cabinet Location and Dimensions: Any equipment cabinet for a Small Cell Facility shall utilize the smallest cabinet enclosure that is technically feasible to enclose the equipment. Disconnect switches may be located outside of the primary equipment cabinet.
i. Painting, Coating, or Finish Material: The exterior of an SCF shall be painted, coated, or be of a material which draws minimal attention from an observer. For example, an SCF painted in blaze orange or safety green is highly likely to draw attention and be distracting. An SCF finished with polished aluminum is more likely to be distracting than an SCF finished with matte grey paint.
2. Ground-Mounted Equipment: To allow full use of the Public Right-of-Ways by pedestrians, bicyclists, and other users, all ground-mounted equipment, excluding antennas, shall to the extent feasible be either (i) undergrounded, (ii) incorporated into street furniture, or (iii) concealed in the base of a Pole, and in all cases shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), City construction standards, and any applicable State or federal regulations in order to provide clear and safe passage within the Public Right-of-Ways. The location of any ground-mounted equipment shall also comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), City Construction Standards, and any applicable State or federal regulations in order to provide clear and safe passage within the Public Right-of-Ways.
3. Building-Mounted Small Cell Facilities: Antennas may be mounted to a building if the antennas do not interrupt the building’s architectural theme.
a. Balanced Design: Small Cell Facilities attached to the side or roof of buildings shall employ a symmetrical, balanced design for all façade-mounted antennas. Subsequent deployments on a structure’s exterior will be required to ensure consistent design, architectural treatment and symmetry with any existing Small Cell Facilities on the same side of the structure.
b. Architectural Preservation: The interruption of architectural lines or horizontal or vertical reveals is prohibited unless demonstrated to be unavoidable.
c. Complementary Architecture: New architectural features, such as columns, pilasters, corbels, or other ornamentation that conceal an antenna or antennas, may be used only if the new feature complements the architecture of the existing building.
d. Mounting Brackets: Small Cell Facilities shall utilize the smallest mounting brackets necessary in order to provide the smallest offset from the building.
e. Concealment: Skirts or shrouds shall be utilized on the sides and bottoms of antennas in order to conceal mounting hardware, create a cleaner appearance, and minimize the visual impact of the antennas. Exposed conduit, cabling and wiring is prohibited.
f. Matching Paint: Small cell facilities, and all visible mounting hardware, shall be painted and textured to match adjacent building surfaces.
g. Permission: All installations of a Small Cell Facility shall have permission from the Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure owner to install the Small Cell Facility on such Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure. Nothing in this Section affects the need for an Applicant seeking to place a Small Cell Facility on a Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure that is not owned by the City to obtain from the owner of the Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure any necessary authority to place the Small Cell Facility, nor shall any provision of this Section be deemed to affect the rates, terms, and conditions for access to or placement of a Small Cell Facility on a Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure not owned by the City. This Section does not affect any existing agreement between the Department and an entity concerning the placement of Small Cell Facilities on any City-owned Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure.
4. Preferred Projecting or Marquee Sign: Small Cell Facilities replicating a projecting or marquee sign must comply with the City’s sign regulations. All antennas shall be completely screened by the façade of the sign. All cables and conduit to and from the sign shall be routed from within a building wall. Cable coverings may be allowed on the exterior of the building wall in limited circumstances and in situations where the coverings are minimally visible and concealed to match the adjacent building surfaces.
5. Parking Lot Lighting: Small Cell Facilities are permitted as attachments to or replacements of existing parking lot light fixtures. The design of the parking lot light fixture shall be in accordance with applicable Municipal Code and Construction Standards, except that a pole extender up to five (5) feet in height may be utilized.
6. Purely Aesthetic Standards: To the extent that a requirement is purely aesthetic, an SCF applicant shall not be required to meet a more burdensome standard than other users of the right-of-way. Other users of the right-of-way shall meet the purely aesthetic standards of this Chapter for new or replacement deployments to the extent which is technically and economically feasible.
Section 6. Permit Conditions
A. A permittee shall comply with all applicable law, including, but not limited to, applicable historic preservation ordinances of the City and utility undergrounding requirements.
B. Issuance of any permit pursuant to this Chapter shall not confer any ownership rights in the Public Right-of-Way.
C. No permittee may construct, operate, place, locate, or maintain any Small Cell Facility so as to interfere with the use of the Public Right-of-Way by the City, the general public, or any other persons authorized to use or be present in or upon the Public Right-of-Way.
D. No permittee or affiliate thereof shall take any action or cause any action to be done which may impair or damage any ROW, or other property located in, on or adjacent thereto. Any and all Public Right-of-Way, public property, or private property that is disturbed or damaged by the permittee or affiliate thereof during the construction, operation, maintenance, or repair of a Small Cell Facility shall be promptly repaired by permittee. In the event permittee fails to make such repairs within a reasonable time period, the City may complete or cause to be completed the repair work and bill the actual and reasonable costs to the permittee. Public property, private property, and Public Right-of-Way must be restored to as good a condition as before the disturbance or damage occurred to the reasonable satisfaction of the City.
E. In the event of an unexpected repair or emergency, the owner of a Small Cell Facility may commence such repair and emergency response work as required under the circumstances, provided it shall notify the City promptly before such repair or emergency work, or the next day thereafter if advance notice is not practicable.
F. Each permittee shall maintain its facilities in good and safe condition and in a manner that complies with all applicable federal, state, and local requirements. Permittee shall be responsible for all electrical or other utility costs associated with operating each installed SCF.
G. Every Small Cell Facility shall be subject to the right of periodic inspection by the City, after notification to the Small Cell Facility owner. Each operator must respond to requests for information regarding its system and plans for the system as the City may from time to time issue, including requests for information regarding its plans for construction, operation and repair of the Public Right-of-Way.
H. The City retains the right and privilege, after notifying the Small Cell Facility owner, to move any Small Cell Facility located within the Public Right-of-Way as the City may determine to be necessary, in response to any public health or safety emergency.
I. To the extent permitted by South Dakota law, the City shall not be liable for any damage to any Small Cell Facility within the Public Right-of-Way as a result of or in connection with any public works, public improvements, construction, excavation, grading, filling, or work of any kind in the Public Right-of-Way by or on behalf of the City, except to the extent such damage is due to or caused by the City’s negligence or willful misconduct.
J. Restoration shall comply with the following:
1. When a permittee, or any person acting on its behalf, does any work in or affecting any Public right-of-way, it shall, at its own expense, promptly remove any obstructions therefrom and restore such right-of-way or property to the same, or better than the, condition which existed before the work was undertaken. As used in this Section, “promptly” shall mean as soon as required by the City in the reasonable exercise of the City’s discretion.
2. If weather or other conditions do not permit the complete restoration required hereunder, the permittee shall temporarily restore the affected right-of-way or property. Such temporary restoration shall be at the permittee’s sole expense, and the permittee shall promptly undertake and complete the required permanent restoration when the weather or other conditions no longer prevent such permanent restoration.
3. A permittee or other person acting on its behalf shall use suitable barricades, flags, flagmen, lights, flares and other measures as required for the safety of all members of the general public and to prevent injury or damage to any person, vehicle or property by reason of such work in or affecting the right-of-way.
4. Restoration and repair work shall be the responsibility of the permittee for two (2) years after completion thereof. Such work shall be limited to further restoration or repairs arising out of deficient completion of the initial work but shall not include further restoration or repairs arising out of events not related to the initial completion of the work.
K. The site and Small Cell Facilities and SCF Support Structures, including all landscaping, fencing and related transmission equipment must be maintained at all times in a neat and clean manner and in accordance with all approved plans. This includes, but is not limited to, mowing, weeding and trimming.
L. All graffiti on Small Cell Facilities must be removed at the sole expense of the permit holder after notification by the City to the owner or operator of the small cell facilities.
M. Certificate of Completion
1. A certificate of completion will only be granted upon satisfactory evidence that the SCF was installed in substantial compliance with the approved plans and photo simulations.
2. If it is found that the SCF installation does not substantially comply with the approved plans and photo simulations, the applicant shall make any and all such changes required to bring the SCF installation into compliance within the timeframe established by the municipality. Failing to obtain a Certificate of Completion within the applicable timeframe shall cause a permit to be revoked.
N. Compliance: All Small Cell Facilities must comply with all standards and regulations of the FCC and any State or other federal government agency with the authority to regulate small cell facilities
O. Applicant Insurance
Each applicant shall secure and maintain liability insurance policies, as accepted by the City, insuring the applicant and including the City, and its elected and appointed officers, officials, boards, commissions, agents, representatives, and employees as additional insureds, as their interest may appear under this Section except workers compensation and employer’s liability, which insurance shall be maintained during and for one (1) years after termination of the permit. Expected coverage shall be the same or substantially similar to the following:
1. General liability insurance with limits of:
a. $5,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury (including death); and
b. $2,000,000 for property damage resulting from any one accident; and
c. $5,000,000 general aggregate including premise-operations, products/completed operations, and explosion, collapse and underground hazards.
2. Automobile liability for owned, non-owned and hired vehicles in the amount of $2,000,000 combined single limit for each accident for bodily injury and property damage
3. Worker’s compensation within State statutory limits and employer’s liability insurance with limits of $1,000,000 each accident/disease/policy limit.
Upon receipt of notice from its insurer(s) Applicant shall provide City with thirty (30) days prior written notice of cancellation of any required coverage.
The applicant shall obtain, furnish to the City replacement insurance policies meeting the requirements of this Section. P. Financial Assurance
Upon the approval of an SCF application, the permittee shall post a bond, letter of credit, or other form of surety acceptable to the City.
1. The purpose of such financial assurance shall be to:
a. Provide for the removal of abandoned or improperly maintained SCFs, including those that the City determines need to be removed to protect public health, safety, or welfare;
b. Restoration of the ROW in connection with removals as provided for in this Chapter; or
c. Recoup rates or fees that have not been paid by the permittee in over 12 months, so long as the permittee has received reasonable notice from the City of any of the non-compliance listed above and an opportunity to cure.
2 The amount of the financial assurance shall be $200 per approved SCF permit. For permittees with multiple SCFs within the City, the total amount of financial assurance across all facilities may not exceed $10,000, which amount may be combined into one surety instrument.
Section 7. Relocation
All small cell facilities shall be constructed and maintained so as not to obstruct or hinder the usual travel on or safety of the public right-of-way or obstruct any legal use of the City’s right-of-way or uses of the right-of-way by utilities or other providers. If, in the reasonable determination of the City, a small cell facility needs to be relocated for reasons of public health, safety or welfare, or ROW maintenance or construction projects, then the small cell facility shall be relocated at the owner’s or operator’s expense. If the owner or operator of the small cell facility fails to complete any relocation as required by the City within ninety (90) days of mailing of written notice, the City may commence and complete the relocation and charge the owner or operator of the small cell facility for the actual and reasonable costs of the relocation, including reasonable any attorneys’ fees and expenses.
Section 8. Removal of Abandoned Small Cell Facilities, Utility Poles, and Other SCF Support Structures
Any SCF, Utility Pole or other SCF Support Structure that is not operated for a continuous period of twelve (12) months or is no longer authorized by a Small Cell Facility Permit or other permit shall be considered abandoned, and the owner of such SCF, Utility Pole or other SCF Support Structure shall so notify the City in writing and remove the same within ninety (90) days of giving notice to the City of such abandonment. Failure to remove an SCF, Utility Pole, or other SCF Support Structure within said ninety (90) days shall be grounds for the City to remove the SCF, Utility Pole, or SCF Support Structure, at the owner’s expense, including all costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees.
If there are two (2) or more users of a single Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure, then these provisions shall not become effective until all users cease using the Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure.
Section 9. General Indemnification
In addition to and distinct from the insurance requirements of this Chapter, each applicant hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, officials, boards, commissions, employees, agents and representatives from and against any and all damages, losses, claims and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of suit or defense, arising out of, resulting from or alleged to arise out of or result from the acts, omissions, failure to act or misconduct of the applicant or its affiliates in the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, removal or replacement of the SCF. This Section shall not require the Applicant to indemnify or hold harmless the City for any losses, claims, damages, and expenses arising out of or resulting from the negligence or willful misconduct of the City.
Section 10. Appeal Process
If a permit is denied in the administrative review process, then the applicant may appeal that decision to the Planning Commission for further consideration. If that same permit or a request for a Conditional Use Permit is denied by the Planning Commission, then the applicant may appeal that decision to the City Council for further consideration. Nothing in this Section is intended to require exhaustion of administrative remedies or otherwise prevent an applicant from proceeding directly to court or to the Federal Communications Commission.
Section 11. Application Fees and Rates
A. Application Fees. A permit for SCF including a Utility Pole or SCF structure shall be limited to $500 for up to five SCFs, and $100 for each additional SCF on the application.
B. Recurring Fees. A wireless provider authorized under this Chapter to place SCFs and any related Utility Pole or SCF Support Structure in the ROW shall pay to the City an annual ROW access fee of up to $270 per site per year to cover all recurring fees, including the cost of ongoing monitoring of each site for compliance with the terms of this Chapter and for the health, safety, and welfare of the general public, and for the attachment of SCF’s to City-owned or controlled Utility Poles or SCF Support Structures. Recurring fees shall be paid annually in accordance with the City’s standard billing or invoicing procedures, as the case may be. The City Council shall establish and adjust recurring fee rates by resolution.
C. The application fee and the recurring fees under this Section shall be the sole compensation that the Wireless Provider shall be required to pay the City. However, the rates of either the application fee or the recurring fees may be increased due extreme circumstances but in no case may such fees exceed a reasonable approximation of the City’s actual and reasonable costs. In addition, such fees must be objectively reasonable, and no higher than charged to similarly-situated competitors in similar situations.
Section 12. Severability
The various parts, sentences, paragraphs, Sections and clauses of this Chapter are hereby declared to be severable. If any part, sentence, paragraph, Section or clause is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Chapter shall not be affected thereby.
Section 13. Conflict
Subject to the limitation set forth in Section 3(B), these Small Cell Facilities Regulations are in addition to other regulations in the Municipal Code. In case of a conflict between regulations, and provided the regulation is consistent with federal law, the more restrictive provisions shall apply.