New Underwood, South Dakota

......a good place to be!

Minutes March 16, 2011





A regular meeting of the New Underwood City Council was held at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center on March 16, 2011.  Present were: Mayor Dahlquist, Council member’s: Rikka Buchtel, Michael Green, Russ Tiensvold and Joe Whitney.  Also present: Dir. Public Works Greg Hall, Public Works Supervisor John Bale, Finance Officer Meri Jo Anderson, Deputy McPherson, Jack Trullinger, Cris Allen, Bob Hall, and John Torrey.  The meeting was called to order by Mayor Dahlquist.



Moved by Green second by Buchtel to approve the amended agenda.  Aye: all. Motion




Moved by Buchtel second by Whitney to approve the March 2, 2011 minutes. Aye: all.  Motion carried.



Mr. Bale reported that the public works staff has been working sewer jetting culverts, repairs and maintenance, demolition of old city hall.  Mr. Bale and Mr. Beesley both passed their water distribution tests.



The Public Works staff have been using a GPS to try to locate shut offs.  It is not working as accurately as they would like.  The machine they are using is on 30 day trial basis.  After much discussion the Council requested Mr. Bale get two price estimates: one for renting survey type equipment and one for contracting Cetec to do it.  Councilman Tiensvold will speak to the Pennington County GIS department to see how much help we can obtain from them.  The Council would like a user friendly map when this project is complete.



Dogs and cats tearing trash apart are becoming an issue.  Public Works will coordinate with Deputy McPherson to start trapping dogs.  Notices will be posted around the city to let people know that animals running at large will be taken to the animal shelter.  They are currently trapping cats on “C” & “D” Ave.



Deputy McPherson reported that SDCL 11-12-1 & 2 takes care of the issue of prohibiting adult oriented businesses within the city limits.

DARE graduation set for April 14, 2011.



Mayor Dahlquist reported on the shelter training that was held on March 5 in the Community Center.  Very informative, well attended,  and we are working on short 24 hour plan on running a shelter, once it is completed it will be presented to the Council. 




After discussion is was moved by Whitney second by Buchtel to approve the following prioritization list.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.

1.       Secondary 10” Waterline; user fees, grants, loans; $300,000.00; 2011-2013. If done in phases - Phase one – Boring & casing interstate & 161st Street - $80,000.00 Phase two – 10” pipe & fittings half project - $110,000.00 Phase three – the remaining 10” pipe & fittings - $110,000.00

2.       Parks – upgrading equipment; property taxes; $1,000.00; 2011. Upgrading equipment & purchasing more land; LWCF grants and second penny; $30,000.00; 2012-2017

3.       Community Center – replacing front concrete; sales tax; $8,000.00; 2011.  New flooring; sales tax; $28,000.00; 2012.  Parking at old City Hall; sales tax; $20,000.00.  Emergency Generator; second penny; $10,000.00; 2012.

4.       Extend & replace water mains; user fees, grants, loans, 2nd penny; $164,000.00; 2012-2017. If done in phases – (47 total blocks) 5 blocks a year = $20,000.00 The 9 blocks of 4” must be done first.

5.       Extend & replace sewer mains; user fees, grants, loans, 2nd penny; $164,000.00; 2012-2017. If done in phases – (47 total blocks) 5 blocks a year = $20,000.00.

6.       Swimming Pool; Geothermal; 2nd Penny; $16,000.00; 2012

7.       Public Works Shop & City Hall; Geothermal; 2nd Penny; $30,000.00; 2013



The 2010 drinking water report from DENR was presented to the Council.  Motion by Green second by Whitney to authorize John Bales signature on this report and return it to DENR.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.  The report is available for the  consumers to look at on the city website,, also they will be posted in city.



Mr. Racicky, Fire Chief, spoke to the Council about a possible grant for an emergency portable generator through emergency management using mitigation funds.  Motion by Whitney second by Green to return the form with the maybe interested.  Aye: all.  Motion carried. 



SP#11-03; Meri Jo Anderson; June 25, 2011

Moved by Whitney second by Tiensvold to approve this permit.  Aye:  all.  Motion carried.



Motion by Green second by Whitney to table the building permits and executive session, since they were not needed.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.



The council did a walk through of the community center to look at necessary maintenance and repairs.  The area in front of the electrical panels need opened up, light covers - need quotes on replacement lights, rock around base of building, and new flooring. 





Mayor Dahlquist is working with Good Will to try to have a truck setting here clean up week-end.  Steve’s Super store will rent us advertising space on his sign – two weeks - $50.00.  Ads in the NU Post and the Profit are approximately $45.00.  Motion by Tiensvold second by Whitney to advertise for clean up week-end in both the paper and at Steve’s.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.

The Council agreed tires will be accepted at the dump clean up weekend (limit of 4 per household).

If inclement weather the alternate clean up week-end is April 30 & May 1.


Other items discussed:

  1. The Finance Officer presented the governmental funds sheets.
  2. Motion by Green second by Buchtel to table the annexation.  Aye: all.  Motion carried.
  3. Dump will be open the 1st & 3rd Saturdays starting now.   
  4. Spare pump is for the lift station is on stand by.
  5. The Pet Clinic will be held Sunday, April 17, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Public Works Shop.
  6. April 19 district meeting in Keystone.
  7. Equalization appointments will start at 5:30 p.m. on Monday March 21st.  Per state law objection forms must be received by March 17th.
  8. Voter Registration notice.
  9. Notice of Election.
  10. Citizen complementing signs around the City.


Being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m.





(Seal)  Meri Jo Anderson, Finance Officer